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Three's Company: Hearing Is Believing (1983)
Season 8, Episode 6
Same old, same old
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This series has the same old formula on every episode..... jumping to the wrong conclusions. I don't get why the writers used this same old Schtick? It's boring and stupid. I literally rolled my eyes during this episode.

Jack is dating a sex psychiatrist, Doreen, and Janet over hears his conversation he is having with Doreen and of course she jumps to the wrong conclusion, thinking she is a hooker. The whole episode has manic Janet assuming this, and in her childish mind, thinks everyone else knows Doreen is a hooker. So she finds it shocking that everyone around is ok with this, but they know that Doreen is a sex psychiatrist. Janet, is the one that has jumped to the wrong conclusion....(no surprise) That's the gist of this so "original" episode ( roll my eyes)

First of all why is Janet always falling into this pattern? Most episodes has Janet assuming the wrong thing. We have to watch her manic behaviour, hyperventilating, crying, screaming, just being a total knob until the last 5 minutes, when low and behold, she realizes, she was wrong. It's not funny, she's not funny and in fact, her acting is over the top. One least favourite character on this series.
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There they go again
7 May 2024
Giving this show a zero rating. It's just awful and cringe worthy to watch. What's the issue? Doc and Stubing harassing a female passenger. I know at the time this may have passed for acceptable behaviour but seeing in now in 2024, it's is definitely sexual harassment. Their sexual innuendos, pawning over a female passenger, played by Connie Stevens is absolutely difficult to watch. And it's not just this one episode, it's every episode, one or more of the male lead actors are in this storyline. Right from the beginning of each episode, these dirtbags stand around commenting on the passengers, and look out if you're a single female, they will be in your face making disgusting comments. They all seem to be fine with watching one another's entanglement with these female passengers. Of course In reality, the ships crew would not be able to behave in this most inappropriate behaviour so not sure why it was written this way, writers could have had other storylines that did not involve sexual harassment. Such a shame that's the way they wanted to have this show perceived.

This show really shows it's AGE and not in a good way. It's very disturbing to watch to be honest. We are still a far cry from being free of sexual abuse and feeling oppressed, but it's a good start when you watch this crap and realize how wrong it is.

Let's hope the new generations watching this garbage with fresh eyes can see how wrong it is and how we need to respect all genders and each other.
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As the Crow Flies (2022–2024)
Lost in translation
28 April 2024
This is by far the worst Netflix series I have watched. Spoiler alert, there is nothing positive I can say in my review.

Let me start with the characters... watching the episodes; I honestly feel these characters are all so unlikeable, starting with Asli Tuna. OMG, she is cruel, mean psychotic yet she gets away with all her BS and lies. I can't stand how she scowls into the camera on her closeups. She treats and talks to everyone like they are garbage. Why would anyone put up with this no talent scum? She keeps getting caught in her lies and NO ONE DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT !! Her co-workers and head honchos can't stand her and want to fire her, yet some for some odd reason, she sails though. I can't root for her and I find myself hating this girl. Her tantrums are ridiculous too. I was rooting for her fail and yet she did not.

The two main male characters have zero charisma. They show no range of emotions and are always brooding. Come on crack a smile every once in a while, it won't kill you boys. They have no chemistry with Lale the main femme queen either. I'm so tired of Kenan protecting Lale and still harbouring a past romance for her. There is no chemistry between her and this dude cause he's to busy brooding. Her husband and Kenan treat Lale like she was a Goddess and are constantly having words over her. Ridiculous!, girl pick one and tell the other to move on so stop stringing them along, it's so tiring to watch.

Poor Lale always crying, and miserable, in fact everyone is so miserable on this show. It's so depressing. Her young daughters are so nasty to her, they freak when she gets a phone call because they know it has to do with work. Hey girls look around you... are you living in a nice home? And vacations? Clothes? They live the sweet life and need to stop being so spoiled. Lale needs to develop a backbone with these 2, she lets them get away with their verbal abuse. She needs to make up your mind if she want her husband or her past lover. I don't care which alone she picks, not invested in this. Kanan is always putting her down telling her to look after herself, looks too thin and in one scene he tells her why are you wearing red? What a control freak and verbally abusive. Not a great character overall, yet Lale puts up with him.

This show has a terrible script which many before me have posted and I totally agree. I think we can use a little less BOTOX and WINE, which is apparent on every other scene. Terrible acting and UNLIKEABLE CHARACTERS.

I think the reason this show is so bad boils down to LOST IN TRANSLATION It's a Turkish series dubbed in English, and I think it suffers in translation. It most likely works better in the original language and doesn't quite hit the mark dubbed in English.

For that reason I cannot recommend this series. It's just overall BAD.
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The Danny Thomas Show: Useless Charley (1962)
Season 9, Episode 13
Charley, oh why?
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe a grown man acts this way. This episode is so out of touch with reality, it's almost insulting to viewers. Charley feels useless and feels he will be a terrible father, is what this episode revolves around. Opening scene has Thomas, Kathy and Bunny ( Charley's wife) making plans for Charley and Bunny's new arrival of joy and the 3 of them keep telling Charley to butt out with his suggestions, because to them, Charley has no clue.....not cool!!!! They are rude, especially Danny whose comments are a little on the nasty side. Watching the 3 of them discussing, while Charley looks on feeling left out and pretty much treating him like a child. The rest of the episode shows Danny showing Charley what to do with a baby using a doll, which just happened to be on a table, in the night club, that Charley owns and Danny entertains at. Why is there a doll at this adult establishment???

Also the fact that Bunny and Charley are even having a baby given their mature age, seems unbelievable and somewhat strange.
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Three's Company (1976–1984)
Dumb show
29 February 2024
Omg, I can't believe how stupid this show is!!!! I watched it in the 70's and enjoyed it back then. I've recently been watching the repeats and can't believe how utterly stupid and childish this show is. Based on the same formula.... A misunderstanding or tell a white lie and it gets out of hand. Let's not put too much thought in these story lines either, all of them were just so ridiculous and over acted and just plain not funny.

Sommers was ok, but let's face it, she was there for the wiggle and the jiggle. The Ropers were fun to watch until Furley showed up, a mist annoying and unfunny character, my opinion. I must say if all the characters/actors on this show, for me, Joyce Dewitt, she was the worst . She over acted and such a cartoon of an actress....can't stand her. But I guess she had to be that way, after all, she was playing third banana to Ritter and Sommers.

I praise John Ritter for his physical comedy and he was definitely the star of show. Good on him having to deal with these unfunny episodes, he certainly made the most of it. He is really the only reason I watch this mediocre, at best, show.
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Mad Max or Peter Pan?
25 February 2024
First portion of this film, I felt like I was watching a Mad Max film, sort of. As terrible as this was to watch, the poor acting in this film far exceeds the storyline. Sorry Tina, but stick to your music, this is one venture you failed miserably. MasterBlaster? Blaster was great, he didn't have to say any lines which won me over, but Master? Come on now? This character had partial lines, the least he could have done was to say them so that it's believable to the viewers. I felt lack lustre emotion from him. I just hope all those pigs were treated properly during the filming. That was my main concern while watching this movie, the ANIMALS. I had to fast forward the scene when Max and the horse had to ride out in the dessert and succumbed to dying of heat, dehydration. I hope this was not a real horse used. The monkey survives somehow the same treacherous dessert and finds Max to give him water. On their journey to Never Never Land they are struck with a dessert storm, in which cute monkey was tucked in Max's jacket for protection....but Max falls face forward!!! "Oh no, not another poor animal to perish", I screamed. Luckily cute monkey did not die as we see him in later scenes.

Now we come to Peter Pan. Max/Peter finds himself surrounded by a colony of lost children who see him as their leader/saviour. They want to go to Tomorrow-morrow land as they heard of nothing but great things of this place. Max/Peter tells him it does not exist anymore, thus becoming Never-never land. Get the picture?

Not worth rating.
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Mr. D (2012–2018)
Love this show
21 February 2024
I have to say that this is one of the funniest and enjoyable shows that I watch over and over. I love that it is a Canadian show, starring Canadian actors written by Canadians, the main person being Gerry Dee. I love his brand of comedy from the first time I saw him on LAST COMIC STANDING, where he won a talent competition for comedians.

Not all the credit should go to him though, as he has a great cast ensemble each with their own issues and interesting personalities that just make them all so unique. A great line up of young actors that play the students also deserve an honourable mention as they certainly bring great humour to the show. It's like the Canadian version of Seinfeld, the office, and curb your enthusiasm.

I was shocked and rather disappointed at some of the negative comments on here. What are you people watching? A blank screen? You can't be watching this show. What's wrong with you people?? With 8 seasons in its belt, that should tell you something!!!!!
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In the Cut (2003)
19 February 2024
Watching this terrible movie, I kept asking myself, who is the director? Some unheard of, inexperienced unknown director? I had it in my mind that the original experienced director pulled out of this movie and the "powers-that-be" gave it to some inexperienced "student" because they had no one else at the time to work on this project. I was shocked when I read these reviews, that indeed, it's a very experienced female director that directed this nonsensical garbage.

I was struck as to how choppy the scenes were and that some scenes did not flow seamless with the next scene, or that one scene would end so abruptly and fall into the abyss. It felt like a very cheap, low budget movie, which enhanced my feeling that no sharp, experienced director would have produced this film. I was also surprised that Meg Ryan agreed to star in this movie and for whatever her reason, to perhaps change her image,..... boy was it the wrong vehicle to this.

This is one movie I'm so sorry I watched. It was a dirty looking movie, with no likeable characters, no character development either. Many plot holes, and it left more unanswered questions than anything else.

I recommend that you do not watch this movie!!!! Or view it, and realize it as one of the worst movies you will probably ever watch.
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I Dream of Jeannie (1965–1970)
Jeannie in a bottle
30 January 2024
This show needs to stay in a bottle, in a box, in a vault , in a cave, in a mountain, far far away!!!! Talk about a male fantasy show. Larry Hagman, better known as MASTER, was wrongfully cast as the head character. He had no comedic timing, and was a stiff, arrogant, calling, actually screaming, on Jeannie on his every whim... DONT do this, but DO this. What male would not LOVE this power? Hagman much suited his latter role in Dallas, playing a rich, ruthless, arrogant oil tycoon.....

DID NO CHARACTER ON THIS SHOW FIND IT ODD THAT SHE CALLED TONY, MASTER? Even being set in the late 60's.... Really?? "Why do you call him master"? SAID NO ONE!!!!!!

Eden was irritating in this role. She spoke weird, mocking in a stereotypical, broken/childish dialogue. Too bad actresses of those days could only be cast as attractive, dim wits. Certainly SIGN OF THE TIMES.

The only thumbs up I can give is to Bill Daily, now that was a likeable character and guess what?, he had comedic timing!!
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The Dick Van Dyke Show: Uncle George (1963)
Season 3, Episode 8
In agreement with cringe worthy
5 December 2023
I'm in total agreement with the comments posted under CRINGEWORTHY episode. Pyle as the old man was a disgusting character, how he overly fawned over Sally, could be considered as totally inappropriate. I know this show/episode was aired during a different era but this episode was poorly written. The elderly uncle shows up at His nephews house, Rob Petrie, with all guns a blazing, announcing that he wants a woman and Rob is to find him one, Like he was ordering an ice cream flavour. Wth? How demeaning this is to women in general? No regard to wanting to find someone he loves or has respect just "find him a woman". Even typing this make me cringe.
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I Love Lucy: Lucy Gets Into Pictures (1955)
Season 4, Episode 18
Does not get any better than this
16 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care how many times I see this episode, I can't help but love it. It is one on the most funniest episodes. Lucy's physical comedy is superb and has great chemistry with the director. The way he says "Mrs. Ricardo" and "you're doing very well, very well" but soon realizes that this scene will never get finished and filmed. The issue is, she has to wear and balance an enormous headdress which is too darn heavy for her. Her comedy genius comes thru as she falls to the ground with it on and stumbles down the stairs trying to keep it on and not falling. With the director staring at her in disbelief and frustration. She is so effortless in this routine and deserves all the praise she receives. No matter how many times I've watched this episode, it always make me laugh out loud. On another note, we should also praise the writers on this GENIUS piece if writing.
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I Love Lucy: Staten Island Ferry (1956)
Season 5, Episode 12
Classic comedy
16 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One of my most favourite episodes. Everyone is exceptional in this episode. The scene where they are at the Passport office is one of the finest comedy routines and would go head to head with some of the the more well know episodes. Lucy is perfect in this and her sense of timing outstanding. Let's not forget Desi, when he shows up in the office, only to find Lucy can't wake up because she took to many sea sick pills. He struggles to keep her up and to get her to sign her name on the document. Lucy has no idea what's going on and can't stop wanting to kiss him.... "Not now dear, later later" he tells her. But when he lightly slaps her on her face to try to get her to snap out of it, she gets irritated and tries to hit back only to have her miss him. This routine is so well coordinated but looks like they never rehearsed it. It's just pure magic and never fails to make me laugh, no matter how many times I've seen it.
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That Girl (1966–1971)
My issue with this show
9 June 2023
My issues with this show 1. She was too naive. Men hit on her all the time, and her biggest frustration was to be NICE TOO THEM 2. Donald? He was always present when men hit on her or when she told him they did. HE DID NOTHING. He was also too NAIVE Why was she so worried about hurting the feelings of these men?, and they were predators! She was suppose to be so liberated. So come on Anne tell these jerks to lay off, and you have a boyfriend. This show had mixed messages- she was liberated? Some what, but she was naive.....Very!!! And Donald was wishy washy as a boyfriend. I'm not saying he should have been the strong boyfriend, after all she was liberated?? But he should've of. She showed jealousy when a female showed interest in him. Mixed reactions for this show. She rarely stood up for herself, always worried she would hurt these predator men's feelings. That's not being liberated Anne !!!!
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Laverne & Shirley (1976–1983)
Rating this show a 0
15 February 2023
Omg!!! This show is terrible!!! I hated it in the 70's when I was a teen, I really hate it now as an adult. Nothing funny about this show unless you have an IQ of a houseplant. Acting is terrible and both actresses are unlikeable in the title role.

Every episode has these 2 ding bats running around, screaming and over acting. But than that's Gary Marshall's formula....stupid, unrealistic, childish, unfunny shows/episodes. I can always pick out his writing in older tv shows such as Danny Thomas, Lucy Show and others I can't be bothered to name. All these shows also share the same regurgitated script. Wth Garry? I guess you never figured viewers would notice this?

Can't get my head wrapped around why this show had a lot of positive reviews. This is TV at its worst.
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What a mess
21 December 2022
I'm not going to pretend I like this show. Honestly, it's one of the worst Christmas specials I've ever watched. That's if you want to call it a Christmas show. As many reviews have said the story is bizarre and does not make sense, and it is way too long. I don't like any of the new characters either. These new character's bring nothing of value to this story and are rather forgettable characters and no redeeming qualities. I'm not going to go into the plot, as anyone reading these comments will see other posts explaining the mashup and craziness of the plot. The music is terrible as well, it's so bad, I fast forward it. And why does creepy genie sound like God in the 10 Commandments??

My question is, did they really make this for children?? It's so hard to follow it as an adult, how is a child going to follow it? Plus the fact that there are some creepy scenes in it. Once you get past these points, take in account that it's 1 hour and 1/2 in length. You can't keep a child interested, especially a younger child for that length of time.

All in all Rankin-Bass missed the mark on this one. Watch the older classic shows from the 60's and early 70's and don't bother with this one.
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Home double sweet home alone
16 December 2022
I'll be honest with you, when I first heard of this new version(as it is not a remake or a reboot) I was very weary of it. But after 20 minutes of watching it, I fell in love. It is well written, well acted, with a lot of humour. What a great script, taking this iconic story and re-dressing it. And how fantastic to have Buzz (Kevin's older brother) do a cameo, not to mention seeing the McCallister security sign and alarm mentioned. The couple, who are supposedly the "bad guys" are so funny. They don't take away from Pesci or Stern, but add their own comedic timing.

This is a definite must see!!! For me and my family, we will be adding this to our Christmas classic movies we watch yearly.
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The Love Boat (1977–1987)
Not for todays standards
18 November 2022
The Love Boat, an Aaron Spelling hit show back in the 70's. What a typical Spelling production. Fluff scripts, and jiggle show. This show is creepy and does not age well with todays (fingers crossed) changing morals regarding sexual advances and sexual harassment which started the #METOO movement. At the beginning of almost all the episodes you have the perverted male crew leering, sizing up, and commenting on the female passengers boarding the ship. It's like watching men at a construction site humiliating the females passing by. It's gross listening to their perverted comments and how they force themselves on their prey..... this includes the passengers as well. The male passengers pushing themselves on female passengers. It's not toned down either, it pure harassment and it's uncomfortable to watch. Why are the crew members engaging in a cruise romp anyway? This in no way allowed on cruise liners. Hey Captain Stubbing get your head out of the sand, you better have a word with your perverted crew, cause they got some 'splaining to do!!!i

Talk about double standards.... The cruise director, played by Lauren Tewes, falls in love on these episodes and engages in relationships.... Where as, Creepy Doc, Gopher (should be go-for-her), Issac and Cpt. Stupid (oops) Cpt. Stubbing engage in meaningless sex with the passengers. See where I'm going with this?

If Aaron were around today, I think he might feel the heat regarding his inappropriate shows. This show could use a disclaimer before each episode as it does not follow today's standards.

This show is just plain sleazy. No moral or values are show cased. It's not even entertaining.
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The Lucy Show (1962–1968)
Not a fan
17 November 2022
I've been watching Reruns of The Lucy show, costarring Vivian Vance, and I have to say it's down right terrible. The scripts are terrible, and the acting is terrible. What happened to Lucille Ball? Her comedic timing is non-existent in this series. She plays a rather childish character and her voice grates on my nerves. I'm sorry she ruined her vocal chords playing on broadway, but jeez tone it down a bit lady, she always sounds like she's screaming.

The episodes seems like regurgitated episodes of I love Lucy, with a slight change from the original. The stories are far fetched and leave me saying WHY??? But than that's probably Gary Marshall's influence since he was a writer on this show, (so I've heard). I gotta say, I can't stand Gary Marshall....and we will leave it at that!!

Lucy and Vivian Vance seem awkward on this series, and oddly have no chemistry, considering their history in working together in the past. They both seem so mechanical in this and the gags are just gags. Nothing funny or endearing. The rest of the cast also lack spark. Lucy plays a widow and Viv a divorcee and they have children, which again no chemistry all around.

It's lucky Lucille Ball had Desi and the two of them made history with I love Lucy, unfortunately it's hard to follow a series like that. Perhaps all the stresses in her life, divorce from her husband and business partner, keeping up with Desi Jr. (also a handful) and running a studio changed her and made her cynical and harsh, so this show has no spark...she's just going thru the motions it seems.

Her later show in the 70's with her real life children was not any better. Plus her interviews, she always seemed bitter. She does deserve praise for her business sense, being a women dealing with men in those days must not have been easy, but she did it. Her early work on I love Lucy is golden and she deserves all the praise she received for it, and on going praise of today. I will fondly remember her as Lucy Ricardo.
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The Danny Thomas Show (1953–1965)
Danny Thomas/ Make room for Daddy
20 June 2022
I've recently been binge watching this show, and honestly find myself being disappointed. The episodes are silly, the acting is over the top almost to the point of being Manic. Everyone screams and displays over exaggerated expressions. I don't get Danny Thomas's character either...he's rude, obnoxious and very sexist. Yes I know this was the era, but there is nothing redeeming about this character. I feel like I'm watching the pre-cursor to Archie Bunker. The difference being you knew that Archie was a bigot, I had always thought Danny was a loving caring person. His character, for me, does not convey this. Than you have the manager of the Coppa, Charley. Again this character is so obnoxious and too loud, with stupid remarks. The actor himself is in a lot of comedy shows of this time period, and I never had an issue with him, always finding him funny..... until this series.

Than there is Uncle Tonoose.....the most unlikeable character that I have ever seen in a comedy show. Talk about over the top, over acting character in a series. Every time he appears on an episode, I can only watch 1min and than I have to shut it off. Again this actor has been on multiple tv shows of this time and always found him funny.

And than there is Jose, the elevator operator. Pass, nothing good to say about this character either Maybe the reason for my disappointment for this show stems with the fact that it did not age well. It was a different era and sexist, rude remarks were tolerated back than. Part of me says, don't make excuses for an awful written show, after all there is I Love Lucy, earlier era and the pioneer to all these later shows. And yes there are some intolerable remarks, but the pure sheer comedy makes you forget what was improperly said. Unlike this series..... I'm torn at what Danny Thomas' character was suppose to be. He was the lead character, why did he come off as an A-hole? Was that the idea? Unlike Ricky, from I love Lucy, Ricky was likeable, Ricky had a Latin temper, but he played this character with much appeal. Danny is just a loud mouth, unfunny and unlikeable character. Just my observation and opinion.

I wish I could give it a big fat ZERO, but won't let me give less than 1.

To recap: Danny Thomas on the Danny Thomas show is a sexist pig. This show does not portray actor as a good guy, he's far from it.

I won't recommend this show.
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