
22 Reviews
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Scream (I) (2022)
Apex Redditors
28 May 2024
The first "requel" off the production line of "Scream" reboots happily keeps the sentimentality to a minimum but because it's the first not to be produced or directed by its creator screams out for authenticity by paying homage endlessly.

To be fair the originals did much the same but more by way of scattergun references to the genre staples rather than sanctimony to anyone in particular but as a testimonial to Mr Craven it's a decent film in its own way.

This time Gen z, fan fiction and toxic Redditors get the Stab treatment in search of new trope before it becomes cliche.

A violent and gory whodunit in the style of it's predecessors it never strays too far in its reinvention, descending on its own metaverse to relive its own fixed narrative in the much the same way as a McDonalds' hamburger tastes like every other McDonalds' hamburger no matter where in the world you find one. Both comforting and risk free with a hint of freshness unless you count calories or worry about globalisation.
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Le Mans Aid
28 May 2024
Cheesy and sentimental racing car movie based on actual events; Henry Ford the Second decides to beat Ferrari at building the world's greatest racing car.

It's got a lot to say about the pioneering spirit of the designers of the GT40 despite the setbacks from a Machiavellian supervisor who seems to want the team to fail for reasons which remain obscure.

The race scenes are exciting and easy to understand but the soft focus, chocolate box visuals, no sex or violence, the big hearted drama involving a child actor and the one-dimensional heroes and villains of the piece put the film squarely aimed at children, and the cgi augmented action and obvious green screen make it seem the action takes place in the same fantasy land occupied by the MCU. Quite a surprise for a film boasting Michael Mann among the producers.
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Turtles Turtle Turtled Turtles Turtled. Turtle. (It was a Hard Shell; no one bought it)
19 April 2024
"And this is a track of our new album" as if anyone cares. Just play the hits...

A truly awful pastiche of the previous 7 movies with an incoherent central narrative that relies on magic and fantasy to link the best bits from the previous 7.

From the cheap looking Star Wars ripoff opening, the use of still paintings to tell the story, to a cheap looking ultra stiff flying Gamera that never touched down because they didn't have a suit, to the magic cheerleading squad that can fly and sell Mazdas.

Of course an evil witch alien does literally nothing with a magic wrist watch and gets in a girl fight keeps things moving along as her incompetence at being evil precipitates a change of costume before her boss stops threatening to kill her.

It's not grounded enough to be interesting and not impressive enough to be exciting. It's both boring and stupid. Magic solves every everything and luck happens.

Everyone is trying really hard, maybe too hard to polish this rubbish into anything other than a clip show which is what it is, the footage from the previous adventures putting the boot into the new footage by being the most entertaining parts of the movie. If you stick with it there's a horrible ending and more rubbish SFX and music over the credits.
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Blood sucker's Paris sights.
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm troubled by The Ninth Configuration. William Peter Blatty is a believer. I am not.

Spoilers: what the film is about is a GI "Killer Kane" who suffers a schizophrenic break and takes on a new persona as a psychiatrist in a gothic castle for damaged military personnel. I understand the need for mental patients to "act out" in order to keep from dissolving and, in the twist it's revealed he was always under supervision of professionals, but I'm skeptical they would allow a homicidal schizophrenic treat patients.

But that's just plot holes; I'm more troubled by Blatty's assertions that in saving the astronaut from the gang (who didn't seem to have homicide on their mind, witness the presence in the bar of the redneck seen chained earlier in the movie) and allowing himself to kill them all and be killed in the process this is somehow evidence of God's existence.

The finale romanticises this with medallions and open spaces in the same way The Exorcist does, and in many ways this film in a remake of that one. (Kane ultimately awakens his dark side to save an innocent life and chooses self termination in much the same way Father Karris does) Of course the implication is no matter how many bad people (biker gangs, Vietnamese soldiers and other "enemies") Kane kills, as long as he rescues the one good man we can all sleep soundly knowing God is in control.

Now, much as like movie cats which are always evil and movie dogs are always good (with the exception of Cujo who was a good boy but got sick) these are tropes which are never repeated in reality; in reality cats never kill anyone and are exceptionally talented with rodent and insect infestations while dogs play, fetch and occasionally kill people.

Such is life not movies.

Biker gangs rarely if ever commit knife crimes and American foreign policy and the military industrial complex are very complicated issues, within which America always tends to look bad. Especially Vietnam. Happily in the movie Scott Wilson got over The Fear and went to the moon so fairy tales are real. Therefore: Leprechauns.

It reminds me of that question about how many lives you are prepared to sacrifice, or indeed people you would kill to save a baby. But not your own baby, someone else's.

In the movie you might get an emotional kick but it's not reality and despite its homely empathy it's portentous empty rhetoric about a cold blooded murderer dying with a clean conscience.
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A maid needs a maid.
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Depression is.

Poor Tina. Lurching from one abusing patriarch to another in the vain hope of feeling.

The filmmakers capture the absurdist view from inside a plainly horrifying marriage with its comforts and familiarities coupled with the bleak panorama of the sexed up unfaithful in all its voyeuristic banality.

Tina's inability to interact with the players beyond surface leads to inevitable communicative dead ends, always judging, preaching or simpering the ghastly characters of misanthropy make as much sense as the proverbial fish on a bicycle.

Perhaps Richard Benjamin's arrogant husband and father is too close to caricature to be realistic but Carrie Snogress keeps things grounded letting her anger and resentment out only in short bursts.

It's all a bit dull until the finale; revelations about her husband and lover and the apocalypse of therapy were spine chilling in all its dissociative glory.
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Corruption (1968)
Tis Pituitary's a bore
19 February 2024
" a valese?"

Unintentionally hilarious shocker starring Peter Cushing as a guilt wracked plastic surgeon who coincidentally ruins his mischievous wife's face before giving in to her demands and making things perfect again by ruining everyone else's lives.

Comparisons with Eyes Without A Face have been made and it's strange that Peter Cushing's involvement was so controversial given it's a rehash of Frankenstein Creates Woman with a touch of Burke and Hare meets Jack the Ripper.

What remains is a stilted 60s horror with the awkward inclusion of swinging vibes and a look forward to 70s rural terrors like Straw Dogs and The Hills Have Eyes.

But for all its pretensions it's as shallow as its skin deep protagonists culminating in a bizarre science fiction scenario straight out of James Bond's more ridiculous outings.

Sue Lloyd gives a good performance particularly after she cracks up as does David Lodge as a heavy but it's a nasty exploitation movie with heavyweight casting.
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Fat City (1972)
Porky Pines
19 February 2024
Wylie old sentimentalist John Huston takes another dystopian crack at the working class to sell to the art crowd.

And it works. Grim and depressing without conscience or indeed an opinion about what we're watching, it's an apocalyptic examination of toxic relationships without offering any levity or hope.

It takes a fairly amoral and celebratory attitude to masculinity and its exploitation which is good because this movie is just another level of the same poison, lest he a should expose himself to charges of hypocrisy. Thankfully it's less crass than Raging Bull and more intelligent than Rocky but that makes small consolation for having to endure yet another cynical grind of "the human condition" through bloodsports.
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Bloch Party
16 February 2024
Ideally suited to someone like me who has little or no attention span left to movies; 4, maybe 5 short takes of macabre with a wraparound involving Dr Diablo, who may or not be the Devil, introducing a number of people to their possible futures thanks to Destiny's hands of fate cutting threads of life or something.

A guy and a cat in the brain, an actress gets a job for life, a killer piano and an Edgar Allan Poe fan club meet from the pen of Robert "Psycho" Bloch.

It's kind of fun spotting the twists or guessing the punchline as each gets more morality forced down their throat in order for them to CHANGE THEIR WAYS! Proving this has less to do with Dead of Night than A Christmas Carol.

In terms of horror it's pretty soft and amiable but equally instantly forgettable.
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Feline gravy again
16 February 2024
Again a very silly from that presupposes cats are terrifying which they never are. Along with The Uncanny which used the same story but disposed of it in 20 minutes, to believe cats; furry, sometimes sullen and often stupid are anything other than loveable mousers is too much for this humble viewer.

Maybe if there was a witch involved but it would still be like finding Muttley sinister just because he hangs out with Dick Dasterdly.

The film is a plot-plot involving crosses, double crosses and twists; a creepy incestuous aunt and her dying will, two brothers a beautician and a cat or cats depending on which version you see. It's not terrible and its exploration of the counter culture is as ill informed as its' treatise on feline behaviour but its general silliness gets in the way of being anything other than a diversion.
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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters: Beyond Logic (2024)
Season 1, Episode 10
A legacy to stand by
12 January 2024
It's a shame it had to end, not that it has.

After 10 weeks, the season finale is an expensive looking cgi-fest set in the other place with finely done Godzilla v Kaiju, sorry Titan, action. But the real explosions come from the family reunion of Grandmother Keiko coming to terms with her stolen lifetime, the tragedy of loss and missing out, before reuniting with her adult son and grandson. Truly heart melting stuff in a complicated way.

What AppleTV+ seems to get, more than the movies its tieing in with is that the Kaiju, sorry Titans, are at their best when they are cyphers through which the human drama flows. Definitely the most interesting aspects were the 50s tryst that led to Monarch's inception, the inevitable betrayals and sacrifice, and adding in the contemporary post millennial globalised angst of humanity's dual nature and infidelities, these small dramas become very big very quickly, a recurring theme throughout.

The spectacular set pieces are that; spectacular and mercifully short punctuating the drama without overwhelming it.

The Americanised Godzilla is fantastic, mainly because he can move his neck but seems more benevolent than the Japanese incarnation, mainly cast as a sentry preventing Kaiju, sorry Titans, from entering the human realm and not wilfully causing carnage, presumably setting up his buddy-up with Kong in the next movie. A far cry from his Angel of Death role in Gojira, Godzilla 1984 and Minus One.

Likeable characters throughout, even the baddies, the show did lose some of its edge when the CGI became more prevalent but thanks to the actors involved, it never lost its humanity.
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Possession (1981)
The Tentacle commandeerings
23 December 2023
A truly disturbing and traumatic experience.

Ostensibly it's a film about the breakdown of a marriage; the manifestation of "the other" as the void between husband and wife where love used to grow.

A lot has been written and mused about its meaning and symbolism, the use of the Berlin Wall, the pink socks, doppelgängers, cameos from Jesus and a death squad. Is it Catholic guilt? Inter-world war Germany? A treatise on dysfunctional sexuality? It has also been posited it's none of these and all of them.

In hindsight a Hellraiser seems less original and why 20th Century Fox cast Sam Neill as the antichrist is obvious but while I was shocked and awed by its verisimilitude (Adjani's spiritual miscarriage and especially Carlos Rambaldi's tentacles) it's a deeply frustrating experience. If only the writer/ director had offered some hint about what why or how it might have been more rewarding.

As it is; it's a collection of truly nightmarish scenes stitched together by scenes of adult maladaptation that offer no hope, explanation or consolation. Truly an apocalyptic microcosm and by extension, the macro.

Maybe that's what evil is. Almost.
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Hobgoblins (1988)
Pops' Corn on the Hobgoblin.
13 December 2023
Ultra low budget Gremlins ripoff at least has a truly genius concept; what if rather than just wanting to cause mayhem, they wanted to expose your deepest fantasies no matter how degrading, before sucking your soul or something. Like alien bedbugs.

With plenty of room for development the makers of this nonsense clearly went with their first draft as their is nothing else going on, jokes are thin, effects are poor (the hobgoblins look like cuddly toys on sticks and have as much nuance) and in the hands of a better filmmaker, more time or investing of talent could have be more entertaining.

Continuing the Gremlins theme there's even a Rambo spoof, and I wonder how much of this Joe Dante saw before Gremlins 2 as the little critters magical powers are ripe for exploiting different film styles as each character explores their fantasies.

Sadly most of the fantasies here involve repressed sexuality and in many ways it's like a porno with no porn but at least it's fun watching people lose then rediscover their inhibitions without worrying about real life.
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Mirror Mirror (I) (1990)
Robert Smithee
13 December 2023
The dtv equivalent of click bait.

The opening scene promises Giallo style gothic horror as a bumpkin bumps her kin but one we navigate the credits it's Heathers meets Carrie meets Beetlejuice played straight.

There's little or no explanation on offer other than expository diary readings; each member of the cast then meets a grisly end in scenes that are elongated and mostly repetitive while the drama is played out so staccato the effect is soporific.

It's like a record stuck in the same groove playing the same few bars over and over again before someone bumps the needle into another stuck groove. Until someone bumps the needle into another...

Rainbow Harvest is not a good actress and Marina Sargenti is not a good director while both remaining competent at least, most of the supporting cast are good and make the film bearable.

Just like the demon in the film I'm not sure why this exists and why it exists just to show its head and then go back in again. It must be Groundhog Day for demons. And it's more winter on the way.
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Final Cut (2022)
Metaverse of the dead
24 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wonderfully entertaining cineliterate conversion of the zombie horror into metatextual infotainment.

By way of spoilers; the first 25 minutes, the film within the film is super gory hyper realised cliched nonsense but still more entertaining than anything with Milla Jovavich. Only once we rewind to the birth of the project do things make sense, but technical marvels like how they filmmakers stayed out of shot originally unless it was filmed in multiple takes but even then continuity would be challenged.

What remains is a remarkably entertaining and smart film about filmmakers getting their souls back.
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Puppet Master II (1990 Video)
Manic Kin
6 November 2023
The second volume of Puppet Master is at least a more professional job, the actors seem less repugnant, the direction is more competent and the effects better.

That said it might seem a little of the first's weirdness has been lost and while trying to fix a problem it didn't have, adds an aimless back story.

It's hard to accept the wickedness that ensued stemmed from a puppeteer's desire not to bore the children in his audience but clearly he loved his wife as events would later testify and was trying to please her.

Still the puppets are great and the best thing about both movies, and here are given a new addition and an entertaining set piece, and the finale involving mannequins is creepy in the way waxworks always are, but most of the film is given over to charmless leads and a baddie who does all of his acting under swathes of bandages making it nearly impossible to see any performance other than wild gesticulating.

It's a mild improvement over the first but still hard to understand how the franchise spawned so many sequels.
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Puppet Master (1989 Video)
The one with the demented Egyptian cursed marionettes
5 November 2023
It's surprising how a movie that created a 10+ entry franchise and contains sex, puppet violence, dream sequences, gore and Barbara Crampton can be so terrifyingly boring.

From its gestapo induced suicide opening and cheesy synth score (a cover of Pino Donaggio's work from 1979) it's obvious it's an exercise in bad taste but the direction is so flat and it barely registers. Equally the characters who descend on the hotel to discover their late friend's ultimate power or not are so hideous or bland as to turn off interest entirely.

Once the mayhem ensues after half way, it's deeply unpleasant stuff; beating a woman senseless, vomiting leeches during sex and the same dream sequence three times.

Utterly devoid of humour, the only fun to be had is puppet pov as it runs through the hotel but the rest is a joyless dirge culminating in a gross out.
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The shower of grist
19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Friedkin's 2.4 films from the 70s cemented his reputation as a talent; tangible drama, risk taking, determined and shocking.

To expect a film about that man to be as urgent or relevant is too much. Instead it's a 2 hour long infomercial about his best 2.4 films and Cruising. Talking heads gush about his talent and generosity while the man himself waffles endlessly about the state of cinema, Hitler being complicated, Jesus and the endless list of "greats" he name drops with nauseating regularity. Including convicted gangsters who "didn't do anything wrong".

Big name stars smile uncomfortably as they recall humourless anecdotes that fall flat as private jokes or sound like they're at job interviews.

An incoherent mess that serves as puff. It begins to resemble This Is Spinal Tap as he's hired to direct an opera offering insight such as "the composer is the most important thing even though they are dead."

Despite his faux modesty his reputation as a megalomaniac begins to show as he begins to resemble a man obsessed with posthumous recognition among the greats, which is fine so long as no one mentions The Guardian or Jade.

Unfortunately at no point do the filmmakers explore the politics or beliefs that permeate the man or his movies or ask any tough questions, like watching Grandad being interviewed by his grandchildren.

Where Friedkin himself interviewed Fritz Lang who had a story to tell, one which permeates his career, you get no such impression from Friedkin who's only insight into his work appears to be his observation that he makes things "real" and is unable to transcend reality the same way an Antonioni or Argento does, that being the only revelation in this examination of his work.
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Laboured Synth wines a Minor Torr.
14 October 2023
A rather basic and boring horror that's not scary or interesting enough to retain the interest.

Any film featuring Donald Sutherland and/ or Peter Cushing is worth watching, along with a score by Brian Eno this should have been so much more; it's more or less an advert by the Greek Tourist Board to admire the scenery.

There's some nudity and random violence but none of the main actors are up the job, aside from Don and Pete and the direction is so matter of fact to be devoid of anything to hold the interest or push the relevant emotional buttons.

So it becomes a rather repetitive slog to get to saving the last victim who we barely know from the evil clutches of a statue and loose ends are all forgotten about along with the other victims but by that time I'd lost interest in this charmless lot.
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Hong Kong Ding Dong
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For most of the film we follow Kong on a LOTR quest down a tunnel to find "home" which, much like LOTR is filled with ancient ancestral Maguffins that beg the question how a giant ape society built high-tech-low-tech magical mystical glowing cave gadgets that open portals to Godzilla defeating artifacts; rather more impressive than opening the doors of my imagination into how such weirdness is possible. This is the one where Kong levels up with a magic sword.

The dialogue and characters are rubbish; it's a kids movie really so put a kid front and centre and revel in the simplicity and cheap significance of "home" and "family" while a significant amount of adults are killed off screen.

But this is not a movie I expect to learn anything about the human condition except in the broadest of strokes, unlike the first entry which seemed to put the humans at the centre of the drama and cast Godzilla as a cypher of a father's relationship with his son under threat. Here we have monsters beating each other senseless in acts of violent domination only matched by human ingenuity which threatens to trump them as the apex dominator.

No laughs or drama, it moves from one action set piece to the next as obviously as tick follows tock with only dewy eyed sentiment to hold it together.

Apart from one scene of genuine menace; mechaGodzilla slowly approaching in the background after going rogue, it's a movie devoid of tension and imagination, the director clearly knows how to make a special effects sequence look realistic but fails to invest it with surprise or inventiveness and left my senses as dulled by the repetitive violence and stilted emotion as Kong after getting knocked out cold.
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The Uncanny (1977)
Feline gravely
7 September 2023
Cars are adorable and unintentionally hilarious. Whoever thought, presumably as they are eternally associated with black magic that they would be villainous enough to be hold a movie together, or even a collection of shorts was taking the bus to crazy town.

At least the third part with Donald Pleasance playing a murderous philanderer named VD and John "i don't do impressions" Vernon had a suitable sense of knowing humour to prevent it being ham, but the second and first take a threadbare concept and stretch the credulity to nonsensical levels.

I guess the problem is cats can't act. Because they're cats. So when they are asked to be sinister or threatening or to turn violent, or even look hungry or bored or possibly horny and you see the same cat expression with only the music or camera angle to signal the relevant emotional resonance, i can't escape the fact it's just a cat. Because it is a cat doing cat things with cat face. Because it's a cat. Great at catching mice but not good at selling things.
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Post tremors attack schlock reordered
1 September 2023
Unexpected treat as Tremors original writers return with more of the same idiosyncratic schtick that made the first so charming. There's charm, wit, intelligence and explosions which is everything I want from a popcorn creature feature.

Obviously it suffers in comparison to the first and lacks originality. The ass blasters probably seemed funnier on paper but at least they got rid of the shrieker concept.

The actors are good, the puppet effects are great, but as always the cgi is a bit rubbish. The fbi agent subplot seems a bit pointless and Ariana Richards is completely wasted in a short role that was almost entirely her last.
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Sequel decreed without Kevin Bacon
28 August 2023
A needless sequel misses the star power of Kevin Bacon and the host of supporting characters, it feels like a cheap remake, which it is. It's like Jurassic Park meets Beverly Hills Cop 2.

Heavy handed directing and a bombastic synth score don't help its knock off vibe.

There are a couple of funny lines towards the end and the third act being stalked by deaf and blind graboid bipeds feels like it's competently handled but before that it desperate stuff with everyone trying too hard with nothing to work with.

The special effects are pretty good, even the gratuitous cgi, and there is very little horror which is ok as it's essentially a comedy horror, but as it has no real humour and with Bert's antics becoming a heavy handed bore, it's a pale imitation of its predecessor.
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