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Dawson's Creek (1998–2003)
I live for Jacey
7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Joey and Pacey are the only reason to watch this show. Jen is obnoxious-though she does get better when Jack comes in-I liked andie until they ruined her character, the other characters are so boring and unmemorable. Don't even get me started on Dawson. He drives me CRAZY!!! He's so immature even for a teen soap opera and he never learns from the dumb mistakes that he makes over and over again the entire show. Then he acts all woe is me when people try to open is eyes to the truth. He thinks he's better then everyone and is so entitled. He treated all of his so called "friends" horribly not to mention how he treats Joey. Literally the only reason to watch the show is for Pacey and Joey. Even then I can barely stand it so I usually end up skipping around to only watch their scenes. And yes I totally would give this show 2 stars TOPS if it weren't for these two. I will say I didn't live Pacey at first but it hit me randomly on time and I was like dang this man grew on me and I didn't even realize. I love him and he is hilarious and so sweet both on his own, as a boyfriend, and as a friend. I honestly always loved Joey and I know there will be people who disagree with that but she's super strong and stubborn and not without her flaws but for some reason she's so relatable. Pace and Joey together are the cutest swooniest couple ever. They're like a mix of enemies ti lovers and friends to lovers which is so great. The things that they say to one another, the slow burn, the passion, the loooks they gave eachother from s1 until the very end are all too much for my heart and don't even mention the time he did ballroom dancing lessons with her to make her happy BEFORE they were dating when they were "enemies" so yeah give the show a chance but if you find that you agree with me I'd recommend only watching the scenes with Jacey.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Amazing until Jason ruined it
27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is AMAZING! It has you hooked from the first 5 minutes of the pilot! That never happens but for the 100 it did. The plot is so crazy and original plus it's super intense! Once I started watching I couldn't stop. Seasons 1-4 maybe even 5 are exceptional. The actors and actresses are splendid and they make the characters so raw and relatable which is important for a show like this because otherwise we don't care and it loses it's magic. That is not the case for this show! I am not entity sure what happened around the last two seasons but something went down and it ruined the show. I have heard a lot of rumors and most of them all have to do with Jason destroying the last bit of happiness for his characters in the end. The way the show ended was so dumb because it was out of nowhere, made no sense, and we lost people we care about for no reasons at all. Meaning it had to have been something that happened behind the scenes. But credit should be given to these actors who plaid their roles to perfection. Lincoln, Emori, and Lexa being to really awesome grounder characters who's acting should be complemented. Plus I freaking love Monty, Harper, and Miller. Raven was pretty great most of the time tho she did get on my nerves sometimes. Murphy's character development is one of the best on the show and on TV in general. Then there's Octavia who is so strong and brave and really awesome to watch her change and grow across all of the seasons. Finally Bellamy and Clarke! I LOVE these two they are the leaders of the group and would do anything to save the people they love. This has been shown countless times and is why it makes NO SENSE *s7 spoiler* that Clarke would kill Bell. Right before the show was set to be over. They had so much chemistry and are honestly the reason I continued watching the show when it started going downhill. This was a terrible choice by Jason because at this point we know the characters and Bell never would have sided against his people nor would Clarke ever kill him. It doesn't make sense to who we know the characters are. This really ruined the show because we didn't get a good ending after investing all that time into the show. We're left with no clue what just happened. In fact the script shows that Bellamy and Clarke were supposed to be together and happy at the end so this last minute change robbed us of Bellarke but also of an ending that made sense for the show and characters. Somebody should have fixed the problems going on backstage before they let it get this far because you could tell from mid s5 they were struggling. It's super sad because the acting and show is actually really good if you disregard the seventh season. I wish that we could recall s7 and they could all comeback and refilm an ending season worthy of the rest of the show.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
Great Until We Lost Dobrev
27 November 2022
The show is amazing! It really truly is! The character suck you in and the plot is actually pretty good for a fantasy-paranormal show like this. It's funny, emotional, and the acting is good. With so many seasons shows sometimes get repetitive but this one didn't. I will say the show lost a lot of its magic when Nina Dobrev left. Say what you will about her characters on the show but she is what made TVD, TVD. Without her a lot of the story fell short. However they did a really good job with the finale *slight spoiler* when they brought Nina back for that. So all in all TVD is definitely a show I would recommend. I've watched it like 6 times! #Delena.
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