
3 Reviews
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The horror...
20 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Before I write anything about what I think about this movie I just want to say two things. I definitely recommend it but in my opinion you don't get what you expect. What I mean by this is that according to the way the film is marketed and the recommendation of a friend of mine I was led to believe this movie would be a little more lighthearted than it turned out to be. What I got was a sociological horror film. A movie that while sprinkled with charming, funny, and even romantic moments, turned out to be one of the most uncomfortable viewing experiences I can remember having. What made it so uncomfortable was that it rung so true for me. I happen to have friends who are from the Upper East Side in addition to having gone to school there though it was not private mind you and I've had the misfortune of having to cater to people like this at one of my old jobs. My stomach turned and my blood boiled as I watched the different characters that populate the Upper East Side. Mrs. X seemed to me to be sympathetic compared to how much worse they can be. I saw a woman who yearned for the same love and affection that her child craved from her. The moments where she is vulnerable were heartbreaking although the rest of the time I cringed at her. Her husband was beyond redemption for this reviewer and luckily his time on screen was limited. Listening to some of the complaints of the other immigrant nannies in the movie (a group this reviewer has also come across quite a lot) elicited a no less stomach churning reaction. One might just go, "Hey, this is the way it is and no one put a gun to their head." Whether that may be true or not it makes it no less painful to see women like these sacrifice themselves for people who are completely engulfed in a swamp of luxury taken for granted and for comfort to make them forget just how miserable they are. Especially when you have someone like Mrs. X who seems to have enough of a soul left to make you wish she would wake up and get out while she can (Mr. X is already too far gone). Nothing however is more tear inducing than the little boy. You know that unless by some miracle his parents wake up and realize how indifferent they are being that this is a boy who will more than likely grow up to be one of the characters on GOSSIP GIRL. All jokes aside knowing that this is not an unreal scenario and that perfectly good boys and girls who only crave love and attention from their parents are likely to find themselves miserable and hollow like their parents, because of their parents, is a nothing less than horrifying and sad.

Although far more disturbing I would have preferred if that random, tagged-on ending meant to provide a happy-capper feeling had not been there. It's like trying to tell an audience that there is no Santa Claus when you can't take something like that back.

For the record this reviewer is not usually the uber-sensitive type. There are very few buttons left to push on this end. I've seen everything under the sun that could evoke these kinds of feelings and very rarely do they succeed (i've seen horror and exploitation films more bearable than this). This movie just happened to be set in a world that I find reprehensible beyond the max and it involves children and there's nothing more heartbreaking than seeing an innocent child suffer under the care (or rather thereof) of the not so innocent.
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Inside (2007)
Trades in getting under your skin for over-the-top shocks...
1 May 2008
I am actually sorry I can't give this film a higher score. There are moments so strong and deeply shocking (and one genuinely disturbing and unforeseeable moment) but those are drowned out by so many over-the-top (albeit extremely well done) acts of violence. The set-up is simple but effective in terms of suspense. For those who may complain that they need more back story to sympathize or care about the lead I can understand that. However for this viewer it was enough that she was pregnant and seemed reasonably nice (and distraught over the misfortune that begins a movie which helps buy more sympathy). If nothing else my heart was with the little baby in the belly. Plus the actress does well with her thinly written part. The set-up begins in an understated way that leaves you tense and on guard. Very well done so far. Once the action of the plot begins it still is on the right track. Then the violence begins. One act of over-the-top violence after another. This viewer is a fan of over-the-top violence but it depends on the film. Something like this where the premise is disturbing enough already would have gained more from drawing out the suspense and slowly building up the violence. By the time the film reaches its conclusion we've been so numbed and accustomed to the relentless violence that the end does not pack nearly as much punch as it could have and the deaths kind of blur into one another. The movie no longer becomes about a pregnant woman in peril. Over halfway in it feels more like a gore fest, preferring instead to go for well crafted shocks instead of hitting you with just a few but heavy acts of violence. To put it simply it blows its wad way too early. However there are moments here and there that emerge from amongst the splatter fest that point to two directors with great potential (I won't spoil). Beatrice Dalle is great as usual. A nameless character that could have become just another stock killer in the hands of the wrong actress feels alive in Dalle's hands while still retaining an air of mystery. I recommend it...but reluctantly. I recommend it for sure to the gorehounds (for the record this reviewer is not opposed to gore considering that Argento is adored by this reviewer for example). Also very much recommend it to Dalle fans (which this reviewer loves as well). But for those who are neither of the above I recommend it for a strong beginning and for a dulled but nonetheless strong ending and for two or three great moments in the between.

P.S. The few CGI effects were terrible and should have been cut out altogether.
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A Mixed Bag of Goodies
19 April 2008
I thought of giving it a higher mark because the moments that work do work extremely well. Problem is is that sometimes it's hard to tell why we are laughing. One moment it seems like the filmmaker is not in on the joke but then along come moments so blatantly outrageous with cues (such as music or the way something is framed) that make one thing the filmmaker is aware of the tone of a scene and how the acting and the comedy and the horror, etc. are working. In any case the shifts in tone were a little hard to get used to. The gore is sometimes very delicious and creative with attention paid to fans of organic gore. Sometimes it looks plain old cheesy, bad CGI style gore. The acting is overall good, even when over the top. However for my taste no matter how aware they were of their own "bad" performances I think the movie could have benefited from a lot less "Look at my bad performance wink wink" acting and more of the playing-it-straight acting (believe it or not Jenna Jameson is one of the more successful at keeping this in mind). Robert Englund strikes just the right balance between over-the-top and playing it straight, he stops shy of taking it too far. O yea and although not really partial in that hormonal way to T & A I must admit what the movie offers is sure to please. The dancing is fun to watch in the first section and bizarre and hilarious in the second (I refuse to spoil).
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