
9 Reviews
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Space Mutiny (1988)
Hilariously bad, a MST SEE!
13 August 2022
Space Mutiny has the.dubious distinction of being featured on both MST3K and RiffTrax, a testimonial to its sheer ineptitude. Both versions are fan favorites and highly recommended. MST3K cut the scenes lifted from Batclestar Galactica and RiffTrax kept them in. But watching the original version can be just as hilarious.

My only regret about Space Mutiny was Cameron Mitchell's involvement in it. The respected veteran actor didn't deserve this.
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JAG (1995–2005)
Authentic and Intriguing, with a major exception
4 August 2022
I just started watching this show on Amazon Prime Video and am still in the first season. Overall, it's a good show - well-written, intriguing plots, a sense of naval authenticity. But one thing bugs the heck out of me.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice restricts sexual relationships between service members, even consensual relations. The JAGs even bring this up in The their investigations when it seems relevant to the case. But the JAG investigators themselves, so far a male and female, engage in a level of flirting that could endanger their careers, such as longing gazes, banter filled with sexual innuendo, double entendres, and such. For Navy lawyers, they seem pretty reckless and fate-tempting. I know this is a TV show, and sexual tension halos ratings, but for me it hurts the show's authenticity.
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"This movie just broke the goofy meter."
22 July 2022
The Killer Shrews is fodder for one my top 5 MST3K episodes, but even without the riffing, it is entertaining. Still bad, but entertainingly so. I won't recite all the low-budget, B-movie cliches in this movie - those have been cited in numerous posts. It is, however, fast-paced (even the many cocktail scenes) and better-written than is seen in films of this genre.

Enjoy the Festus feast!
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Stargames (1997)
Sad close to an illustrious career
19 June 2022
At the lime this film was made, Tony. Curtis was at the tail end of his career, mostly TV guest appearances and bit parts in forgettable films. Its hard to take the actor who gave such Film performances as Spartacus, The Defiant Ones, Some Like It Hot, and Operation Petticoat (yes, only a fair movie but he was terrific in his role) in this drivel. I'm no performer, but really, can the allure of the stage or screen really be so powerful as to be involved in this embarrassment? Was he in deep to a bookie or the IRS?

Recommendation: watch the RiffTrax version, only.
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Actually intelligent for the genre
5 June 2022
I echo the sentiments of those who think that this is one of the better (if not the best) of the low-budget monster movies of its era. There is an actual link to scientific theory in the plot line. The de-Evolution of the sun demon is "explained" in the film using what is now called the theory of recapitulation, as in "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny". That is, the development of living things (including humans) from embryo to birth mirrors the evolutionary path of its species. So the radiation caused the protagonist to devolve to an early lizard-like embryonic and evolutionary stage. The recapitulation theory Has been pretty much de-bunked, but at the time this film was made, it still had its adherents.
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The Creeping Terror (1964 TV Movie)
A Must-See
27 May 2022
How can a movie rated 3/10 be must-see? Of all the low-budget B-movies of the late 50s to early 60s, this is one of the most entertainingly bad. It's got a monster made of carpet remnants that resembles the love child of Alf and a Chinese dragon. It's victims could walk away from it, but seem to lie down so it can slither over and devour them, while bystanders look on as if they were standing at the fridge looking for a snack. It is, from beginning to end, pure unintentional hilarity i recently saw it skewered on RiffTrax, but really, it's funny enough on its own.
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"Name's Fargo. Bart Fargo."
16 May 2022
Doesn't have the class or sophistication of a James Bond film, does it? Or the suspend, witty dialogue, special effects, and oh so many others things. What it does have is a theme song apparently entitled "Bop Pe Dop Pe Dada", which is played comically often. .

There have been many blatant rip-off of the Bond franchise since the 60s, some of which are tongue-in-cheek and worth watching. I rate this one about the same level as "Operation Double 007," which starred Sean Connery's brother Neil in his first movie role: A serious attempt to cash in on the popularity of 007, but seriously bad.
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Entertainingly Bad
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of late 50s/early 60s B&W horror and monster movies, and this is one of my favorites. Yes, it has all the cliches of the low-budget, slapped together flicks of this genre and time period, such as alternating daylight and darkness within the same sequence, poorly-written script ("I know it's impossible, but It's the only possible explanation!"), and cheesy special effects. It's also has a climax that pushes the movie beyond cliche: it takes place on top of a dam in mountain wilderness, with water cascading thunderously like Niagara Falls. A dam that had not been seen or heard in any of the previous scenes that occurred just a few yards away. Which conveniently empties into a bottomless pool. It's impossible, but it's the only way possible.
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You know it's a bad movie when...
4 April 2022
...You have to go 9-deep in the IMDb cast list to find one with a photo. For all the criticisms that have been leveled at this waste of film and time, I can only say ."Ditto." Bad, bad movie. But if it weren't for movies like this, would we have MST3K, RiffTrax, and other great, fun shows?
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