
9 Reviews
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Inception (2010)
Awesome movie..makes you think
18 July 2010
It has been a long time since I've seen a movie that makes you think. I mean really think. I love movies that do that. Inception is the perfect combination of action, suspense, plot, thrill, and it makes you think. You're not just watching some meaningless plot. You get deeper down the rabbit hole as the movie goes on. Even when the movie is over you still are left falling.

I don't want to put any spoilers in here, I suggest that you see this movie yourself. Christopher Nolan is brilliant! If he doesn't get an Oscar nod for at least best original screenplay I will be so mad!

I will say something for Leonard DiCaprio's acting, I think that it has gotten a lot better as time has gone on. I don't know if this movie makes him Oscar worthy but it wouldn't shock me if he was nominated.
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Cheesy but won't disappoint die hard fans
30 June 2010
I believe that Eclipse definitely lived up to the book. It explored (as much as it could) the choice that Bella has to make between Edward and Jacob. However I think the movie is really lacking the anger that Edward feels towards Bella for wanting to see Jacob. While I understand that you can't put everything from a book into a movie, they should have showed the controlling side of Edward more. In the book he tries very hard to make sure that Bella doesn't see Jacob because he doesn't trust him.

In the movie this wasn't explored as explicitly. There definitely is a cheese factor in this movie as well. It's very lovey-dovey. But that's what the book was all about. Also I think the movie is lacking Bella's ignorance. In the book she had no clue about anything, while in the movie it seemed that she was figuring thing out without help from everyone else.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie. I'm am a hard core fan of the books. I just think that there could have been more character development. I know that people are going to make fun of the acting and the way the movie was made. But honestly people this isn't a movie for people that are just discovering the Twilight series, if you aren't a hard core fan you aren't going to like it. I believe that it won't disappoint those who loved the books. It lives up to the book (as much as it could.) I really wish that people that don't like it would stop commenting on this series. It's obvious that you just want to come on here and rip it a new one. Save your fans get enough crap just saying we like it. We get what you're saying, trust me.
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Even Better than Twilight
20 November 2009
I loved Twilight.But I thought that New Moon was way better. If you consider the books separate from the movies then it isn't as bad. I thought though with New Moon that they hit every major point from the book. (At least from what I could remember.) The only thing I didn't relate to was how close Jacob and Bella go towards the end.

I figured when I logged on this website that I would hear people complaining about Chris Weitz. I thought he did a great job of semi-capturing the book. He did a decent job with The Golden Compass and I think he did even better here.

I think people take book to movie translation way to seriously. It's like the Harry Potter fans freaking out that they missed something. When you take an over 500 page book and try to cram it into a two hour movie, things are going to be missed.

I think in this case though Chris Weitz hit the nail on the head. I think he deserves way more credit than Katherine does.
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Haunted (1995)
I feel like I've seen this story before hand
15 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wasn't bad. But I did predict the ending 1/4 of the way through the movie. So when the ending was upon me I already knew what was going on. I don't like that. I like to be kept in suspense. Maybe it's because I saw the movie "The Others" before seeing this one and they have very similar story lines.

The only thing that was confusing to me was how Aidan Quinn's character could have such close contact with the ghosts. They appeared to him as though they were really alive. With the appearance of his dead sister leading him to the truth. It was a little too far fetched for me. Not that ghost movies should be truthful, but they should at least be slightly plausible. At least that's how I feel.
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United States of Tara (2009–2011)
I love this show!
5 July 2009
I was hooked after the first episode of this show. My friend and I watched out of curiosity and love for Diablo Cody. We couldn't stop watching it after that. I think it's brilliant, funny, and amazing! Most of all it was nice to see a show that was about family embracing each other no matter what.

I hope this show comes back for another season, because I will watch every episode with anticipation. The fact that it it both makes fun and deeply talks about multiple personality disorder is great. Every episode just keeps going deeper down the rabbit hole. If you want something both entertaining to watch and that will give you that warm fuzzy feeling you need to watch this show. Amazing! Simply amazing!
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True Blood (2008–2014)
All I can say is AMAZING!
5 July 2009
I have been hooked on this show since day one. I have to admit that I'm a little obsessed with the whole vampire scene. I love most vampire movies and books about vampires. After reading the Twilight series, I needed to find a new book series to read and the Sookie Stackhouse novels definitely did the trick for me.

While there are some things in the show that aren't in the books, Alan Ball does an amazing job of following some of the main plot lines. I love Alan Ball. I loved Six Feet Under, and now I love True Blood. It's an absolutely amazing show.

Just give it a chance and you'll see that it's amazing! I can't stop watching it. I had to go out on the day the first season was released on DVD and buy it, just so I could tide myself over till season 2 started. You want a show with a bite, you definitely found the right one.
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Cinematography Amazing and Plot Not so Bad either
5 July 2009
I wasn't expecting much when I went to this film. I am a major Johnny Depp fan, I believe his acting is amazing. I loved the cinematography for this film. The dark natural lighting effect made me feel like I was really there. I felt like I was watching an old time movie.

Aside from the guy texting constantly in the row ahead of me, I thought the movie was interesting and a great view of John Dillinger. Don't go to this movie expecting to learn everything about his life. For that I recommend that history channel. This movie was a nice portrayal of what he was like. Almost like a slice of life. I don't need long drawn out explanations. Just cut to the point. I can find out the rest for myself. I loved it!
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Where the heck were the Transformers in this film?
5 July 2009
I didn't expect much out of the first film and I certainly didn't expect much out of the second. But I have to say, the trailer to this movie was better then the actual movie. The plot was WAY drawn out and the main Transformers weren't even in the freakin' film.

I couldn't believe it. The main characters were replaced with trash talking twins. It was super annoying and HUGE disappointment. I know that the premise of the film was supposed to be about the Decepticons, but if they're battling the Autobots, then shouldn't the Autobots be in the film? The director and the writers of this film should slap themselves in the face. After the movie was over, I looked at my significant other and said "I want my 2 and half hours back." I only wish that I could have gotten a refund on my ticket. It makes me sad that I contributed money to such a horrible film. I guess it wouldn't be the first or last time I do that. I'm sure there are many more horrible films to come.

Let's just hope I'm smarter next time to spot them before paying 6.50 to see it.
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Book was a lot better and had a better message
1 July 2009
I loved the book. I have say the book had me in tears almost the entire way through. After seeing the movie I was seriously disappointed when they changed the ending. It ruined the whole book experience for me. By changing the end of the movie they ruined the whole integrity. The whole message behind the story was turned into just another movie about a dying girl.

I don't want to say what the end of the book was because if you haven't read it, I don't want to ruin that experience for you. The rest of the movie, besides the ending, did follow the book somewhat. What I miss is the whole perspective of Anna. It was only briefly given in the movie.

I would say this is a good movie, but if you're a huge fan of the book, I think you'll be disappointed.
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