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Civil War (2024)
Shocking yet overly human, unfortunately for our species
11 May 2024
Sometimes, it is still a mystery to me how we ended up where we are now. We shouldn't have, yet here we are in a technologically super advanced stage in our terms. We have created huge civilizations, incredibly complex cities and states, a global economy lately. How is that possible when we are so animal like, always starving for new territories and killing anything that is in our way, most notably our own species for it? I think it is overproduction, we make more humans that we kill off. And the rest who remain keep carrying the torch of knowledge to make things better. That's a fact, otherwise we wouldn't be here. Some would argue that wars and diseases - hence killing and dying - that keep our numbers in check. That may be true. But killing each other or let the sick die cannot be a human solution. Cooperation is: figuring out how to progress together.

This movie is a stark reminder of how not to handle an armed conflict between humans - and how they do anyway.
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Badly inaccurate yet thoroughly entertaining wit its dramatic touch
2 May 2024
Warships, new innovations of killing, civil cooperation at this scale outside the defeated Japanese government, seriously? That could never have happened. The US was so aware of the threat Japan held as a defeated enemy, that they didn't even approved they self defense until 1952. It is in 1954, that the JMSDF was formally created as the naval branch of the Japanese Self-Defense Force (JSDF), following the passage of the 1954 Self-Defense Forces Law. So, historically, this is BS on a grand scale. However, from a dramatic point of view, it is compelling and well acted all around. Lest not forget that this is a fantasy, so bite if you want. But don't forget: it is just your entertainment only.
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Breathtaking. Amazing pictures combined with a cool and accomplished narration
23 April 2024
It is so BBC-like, it is hard to believe it wasn't made by the BBC's nature department. The camerawork is outstanding in every sense but that's just half of the story. How it develops, from part to part, is also sensational. Whoever wrote the narration was on top of his/her game, and definitely took well good notes of how it is done properly. Paul Rudd follows suit and does an "Attenborough": a measured, lovable, cool and occasionally funny narration perfectly in sync with the emerging pictures. No lurid BS here which poisons modern documentaries so often these days. It is by far the best non BBC made documentary for years. Well done. A footnote for Paul: Whenever you are struggling with an A-lister BS, you are always welcome here.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
15 March 2024
Oh my, how I was wrong. For the first time, I dismissed this movie, feeling it was all about Oppenheimer whining about what he had done. It is not about that at all.

When I went to watch it to my local "Cinema City" in August last year, the sound was way too loud, and the air condition system was out of order, so I sat there boiling in my own skin for the whole movie. It is a good lesson for me, not to watch anything in unacceptable conditions / wrong environment.

After I had given it a try again - for Oscar reasons -, I found myself utterly amazed. It was not Oppenheimer who was whining, but me. This movie is probably the best of Cristopher Nolan, the reality of it is staggering, takes the breath away.
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Cliffhanger (1993)
Spectacular cinematography makes it one of the best action movies of the 90's
29 February 2024
Wow. What a spectacle. Alex Thomson - the director of photography - made some incredible, I would even say, iconic pictures for this movie, that took my breath away. In that case, this movie should definitely have won an Oscar. The vision, the lights, how he uses focus and zoom are outstanding in every sense. It is arguably one of the most spectacular film I have ever seen. Enter Stallone, back to his 'sorry for myself, almost crying' best, a character he perfected in Rocky, with an unconventional heist story, it is an outstanding action flick. Well oiled direction, editing and the score also makes it well above average.
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Firestorm (1998)
A thoroughly entertaining feature with some really stupid detail
28 February 2024
So, you are running through the fire in your normal clothes, baseball cap, no protecting gear whatsoever except the helmet on Scott Glenn, yet you don't catch fire at all. Good luck with that. That opening scene is so ridiculous, it is hard to put into words. Yet the movie emerges from that 'shock' quite well, making a story itself, characters you can relate to, and also a villain worth the thrill. The special effects are quite good, so is the acting, you never have the feeling it is a cheep project. Also, the musical and editing department did well. It may be a B movie in Hollywood terms, but in that category it is top notch.
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Angel Eyes (2001)
Extremely gooey but somehow watchable with a very bad aftertaste
27 February 2024
Really? So, after years of domestic abuse, we should just give a blind eye over it in the name of what... 'love'? 'Love' meaning 'I love you' when I pleased but beat the living sh@t out of you when I am not? Forgiveness is a powerful thing, but that kind of behavior should never been forgiven. That is unforgivable. One can get over it, as one should, but forgive, no. Especially not like this picture depicted, making peace with it in the name of family 'balance'. There is no balance in abuse at all. I was severely disappointed with JLo's video massage at the end. That is exactly what one does when one wants to hide something, sweeping it under the rug. Booo. I wonder how the screenwriter's and the director's childhood turned out.
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About Fate (2022)
The lowest point in Emma Roberts carrier so far. She is (supposed to be) so much better than this utterly dreadful rubbish
19 February 2024
My-oh-my. It is really difficult to put into words, how bad this is. Emma Roberts, a fine actress of her own right, running round like a headless chicken using a high pitched voice so annoying, my fifteen year old daughter would be severely ashamed using it. Hi-hi-hi is OK at that age, but this? To be honest, I reached 53 minutes of this horror of a 'romantic comedy' when I held up my white flag. I couldn't bear it any more. Then, being as persistent as I am, watched it all the way - to not avail. This picture shouldn't have been made. It was however, setting the lowest standard for the 2020's.
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Palm Springs (2020)
An absolute joy with Tarantinoesque twists and turns, but thoroughly original in its own right
10 February 2024
I think this movie set an incredible high standard for the 2020s romantic comedy scene, just like its predecessor, Groundhog Day, did in the 1990s. The not-so-original idea is the same, but how they unfold it is completely different and unique. The story goes into many unexpected places, yet keeps you in the 'loop', until 'all hell breaks loose'. The production value is high, and the actors are just a joy to watch, especially the main protagonists, played by Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti. J. K. Simmons is also fantastic, but that's the usual standard for him (one of the best character actors ever to grace the big screen). If you think about romantic comedy, this is the one to watch, with plenty of laughs and also some poignant moments. Well, you won't cry your heart out, rather you will be on a ride with a lot of fun.
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Full of clichés and overly sexualized, with the occasional sharp dialogs and a bit of fun
9 February 2024
It is a far cry from a good romantic comedy - I am a male -, but it has its moments, mostly some short, funnily spiteful encounters between the two protagonists. Otherwise, it is just one cliché after another we have already seen hundreds of times before. What is really striking is the way the movie presents its main characters, both of whom are shown half of their screen time half, or fully naked: the male with his considerable abs and the female with his equally considerable - at least covered - breasts and rotund back. In one scene, they even grab each other plainly (for the purpose of fooling other characters that they are together), but not us (me). Make no mistake: I am not a prude. Sex is a vital part of our adult lives, but really? There is no any reason to show them like that from the story's point of view. Well, only if you are a filmmaker, thinking that's how you may please more your audience. Cheap decision. One that shows the obvious weakness of the project. It is a kind of movie you may watch once, but hard to recall the real story even days later, other than nice abs, fine tits, and beautiful scenery. The end credits, unfortunately, ruins it even further: way too ridiculous.
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Excellent: complex, full of hidden, floating, and open emotions about our 21th century society grappling with human differences and race
7 February 2024
First of all, congratulations for Cord Jefferson and his efforts making this movie. It is one of the best I have seen in a long while about how we can behave concerning social differences, prejudice of race, and emotional situations as humans.

Second, just for the record, I have no connection with any of the filmmakers or anyone involved in the project.

Third. All that said, while it is an extremely challenging watch, it manages to keep one hooked, keeps the story flowing from start to finish with surprising ease. I have never felt bored at any point or felt the need of a bathroom or cigarette break. In that sense, it has to do with the screenplay and the direction. Also, with the actors. They are all on top of their game, especially the protagonist, Jeffrey Wright, and Sterling K. Brown, the latter occasionally stealing the show.

The end is out for debate, but I guess that is exactly how it was intended to be.

Enough said. This is an AAA+ movie for generations to come.
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Argylle (2024)
Way over the top, but thoroughly entertaining with Sam Rockwell stealing the show
6 February 2024
Sam Rockwell just does what he usually does: outplays everyone around him in any movie he is in. This one is not an exception. Although the project is headed by Henry Cavill, he is just a footnote after all. The real stars are the man forementioned, and Bryce Dallas Howard (who is not in her best form, if you know what I mean). The story is fine for readers and fantasy lovers, but way far-fetched for viewers accustomed to reality. But, hey! Who cares? IMO, it is a project aiming to brake us away from our everyday bad and forget all of that for two hours. It is silly, no brain cells needed. Just have fun and enjoy the ride.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Overstays its welcome
5 February 2024
Way too much. The sixth episode basically unwatchable. Until that point, it was going nicely, but then, suddenly, it became a soap opera, like a 34.987 episode Mexican series my mom wouldn't even give a f@ck about. To be honest, it hit me so hard at that point that I didn't follow the story afterwards. I am not interested in people whining and yammering. No, thank you. So, I did not finish it and I'm afraid I won't ever. I think this series went in a wrong way, as so did the original movie, trying to make everyday stuff out of the extraordinary. People being spies and killing people don't sit in your living room let alone having kids.
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Tame, lame, extremely slowly built
27 January 2024
There can be no questions about the production value of this production. It is outstanding. But that is the least you would expect from a 'blockbuster' tv series these days. However, for a start, the title sequence is so sentimental, so gooey, it makes you feel like: 'please don't'. So is the score: full of big symphonic vibes, way over reality, like unicorns flying over the rainbow. In the following story, there is mild tension at best, not like people are going to fly to their death. It is all smooth and well bedded according to the series. One deep-toned, throaty voice doesn't make it serious, neither a man crying out 'woohoo' on a plane's wing. After two episodes, it is a big disappointment.
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Role Play (2024)
Weak effort fluctuating between boring and entertaining
13 January 2024
An uneven script, uncertain directing, and bad casting let this picture down badly. It is a shame, really. Kaley Cuoco, however I don't like her, does a great job as so does David Oyelowo to convince us about a story barely believable. But casting Connie Nielsen as the villain is a very bad joke. It's like casting Sir David Attenborough as Lex Luthor. Her pure physical presence contradicts that. I guess it's the director fault to accept her as the villain in the first place. Then, he rightly proves himself unable to bring out the 'beast' of her, which is understandable. She is nothing like that. The camerawork is OK, so is the score, but otherwise it's just another film you will forget almost instantly after watching. As I said earlier, it's a shame. Waste of talent.
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Echo (2023–2024)
Easily the best Marvel series ever made
11 January 2024
It is so well above average, hard to comprehend. All of the previous series was about fighting and whining emotions about how things could have been, may have been, should have been. This one is different: it grabs the bull by its horns from the get-go, and tell a straightforward story from start to finish. There are some retrospective moments - few, to say the least -, but otherwise it leads you straight to the point. Meanwhile, it generates more emotions than 8 dramas, 10 romantic comedies, and 12 arthouse projects combined. I am not a fan of superhero movies - to be honest, I despise them - but this project is outstanding in every sense. For me, this is the best of Marvel no doubt about that.
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This is probably the weakest of the Coen bros
8 January 2024
After a really slow development to the story, it doesn't get any faster either. At one hour and 36 minutes, it feels like it was an hour longer then it should have been. It wants to be cool but it is not. It just long. It is full of unwanted growing to its characters, all of those wasted times going out of the window without a trace. However, there are some great performances, particularly George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, and Brad Pitt who pulled out of his best, reminding me his turn in Twelve Monkeys more then a decade earlier. All in all, this is a movie bleeding its tediousness all over. If you are a Coens' fan, give it a go. Otherwise, forget it. Disappointing.
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As comedies go, this is top notch
3 January 2024
It might be the best British comedy I have ever seen in my life. Obviously, I am not British, so my assessment can be off the scale. Yet, this one - unlike others - made me laugh, at times out loud, so funny and heartfelt this is. The kids who carry this hilarious project on their shoulders are unforgettably superb. All of the adult leads are behind them but do a fantastic job anyway, making the whole story quite believable. What a picture this is. Smart and snap-shot dialogs with jokes that take couple of seconds before your belly starting to shake. The pictures are breathtaking at times, and the score follows suit. Excellent movie. IMO, one of the best projects of the 2010's. Highly recommended.
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27 December 2023
This is a deeply personal take on nature, family, and life itself. I have never seen anything like this before. I would award it all the Oscars there are, but it is, somehow, far more than that. It's beauty is astonishing and spectacular to a point you can't normally reach. What pictures you see here are beyond comprehension. All that embedded into a family story, so light, so fine, so easily weaved into the film like Buddha levitating above water. Profoundly personal yet, at the same time, impersonal. With a score 11 out of 10, editing 11 out of 10, it is way the best documentary / biography I have ever seen in my life. (I'm 53, so I've seen plenty.) I have no any connection with any of its staff but say: Margreth Olin 20/10. I wish I knew you.
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Unbelievable that Dan Aykroyd would do this absolute, total BS
23 December 2023
It is hard to put into words how bad this is. It is the lowest of the lowest tabloid filth you can't even possibly imagine. I would give it -10 if I could. I hope when I grow old I will not be in a position to give my name, and with that, my reputation, and everything I did in the past to this kind of stupidity and total madness. Dan Aykroyd, really? What happened? Where did it go so wrong? This is the sort of program that makes certain politicians viable contenders for office: fake news selling them as truth to us. Doing so by 'experts' you may have never heard of or seen them in a completely different field (of their expertise). This is another low point in American television. A shame, really.
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Finestkind (2023)
A slow burner for sure, but gradually becomes an incredible emotional ride
17 December 2023
This is a very good picture, one that has quickly become one of my favorite this year. It is not an action movie, far from it, and not a crime story either. It is all about human emotions, and how we deal with them. Don't make me wrong: it is quite slow in development (of the story), but grows and grows, and gradually grows on you. By the time it ends, you feel emotionally lifted. All the attributes of a good movie are there: the production value is first class, the acting is impeccable as so is the direction, with the editing and the score not far behind. If you liked 'Fathers and Daughters' (2015), this project is definitely for you.
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It fails in so many aspects that it is a half-witted documentary at best
15 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One word: bad. It misses the basic point of explaining how its subject - the pill itself - works. This program only covers the effects of the drug on our society, which is fine and well done, but lacks completely about its mechanism, what it does to the body, and what kind of side effects and consequences it can make to our health in general. That is a huge miss, especially when it interviews the makers, the "godfathers" of the pill. What were the makers thinking? That we all know how Viagra works and do it so in different health conditions? In my opinion, a proper documentary explains its subject first and then, or meanwhile, elaborates its effect(s).

This project should have been titled 'The Effects of Viagra on our Society', but even then it would be incomplete.
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The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
10 December 2023
This TV movie is the best I have ever seen about the nuclear fallout by far. It's the story that captures you, ordinary people living through the most extraordinary circumstances imaginable: a nuclear attack on your home soil. It's been forty years since it was made, yet just as actual as it was back then: Russia waging war on Ukraine, threatening it and the world of using nuclear weapons. You may think global warming is the mayor threat to humanity, which is probably accurate, but don't forget the number of nuclear and hydrogen bombs still in service today. This picture is a professional reminder what could happen anyway.
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Fast Charlie (2023)
'Is this a bad time?'
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No, it isn't. It still works somehow.

These Irish f@kers - I mean Brosnan and Neeson - keep doing action movies into their seventies, and yet they are totally entertaining and enjoyable. How they do it, I have no idea. It certainly has to do with their acting skills and how well they know the genre itself. Also, with the choices they make when pick a screenplay and the director attached to it.

This story goes on a very much Tarantinoesque trajectory, only this is more direct. Hilarious one liners are made during its span, and also it ends up to be a love story with hints along the way. It is Pierce Brosnan best outing since The November Man in the genre, for sure.

Well done.
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Planet Earth III: Human (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
This is by far the best episode of the 3rd series
3 December 2023
Astonishing. Breathtaking. And also, very educating. It is not just about how wild animals and humans interact and adapt, but rather how we, humans, could and should do so. The first two third of the episode gives you a unique insight about animals adapting to the human generated environment, the last third, however, makes a good argument how we should - and can - do it. This part of the series goes in a very positive way witch gives you hope rather than a doomsday. And it fairly accurate that the massage is delivered by all of our grandfather, the authentic Sir David Attenborough. Outstanding filming, even better narration and explanations. 10 / 10 , no doubt.
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