
8 Reviews
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Wonderful show overall! But the last season has its flaws.
23 July 2020
I won't repeat all those reviews which praise the first 7 seasons. They are all correct.

And along came season 8 of GoT and this season has its let-downs. Examples, please? Well, just hints here in order to aviod spoilers...

  • Where do you never ever hide away from an enemy who is capable of raising the dead?
  • If a beloved character turns evil there should be a really good reason for this to happen. Series 8 does not deliver this reason which is a shame because it would not have been difficult to do and one solution in my mind would only require maybe 5 minutes screen time.

But these faults can be forgiven if you look at the gorgeous story and the beautiful writing and production that is present in almost all episodes.

And yes, I do like the ending very much. Everone who has been past season 1 of Game of Thrones must be prepared to witness harsh fates of beloved characters - minor or major ones alike.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Gorgeous production values marred by intentional confusion and violence porn!
21 July 2020
I just finished Westworld, yes I made it through all 3 seasons. Like other reviewers I was thrilled by season one and even figured out (I think!) what season 2 was all about.

But already in season 2 things were spoiled by the excessive use of violence which already irritated me during season 1. Violence for violence's sake is just unbearable and I can assure you I am not squeamish in this respect.

In many fight scenes of season 2 the human victims are just acting stupidly. And that just sucks all the little fun (?) out of many scenes. Humans fighting like morons is a theme which takes a front seat in season 3, too (e.g. they use the wrong weapons for armoured cars).

Does season 3 really make sense? Well, I doubt it but I am not sure and honestly I do not care anymore. I just wanted to see how the story is brought to an end. I recommend to tone down your brains a little bit because akin to the previous seasons the storytelling is awkward. Season 1 and especially season 2 were told in the most irritating and confusing way possible so I guess that is tradition in this take at Westworld.

Finally the porn aspect. Yes, there is nudity aplenty in Westworld and who can argue against that? Well, a lot of people, I think. But I do not join their ranks. The fact that Westworld celebrates violence, however, is not tolerable. Westworld is a gore fest reminiscent of a splatter movie and I do not deem violence porn entertaining.

Will there be a season 4? Well, sex and blood sells stuff, right? But I am definitely done with Westworld. The whole story of all 3 seasons so far could actually fill two hours - if you leave out all those unnecessary characters and stick to a bearable, non-confusing narrative.
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Voll normaaal (1994)
Tasteless flick with low level humour starring two loonies - Great!
6 September 2012
Switch off your brains and enjoy!

Two likable but entirely brainless dumb-wits and their crude environment provide the framework for just-as-dumb jokes. And it works!

Not for everyone - but humour is always a matter of taste. Not every single gag works out fine. But a lot of them really do - at least in my humble opinion. I just do not like one single character in it - the guy with the huge glasses. But he is just in two scenes: in the video store and in front of the tour bus of Gianna S - so just ignore him.

I love, however, Tom Gerhardt as the lead character and his mocking at real-life dumb-wits. There are some people who actually talk this way; luckily they are few and in between :-)

And there is also a chubby hot chick who is the lead character's sister. Veronica Ferres, who is a really hot woman nowadays and a well renowned actress, well, I guess she was young and she needed the money. Seriously, she does a tremendous job also in this comedy about dumb proletarians.

Bottom line: Not for everybody! Definitely! But if you can enjoy low-level humour and just relax and enjoy, well then go see it. I for one was pleasantly surprised!
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Really a great film but some flaws sadly remain
8 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
**** Spoiler explicitly marked in the text ****

Christopher Nolan delivered a very satisfying ending for this magnificent Batman trilogy. The visuals are once again amazing and imho are almost as intensive as those of "The Dark Knight". The soundtrack fits the mood and the plot developments also very well. Speaking of plot development, the film takes its time to properly set the scene. So the pace is duly slow at first but things get rolling pretty soon and the film really keeps you at the edge of your seat until the credits start rolling.

"So what about the flaws?" I hear you cry. Well, here we come to the first spoiler.

**** Start spoiler **** Several times important characters (good guys, of course) get saved in the very nick of time. Without any explanation the savior just appears out of nowhere. Gordon, Blake and Batman himself are saved this way and I might have missed out some others. I really cannot say how annoying this is and it could be avoided by less sloppy scripting. **** End spoiler ****

Also, if you have the opportunity to save a lot of lives by using superior firepower you really should do it - but maybe this is not Batman style.

**** Start spoiler **** I did not get why Bane is sacrificed by someone who loves him just to make Batman feel the heat of the explosion (and give him a small chance of survival in the process). Just kill the hero and spare your beloved one a terrible fate. Needles to say this leads to the downfall of the bad guys in the end. How often have we witnessed this terrible plot device and it simply doesn't get better. **** End spoiler ****

But other than that a marvelous film and a great finale of an epic trilogy. For me this film did not deliver as well as "The Dark Knight" but in spite of the film's flaws it is great entertainment and very well produced indeed.
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Real Steel (2011)
Great entertainment full of stereotypes and highly predictable
29 November 2011
First things first. If you are looking for solid entertainment that is technically brilliant with very good boxing action - then look no further than this. You will have a very good time in the cinema seat enjoying some popcorn and a cool drink to go with it.

Don't think about what you see too much, though. Because then you may find out that many characters in the movie are stereotypes you have seen before many times. There's the father who is not keen on his son at first. But this changes over time, of course. A boxer beyond the best of his days. An evil thug from the past messing around. And most of all a little wunderkind with a cool attitude and language way beyond his years. He is e.g. capable of helping to repair robots.

Another problem is predictability. Even though the fight scenes are very well executed, I was able to figure out the outcome of every single one of them well before their end. Even the final fight is a straight rip-off of one of the greatest boxing movies ever made: ... Ehem, I did promise no spoilers... But you will know what I mean once you see the grand finale.

So, bottom line: Rock solid entertainment with great visuals. You can be thoroughly entertained if you forgive this movie its stereotypes and predictability.
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King Kong (2005)
Excellently executed - yet hilariously over the top (sometimes)
6 October 2011
I just watched the whole King Kong movie by Peter Jackson. Up to now I only got to see the last part of this movie - you know, the final part in New York. And frankly speaking this is the best part by far. During the last 45 or 50 minutes the excellent animation and the dramatic action is not marred by any ridiculous over-the-top action scenes.

If it was only for the final 50 minutes, i.e. all the stuff from and after catching King Kong, then this movie deserved nine if not ten out of ten stars.

But then again there are some scenes before that were meant to deliver staggering action. Well, if you think about them, you discover that they are indeed funny - and unintentionally so. I promised not to present spoilers so just let me give you some examples.

Shooting at someone beset by insects using a machine gun is highly risky; especially if you do NOT aim properly. Or the dangling dinosaur scenes in the ropes with an ape and a hot chick thrown in for good measure. All these scenes last far too long and are extremely unbelievable. Or running around on a tiny platform featuring an ape in a raging fight is a very bad idea for two humans; but here it works of course. Escaping from that platform high above a gaping chasm using a liana of unknown length or strength is not a good idea at all. These were some of the moments which made me laugh out loud indeed. And that is a pity somehow. Because the animation or CGI is excellently done.

Production quality is also flawless. I really wanted to like the movie from the start but all those ridiculous scenes in the first part of the movie spoiled the fun for me. Needless to say that all those red shirt characters get snuffed - either right away or sometime later. Enterprise fans know what I mean don't they. Again, this is a pity because all the scenes in this movie are beautifully shot.

Bottom line: An excellent technical achievement (CGI) with many beautiful scenes. But only the last 50 minutes are really excellent. Thus 6 out of 10 overall.
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Amazing movie in my opinion - hated and not understood by many
30 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Matrix Revolutions is deliberately constructed as a puzzle in which you have to work out the complete picture for yourself. It contains some fundamental questions of philosophy, a war story of a hopeless struggle against the machines who besiege Zion and it comes to a conclusion which is not understood by many viewers. The philosophical questions are answered (e.g. some choices lead to a string of consequences which may often appear as predestination), the war scenes in Zion are overwhelming and the final scenes depict the reestablishment of harmony between body, mind and soul. The absence of this harmony being one of the major reasons for conflict and war.

The Wachowski brothers did also make some mistakes when designing Matrix Revolutions:

  • Scenes like the train station take a bit too long although they contain important hints for the story that is about to unfold. This way the movie loses pace at times. Some viewers also felt that the war in Zion occupies too much space - but come on, this is mankind's last stand so this fight is bound to have epic proportions.

  • The Wachovskis do NOT explain their story design and its implications. Viewers are expected to figure it all out for themselves. This is simply rejected by many people who -not without any justification- expect to be told a little more what the plot is all about instead of following hints in dialogues and imagery.

  • The philosophy is often criticised as basic. But the questions raised are fundamental by nature: choice vs. predestination, harmony of body, mind and soul, do humans define themselves through suffering etc.. Furthermore, how should machines completely understand deep mythology and philosophy of humans and depict that convincingly in their artificial construct known as the Matrix? The stereotypes in the Matrix (e.g. the Merovingian) are to me a natural consequence of machines trying to reproduce human myths and ideas.

But the negative points of Matrix Revolutions are by far outweighed by the positive aspects of the movie:

  • There is a colour code in all Matrix movies. Blue is the physical world, green represents mind/rationality and bright yellow or white stands for the soul of a being. All scenes in the real world have a blue hue, the Matrix is always somewhat green and e.g. the machine city, many images of the sentinels and the power lines from the fields where humans are grown - they are all coloured in bright white or yellow. This represents the separation of body, mind and soul which is overcome only in the final scenes of Matrix Revolutions where all colours are mixed in the sky's clouds - this is by the way the contribution of Sati to the revolution/recreation of the (new) Matrix.

  • The connection of the real world and the Matrix is the spirit or soul the machines acquire from the humans. Programs and machines now have emotions and feelings (remember the parents in the train station?). Even Agent Smith has some twisted soul. Neo can feel and manipulate the spirits of simple machines but he has significant difficulties to handle more complex machines like sentinels. Similarly, Agent Smith has to struggle hard to control the human called Bane who becomes schizophrenic in that process.

  • The energy which the machines drain from the humans is not so much physical or electrical power but mental energy (soul). Like the Architect said in Matrix Reloaded when Neo claims that machines need humans to survive: "There are levels of survival we are willing to accept!". So the machines tap into the souls of humans in order to get something their human creators could not grace them with: a real soul and real feelings. The machines are, however, willing to sacrifice these gifts in order to ensure their mere physical survival. It is quite an amazing outcome of the Matrix storyline: humans exist only because they are useful - they provide real feelings and emotions for the machines and they can even be used to control rogue programs in the Matrix which challenge the existence of the Matrix itself (Neo is used as a carrier for life-force in order to overcome Smith who represents death).

  • Neo has to finally realise that only his own sacrifice can end the conflict between machines and humans. He has to accept his evil twin brother Smith and reunite with him in order to become complete. This resonates with Asian Yin-Yang philosophy.

  • The Oracle has an interesting role. Neo has become too powerful even for Agent Smith and his duplicates. So the Oracle merges with one of the copies of Agent Smith in order to create the one copy of Agent Smith with enough power to really challenge Neo. It is the Oracle's deliberate sacrifice which finally leads to the death of Neo while he reunites himself with his evil opposite Smith - Neo has to realise that he cannot win against Smith and instead of continuing the final fight with Smith he chooses to sacrifice himself in order to end the war and the domination of the Matrix by Smith.

Sadly it's impossible to provide guidance for understanding the Matrix Trilogy without spoilers. The Wachovskis made some mistakes by not involving their audiences in the plot developments. They kept their ideas to themselves and only provided hints for the viewers to make their own discoveries. I was quite pleased by the challenges provided in getting a (rather) complete understanding of the Matrix Trilogy. But I can also imagine that many viewers were lost in the process and did not find the whole exercise worthwhile. As you might guess by now, I recommend that those who dislike Matrix Revolutions give this amazing movie another chance. I sincerely hope that my comments open up some new perspectives on a film trilogy that blended Sci-Fi, action and philosophy in such a brilliant and innovative way.
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Thief: Deadly Shadows (2004 Video Game)
Excellent graphics and sound but sadly limited compared to Thief 1 and 2
17 March 2008
I really wish those Thief 1 and 2 games would be re-released based on the Thief 3 engine. The light and shadow effects and the really good textures take their toll on the machine's hardware but just think of "Down in the Bonehoard" (3rd mission of Thief 1) with all that graphics galore of Thief 3.

Overall I liked Thief 3 (aka. Deadly Shadows) very much. More of the good old sneaking around, banging a club on opponents' heads from behind and using all that nice little gadgetry that makes a thief's life so much easier when striking from the shadows (water-, moss-, fire-, gas- and broadhead-arrows, gas- and normal mines and -last not least- climbing gloves). There are even levels where flash bombs become REALLY useful for a change.

But there are also some let-downs, especially compared to Thief 1 and 2. The most irritating one is the way the game just reactivated guards and other inhabitants of the town. You clear your path in true thief style just to find the guards on patrol again a few minutes later. Very irritating but well, it keeps the difficulty level up somehow. Also I do not think that the levels are really big. I remember the levels of Thief 1 and 2 being positively vast at times, so vast that I got lost several times in an attempt to find a path to the next section of a level. This feeling of space is something I hardly ever had while playing Thief 3, the only exception being the excellent Shalebridge Cradle level. This level is also by far the creepiest and most difficult level in Thief 3. The cradle experience alone makes Thief 3 a must-play not only for fans of the Thief series. Sadly, all levels save Shalebridge Cradle are in my humble opinion as a Thief veteran just too easy. The annoying exception to this impression are the loot requirements when playing at expert level. You always need 3 out of 3 so-called "special loot items". What a joy it is to have stolen 98% of all loot and still missing one single (damn) special loot item to finally leave the level... Happy searching!

But I also think that the lower level of difficulty will appeal to new Thief players. And after all there is so much eye-candy plus some decent puzzles to solve that I do not think anyone who plays Thief 3 is going to be bored or disappointed. The game really grows on you but unlike the first two Thief games -if you save resources and keep buying equipment- you will soon find yourself armed to the teeth. At least I had to restrain myself sometimes from just creating a bloodbath with the maximum of all types of arrows and mines at my disposal. So if you like what you see in Thief 3 and you want to try the first Thief games, too, be warned - you will encounter strict limitations of resources there. In fact, I would recommend Thief 3 as an entry to the world of stealthy stealing. The real test for master thieves are Thief 1 (The Dark Project), Thief 2 (The Metal Age) and T2X (Shadows of the Metal Age - a fan project of very high quality, a freely available add-on to Thief 2).
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