
11 Reviews
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Griselda (2024)
Inaccurate, populist, Sofia can't act
2 February 2024
This is 95% fiction with a 5% based on real life. There is nothing in the miniseries depicting Griselda as she was: a brutal mass murderer with a particular taste for gruesome deaths and unnecessary killing. The point of the miniseries is lost. What are the producers trying to do? I know it sounds bizarre, but it's not too hard to come with some similarities with the Barbie movie, and at the same time, with recent narco series. It's a lost ship, with no direction, attempting to satisfy different audiences with a product that is lacking in every dimension. It's a gigantic distortion that makes a disservice to history fans like me. I honestly think that Sofia Vergara is one of the worst actresses that I've seen in my life- she doesn't connect with the story- the real Griselda didn't look at all like Sofia. Other actors/ actresses are actually good, but of course they had to choose the money maker. Bad decision.
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The Marked Heart (2022– )
Not terrible, could have been a lot better
22 May 2023
You already know what the series is about. Let me focus on the execution. I have a theory of why the writing in Latin American, and in particular Colombian series, is so clumsy. I believe it's because of politics and cronyism. I suspect that the same people, the well-connected, are given the opportunity over and over. It's impossible to believe that there isn't a better talent. In the country of Garcia Marquez? That's how this project was ruined from an art perspective. The idea was good. I would say great. The production and edition are definitively good. The actors are a mixed bag, but hardly responsible for the debacle. But the writing... I'm not only talking about the dialogues, so full of cliches. It's also, and more notably, the ridiculous situations and sequences. The bank robbery in the second season is a masterpiece on malpractice. It's so bad, that almost make the whole experience of watching the series worth it from a research perspective. Why. How do you fumble the opportunity. You were given an interesting topic and a production team that created fantastic imagery making Bogota look as if it was the most beautiful city in the world. I'm aware that this has been a commercial success, like cat videos. But, is that what we are supposed to do with budget and opportunity? Cat videos? The series could have been a lot bigger, say Money Heist level. Instead, it's just a filler that won't be remembered. You missed the opportunity of making it big and making x10 more money. My suggestion: for the next time, keep the good, drop the bad. Think bigger. Raise the bar. Don't follow the Netflix trap, where series are more and more unrealistic as the pressure to add content to the platform increases. Hire new writers and be fair to them. Don't give them too many constraints, as if you knew the formula (you obviously don't). Don't tell them to write a soap opera. And if the Director is not up to the task, you know what, there are lots of people waiting for the opportunity.
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Terrible writing
13 January 2023
Good people are 100% good and bad people 100% bad. No grey tones. It's supposed to be based on real events, but the characters are simple, boring, and one dimensional. In other words, they are not real. The writers could not figure out what they were doing. Is this a documentary, a "Patron del Mal" type of series, or something else. Whatever the case, writing is lazy. The series comes across more as an attempt to clear the names of some players and coaches. I'm afraid the real story is not as clear cut. No mention of key themes to understand what happened to the team: 1- "Barrabas" Gomez, the player that had to sit because of the threat, is in real life the assistant coach's brother! No discussion about that conflict of interest. Most people in Colombia thought that he didn't deserve to be in the national team. 2- Four years earlier, the striker that score the goals that helped Colombia classify to the 1990 World Cup stayed at home- he wasn't called for the World Cup team. Colombia's Achilles tendon in the 1990 World Cup was the attack. So there you have two examples of conflicting situations between managers and players that had a meaningful impact in the World Cup. Was Higuita 100% pure and his visit to Pablo Escobar in jail a humanitarian effort? I don't know and certainly wish that was the case. But the series failed to develop the story. It was just an event, almost disconnected emotionally from the rest of the action. The edition is poor, the sequence of events impossible to understand if you're not Colombian, and the concept a disservice to viewers and football fans. Wasted money.
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Encanto (2021)
Lame, disengaging, wrong cultural context
4 January 2022
As a native Colombian, it pains me to see what Disney has done. The producers thought that adding some digitalized "Colombian landscape", a couple of Carlos Vives' songs and some yellow butterflies checked the box for the cultural appeal. Never mind that the dialogues are 100% Disneyesque, and that the story follows the same Disney formula, only this time with less drama and from a different locale. Even the references to the violence (a period of Colombian history) are weak and unexplained. It's obvious that there was limited research and no real input to create a Colombian experience: from how we interact with family and friends, to the magic realism. That's perhaps the most egregious part. Magic realism is not about the magic driving the story, but instead, the story driving the magical elements when the collective memory, and logic, can't explain the events. Don't watch the movie looking for a cultural experience. Just go for the Disney experience.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
It was going to be a 9
6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this series. But I'm glad I didn't rate it before the last episode. IMO, the finale ruined the whole thing. Absolutely no sense. I know, it's a history that doesn't make sense in its entirety, especially the rationale behind the 2nd heist. But the last episode is the straw that broke the camel's back. Let's see:

  • Why would the government of Spain let them go? There is nothing to win for the country. The gold is lost, if we believe the story. By letting the band go free and unpunished (and actually giving them new passports) they have over 10 people with direct knowledge of the greatest national secret roaming around... 10 people that can destroy the country's economy in a heart bit. 10 blackmailers. No service secret would follow that script.

  • What's the story with Berlin's son? He's at the center of one of the best twist of the series only to give up the gold later on? What's his true alliance and nature?

  • They won both times (mint house and Bank of Spain). Really? And the Professor ends up alive? What about a semi heroic Breaking Bad like finale where the Professor attempts to redeem himself after destroying the lives of all the surviving members of the band. What about the potential emotional struggle with Alicia and the Professor? That didn't happen either?

Disconcerting. I can only assume that the pressure was on to end up in a high note. They broke to pieces the series with a Disney-like finale. All happiness, just a tad short of resurrecting Nairobi and Tokyo.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
It only gets worse
1 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start. Lack of effort from the writers? No empathy for any of the characters? 100% predictable? This is a series that started well, but it gets worse in each episode. Where is the character development? We get it, all of the main characters are fundamentally good people. ALL OF THEM. And they are correct about 90% of the time, and if they are not, there is not a real penalty other than the death of some secondary/ tertiary characters. At this point I can't tell which character is more annoying, is a tough choice. I will go with Grace and Saanvi though, but Ben is not too far away. Noah's ark? Give me a break.
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Vis a vis: Vuelta a casa (2019)
Season 4, Episode 7
Of the highest quality
24 December 2020
A master piece. I won't go into the details, but it's the perfect preamble to the ending. Congrats to the team- you pulled a "Breaking bad" quality ending, made in Spain.
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Too much fiction- a disservice to truth seekers
6 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I did enjoy the series. Both Bolivars (young and late adult) were impressive. I loved Manuelita, and the romance story. But as a history nut, the number of falsehoods is unacceptable. This was either lazy research or the result of a straight desire to produce a soap opera (as opposed to a true homage to one of the greatest men who ever lived). It doesn't help either that the actresses that took the role of Bolivar's first wife and San Martin's lover are former Miss Venezuela pageant winners (and both made it to the late stages of Miss Universe). Apparently, the revolution was surrounded by the most beautiful women in the planet. It's known that Bolivar's wife was not pretty. Let me give you a very short list, just based on the beginning of the story, of historical errors:
  • Bolivar's wife never made it to Hacienda San Martin- she got sick straight from her trip, staying and dying in Caracas. She never purchased/ liberated a slave, or managed the Hacienda.
  • Bolivar didn't attend Napoleon's coronation in Paris- he may have, instead, attended a coronation in Milan of which there is no reference in the series.
  • Bolivar's love affair in Paris wasn't his real cousin- they just figured out that they shared one of their last names and called each other "cousins" since
  • Pablo Clemente had some early signs of dementia, but nothing even close to the intensity depicted in the series.
  • Carlos Palacios was a predator, but not pure evil as in the series.
  • Simon Rodriguez didn't escape on time before the downfall of the Gaul-Espana conspiracy. He was made prisoner and faced a trial. One of Bolivar's most important formative experiences was assisting to the trial where Rodriguez was declared innocent.
  • The series completely misses Bolivar's trip to Italy- perhaps the most important in his formation period. It's in Rome where he swears to liberate his country. Bolivar met the Pope in Rome- also omitted from the story.
  • No reference to Bolivar's trip to the United States- so important.
  • Bolivar and Miranda didn't travel to Venezuela in the same ship

I know for a fact that the original idea was to produce a series about Manuelita Saenz. Perhaps that would have been the right choice.
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Cars 2 (2011)
Not recommended- Period
26 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I just came back from the movie. It wouldn't be enough to say that the movie didn't live up to my expectations. It wouldn't be enough to say that this is, by far, the worst Pixar movie. I have to say more. I have to say that there aren't many redeemable qualities in Cars 2. But if I have to select the major problem of this movie is that Pixar has failed to its primary audience. This is a movie with a story extremely difficult to follow, and on top of that, illogic. This is a movie with dozens of explosions and shootings. This is a movie with a duration of almost two hours. You don't need to be a genius to figure out that a long complex illogic movie full of machine guns is not the best fit for the intended audience. I left the theatre thinking... don't these guys run focus groups? How do they come with a failure like this just a year after producing what I regard as the greatest animated movie of all times? They have proved many times that what they know what they do.

So in the first Cars, which I liked, there was a compelling story. It was about transformation, maturity and life perspective. It was funny too. Everything rotated around something profound. It made sense. In Cars 2, someone at Pixar thought that a script around Mater as an unintended secret agent would be worth of a movie. But sadly, the circumstance was never upgraded to become a concept. I left the theatre empty. Cars 2 has been a big disappointment.
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Toy Story 3 (2010)
A movie for the ages
25 June 2010
32 years ago I watched my first movie. It was Star Wars Episode IV. Today, my 3-years old son watched his first movie in the big screen. Only to keep with the family tradition, Toy Story 3 is going to run the same fate as one of the greatest movies ever. This is a spectacular movie, inspiring, moving and hilarious all at the same time. It touched me, made me cry and made me think about what's really important in life. I usually don't care much about technical variables. e.g. the animation itself. But in this case the plot and the animation are so brilliantly delivered that it's hard to imagine one without the other. There is one scene in particular (and don't worry I won't tell you which) that will pass the test of time as one of the greatest moment of this beautiful form of art.
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The Mission (1986)
Warning: Spoiler- Why I love this film
11 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I found interesting that The Mission is not in the Top of this database. This is my favorite movie ever, and let's make it clear... I'm not catholic. Indeed, I'm not a religious person. The greatness of this film can be found all along its plot. But IMO, what makes "The Mission" truly unique is its end. This is the story of how two opposing views of justice and redemption fail, at the same time, in the same place, succumbing together to the stupidity of humankind. You can see it as a dark end but on the other hand, it's very real. "The Mission" is always there to remember us that individual efforts to fight justice are valuable but insufficient to tackle political games. Any application to our current state of the world is not a coincidence. On top of that, it is a beautiful master piece for photography and music. I have not been able to contain my tears even once since I saw this movie for the first time. But it feels good.
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