
13 Reviews
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Yellowstone, has left the reservation..........
25 August 2020
Final episode season 3, what the hell....

Words fail me, how can a show go from epic cinema on ya TV to epic fail on ya TV.

Had to mark it down from 10 to 7 just for the last 3 episodes, seriously what are the writers smoking?

Not sure I'll be back for S4. Quite sad really how shows just go way beyond their original story-line into a fantasy world no self respecting cowboy would be.
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Nightcrawler (2014)
Jake G. Being Jake G. - Again
5 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Twenty minutes was enough for me, I couldn't take anymore. I don't care where it goes or how it ends.

Yet another movie with JG employing the practice of 'method' acting, you almost feel like he's saying to himself: 'move here, say this, smirk, move head weirdly, repeat'.

See Prisoners and you'll understand that this performance (like many others) is just an extension of an instantly dis-likable character being performed by an 'actor' hitting his marks.

In any entertainment feature, there has to be some redeeming aspect of a character that draws you in. When you can empathise, connect with the situation and those within it; then your happier to move forward with them and their story. Not here, this was dire.

No doubt some will applaud the eccentricities and mannerism's of this character and the films premise of viewer/participant/instigator. But JG's acting just got on my nerves and I couldn't get past the fact that this was performance by numbers.

I really was looking forward to seeing this movie, what a disappointment.

My vote is based on the twenty minutes I watched, it probably would be lower if I'd watched it all.
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Person of Interest (2011–2016)
POI has become the A-Team
29 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Those of you of a certain vintage may well remember the A-Team, a bunch of vigilantes bent on justice for all. Sound familiar?

Their leader 'Hannibal' Smith - Harold Finch, Harold is way cooler though. Their idiot 'Howling Mad' Murdock - Root, not as amusing or entertaining. Their bad-Ass B.A Baracus - Ms Shaw, less annoying and more willing to kill. Their pretty boy 'Faceman' Peck - John Reese, recently neutered for some reason.

Unfortunately recent episodes have become idiotic, with several 'gangs' vying for dominance. If only they could stick to the original premise of the show and that is 'Big Brother' is watching and we're here to control it.

The idea that a 'super-super-computer' is spying on everyone is a very compelling concept and one to be of recent relevance. So to take a show that was a clear ratings winner and dumb it down to a point where it becomes interesting only to nine year old's is beyond me.

I urge you to watch S4E09, this episode was exceptional in the fact that more weaponry and the consumption of munitions, could not have been matched even by the A-Team. However, they are similar one regard - none of the protagonists it seems, can hit a barn door at thirty paces.

I'm losing patient with this show, once it was different, challenging, posing big questions about privacy, morality and with great power comes great responsibility cliché. This show seems to have forgotten its primary motive for being.

To be honest, if this show doesn't improve I will stop watching it. Perhaps killing Root in the very(very) near future may keep me around. But it has to be a very painful ending (for her), nothing else will do.

Once I would have given this show a rating of 10, but since Carter got killed and HR is no more and we're stuck in dumb-down land, I'm struggling to keep my interest.......
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Total confusion, more is not always better
16 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Can't say I've ever been a fan of the series and this total nonsense isn't going to change that fact.

Pros: Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox are not in it. Stanley Tucci saves this from being a complete disaster. Nicola Peltz eye-candy for the father dragged along by his kids.

Cons: Too long, too many visual fx, not enough story. Confusing to the point of distraction. Editing all over the place. Bizarre music and sound choices.

I watched this because I had nothing better to do, (should've stuck with sorting the lint in my pockets) anyways: When your watching a movie and all you're thinking is 'who is that?, which side is he on?, what the hell is going on?' then it doesn't bode well.

There is so much going on in this movie it actually starts to get on your nerves, I love sci-fi but not to the extent where almost everything on screen is being blown up, shredded or mangled. But some how our intrepid humans continue to survive some insanely stupid crashes and explosions.

Most of the characters in this movie are non-entities, neither like or dislike any of them except Stanley Tucci, billionaire robotics genius starts out has a megalomaniac - but by the end a lovable rogue. Brilliant.

Most if not all of the 'Bots' voices are almost indecipherable, I really struggled to understand half of their dialogue. But it's not really germane to the outcome, you know whose gonna win.

Don't waste your time, go and paint your house with a toothbrush it will be infinitely more rewarding.

Gave a 5 for Mr. Tucci
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Boring, over-long, slow and annoying.
31 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I am neither a teenager nor a girl; so I don't fit the target demographic. Never-the-less, I was hoping to be entertained.

Sequels tend be by nature an extension of the original and many fail to live up to expectations, and this film fails 'Big-Time'. If you've seen the trailer then you've seen everything except the boring bits.

Sequels also tend to be a money-grabbing enterprise to repay those who took a chance on the first outing.

Sadly this woeful, boring and extremely slow disaster will make money purely because it's the next instalment of what could be a great franchise.

Unfortunately there is far too much crying, hugging and the amount of times the name 'Peter' is mentioned in almost every scene becomes excruciatingly annoying.

As for the 'games' these last for all of 15 minutes of a 2hr movie, and is so undeniably dull. I started to hope they would all die, just so there wouldn't be the inevitable third part.

As for the 'plot' it's the same as the original only shorter and less interesting.

The only saving grace is Donald Sutherland who is deliciously 'evil' and steals every scene. This would be a complete train wreck without him, this is the only reason I have given a 2 star rating.


That noise you can hear whilst you're in the cinema, is the world going by while you're wasting your time on this drivel.

You have been warned....
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Atlantis (2013–2015)
Patience stretched to the limit
21 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Prime Time Saturday night viewing, should be better than this.

Atlantis has been dumbed down to an idiots guide to nothing of any consequence.

Hercules has been downgraded to an imbecilic blow-hard, which was funny for all of 5 minutes.

Pythagoras as been upgraded to a genius alchemist, who has a solution for every eventuality.

Perhaps worst of all is Jason, a uninteresting semi-illiterate; that seems to have forgotten he's just arrived from the 21st century.

Every episode follows our dim-witted trio in an unlikely event stretched to fill an hour of sloppy dialogue, cardboard cut-out scenery with the inevitable shambolic ending.

Is this the best the BBC can do on a Saturday evening?, I hope not.

Update 6/12/14

Season 2 has been running a few weeks now and I'm liking it far better. More action, better plot lines and scripts.

But there is one massive plot-hole, in the very first episode Jason returned to Atlantis from our time. The 21st Century.

He knew who Hercules and Pythagoras where, but he doesn't know who his mother is....He would know the entire history of Atlantis, having lived in our time.

It's getting better, but needs to remember it origins.
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The Host (2013)
A wasted opportunity
20 April 2013
Oh how I wish I could get back the time I wasted watching this awkward, very slow - going nowhere, mid-teen drivel.

This movie is very much directed towards mid-teen girls that need every minute detail explaining in very dull minute detail.

I suppose, when adapting a book the story is very much set-out and how much is put in/left out is very much up to the director's discretion. But a two-hour movie should entertain and inform, this does neither very, very slowly.

This movie could easily have been 30-40 minutes shorter without any loss, because there's nothing to lose, no drama or suspense.

A wasted opportunity, it could've been so much better in so many ways.
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Revenge (2011–2015)
Best to Worst
19 April 2013
Season 1 One of the best paced and rewarding shows on TV, a true guilty pleasure.

Season 2 One of the worst shows on TV, up to the point where I've stopped watching.

What happened between Season 1 and 2, did they fire the writers and hire a bunch of monkeys?. Too many sub-plots, uninteresting characters and story lines. A great deal of time wasted getting nowhere, with unnecessary characters that are increasingly annoying and pointless.

I doubt this will go beyond 3 Seasons, unless there is a sea-change back towards Season 1. But then again I'll not be watching, once a show becomes a train wreck it's quite difficult to rescue it and I'm not waiting around for it to happen.

What once promised to be a great show, is now a soap opera in meltdown.

I gave it a rating of 5 - 10 for Season 1, 0 for Season 2.
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The Undead - Danny Dyer's Career
15 November 2010
If Danny Dyer was hoping this film would improve his star-rating then he's surely mistaken. This film is dyer(dire) sorry couldn't resist.

I love a good zombie-flick, but this isn't it. Bad direction, bad storyline, bad acting even worse script. There are no redeeming features to this boring, slow, limited action movie. Best avoid it if you can, be warned Danny Dyer's cockney scowl doesn't an actor make. When are film makers going to realize this guy is useless, and doesn't warrant the attention given to him.

Walk away, don't waste your time - painting your garden fence and watching it dry would be more entertaining than this drivel.
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The Hangover (2009)
WOW - Oversold or What!
20 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When movies get billed as the comedy of the year, the blockbuster everybody is talking about. Well, I tend to walk to the other way and I wish had sticked to that plan before deciding to watch this complete crap.

So here's the setup, Husband to be, two buddies and the brides brother get together for an overnight in Vegas.

Friend One - School teacher and low-life, rips is class off to pay for Vegas trip. Not a good start.

Friend Two - Hen-pecked Doctor (Dentist) lives in permanent denial of his girlfriends infidelity and unhappy relationship.

Brides Brother - Dysfunctional family idiot, quite plausible.

Groom - A Mother-in-laws wet dream, yawn..........

So here we are four different but evidently three close friends and the idiot set off to Vegas in father-in-law to be prized Mercedes-Benz.

What happens over the ensuing 24 hours is quite honestly woeful, predictable and not funny - at all.

The problem I think is that the three characters that are supposed to carry the film just don't work. There not interesting or funny in any situation they find themselves in, not once - ever.

At one point the idiot turns into 'rain-man' and wins big - oh no didn't see that coming....yawn again.

Very formulaic, unfunny crap - and Hollywood thinks we need more of this. Be warned, stay away and spend your money more wisely.
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Prostitutes, Mafia & Contract Killers what more could you ask for..
8 May 2009
Well, let's just say that there was more life and entertainment value in the corpses than the actors doing the killing. This film needed a bigger budget than the £35 they seemed to have spent on this load of old cod's-wallop.

This could have been a very, very good film, if only the director had had a clue to what he was doing, editing is all over the place, the sound track through out the movie was heavy handed and completely unnecessary in places.

I think the biggest problem with this movie is that the majority of the dialogue is delivered in a manner of someone reading from idiot-boards, in a very dull monotone sort of way.

The one bright spot in this movie was Jake Canuso who played Alessandro, a schizo mafia thug in the best tradition of movie mafia thugs. Good Job..

Don't waste your time with this, it will only encourage them to make something else even more banal.

You've been warned...
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Wow!, best film this year so far.
11 March 2009
It's not often you come across a film that just blows you away, this film does it all on every level.

An Oscar winning performance by far for Mark Ruffalo, not a name I instantly new but a face I recognized from somewhere.

His decent into a drug riddled alcoholic existence is a heartfelt performance that shines the brightest in this movie. The visual torment he goes through trying to improve his families financial crisis mostly brought about by his own criminal activities, drug and alcohol abuse is without doubt a blistering performance and a testament to his skills as an actor.

Ethan Hawke, yet another solid supporting role that is only diminished by the screen presence of Ruffalo, but some how still manages to make an impact has a sex-addicted low-life that brings so much to the story and his relationship with Ruffalo's character.

As for Brian Goodman, well again a face I definitely knew from his bad-ass performance as Ryan Price in the TV-Show 'Lost', takes a small but pivotal role in his own penned story.

But it's the role of Director that he truly shows us a master-craft performance, there's no rush here, a perfect balance of character building and story telling. Allowing the characters to come alive and carry the story forward in their own time. Mr Goodman it seems is a man of many talents - Writer, Actor and Director - all I can say is, in this film all of them worked in perfect harmony.

Watch it now, you won't regret it..
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The Code (I) (2009)
Oh Dear!
10 March 2009
Oh Dear, in deed. What could have been one of the best heist movies in recent history turned out to be (in my humble opinion) a serious let down.

Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas, a potential chemistry that on paper seemed a sure fire hit, but and there's always a but. It just didn't materialize, whether it was the short-comings of the dialog or the direction I can't say; but it just didn't sizzle.

When you think of heist movie partnerships then you have to be very special to match up against De Niro and Norton has seen in 'The Score'.

Freeman and Banderas - don't....sorry. For me this was the most overwhelming shortfall of the film, the two main protagonists just don't bounce off each other and has a consequence the characters fail to draw you in.

As for the plot, Freeman - going for the last big score before retirement, Banderas - hoping to improve his standing in the criminal fraternity whilst making a lot of money in the process.

Formulaic with a twist-at-the-end that was disappointingly obvious because the writers thought it had to have a twist-at-the-end. When will they ever learn that you can tell a story without having the ubiquitous twist - the bigger surprise would have been - oh wait for it - no surprise.

Unfortunately, this movie will go down has another example of Hollywood doing what Hollywood does, very little thought and effort put into an idea that could have been so much greater than the sum of its parts.

I gave this movie a 5 for the attempt of entertaining us, it should be a lot higher if only it had lived up to it's potential.
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