
6 Reviews
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Manderlay (2005)
Second part of a great trilogy
16 November 2005
I won't disclose anything about the film. I liked it very it much, albeit slightly less than the first film, probably because, well, the first was very fresh and innovative in the way it presented this "theatrical" world and partly because of the shocking and raw power of the story of "Dogville". In "Manderlay" we also meet with hypocrisy and cruelty, but the movie moves on a different level than "Dogville". It is clearly more philosophical-political, it carries a more visible political agenda. It also relies upon dialogue more than "Dogville" did and of course the symbolism and allegory of the first film are present here, as well. Still, the movie is a masterpiece, in the same way "Dogville" was. Of course, someone can think otherwise (not to mention those people that will accuse Trier of being "Anti-American"), but having a different opinion about it is okay and acceptable. Personally, I can't wait to see how the trilogy is going to conclude.
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Dogville (2003)
BEST MOVIE FOR 2003 (doens't contain spoilers but watch the movie first!)
17 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my! I saw this movie yesterday and was entirely entralled! Lars Von Trier does an unimaginable work, with this highly symbolic story he narrates us. Purely an allegory on human nature, it is a movie where each actor works as a symbol. The messages the film tries to convey are several, of course: the most apparent one is that power corrupts. Even the superficially simple and good people of Dogville cannot resist the gift given to them: Grace. The box of Pandora opens and each and every one of them, men, women, old people, even the children take turns on her. The movie, quite brutally, makes us understand how easily humans are lured by power. The character of Grace (obviously not an accidental selection of name) is of course the one on centre amidst this drama, with Kidman portraying Grace as a woman of nearly divine forgiveness (originally), a martyr who silently endures the torments. Generally, Dogville represents the entire world, like a miniature of the human society: the weak and vulnerable ones become prey to the others. I don't think that the movie is exclusively anti-americanic (though definitely Trier has consciously inserted some anti-americanic elements, like the 4th of July dinner or the end credits, in the way I got it, at least). I think the film also applies to a universal level and shows that everyone, whether currently powerful or powerless, has a potential for evil and manipulation. The best part of the story, after all, is that the Dogville people never really perceived doing something wrong. Of course, this can evade discussions about the similar ways the American Imperium invaded a country lately in the name of international peace and so on, but I really don't want to initiate arguments about these matters in this board, so let's just focus on the way Trier is unmasking the hypocrisy of our society in general, and not just of the American society. Anyway, I don't have anything else to say, just that it was one of the most remarkable experiences of my life and it was even better the way Trier presented it, with this Brecht-like theatrical style of his. It was truly like viewing a play, or an Greek tragedy and it was purely delightful! Best movie of the year for me!
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Crash (1996)
13 February 2003
I don't usually write reviews here, despite I have thousands of movies, because mostly I don't have the appetite to do so, and generally, I'm covered by other users' comments. But I was shocked to find out that such an allegorical movie, with such an incredible philosophy, which I personally consider one of the best of the 90s got an average of 5.7! It's amazing! I keep visiting movie pages and I see incredibly misfit user ratings! It is really disgusting! For example, Brotherhood of Wolfs, an action/karate French flick of no artistic value was about 7.1 when I last checked, and The Cell, a movie with great cinematography and fairly good but not THAT good, also had a rating above 7! I keep getting disappointed by some IMDB users. For God's sake, they are so idiotic that immediately after watching a movie in theatres, rate it 10 or 9, they are so compelled and much later they consider their idiocy. For example, the cute but just cute My Big Fat Greek Wedding, was so ridiculously praised, that when it was first rated, the average was 8.3, Jesus Christ! (Hopefully, it isn't so high now, but yet a 7.1 for just a cute but soooo ordinary movie. Imagine, I'm saying that, being Greek!)
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Irreversible (2002)
The most shocking film I've ever seen
5 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers

Having heard all these rumors about the enormously explicit and graphic scenes of sex/violence, I decided to rush in theaters to view a film quite unique, that caused either extreme disgustion or intense enthusiasm. Well, the film did contain some scenes that were purely unbearable to watch-the insufferable rape scene, the murder of the pimp which was remarkably realistic, thus horrific and a few others. But I strongly disagree that life shouldn't be portrayed the way it is-unless, there is a reason for that, that is. Cinema should offer us images based upon life and realistic circumstances and this is a story that could happen-actually, it has probably happened. I am not always standing for artists who shock just to impress and generally provoke pointlessly-but Noe is not one of them. There is a story here, reversed of course, but a story that has things to say. Well, generally I don't count this as a masterpiece but it remains one high-quality movie and pretty inspired, too. I also have to note that perhaps one of the users that noted this may have all been a "dream-like" thing, was correct. We indeed get to see some final scenes with a Bellucci being pregnant, she seems to be already in the first months of her pregnancy when sitting in the grass in the wonderful final scene. But when Monica is raped, her slender body implies no trace of pregancy. Also, the fact that Bellucci in the final scenes occupies herself with the pregancy and the fact the film generally follows another path, makes us suspect that perhaps the nightmare within the red tunnell was indeed tunnell. Anyway, it was a sensational movie that will nonetheless remain forever in your mind-for good or ill.
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The Ice Storm (1997)
Dismemberment of the American dream
21 September 2002
Long before pretentious "American Beauty", this Ang Lee film excellently delivered us the dismemberment of American dream. Illegitimate affairs, drugs, depression, emotional alienation, all comprise the dark layout of American society, not only of the 90s but of the 70s, as well. Beneath the illustrious surface of the wealthy suburban civilians lurks nothing but dysfunctional, alienated families. Lee portrays all characters in a Chekov-like way, deepening in their emotions and thoughts. All actors offer us sensational performances: Kevin Kline, obsessed with his secret affair, Sigourney Weaver, icy and confused, Joan Allen, with no comprehenshion of the situation and the problematic adolescents, Maguire, Wood and Ricci. This movie is an undoubted masterpiece which was unjustly ignored by the Oscars.
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Exquisite boredom
12 August 2002
This movie is merely excruciating boredom. In the beginning I was thrilled by the atmosphere it had and the whole potential, but I was quickly disappointed. The script is immensely poorly-written, without any balance or consistence. Instead, all we saw was incredibly dull and irrelevant battle scenes, while the movie itself seemed to be of gigantic approximation. I soon prayed it ended to go to bed. As for the whole supposedly amazing revelation of the mystery, we learn it all in one prison scene by Monica Bellucci, without any further explanation. The director was constantly bombing us with scenes with fast-motion or slow-motion completely pointlessly and the movie was totally uninteresting and meaningless. Not to mention the desperate attempts of copying other movies. I was shocked to find out how highly it was rated by users, higher than other, much better films. What can I say?
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