
32 Reviews
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Enthralling, challenging and emotive genius
21 May 2022
I went into watching this with some scepticism because animation that veers towards the more end of the spectrum can all too often be all style and little substance.

This has both.

It is an utterly absorbing and at times enthralling collection of varied short animated stories that go from comedy, love, sci-fi, fantasy and horror (sometimes combining more than one genre), each with an interesting message to take, that is not always obvious at the start.

Some of the animation is superb and the creative minds often sublime.

Not always for the fainthearted and definitely adults only.

At times your emotions will be like a rollercoaster and even your morals and ethic uncomfortably ruffled but with a delicious feeling that is almost intoxicating.

It's like the best of foods. One nibble and you suddenly can't resist wanting more.

There is one thing missing from the creators and writers, a full, feature length movie, which would be a mind bending blockbuster if they ever decide to put their minds to what they have the undoubted ability to achieve.
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The Batman (2022)
The Cringe Man
2 May 2022
When Robert Pattinson was announced as Batman, I just knew that it would not work.

Sadly, I was correct.

He is a great actor but this role is just not a fit for him.

At times I am reminded of a typical teenager going through the moody phases.

It seems that DC fans settle all too easily for mediocrity, which is exactly where this effort belongs.

I do not expect it to stand the test of time.
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Turning Red (2022)
Highly entertaining for all ages
2 May 2022
The best animated films can be watched by all ages, wth comedy for both kids and tongue in cheek humour for adults that goes over the heads of children, without them knowing.

Whilst generally aimed at the teenager with angst, luckily it does not come across as some kind of handbook on the troubles of maturing.

The animation is great and everything is up to the standard that I would hope to come out of such a studio.
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Peacock (2022– )
Average at best
2 May 2022
When I saw that Susan Wokoma was on the cast list, hopes and expectation were high.

But not only is she criminally underused but also given a script that is mostly dull and forgettable.

The other characters are too dull, despite the attempt to exaggerate the stereotypes that might normally work to great effect.
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Here We Go (2020– )
Good cast, strictly average comedy.
2 May 2022
The concept of the show is good and the actors do what they can with a weak script that lacks any real imagination and depth.

Wooden is probably the most appropriate word to describe the generally lacklustre narrative.
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The Requin (2022)
This had great potential but ...
2 May 2022
I watched this, despite seeing the low scores because I have been a great fan of all things Shark for more than 50 years.

For the first hour, despite some sketchy issues with the script and direction, it had enough depth and tension to build on what was expected to come.

The background music deserves special mention of aiding the tone of the film.

Artistic licence is almost always required for a Shark movie but the way that it was done during the last 15 minutes was almost worthy of Sharknado. It really was that bad for a film that was not attempting to be a parody of the Jaws genre.

It was if somebody decided to give up on the production three quarters of the way through and rushed to finish it.

Alicia Silverstone is not at fault because she made the best out of what was presented to her.

With a little more care and attention, this could have been so much more.
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The Garcias (2022)
Almost succeeds but for some missing magic
15 April 2022
Many of the elements of the show, even some of the more corny and stereotypical ones work well on the surface.

But I just can't put my finger on why the parts don't quite make up the whole.

Sometimes a show just doesn't have that magic spark that lifts it from good to great, even though what that magic is can't quite be accurately pinpointed.
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Deep Heat (2022)
15 April 2022
Another British comedy part funded by the British taxpayer.

The wrestling base is a new one for the UK but that is where any shine ends.

Dreadful script, lacking in imagination and the essence of comedy missing, laughs.

Another good example of a good cast being saddled with a Titanic of a script.
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Hullraisers (2022–2023)
Taxpayers money largely down the drain
15 April 2022
Part funded by the British taxpayer, sadly, whilst it has moments of amusement, there are no laughs to be found.

Created by Lucy Beaumont, of Meet the Richardsons fame, and whilst I can applaud the creation of a new comedy centered around what most Brits would consider a downtrodden area of the country, it seems that more thought went into the local characterisations rather than the actual writing.

The cast are very talented but they can only do so much with a story and script lacking in thought.

I had high hopes but the balloon deflated rather too quickly.
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Son of a Critch (2022– )
The Wonder Years with a twist but not a clone at all
25 March 2022
Upon watching, you are inevitably drawn to make comparison with The Wonder Years (original) but also notice the differences that makes this stand out on it's own.

It has all of the comical absurdity that revolves around a typical family type that most will recognise.

Great performances all round, with particular note for Benjamin Evan Ainsworth and Malcolm McDowell (in his best role for years).

It is silly and of course absurd but oh so delightfully so, partly because of the Canadian elements attached.
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Cheaters (2022–2024)
An absolute gem
25 March 2022
Ever since I saw the amazing Susan Wokoma in Crazyhead, I knew that she was destined to be a future British institution, like Judy Dench.

The awkward but fantastic chemistry between her and Joshua McGuire, who often plays awkward and almost geeky mild characters elevates the show to a high level.

It oozes quality and get the maximum out of it's low budget.

Down to earth, gritty and definitely for adults only.

More please.
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Starstruck (2021–2023)
Simply delightful
25 March 2022
This show has a typical British, no brain required, easy on the senses fun romp, where nothing is to be taken seriously and washes over you.

Even though, as is common with comedies, some of the content is absurd, it remains delightfully so, bringing a smile rather then a eye roll.

Rose has her own New Zealand charm and sensibilities that has so much innocence attached that just warms the cockles of the heart.

Roll on series 3.
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Sistas (2019– )
What happened to 'diversity' Tyler?
25 March 2022
In a world where so many things are slammed for lack of diversity and content almost seems to required to have it in order to satiate the woke, it is rather ironic that quite a lot of Tyler Perry shows lack the kind of diversity that we have believed is now mandatory.

I don't personally care what the make-up of a show or movie is but when there are continual cries for diversity, we should expect to see it, especially when it comes from people that may well have been denied it over the years but now, at times, over compensate to a degree where it becomes completely reversed and as the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right.

As for Sistas itself, what it and most Tyler Perry TV shows suffer from is distinctly average writing and direction, that results in talented people rarely getting the chance to shines.

Scripts are tired, dated and oh so stereotypical but not in a real world way, which is not always required but when eyes are constantly rolling at absurdness then any shine soon begins to wear thin.

Tyler built up to have his own studio but seem to settle for second best when it comes to what comes out of it.

Perhaps bring in more of Shonda to show him how it should be done more consistently.
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An exercise in praying on low self esteem
25 March 2022
From the opening moments of this truly awful show, dressed up as some kind of progressive explanation of something that seems to be portrayed as suddenly opening eyes to things that have already been discussed for decades, the false nature becomes oh so apparent.

It acts to tell women how they have essentially had their minds suppressed and only by the viewing of this show will their minds be released.

Breaking news though, 'Girl Power' has been a thing for decades now and the advent of the internet opened up all manner of avenues for explanation of sexual identity and the information required to achieve the best of pleasures.

There is massive bias, plainly evident from the writers/creators, who are riding on a false wave, that, to be fair, is all too often successful in terms of avoiding reality in favour of promoting only a narrowed and blinkered view of life, the ultimate goal being to attain power, not any real form of equality.

Ironically though, the end result is about a small group of women seeking to control the minds of most others, not freeing them.

Faux feminists will love this.

Real feminists will slam it's lack of integrity.

And yet, it could have worked so well if it had simply given information with no sub text and herein lies the great sadness.
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When she sticks to the Politics she is great but ...
10 February 2022
Once she starts with the faux feminism, it all falls apart.

Samantha seems to forget what she says one moment, critiquing men for this and that, only to repeat the same actions herself a minute later.

Add that some of her reasoning when it comes to matters of sex and gender are so illogical that her brain cells seem to leave her body as if Thanos snapped his finger to make them disappear.

Breaking down the general Political carp that is present in the USA is where her strengths lie.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
OK but won't be around for long
10 February 2022
Although based upon a British TV show ( that I was not that impressed with either), the translation lacks any of the sarcastic bite that Brits excel at.

It's all a little too mushy and light and whilst not one that will have you changing the channel, when it's inevitable cancellation notice arrives, few hearts will be broken and even fewer memories will retain it.

Mayim Bialik's talent is largely wasted here.
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Pivoting (2022)
Amusing, if not inspirational
10 February 2022
The concept will be picked up after a very short viewing time.

Very typical female perspective comedy that has very few laugh moments but enough amusement to maintain interest.
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Single Drunk Female (2022–2023)
Initially uninteresting but then surprises
10 February 2022
Watching the first few minutes I sensed something that was going to be rather dark and depressing wrapped up in a thin comedy shell.

But it soon shows it's appeal and maturity, balancing something that does have serious undertones but is delivered in a manner that whilst not funny, is amusing enough to smile at, without being dragged down in the mire of alcoholism.
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Better than expected, for adults only though
10 February 2022
I had expected an anime style production but it is rather better.

Very much adult orientated in both depiction and course language and it would also appeal to younger audiences if they produced a version suitable for them.
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Boobs (2022 TV Movie)
Should have been a celebration but ...
10 February 2022
I had hoped that this would be a celebration of what is one of a woman's most beautiful aspects.

Instead, within almost no time at all, Elizabeth Sankey delivers what is an excuse to create a show that blames men for insecurities felt about their portrayal in society.

It seems that for all of the talk about strong, confident, powerful; women, there is still rather too much content that happily retains the fainting female couch aspect that is no longer supposed to be present in an 'equality' driven society but which so many faux feminists refuse to let go of.

This seems a good example of this, where there is no self responsibility and accountability for ones own feelings and control.

I so wanted to be able to watch more than a few minutes but there is only so much cringeworthy hypocrisy that I can take.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Brilliant, once you get past wondering what it is supposed to be
15 October 2021
On watching the first couple of episodes I was stuck trying to figure out what it was.

Was it an homage to Star Trek or a mickey take?

But then you begin to see some of the Roddenberry ethos written in by Seth MacFarlane.

It is comedy, parody and copy but done in a way that still gives it a unique enough quality that also shows, just like Gene did with Trek, story parallels to the real world, that delves into the serious but never remains for long enough to depress the viewing.

Once you get into it you will be an addict.
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Tacoma FD (2019–2023)
So refreshing to have a show devoid of PC and Woke
15 October 2021
In this hyper sensitive world, where everything is deemed offensive it is good to see shows that buck the trend, with a firm tongue in the cheek.

All the stereotypes that will have the minds of the woke exploding.

Good old fun with no harm at all.

Try it and you may find that your world did not suddenly implode after all.
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Ghosts (2021– )
Enjoyable enough, even if you have watched the British version
15 October 2021
It seems that too many shows that cross the pond are pulled apart so much in order to fit the culture that they lose the appeal that made them worth copying in the first place.

The basic changes made here though do not destroy the essence of the original.

The diversity tock box has been (yawn) ticked and the transposed characters work well, except for the Native American, who's character plays more like a modern youngster than something resembling the original, even if using stereotypes.

Oddly enough, all of the other character stereotypes are amusing done, which makes me think that the producers were afraid to do the same with the Native American, for fear of being cancelled. This is a shame because no thought will have gone into critique of the other stereotypes, which nobody else is likely to mind because they are not hyper sensitive (note to the woke, you can poke some fun at ALL cultures).

The main character couple do not gel as husband and wife and I suspect that this is one of the diversity tick boxes that wasn't really thought through but luckily this does not detract from the amusement.

I enjoyed the outside the house scenes where other ghosts are encountered, which adds to the potential to expand the show a little further.
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I never understood the popularity of Stewart..... Until now.
14 October 2021
I came to The Daily Show when Trevor Noah took over but it seemed that the ghost of Stewart loomed large and that he was an obvious American treasure.

But watching past clips I was still not taken by his general sense of humour, so I guess I was in the can't please all the people all of the time camp.

Then I took note o what he did in scolding congress when it came to 911 vets and I was hugely impressed.

I expected this new show to be an 'I'm back' daily show knock off, so was going to give it a miss but I was just intrigued enough to give it a whirl.

Boy was I surprised in a hugely impressive fashion.

Traditionally it seemed that few Americans ever looked at the worst of their nations deeds and faced truths, instead deciding to do the God Bless America/Greatest county in history/most powerful/best democracy blow the trumpet, wave the flag, freedom, don't tread on me thing in order to escape facing realities.

But from the first 2 episodes, Stewart pulls no punches in exposing the very worst, not with a view of being unpatriotic, just to show the freedom of truth.

I have no doubt that the stereotypical freedom toting, Fox news/MAGA worshipping types will not go near this for fear that they may discover shame and a conscience. Likewise, the typical all in capitalist that also tries to avoid the socialist nature of so much o America's culture. Ted Nugent will like soil his pants (again) at the very thought of looking into the mirror.

But I also wonder how many others will watch an then forget.

Still, as a real journalistic piece of truth it is is truly remarkable. If only CNN/MSNBC hosts were to show the same level of scrutiny in their daily breakdown of the news.

I am hooked and although from the other side of the pond, salute Stewart for something that is worthy of a Ken Burns award and should resonate across the globe, if only people were to watch an learn from their own nations failings.
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Enjoyable twist on the usual Space documentaries that ads to the enjoyment
12 October 2021
If you are a fan of similar offerings such as Spaces Deepest Secrets then this will already be up your street and has some of the same scientists taking part.

It is the Phillip Marlow comic book element that adds a nice twist to keep it from being too serious.

You of course, do learn something new into the bargain.

If I do have one criticism of this and all of the other factual cosmos based shows it is that there are moments when they veer from science to science fiction in terms of attempting to assess possibilities that are so absurd that the first reaction is an eye roll.

I look forward to more featuring the same characters though.
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