
56 Reviews
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Susie Glass is Wooden
22 March 2024
Like most shows episode one was decent and with this being from the pen of Guy Ritchie I was looking forward to 7 more episode of posh gangster gold. But it all falls flat from episode 2.

The male and female protagonists constantly engage in monotone conversations with each other which make you wish they would just open their moves and speak properly.

They cross each other, then forgive each other and then betray each other, then someone else crosses them and so on.

This is nothing like the film of the same name and perhaps should have just been a 2 hour movie rather than 8 drawn out episodes.

The 8 and 9 out of 10 ratings must be from people who rated after watching the first episode.
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Too slow, too predictable and awful ending
3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode felt like Charlie allowed a friend from the pub to write it.

The pace is slow, which usually in a Black Mirror episode means we're in for a fabulous ending. Not on this occasion.

The important of the mission must be literally astronomical. Otherwise why would Paul's character blindly believe there was an external fault and hand over his tag to Hartnett......After saying he could never use it again.

I feel like this episode missed a trick. Is it infidelity to sleep with another man in your husbands body would've been a much deeper quandary.

If there's a season 7, I hope Brooker reverts to the writing that made us crave more episodes.
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Wellmania (2023)
2 July 2023
Ive never watched a show where I've hated the protagonist more.

She's a self centred, obnoxious, horrible person with no redeeming qualities - apart from being able to party (if thats even a quality).

The show alludes to this on several occasions and the supporting cast are aware of how terrible she is. Some reviews say stick with it, as by the end you'll realise why she is the way she is. However, the realisation is not worth the justification.

If they mitigated some of her awful characteristics and made her a little less of a narcissist, this would be a decent show as the other characters are very likeable.

Very watchable, but only if you like to hate the main character.
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I Am Georgina (2022–2023)
All the stars are for her cute children
27 February 2022
She's obviously famous for being Ronaldo's partner and I was hoping to get some insight into the women that he so adores so much.

The attraction is obvious as she's pretty and seems like a good mother who also looks out for her friends.

Howver, the film feels like her social cirlce are trapped in her wealth and connection to Cristiano. Every time the friends praise her, its as though Georgina has written down what they should say.

I doubt she means to, but she comes across as arrogant and self righteous.

All in all I don't think I learned anything about her that makes me care who she is.
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Everything is fake, except the story
16 February 2022
It's mind boggling how anyone can give this a negative review. It's a crime documentary told well and keeps you fixated throughout.

If this was a written drama you'd struggle to believe it could possibly happen in real life.
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Funny how unfunny
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't realise until I read a couple of reviews that this is meant to be a parody comedy.

Ironically the deadpan acting is almost too rigid to make it funny and what I felt left with was a badly acted and continuity errored flop.

Spoilers below: When she pours a full glass of wine and in the next scene the glass is clearly no longer full and When she has her fingerprints taken then the ink magically disappears from her fingers. Are these intentional errors.

The writers seem intent on trying to trick us to believe that they have written this show badly on purpose. Where in fact they are just bad writers.
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Primitive by modern standards
12 November 2021
Very good and thought provoking.

Like many reviews have said though, it could've been so much more.

All they needed to do was just cut him to see if he bleeds.
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The Guilty (2021)
Don't Dial In
5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jake Gyllenhall plays a cop who has been demoted to a 911 emergency operator for an initially undisclosed reason. It's clear he has some sort of anxiety and for some reason has anger issues which seem to be controlled by squeezing an asthma pump. The film immediately falls foul of outrageously unrealistic scenes, when Jake's character answers a 911 call then abuses the caller, takes a person call and walks away from his desk without being adequately challenged by a superior. It's clear they didn't bother consulting anyone or chose to ignore the reslities. The film bumbles along like a bad copycat of a classy original and Jake's overacting does nothing to redeem it. This is nothing but a cheap Hollywood remake that is not called for and not worthy of your precious time.
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The One (I) (2021)
The One Black Mirror missed
29 March 2021
This series was captivating from the start as it explored a question that is often asked. Is there "The One" out there for everyone? The reason I am not rating higher is because there is a huge missed opportunity to explore the concept much deeper.

The science is only touched upon to a small degree which means we are left with an ordinary crime drama. Although it has interesting characters, smart storyline and good acting, there is so much potential that could have made this rival any black mirror episode.

The momentum has been lost so a second season would hopefully reignite the initial intrigue and focus more on the science of attraction.
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The Body (2012)
Only a genius could guess the ending
13 December 2020
I'm not a fan films that have you on the edge of your seat and then the end by simply using a monologue by one of the characters with flashbacks of the major scenes.

The ending takes the shine off an otherwise enjoyable thriller that leads you down a rabbit hole of twists and turns until you pop you head up and the exit is revealed all too easily.

The best way to describe this film, is like trying to figure out a riddle and someone tells you the answer before you've had time to process the details.
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Contagion (2011)
They saw it coming
27 November 2020
In 2011 if someone told me that Donald Trump was the current president, Prince Harry was married to a black actress and half the world was in lockdown because of a bat know what, I'd probably think they were cuckoo.

Fast forward 9 years and the similarities to current times are shockingly close. For that reason it would be easy to simply give this movie a 10, but points are lost for the standard end of the world archaic behaviour and burning down of buildings which movies always seem to make look unbelievable.

Also the Jude Law character who seems to be a focal point, but never quite gets a conclusion.

As a movie the story arc is steadily paced with a perfect level of anticipation and each character is given enough development to make you care about them.

If only for the corona virus similarities this is a must watch and I'm surprised more people are not shouting about it.
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I wanted to die watching
23 November 2020
A seemingly bitter and untrustworthy mother discovers she is dying and implores her children to visit her during her remaining days.

Each child themself has issues that seem to stem from their relationship with their mother, but these issues are not explored in enough depth to make you care about them.

The revelations towards the end of the film aren't enough to save this drab, melancholy, bitter sweet snooze fest.
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Put Liz and viewers out of their misery
22 November 2020
Supposedly all these former spies (Red, Dom and Katarina) are keeping secrets from Liz to protect her and because they care, but they are slowly dying one by one and hugely frustrating us in the process.

Whatever the secret is, it is not going to be big enough to justify these forever infuriating episodes. Even the task force has now become embroiled in a show that seems to be about how more annoying can Liz be before she or Dembe inevitably kill Reddington.

The elaborate plots that made this show great, have been taken over by the writers dangling a carrot of secrecy in order to keep us watching.

This carrot better taste good.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Not for football fans
11 November 2020
As soon as I saw the trailers I should've known that this show would be as predictable and painful as it is. The high ratings must be from viewers who've never watched or cared about football (or should I say "soccer") in their life.

Its meant to be about a premiership football club yet the players wear different coloured under shirts to their kits, which anyone knows is not allowed.

Reporters standing outside club buildings with no security and girlfriends walking into changing rooms are just 2 other examples of ridiculously unrealistic occurrences that would never happen at a premiership football club.

The Ted Lasso character borders on annoying with his upbeat enthusiasm and positivity, plus what accent is he trying to pull off. The clichéd hard nosed female chairman with bumbling assistant are more signs that this show should be relegated to the archives.

Some may enjoy this for it's feel good undertone and positivity will overcome all adversity message, but if you have any love for the beautiful game, I would avoid this like a Jordan Pickford challenge.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
The Plot holes are not invisble
19 October 2020
A married woman tries to escape her abusive husband who takes revenge via the use of an invisibility suit he has developed without her knowledge.

Sounds good right? and for the first hour or so this is a decent thriller....made so by the nature of the scenario alone. However, how difficult is it to create suspense when the audience knows there is a potential perperator who can't be seen?

What this movie lacks is giving the audience the opportunity to assess how they would deal with an invisible attacker. I spent half the film internally screaming "throw some flour at him!"

I wont go into the plot holes as they'll give too much away, but the main problem with the movie is 2/3rds of the way through when it switches genre from thriller to comicbook like sci fi. From that moment the film loses all credibility and becomes a predictable mess.

Elisabeth Moss is cast well as her facial reactions suit the subtle suspense in the early parts of the film, but the other charecters could be played by mannequins and you wouldn't know the difference.

If you watch this filming hoping for cleverly cinematic invisibility scenarios I would urge you not to bother and as just a thriller it is not worth the time.
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Too many twist and plot holes
14 October 2020
Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end.

This film can be summed up in those 3 parts as an excellent beginning, an intriguing middle and a disappointing end.

The plethora of story pivots throw you off the scent from the obvious plot holes that adorn an otherwise interesting story. If you're the sort of person who doesn't dig into every finer detail of a movie, then you'll enjoy this as a tense thriller.

However there are so many scenes that are blatantly unviable because if the police investigated it the film would end there and then.

The ending feels similar to Usual Suspects, but by then you've already guessed what is going to happen and hope somehow that it doesn't.
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
Classic, but not timeless
18 September 2020
Watching this again from the beginning over 20 years after it originally aired is quite an eye opener.

The first few seasons are overly archaic and most of the scenarios are incredibly unrealistic. However from season 5 the show really kicks off and you can see where a lot of newer sitcoms have taken inspiration from. What made Seinfeld legendary is the over the top characters who in today's sphere would not be considered funny. Most notably is of course good ol' Kramer who encapsulates clumsy comedy like Groucho Marx on speed.

Watching Seinfeld now is like driving a classic ford lincoln after owning a modern chevrolet convertible.
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The Boys (2019– )
Marvel and DC step aside
10 September 2020
Gone are the boring clichés of.....superhero saves the world, while battling against evil enemies with contrasting powers.

The Boys is both unpredictable and fresh with a slight moral undertone.

A fantastic spin on the world of superheroes.
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Mourinho or nothing
10 September 2020
You don't need to be a true football or Spurs fan to appreciate this fabulous insight into the goings on at N17's famous club. I'm not a Spurs fan, just to put it out there. (Man United if that matters)

Mourinho steals the show, but not because of his infamous nonchalant arrogance, but for the way he wears his heart on his sleeve and guides the team through a new era. The Mourinho we see in press conferences and post match interviews is replaced by a true passionate lover of the game. (where was this when he was at United?)

Daniel Levy also comes across well as he looks to convince the audience that he is not the money scrimping scrooge that many Spurs enthusiasts would have you believe.

All the negative reviews saying this is dull and boring should watch high octane American team documentaries if thats what they want as this is not meant to be an explosive expose to uncover dirty secrets and scandal.

The show somehow manages to portray the players as ordinary guys playing the sport they love. You almost forget that these are millionaire sports stars.

My only concern is that if Harry Kane gives those pre match team talks to the England players, it's no wonder our recent performances have been so flat.
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Forever (I) (2018)
Unfunny Comedy and Woeful drama
7 September 2020
In most circumstances the two lead actors can usually make me laugh just by the anticipation of seeing them on screen.

Unfortunately on this occasion the material they are given to work with does not allow them any ability to create laughs. The first 2 episodes set the scene for what feels like an amiable comedy drama until episodes 3,4 and 5 wrench that promise away with a drab storyline and insipid characters. Episode 6 offers a slight reprieve only to be superseded by 2 more episodes of non comedy and non drama.

What makes the experience bearable is that there are some interesting themes about relationships and life (especially in the stand out ep. 6), however these themes are teased and then snatched away before being fully explored.

Fred Armisen and Maya Rudolph will be relegating this to the bottom of their CV highlights "forever" (sorry, I couldn't resist)
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No wonder all the black men left San Francisco
5 September 2020
This movie is slow, bland and void of little enjoyment. The whole concept feels like a play and tries to draw in closely to each character with intrusive camera positioning and sentiment dialogue.

The plot follows two friends who feel obligated to remain in San Francisco largely because one of them believes that their grandfather built a unique house in their neighbhood.

The other story lines are inconsequential and the musical score only adds to the lethargic and dull undertones of a movie that is trying too hard to be different.
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Die Hart (2020– )
Kevin Hart playing Kevin Hart
3 September 2020
Kevin Hart states that this series is about him playing a version of himself who doesn't want to be portrayed as a sidekick comedy charachter. However it only goes to prove that these are the only characters he is capable of playing.

The premise is pretty interesting, as it focuses on an actor who is successful in certain types of roles, but wishes to become a stand alone action hero. In order to achieve this he attends an action hero school where everything is not as it seems.

Based on this plot there are so many ways this could have been a unique and interesting show, but there is no depth or imagination and each episode feels like an 8 minute long trailer for a low budget action film you do not want to see.

The saving grace of this project is that each episode is only 8 minutes long.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Who regulates IMDb ratings?
8 August 2020
I'm old enough to remember the original movies as a teenager and had no expectations that this would be a good tv series. However the remarkably high ratings made me think I may be missing something special.

There's a reason why Ralph Macchio and William Zabka have had no memorable major roles in years.........THEY CANT ACT!!! The show is also poorly produced (just check out the cheap ill fitting suits) and embarrasingly filled with cliche after cliche. (everything you think is going to happen, happens)

Usually when I write a negative review I would implore people not to watch, but the nostalgia value just about keeps you entertained.

Warning though....this is not a good tv show despite the high ratings.
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Dumb and Dumber without the laughs
25 July 2020
Finally got round to watching this after two previous attempts.

Was desperate to like it due to all the cultural references and cult status, but I either couldn't connect or perhaps should have watched it when it first came out.

The underlining plot is mildly amusing, however none of the characters are likeable including the overly appreciated "Dude".

Perhaps you need to be a bum or a crazy Vietnam veteran to appreciate.
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Hindsight (2015)
Go back in time and wish I didn't watch
18 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Its 2020 and I saw that this came out in 2015. Reading the blurb I thought that it sounds good and maybe I missed a gem. However just 30 mins into the pilot I could see why I've never heard of it.

So the main character is due to get married for a second time and feeling some regrets she wishes in her mind that she could go back in time to put right some life decisions. She falls unconscious in a lift and when she wakes up she is magically transported back to 1995 on the day before her first wedding.

Realising that she has gone back in time and has memories of everything that has happened, instead of investing in property, placing bets or thinking of other ways to corner the financial world, she runs to her best friend who is quirky enough to believe her.

From then on I knew that this would be a painful watch and could see why it never saw past one season.
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