
17 Reviews
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Spin Me Round (2022)
Che cazzo
13 November 2023
I think the people giving this movie one star have probably never heard of a harlequin novel. This is very clearly a satire on those kinds of stories. Its fair for someone to not find it funny, not all the jokes landed for me either but there was alot of comedy gold in this, especially from molly shannon and Zack woods, as well as allessandro nivola who understood exactly what kind of character he was playing. The parody of the franchise italian restaurants was spot on. Alison brie was perfect as the naive girl looking for romance in the most cliched place a person can seek it out. I recommend seeing this if you like movies like sideways.
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Outpost (2022)
Is isolation a benefit to the traumatized?
12 November 2023
Found this on Prime and hope it gets onto something like Shudder. Definitely better than the 4.6 on imbd, tho Im biased because I love these kinds of psychological horror flicks. Movies like The shining and The thing deal with similar themes of isolation but don't expect anything as bombastic as those, this reminded more of 90s films like Jacobs Ladder. Has a Great outdoor setting and some nice dialogue about nature. I liked the lead and felt her struggle. Ive never seen this actress in anything else so cant say if this kind of role is something new to her. I also really liked the odd supporting characters. As far as 90 min horror/thrillers go this is a fun way to spend an evening. Unfortunately I think the 90min format doesnt work for most viewers today even though I find it to be superior. Get in tell your story efficiently and get out.
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Late to the show
21 June 2023
Its 2023 and Injust watched this movie today after buying it on a whim at a pawn shop dollar bin, mostly because Nathan Fillion and Kate Sackoff were on the back. I genuinely entertained and intrigued right from the start. There are some great well directed sequences as well as some really creepy moments. As usual Fillion is great really showcasing a different side of his acting chops I hadnt seen before. I have seen a few of this directors other movies which Ive found hit or miss but this one is a solid recommendation from me. So if you catch it on streaming or a dollar bin like I did watch and enjoy!
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The Munsters (2022)
Was a near miss or maybe a near hit
11 December 2022
Very frustrating movie because it made some good choices and some horrible ones. The bad: as is with all Zombie movies the casting of his wife is the weakest link. Honestly think they should have just casted Cassandra Peterson even at 70. The tone was somewhere in between good and bad, it had some funny jokes and I kinda like that they went with colorful lighting unlike the The Addams family 1990 which basically did b&w in color. Herman was also somewhere in between good and bad, I think with some tighter editing they could have made him a servicable portrayl of the dopey yet lovable Herman. The good: Casting of Orlock and Grandpa I cant complain about, I enjoyed them both.
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Things (1989 Video)
Where VHS and Canada came to die
2 November 2022
There are no words to describe the experience of watching Things. I only recently discovered it and often thought of turning it off but then every 5 or 10 minutes or so something so hilariously absurb would happen that I would be on the floor laughing or completely shocked and baffled. There is an excellent episode of the "Last Drive In" that features Things and Joe Bob adds an excellent commentary companion. If you want to see a true anomoly from the 80s then find this film. Yes, it is technically bad but it carries so many moments that will keep you interested and wondering "whhhyyyyy???????"
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Billy Madison (1995)
For 12 year old boys
18 September 2022
Ill admit to seeing this in 95 when i was 13 and thought it was hilarious. Watching it recently I actually felt embarassed. I dont get how this has 6.3 and Ernest goes to school, which is essentially the same plot has a 4.7 rating. At least Ernest was a likable, sympathetic character. Billy is just a terrible human and made to look like a total buffon by Sandler, who is doing the only 'character' he has in his range. Okay so, for positives: Steve Bushemi is hilarious as always in his small bit parts. As is Chris Farley as the bus driver. So show your young sons or nephews Im sure they will get a kick out of it but pass if youre over 16.
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Liar Liar (1997)
So 90s it hurts
11 September 2022
Ive always liked Jim Carey, but somehow missed this movie in the 90s. Watching in 2022 may have given me a different opinion. There were some funny gags and a decent story and message but overall I just found Careys insane manic behavior doesnt work as a regular person in the dramatic 90s world they built here, he works better as characters who are animated to begin with like Ace Ventura, The Mask and The Riddler. He was playing over the top right from the start of this movie where Im meant to believe he is a serious high end lawyer. Maybe it would have worked better for me if there was a change in behavior after Max makes his wish, but as it stands I think people who arent familiar with Carey will be turned off.
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I can't lie... I just watched this and laughed alot
29 August 2022
Make no mistake, this is no masterpiece of comedy, its not even really a great movie but it is a funny dumb comedy. I put it off for almost 20 years because I just couldnt bring myself to watch it, and I think giving it years of space benefitted it for me. The two leads did their jobs well, especially Lloyd Christmas and the gags genuinely made me laugh (the Cyrano bit with the chocolate bar was really funny). Even some of the side characters were good (Bob Saget, Cheri Oteri, Shia Labeouf, Eugene Levy). Watch it if you want to give it a chance. If you're attached to the original in a blindly loyal way do not bother.
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Gets a bad wrap, imo
17 July 2022
This movie may have just been released out of time. It has the feeling and vibe of the old Superman movies, and those were great.. ... in the 70s. I was still entertained though. I absolutely love the first Wonder Woman, I believe there are scenes in it that encapsulates what golden age superhero comics were. However, the ending seems to get the most criticism for being a generic CGI throwdown, so 1984 took that criticism to heart and went for something these big budget films never do, which is go for a dramatic and emotional ending. Love it or hate it, it was bold and original and made this sequel stand on its own.
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One of the Best Comedies of the 80s
22 May 2022
I find most Jason movies boring with some intriguing kills in between. This is the opposite, entertaining movies with poor kills in between. The characters are so off the wall and absurd its hard to not find them amusing.
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Not the FX bonanza expected but still good
22 May 2022
Had no groundbreaking moments, actually only one cool fx sequence in 2.5hrs but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. The self awareness was amusing and the new characters were good. I like the actor who plays the new Smith (from mindhunters) and was great to see Neo and Trinity again. I should note that Ive enjoyed all three sequels.
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Step above other tv movies
21 May 2022
Watching this in 2022 I was very impressed at the complex issues presented for Tv movie of this era. Great performance by Meredith Baxter and thoroughly entertaining.
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Could be ahead of its time
23 February 2022
Ill admit I didnt see this when it was released. I saw in 2022 as a 40 year old and Im glad I did cuz a teenage me wouldnt get it. It had some genuine laughs with an interesting title character and surprisingly had some good dramatic moments. Of the handful of movies from the 90s that were based on snl sketches I think this is the most complete of them. It isnt iconic like waynes world but a solid comedy/drama.
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Trancers (1984)
My fav SCI-FI B movie of all time
22 February 2022
I find this flick so enjoyable, I saw it for the first ten in late 90s and enjoyed the following two sequels also, not so much the last two sequels. Thomerson carries the movie with a young Helen Hunt. The music is great and most importanly this movie did Bullet Time 15 years before the The Matrix.
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Best of the sequels
22 February 2022
I just watched all the amityvilles up to the 2005 remake had seen some but most were first time views. This one stood out along with part 2 as the most interesting and some really cool fx.

If you want an entertaining B horror movie this is a good one.
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The Faculty (1998)
Fun 90s Sci-fi/Horror
19 February 2022
One 90s flick where the cgi actually holds up. The only complaint I had was it was repetitive of Body Snatchers and The Thing but the teen characters and crazy highschool were so entertaining I gave it a pass.
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Antlers (2021)
Great creature effects
13 February 2022
I gave a 7 primarily for the great creature fx and makeup and also really like seeing Keri Russel in dramatic roles. She classed this simple movie up.
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