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Oh he's clutch alright
7 March 2024
Some may say they don't know Clutch Powers. I say everyone knows Clutch Powers. For he is the chosen one and he will rest with the gods in eternity. Clutch will be here through the good and the bad, never sleeping, never resting. One day i will hope to meet him in a high place of higher power and higher will. What am i talking about you may ask? I have no clue. But i know that Clutch Powers will live on and that no one can stop him. I've had a vision... one must sacrifice there loved ones to the great gods to make it to the afterlife. And yes by the afterlife i mean Clutch Powers. At this point i've completely forgotten why i'm writing this but my time is up... so i must go... Clutch Powers will live on.
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Explosions... lots of explosions
8 November 2022
Micheal Bay now's how to make explosions. I'm gonna be honest, why else would you watch this movie. It's a legit bro movie like it's that simple. The plot and stuff does not matter that much but i still enjoyed it because it opened up the transformers for a lot more advanced lore. This movie is good explosive fun which don't get me wrong is not for everyone. I mean it's literally about massive robots fighting each other like what else could you ask for. Everything in this movie feels good. You can't help but put a smile on your face when Optimus comes back, or even when they instantly charge a building to save there friend when hes captured. Like everything in this movie is just badass and that's what you should expect.
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House of the Dragon: The Lord of the Tides (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Ewan Mitchell omg that was crazy
18 October 2022
Prince Aemond Targaryen has to have probably the one character that turn this show from great, to amazing. Actual chills i get from every scene he's in. He some how managers to just sit there and look terrifying but when he speaks... he speaks levels. Like legit some of the best acting i've ever seen. The dinner scene right after the king leaves is actually amazing. Right there aemond becomes the scariest character in the entire show and it is so worth it.

I've been a long time fan of GoT and this performance has already put him next to the likes of Tywin Lannister who in my opinion is one of the best well acted character in the entirety of GoT. Seriously Ewan Mitchell, I hope you realize just how amazing that was. You give the character a certain feeling that no has yet been able to capture that was so important in Game of Thrones.
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The Most Unnecessary Sequel Ever
18 October 2022
Honestly this movie shouldn't exist. The first one was so good and it really cemented the blind man as an evil and hateful character. The actors performance was captivating and chilling, while again here he does a good job with the character it almost feels like we are looking at a completely different person. He worked well as a silent man who at first looks to be the victim but then we find out that our protagonists are actually trapped in the house with him. It's super intense and interesting and it works amazingly.

The second movie says yeah he was a horrible monster in the first movie but why don't we try and make him a good guy now... I guess, cuz why not, we need money. This film does not hit anywhere near as hard as the first one does and we are constantly thinking to ourselves about why you care what happens to the blind man after we already know what kind of person he is. The transition of him becoming a good guy and trying to right his wrongs feels forced because deep down someone like what we saw in the first movie doesn't change. Not in the way this film tries to change him. Other then that i don't have anything else to complain about. The movie would be better if it was about a character who was completely different and under a different title. It just feels like the filmmakers where trying to build off the hype from the first movie.
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Don't waist your time on this movie... seriously
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a steaming pile of trash this movie is. By far my least favorite horror movie and least movie in general. The whole point of the fisherman killer was that the kids from the first film killed his son or some crap idek anymore because this movie has confused the life out of me. Anyway yeah whatever for some reason the killer comes back from the dead to chase around some kids who played a "massive sick prank" on the whole town that got some kid killed. But you don't even know who the killer is because in the 2nd movie the killer died so the whole time your like oh no whose it gonna be.

The movie makes you think like maybe it's gonna be on of the sick pranksters that's telling them that he remembers what really happened and that it was just a prank gone wrong that got that kid killed. Or maybe it's the dad of the kid that got killed and is now picking off all the survivors as revenge. But nope it's the original guy just back from the dead to kill some kids that did absolutely nothing to him. Oh and guess what. He crawled his ass all the way to where ever the hell this movie takes place because it doesn't even happen in the same area where the first movie does. And guess what's even better (I literally went out of my way to look this up) it takes place in Colorado which is a land locked state. Ah yes the fisherman killer in the land locked state of Colorado. Why here you ask? Cuz who knows anymore, this movie sucks, that's why.
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A must see that is so bad it's funny.
17 October 2022
First things first, i can't believe i'm writing a review on this. Second this movie is a must see. Yes i know that this movie is probably the lowest movie you have ever seen but hear me out, it's campy. If you don't know what that mean then basically it's over dramatic to an unrealistic degree. I don't think there is any world where the film makers where making this and said to themselves, this is going to be the most realistic movie out there with some of the best performances anyone has ever seen. No, that just didn't happen. It has to be this bad on purpose.

The movie is bad, in fact its so bad that in some aspects it's funny. You will be laughing throughout the whole movie i mean the logic is bewilderin bad and the birds... omg the birds have to be the best part of this movie. Every time you see them you can't help but laugh. It's so mind numbingly bad that it's genuinely funny.

The more i think about it, the more it hits me that i can not remember a scene that is genuinely boring. It manages to keep you entertained throughout all of its goofiness and flaws. Even though you are laughing at it because of how bad it is.

In another aspect i genuinely feel that you have to watch this movie. Mostly because it shows you how to not make a film. I feel obligated to give this film a 1, so i'm going to, but this is not a "here is a 1 star review because i hate this movie". I don't hate this movie at all. It just... yk, it sucks... like from a movie critic perspective and just how i know in my heart that this movie is terrible. Again you should watch it, like seriously it's worth it just to laugh and have a good time because the movie is genuinely not boring.
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The best actor of our time... next to Brendan Fraser
15 October 2022
Do i need to say less... Officer Greg is the glue that keeps this movie together. What an absolute stud Charles White jr. Is for putting together probably the greatest performance in cinematic history. This legendary piece of art will go down in history as the single best masterpiece ever. I can't wait to see what else the legendary actor Charles White will put his name on next. Everything that he is a part of has become an instant classic. From Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 to his newest master piece, Last of the Grads, his contribution is legendary and will never be forgotten. "What do you want to do, shut it down?"
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Resident Evil (2022)
why they gotta do re like this
15 October 2022
I'm so mad at this show. I like genuinely love resident evil. It's been my favorite video game series for a long while now and when i saw the first trailer for the show i was genuinely excited. It got me pumped for a show about something that i literally love. Unfortunately the show sucks and makes no sense.

I remember watching the first episode and seeing all of the zombies start running... now to most people that might not be a big deal but for a resident evil fan... i can't remember a single time where the zombies bust out into a full on sprint ever. In fact the zombies in resident evil are know for being extremely slow, moving at a pace that makes them super easy to get away from if you never even want to fire a bullet.

Yeah after that i was pretty much convinced that whoever made the show has never even played a resident evil video game so that got me almost instantly turned off of the show immediately. One more thing is that they bring back a character that literally dies in the 5th game and you know that in the resident evil universe he should be dead because the first time you see him in the show they give you a date of when it takes place. All respect to the actor like he's amazing in john wick and oz but the guy in the video game is not a bold black guy either. Other then that he was definitely the best actor in the show so i mean that's a plus ig. Ok one last thing... the sound track sucks. The music is absolutely terrible and feels so off like it's in the completely wrong show. It does not fit and it makes for some pretty goofy moments. Ok i know i said that was the last thing but i love how the main character has perfect cornrows in her hair like she's not in a zombie apocalypse or something. Absolutely brilliant and makes 100% total sense.
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Evil Bong (2006)
i'm crazy ik
15 October 2022
I mean like how can you not love this movie. It's literally about a bong killing people, like who came up with this stuff lmaoo i love it. You have to come into this movie with an open mind because damn the acting sucks but it's sucks in away that it's funny and it's super easy to laugh at.

The movie knows what it is and that's seriously important because it's not trying to be a serious movie about a bong killing people. It's a comedy and it did a good job at making me laugh a couple times. I can't go any higher then a 7/10 but seriously i think it's worth a watch if you want to see something completely ridiculous that really is just meant for pure fun.
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Deadpool (2016)
funny and violent
15 October 2022
I think i've seen this movie like 5 times... and every time i laugh out loud. It movie is nothing but fun and entertainment all the way through. For me the jokes hit and the 4th wall breaks are some how so natural and fit perfectly that it feel the complete opposite of cringe. I really love this movie and it was the absolute perfect deadpool movie that we needed.

I remember when it first came out, there was so much buzz about marvel making a rated R super hero movie. Everyone who said that it was too far was just absolutely wrong. This movie is great with an amazing performance from ryan reynolds. I mean like seriously this has to be the best movie character fit for an actor ever. I literally can not see anyone else playing deadpool and being even half as good as ryan reynolds is in this part. In my eyes this movie is perfect. Grade a stuff.
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Hostel (2005)
gore and tits
14 October 2022
So after a second viewing i can say i definitely liked it more then the last. The first time i don't think i was really able to get into it completely but... damn the second time i really sat down and enjoyed it all the way through. Don't get me wrong the movie is not perfect but like whatever you know what your getting into if you watch this. Tits, more tits... and then wait more tits... then bang all of a sudden the mood changes and now the main characters are getting tortured. Really fun stuff.

I think one of my favorite parts of this movie and something i don't really see anyone talk about is how the main character literally switches halfway through. That has got to be the most underrated thing in this film and not something that i can even recall seeing in another film. For half the movie we follow and see things through josh's perspective and through what he feels. You can tell he's uncomfortable with certain things and how he's really just there for the ride. Then we follow paxton for the rest of the film as the final events of the movie unfold.
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Focus (II) (2015)
some people too harsh
14 October 2022
The movie is fun man. I don't know why people cant see that. Yes the twist at the end is pretty forced and it feels pretty weird right away because it all happens so fast but i still think that this is a fun and enjoyable film with some decent acting. Trust me ok i'm not a huge will smith fan but i was still able to genuinely enjoy this movie all the way through

for how forced the last twist felt i still think that it was pretty cool just going back and forth like oh dang this is what really happened and then oh wait actually this... but like whatever ig if you don't like that then it's not for you. It was a fun movie. That's all i got.
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13 October 2022
Dang i really wanted this movie to be good so bad. What a shame. I was originally going to give this a 6 but wow that whole video game planning montage scene was so terribly bad that i have to take a point away. That is by far my least favorite part of this movie. Other then that it's just ok. The whole film was pretty confusing and at times i found my self drifting into other thoughts just because it's boring.

I can't tell what keanu reeves was thinking trying to make another although i have a feeling that it probably wasn't even his idea. And if it was his idea then wow, that's all i got. I can't even write that good of a review for this film because tbh it's just so frustrating how it turned out. I really love keanu and wish him well for future projects but wow this one is a stinker.
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Incantation (2022)
i can definitely see why some people genuinely got scared
13 October 2022
Some of my friends know me for being that guy who does not get scared at horror movies. So because of that some of them came up to me saying how this was "the scariest movie that they've ever seen" and "oh this one is definitely gonna scare you". And tbh i see why. The movie make many attempts to build tension, i mean like many. And for the most part i can see how it would get people to feel unsettled or uncomfortable with what's going on in the movie.

I liked the movie a lot if you couldn't tell from the high ratings. I did catch my self a couple times getting like really into it but honestly it was nothing i haven't seen before. The movie was still fun with big climaxes and tones of scares that even got me to jump. Really enjoyed it. One thing i will say is so not watch it in dubbed. It sounds terrible, just suck it up and read some subtitles. Trust me it makes the movie 100% times better.
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The best Harry Potter movie
13 October 2022
Yes, this movie bangs. I recently rewatched all the harry potter movies and i can say without a doubt that this one was my favorite. It was an amazing change of pace from the first two and kicked off right away. The first 30 minutes of this movie alone completely changed the mood of how the harry potter movies felt and i knew right away that i was about to have a blast watching this movie.

And i was not let down. The acting was better, the new Dumbledore is better (RIP the og actor), and for me, this one left a charm that the first two missed. Yeah i was not a big fan of the first one, i know shoot me i don't care. However the 2nd one i'm pretty sure is most peoples least favorite so whatever i still think there fun movies. Something about this one just really clicked and i think it deserves that 10/10.
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The Purge (I) (2013)
not that bad for a first
13 October 2022
Honestly i really like how the first movie only looks at a single family and then has the later films expand on the "purge universe" i guess you would call it. I can't really think of another time where a movie series does this except for like marvel with iron man but idk it feels different because it's literally about super hero's and has nothing to with the confined locations like in the purge or other horror movies.

Im always down for a good Ethan Hawk performance and this one was not that bad so that is definitely a plus. I like the rich people setting that we get and honestly i think it really works and is a great introduction into the purge franchise.
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Lights Out (II) (2016)
Not that scary tbh
13 October 2022
Ok so this movie is not that bad to be honest. There's a couple pretty stupid moments but that's about it. I thought the main character was done pretty well and had enough believability to actually do the things that she did in the film. I wish the goofy ass, oh i can only stand in the dark creature thing had more rules to it though, like... actually only being able to stay in the dark, sense yah know that's the whole point but whatever it's not that important i guess.

I also think it's a little lame that the dark creature thing can manipulate like very specific light sources whenever it's in the way and needs to do so for the plot. But again, i guess whatever. The movie was fun and to be honest that's all that counts. At least it was also fun to laugh at how not scary the monster is in this movie.
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Tag (I) (2018)
Tag your it
13 October 2022
I remember when this film first came out. I loved it then and i love it now. Honestly i find this just a lot of fun and definitely worth a watch if your with some friends or even if your all alone, 100% will make you chuckle unless you have no sole and are unable to see that this movie is supposed to be fun and kinda dumb. Literally the entire point of the movie is a group of guys running around acting like kids again and playing tag.

Don't get me wrong it is a little more complicated then that but luckily the plot is not overwhelmingly dumb so in the end you get a fun film that i would suggest you give a watch.
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