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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Tried to Recapture Something that Must Happen Naturally
24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first movie didn't receive great reviews upon release, but that didn't stop it from becoming the cult hit it shall forever be. Sometimes, critics get it wrong and, as they did with the first film, so too did many of them with this one. I honestly believe so many people just love Hocus Pocus so much that they transferred that love into this sequel. It's not a good movie. First, I'll talk about what is good in this movie. The actress that plays Becca does a great job - she owns the role that she is given. Her fellow young actresses also do a great job supporting her. The three veteran actresses do a decent job, as expected. Finally, the intro featuring the young Sanderson sisters is pretty good (extra kudos to the young actress who played Mary in nailing the original character's mannerisms.) In fact, I honestly feel like a sequel to Hocus Pocus would've worked so much better if done entirely as a prequel. We get a good set-up for their story and then it just turns into a derivative effort of the first film. This leads us into everything that doesn't work with the film. As I said, the young actresses did a good job, and while the veteran actresses can act they 1) are almost too over the top in trying to recapture their original performances - Hocus Pocus was a movie that was naturally campy and knew when to shift moods when required; this sequel, however, doesn't know when to be a bit more reserved when necessary. It's almost as if the actresses are playing caricatures of their original roles, and 2) they are quite noticeably older. Now I know some ppl won't like me mentioning this, but every story - even those about magic and such - needs to have a certain realness to it to keep it grounded. Seeing these witches act as if the last thing they remember is the climax of the first film yet appear to be three decades older undoes this. Tony Hale's mayor dad doesn't really know what to be except for a plot point in that he's a descendant of someone the sisters reviled and to set up the kidnapping of his daughter in his heed. Tony Hale is such an amazing actor it's a shame to waste him like that. Making Becca into a young witch is sort of a nice touch in the good vs evil mythos but it overall doesn't work. For one, it soils the original premise that witchcraft wasn't natural (in this universe) but something the sisters sold their souls for and maintained evil deeds to possess. Having Becca claim the book is even more baffling as originally it was an instrument of pure evil bound with literal human skin and helping witches to devour children and commit all kinds of other evil deeds. Having it betray Winifred due to her ignorance and selfishness is an interesting plot point but believing it to be a vehicle for any kind of good is inane. The biggest issue this movie has, overall, however is how derivative it is. It's one thing to try and recapture the wonder of the original film but it relies far too much on the same tropes and writing to the point it doesn't feel original at all. First of all, the sisters are brought back in the exact same way when there was an opportunity to do something even more original and interesting. The details that do differ here fall short as in the original a virgin lights the candle to impress a girl (very believable, very timeless) and in this version it's by a girl who bought it from a guy who somehow was able to recreate a magic candle because blah blah blah insert unbelievable plot point. The original scene of the sisters having their brooms stolen and Sarah and Mary having to use a mop and broom is recreated and while using the swiffer and roomba are fun updates to show the time difference it's just a rehash of a joke we've seen before. The attempts to throw in song and dance routines are a failed (and painfully, obviously forced) attempt to recreate the classic I Put a Spell on You number. There are very few fresh twists in this version which is highly disappointing for something that came out 29 years later. I'm shocked the cat actually didn't turn out to be Binx somehow given how much this movie wants to rip off the original rather than continue it in a new direction. Which leads me to a minor but annoying detail - why would the sisters even try to kill the cat if they thought it might be Binx? They're the ones who cursed him to be immortal thus knowing he cannot die unless their magic does. Overall, this film just didn't work. It borders on being average but the bad just overpowers the good, and it just doesn't work. It's not impossible to take a classic and make a great sequel out of it many years later, but it takes far more effort than what was put into this film, unfortunately.
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Halloween Wars: Possessed Toys (2021)
Season 11, Episode 1
Is it bad? No, but it isn't Halloween Wars either.
15 October 2021
I've seen a lot of complaints about the season thus far and I'll admit that when I watched the previews I was wondering... where are the pumpkin carvers? I'm going to use this review to address both the changes and the complaints I've heard/seen from other people.

1) no pumpkin carvers! This is definitely a negative change. I can't presume to know why they made this decision, but some say it was because the pandemic forced them into production before pumpkin season was going. All that really matters is that without pumpkin carving it isn't Halloween Wars. Not only do pumpkins and carving them scream "Halloween!" but it's one of the things that made Halloween Wars unique compared to Food Networks other holiday competitions. The fact that three people skilled in three different mediums had to cooperate to create a unified piece was amazing. Without this aspect it doesn't feel right...

2) New hosts and judges. This is both good and bad in some ways. It's great that Shinmin Li stuck around and the other two judges are fine (I haven't seen enough of them to judge them myself yet) but I am a bit disappointed they don't have a guest judge. Even though most of those guests weren't really all that famous or important to the realm of horror it was still nice to see someone new every episode and have a fresh set of eyes to offer a new perspective. As far as Jonathan goes... well I don't miss him. I was never bothered by him like some of the other viewers but never thought he was an integral part of the show either. He wasn't even in the first few seasons anyway. As far as the new guy goes... it's kind of cool to have him pop in on the tv and surprise the bakers but ultimately they could've just done without and the show might be the same.

3) no spine chiller or tasting element... I don't know if these were left out simply because they made the first two rounds qualifying or if they decided to do away with them completely. If the latter is true then, well, that sucks. The spine chiller was important for two reasons... it gave the gift of an advantage which made the competition more intense, and it gave the artists a chance to show off what they could do on a smaller scale with less time. It often helped them to learn what they should focus on in the bigger, more important round. As far as tasting element goes... as one reviewer pointed out it was cool because they could incorporate it into the stories of their displays. It wasn't just a cake flavor but another element of the overall piece. It also wasn't a necessary game changer... it was important but didn't tip the scales as drastically since Halloween Wars is about creating pieces of art more than decadent sweets.

So is the show bad now? No, not at all, and I'm willing to keep watching and see what these amazing people can create. But is it still Halloween Wars? Also, no, not really, it has been altered too much from the original formula to really be considered the same. The contestants won't know exactly how it feels to have to merge their own craft with that of two others to make a cohesive piece. That was the biggest challenge of Halloween wars. And they might focus too much on what their cake should taste like rather than what it should look like. This isn't a typical baking show after all, and we viewers are always more entranced by what we can see rather than what we can't taste.

I would like to address a couple things I saw in other peoples reviews however... what's with the pointing of fingers at 'woke culture.' What does that have to do with any of the changes we saw? I saw one person make a comment about how there were no white men... I honestly saw plenty. Are we really paying that much attention to how many white or black, etc. People there are on the show? From its inception there has been a widely diverse group of contestants. Men, women, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, gay, straight, old, young... all that mattered really was their skills and anything else they brought with them was just an entertainment bonus. The host was a white man replaced with a white man and the only judge that's been on every season is still Asian! So we have a black judge now, so what? When did diversity become a bad thing? Anyway I'll keep watching and will hope they revert back to the original formula next year.
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Gotham: Pilot (2014)
Season 1, Episode 1
A Weak Start
15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This pilot suffers from bad acting from many characters and some pretty bad writing. I'd like to point out a few of the things that really bothered me: Jada Pinkett really overacts in her scenes whereas Donal Logue tries too hard to look like he's not trying too hard leading to some moments where a serious delivery was needed but not given. Mckenzie does a decent job as Gordon but some of the writing is just too silly to make it believable. They give too much screen time to the kid playing Bruce (he doesn't do a good job.)

Continuity related things that bother me: why are so many characters who shouldn't be relevant yet featured. Bullock should not be older than Gordon and Montoya would be around Bruce's age. Could they not come up with some original characters? Why did they feel the need to throw in so many villains even if only in cameo appearances? We get Falcone and Penguin and a young Catwoman (why is she stalking Bruce btw?), and cameo appearances of Poison Ivy and Riddler (who is also an adult when he shouldn't be much older than Bruce and he works for the GCPD?) when this show was announced it was supposed to be about a Gotham before super colorful criminals took over - but it seems like they're going to try and milk Batman's rogues gallery when Gordon is supposed to be the protagonist. Why did they change Sarah's name to Barbara? It made it creepy to me to see James call her that and then kiss her - Batman fans like me are used to seeing him call his DAUGHTER that. Also, shouldn't she be born already? She's in college before she becomes Batman's ally so he isn't two decades older than her. And no one pronounces Falcone's name right! And why is Bullock so corrupt? Originally he's a bit crooked but cleans his act up but the things he does here - including helping to set up and kill an innocent man and try to get James to kill a witness... those are irredeemable acts. They should've created an original character that they can kill off later after Gordon cleans up.

They should've done a lot of things differently...

But there are good things too I guess... the cinematography and visuals are great. Mckenzie isn't a bad actor, he just isn't given much to work with and Taylor is a convincing sociopath in his brief scenes. I won't give up yet (though I know it's going to turn into something other than what was advertised at the beginning being another "Batman" show instead of a pre-Batman era.) Let's just hope the writing and acting improve.
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A confusing film
4 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was sort of conflicted when I watched this. It made me laugh out loud a few times and I really liked the character of Emma. But right around the move I began to question some of the choices these characters make... as for the mother Aurora... she needed to get laid. I can't say it any nicer than that. Nicholson's character was certainly rude and lost but definitely what she needed. I began, however, to dislike Emma and that made me conflicted. She asks to borrow money which she says is the hardest thing for her to do... she's crying as she does it. She's clearly embarrassed at the store when she doesn't have enough money and asking for the money clearly starts a fight with her husband... so why doesn't she get a job? Is she so stuck up like her mother? Then she thinks her husband is cheating and though I'm not sure at this point I don't think he is. Even up to the point that she sees him with the other woman I think his conversation indicates he wasn't cheating yet. But she had already cheated on him... and not told him yet still continued passing guilt on him. I think after this point is when he says screw it and gives into the affair and the move. I question that decision too. And right when this movie is making me question this character that I really liked before but am now not liking so much the film takes a crazy turn and goes into melodrama by giving Emma cancer. So is it trying to make me like her again by having me feel bad for her? I don't think that was the intent and thus I think this film is too befuddled to really receive all of the praise it gets. Yeah, it made me laugh and begin to feel different things but never to the degree that critics are praising it for. It's a decent film with good performances and for that it deserves praise but if I were around in '83 and had seen this I wouldn't be thinking best picture material at all.
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Surprisingly dark...
23 December 2018
I know a lot of people probably didn't notice and will probably be annoyed with me for having noticed but... there were some dark moments in this film. Most of them center around the grand Santa who says that during WWII he was shot at and lost three reindeer (I'm guessing they were shot and killed) and that he lost one of the elves and never saw him again... so these non-humans are expendable? Grand Santa even throws the stowaway elf Bryony out of the sleigh with no regard for her safety. The eight reindeer that pull the sleigh were mentioned to have been boarded up ages ago... so they just disposed of them when they were no longer needed? Also, similar to the plot holes in The Santa Clause... only Grand Santa, Santa, Mrs., and their two sons are shown... so if the role of Santa is just handed down to his son and they're the only humans in the North Pole then how does Santa find a wife? What happens if they have a daughter? Since he has two sons what happens to the one who doesn't become Santa and is he allowed to have a family too? Overall I had a problem with the way they modernized the North Pole but I get why it was done.... I just couldn't get over some plot elements but it was still a decent flick.
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Great idea; poor execution
7 December 2018
Where this episode fails is in its plot being too big for a half hour anthology series. It's rushed. We don't get to know the family outside of they're selfish and cruel or the gardeners outside of being destitute. The way the gift was given was just kind of weird and didn't seem to happen naturally and then we get very little in the way of the lesson that is to be learned. The ending is ambiguous - were things returned as they should be or was everything changed to a fairer and kinder world? But ultimately it doesn't matter because we never really felt the predicament.
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Mother! (2017)
If You Rate it Negatively You Didn't Understand It
16 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
That sounds pretentious, but hear me out. You can dislike something and still appreciate its merits. This is especially true of art movies like this one. Lawrence gives an amazing performance, but the true wins here are in the story and direction. The plot sometimes makes no sense to viewers - how realistic is it that this couple would show up and be allowed to stay, for instance - and is contrived, but it has to be. This is a visual story told through symbolism and it isn't afraid to get gritty, controversial, and unnerving in the way it presents itself. The real story of mother is one of a relationship. One that we all know about. One where one person gives everything and the other side only takes. One that is so cleverly disguised, however, that those watching on the outside - even those on the inside - may be confused into thinking that the love is real. The house is the first symbol. It represents the relationship. It burned down once before in his past relationship, but she is trying to build it back up. To make it new. You'll notice, however, that she is the only one working to make this house whole again. To improve it. He is too obsessed with his poetry - himself. When outsiders intrude upon the happy home he doesn't care about the damage they cause because they are paying attention to him - his glory. When she finally has enough and risks ending the relationship he gives her another reason to stay - the baby. It becomes the next symbol of the relationship. Something more personal because it's not a token of his past and it's something they created together. But once again he turns to his old ways with the publishing of his poem. This time it gets worse and everything descends into chaos. As the people tear down the walls she built he exclaims it isn't important. Still, he comes to her defense enough times to convince her that he means well - that he loves her - even as everything around them is destroyed. The publisher refers to her as the inspiration - this is one of the hooks he has in her. A lie to make it seem as if it isn't about just himself. This lie comes undone when the publisher gives the order to kill her. The only hope left is the baby which is still constantly put in danger throughout the chaos. After she gives birth he again turns back to his selfish ways. He wants the praise of the crowd and ends up sacrificing the child - and ultimately the relationship as she can stand no more. She is pushed to her breaking point and a relationship that should've ended long ago now ends in an unhealthy explosion of suppressed feelings that ultimately kills her. The relationship is dead and while he gets to go on doing what he does she gave it he all and as such is left completely dead. As a final insult he takes her heart as a trophy. Note that the former heart he had kept is the one thing he gets angry at the earlier couple for when they break it. The intruding woman doesn't understand why - a symbol of his selfishness, but he does care not because of what the past relationship meant to him, but because it was a trophy - a symbol of his sadism. He is a collector of hearts. Everything in this film is so straightforward I cannot understand how anyone could be confused. It plays out in chronological order. An emotionally abusive relationship that goes on for too long, with too much forgiveness, until it is too late and she is destroyed trying to save it. If you don't understand this then you may think of it as senseless and judge it only by the shock value. You'd be misjudging it, as whether you like it's message - or more importantly how it conveys its message - or not you can't deny that it does one hell of a job bringing it to life.
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Goosebumps: Say Cheese and Die... Again (1998)
Season 3, Episode 18
Damn it's so bad!
4 September 2018
Say Cheese and Die was a pretty decent episode with a young Ryan Gosling flexing his acting chops in a show that didn't give him much to work with. This "sequel" is one of the worst of the entire series. I get the show is pretty cheesy overall as it's meant for kids and being an anthology the episodes differ quite a bit in quality. But damn was this one bad even for a Goosebumps episode! The plot was, well, nowhere at all. There really wasn't one. The actors they chose... man even the adult actors were god-awful. We can usually laugh off the bad acting from most kids but when even the adults are overacting and giving terrible performances.... it's just wow. I can't really believe how this episode even made it to air. I'm being pretty generous with my rating.
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I Trusted You Guys....
5 August 2018
Now, I'm well aware of how awful Teen Titans Go the show is. It's like 1/10 awful. So I wasn't looking forward to this film at all. But I was surprised when critics gave it decent reviews... still, critics get it wrong so often... but then I read some reviews from fans of the Teen Titans including the original series which I'm a big fan of. They said to give it a shot. That while not nearly as great as the original show it was still worth a watch. They were wrong. It wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen like the Go cartoon show, but still awful on its own terms. I get it's supposed to be wacky and offbeat, but it fails to make itself interesting. The references are decent but they will go above the heads of many an audience member. Despite its vibrant colors and upbeat musical numbers it's overwhelmingly boring. There is no actual plot outside of Robin wanting to make a movie. In fact, this plot just drags on and on going from one failed attempt to another. There are no redeeming qualities. Not even the guest voice actors are worth checking the movie out for. I can get why some people may find this somewhat enjoyable but to say it's actually good? That's something else entirely and to me it was neither good nor enjoyable. It even falls behind Hotel Transylvania 3 in terms of likability. I guess it sucks to be a kid at the movies this summer...
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Hero (2002)
Visually Beautiful but...
11 July 2018
I certainly disagree with the message. I understand that this is a telling of how China came to be by "uniting" the different kingdoms but it, possibly inadvertently, sends the message that war and conquer are good. The king is a ruthless man who will do anything to achieve his goals of bringing the different kingdoms together. This includes the killing of many individuals. Sometimes war is necessary. To protect. But never to conquer. We should all be united, but not in the way this film presents. We can live separately yet together in peace. The different kingdoms could have thrived separately but this king was willing to kill so that they would all be forced under one rule. Not because the others were dealing with injustice or the like but because that's just how he wanted it. So while the film is obviously stunning visually - the choreography, the use of color, lighting, etc. it all ultimately fails in its portrayal as the message is not one that deserves to be uplifted. It's a great film for its endeavors but ultimately shameful in what it's trying to tell us. Allowing the king to succeed may have stopped the killing but he started it to begin with and this choice undoes the entire sacrifice of nameless and the two lovers and their pain.
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Arnold blames Glaser
24 April 2018
When I first read that Arnold Schwarzenegger believed that part of the films failure was due to the director (he replaced the previous one after production had already begun) I found it kind of ironic. Arnold says he directed the film more like a tv show. This is somewhat true but it's part of what makes the movie work. It's centered around the airing of a live tv show after all. What brings the movie down is Schwarzenegger himself. I've never thought he was a good actor but he is suited for purely action-oriented roles in which he just does a lot of fighting and barely any talking. Unfortunately this film works on a different premise. It's an action film, yes, but also a thriller with subtext. At least it's supposed to be... we can partially blame the script as it's responsible for giving Arnold his cheesy one-liners. But Schwarzenegger takes on the same role here as he does in other films... some big muscle head who can't be stopped and whose unstoppable nature makes him act as if he's not in any actual danger. What we needed was not just your average joe... the character is a decorated officer after all... but somewhere in-between your average guy and a warrior. Someone who actually has to put in effort to fight and survive. The thrill of the 'game' is lost because we don't have this and also because we have what's supposed to be Arnold making comedy.

Running Man has its good points... it's fun and stylish and has a good story underneath. But it also suffers from bad acting, poor dialogue, unrealistic 'danger', and a poorly rushed end action sequence.
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The New Batman Adventures: The Demon Within (1998)
Season 1, Episode 10
To the idiot who gave this a 2....
9 January 2018
I take a lot of issue with this sequel to Batman the animated series. It features more than a few bad episodes and lacks any outstanding ones. But this one is fairly decent as far as they go. I'm really only writing this in response to the idiot who gave it a 2. Here are some of your complaints - that it isn't grounded in reality like other episodes. Batman has always treaded the line between reality and sci-fi. We have mob bosses and we have super-powered characters like any other comic book incarnation. So what other grounded in reality episodes are you referring to? The one where Poison Ivy creates plant children? Where Catwoman is turned into a tiger hybrid? Man-Bat becoming a werebat? A half crocodile man? Zatanna and her magic? The Mad Hatter using circus animals to committ crimes? Ra's al Ghul's immortality? At least half of Batman's rogues gallery are far outside the basis of any possible reality. So you have a problem with the established relationship between Batman and Blood? Like they haven't done that with a million other characters? It's established that Bruce Wayne knows people and has many secrets? What's so far fetched about him and Blood having a past? You don't like the way Klation is portrayed? Ok, why? He's no more annoying than the Joker who essentially is just a big man child. Sure, Klarion has no real motive but that's kind of the purpose - he's a child who just wants to get his way. An evil child. Familiarize yourself with the comics and then come back. Etrigan is an established character of Gotham. I fail to see how the episode is forced. It establishes things quickly but it's easy to follow. How is it boring? It has more action and going-ons than other episodes. It certainly a great episode but it's decent as far as standalone episodes go. Certainly not a damn two.
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Dark Shadows (2012)
Fancy costumes and set; no story at all
15 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this film so much but it suffers from so much clutter. The only character that gets enough screen time is Barnabus and while the story is supposed to focus on some kind of love developing between he and Victoria she gets very little developmental. Many characters are wasted - such as Roger and Dr. Hoffman - and whether intentional or not given the soap opera background the acting was far too over the top by actors that are supposed to be amazing, ie Depp and Pfeiffer. It's sad when the children are the only ones who turn out a good performance though I must say Eva Green didn't disappoint. It's just too bad that her decent performance is muddled with ridiculous attempts at being comedic such as the sex scene with Barnabus. Going along with that it seems as if Burton only made Barnabus into a killing and screwing machine (what was the purpose of the bj the doc gave him again?) whose intent to see his family thrive and his curser squirm was just an afterthought rather than a driving force. Everything in this film felt so misplaced and rushed. The comedic timing was awful. The only reason I'm not dropping a point off my rating is because the end fight was actually entertaining (though we had to suffer to get to it) and the technical aspects were decent. After having Victoria willing to kill herself for the vampire we never actually saw her fall in love with (rush, rush, rush) and then taken over by the ghost of Barnabus' old love I wanted to just drop the rating even lower for the sheer stupidity, but I'm being fair here. If only this film were more fair to its audience.
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Had so much potential
31 August 2017
I get where this movie is coming from. It has witty dialogue and is meant to be campy and nonsensical but while retaining a driven story. I've seen films do this and succeed. This film, with its various characters and their intertwining stories, had a lot of potential. But it failed. I'm not too surprised to see so many people lauding it as brilliant. It can be fun at times and as I said it has some witty dialogue but other than that it's just a failed repeat of what I've seen in better films. Yeah, the movie is self-aware - it knows it's a movie hence the camp - but none of it really culminates into a worthwhile story. The actors do a decent job but there's nothing special in their performances. Farrell and Rockwell are supposed to drive the film but they lack chemistry which could be purposeful as it's one seemingly normal man realizing his friend is deranged. But it doesn't come off as organic and let me say this - a movie can be campy and nonsensical and flashy and still have its characters come off as organic. This film failed. I'd say it's just an average film with nothing particularly outstanding about it. However, after the introduction of the, ahem, six psychopaths it gets really boring as absolutely nothing happens until the end of the film. And we don't have characters who are likable enough to provide us with the entertainment we need during this large portion of the film so, ultimately, in my eyes this means it isn't just an average film - it's a bad film. Maybe so because it had so much potential that others somehow saw come to life yet all I saw was a lack of such great development which left feeling gypped.
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2 Broke Girls: And the Kosher Cupcakes (2012)
Season 1, Episode 17
I'm just writing in response to the negative review
14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, we get it. You don't like things that are contentious. You're watching the wrong show then! To begin with, they didn't serve the non-Kosher cupcakes. Max put 4 non-kosher ones in because she accidentally burnt some. I am not defending her. Furthermore, it's not surprising that Max would think it's okay to do so. A LOT of people don't understand the difference between kosher and non-kosher. Max is the perfect character who would choose to ignore this distinction. She learns her lesson - they don't get paid, and the mother is forgiving. As for the grandmother being a stereotype... um, did you not recognize her? She's the same woman who played Fran's mother on the Nanny and that show is ripe with Jewish stereotypes. Do you have a problem with that show? On that note you can tell with this family due to their appearance, colloquialisms, manner, and approach to certain traditions that they are not like most Jewish families today. They are still very attached to the old ways. There are some Jews today in the world like this. Portraying them that way is not wrong when it's accurate. Now, as for the boys, no, you wouldn't see something like that. However, many young people often break away from tradition. Many are influenced by peers and things they see in the media. I've seen younger children act worse than that with even more oblivious parents. It's comedy. It's nowhere near as bad as other things people try to pass off as comedy. Watch any Adam Sandler movie especially 'That's My Boy' and you'll see. So, I'm hoping by now you've stopped watching because this show is obviously not for you if you can't handle something this tame.
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The X-Files: Sein und Zeit (2000)
Season 7, Episode 10
Mulder once again questions what happened to his sister despite so much evidence pointing to what we all know. I'm
13 January 2017
Okay, so this was a good episode except for one thing. They once more did the bs with Mulder deciding his sister wasn't abducted by aliens but was instead taken like these other kids. Are we to believe he's that stupid after all of this? He freaking met her clones on more than one occasion! That includes clones of her as a child as she was when she was taken! He's seen enough about the alien conspiracy and learned from Cassandra about those that were taken by the aliens. They can't keep milking the whole "Mulder hangs onto hope that something else happened to his sister" when he's seen too much evidence to the contrary. They could've used her as fuel for Mulder's delving into the case without him rethinking her disappearance. It's just becoming a huge plot hole. This is otherwise a great, suspenseful episode. But I had to take points for the previously mentioned points.
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Evening (2007)
Worth watching for Hugh Dancy alone
29 December 2016
Evening tells a story worth hearing but unfortunately it gets lost along the way. There's too much focus on the present - not just Vanessa Redgrave's performance as the older Ann but mostly the subplot regarding her children. It's necessary to come to the present at times so that we can see how what has happened in the past has affected her and how she chooses to remember but the rest of it just weighs the film down without complementing it as it was meant to. The performances in the present scenes also lack the same elegance as those that take place in the past. Collette is a great actress but she and her boyfriend's actor both give average performances that just get in the way. The story that takes place in the past dealing with love, identity, and choice all within a few days time is where the film truly shines. Danes, of course, gives a great performance but Dancy is the one who steals the spotlight with what I feel should've garnered him a nomination for supporting actor at the Academy awards. The story is eloquent, melancholy, and can be felt as well as understood from deeper thought. If it weren't so muddled by what takes place in the present then it could've been a great film but as it stands with the way it is I can only call it good but not great. Another point of interest is the film's score which is just absolutely beautiful. So if you want to see a good movie then Evening is for you - just don't expect every piece to be wondrous as the wonder occurs in the past and is watered down by the present. That's just how I felt about it.
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The X-Files: Mind's Eye (1998)
Season 5, Episode 16
Lili Taylor Shines
5 May 2016
I've always thought Lili Taylor was a very underrated actress. She proves her acting chops by not only effectively playing a blind woman but by capturing the vindictive and cynical nature. The plot of the episode isn't the greatest and it didn't end the way I would've wanted it to but the performances are what really make this a great episode. Imagine not only being blind but having to live your entire life through the eyes of your murderous, imprisoned father. In other words, you not only have to live your life without sight but your freedom is essentially gone as you live through the minds eye of a man in prison effectively imprisoning you as well. Taylor pulls off this difficult role perfectly, and in my opinion is one of the strongest guest stars to feature on the entire series. Normally I'd have given this episode a 7-8 but with her powerful performance I boosted it to a 9.
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Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask: Part 1 (1995)
Season 1, Episode 1
It feels like you're watching a different show entirely
15 March 2016
So, I've seen this episode - as well as many of the Goosebumps episodes - many, many times. SO why am I just now reviewing this one? Well, I was putting together a list of the best episodes of the series and when I started with this one I just couldn't find enough space in my blurb to say why it is the best episode of the entire show. To begin with, this was the first episode I saw though I barely remember my first viewing because I was only 5 staying up late one night to catch the premiere. But, when you watch this episode and then begin watching the following episodes you feel as if you've just started watching a completely different show. Why? Because this episode itself is so magical, so well-acted, so well-written, so atmospheric that later episodes - which while many were good still could come off as corny - just couldn't compare. As children, we remember just about every episode to be creepy and fun. But as an adult when you go back and re-watch the most you feel is a tinge of nostalgia as you wince at just how bad some of the child actors were, how bad some of the lines were, and how cheesy some of the villains or stories were altogether. But not the Haunted Mask. It is as effective as ever. Kathryn's performance as timid Carly-Beth still manages to hold up. From her stuttering explanations at how she hates being scared, her revulsion at learning she was tricked into eating a worm and fleeing her laughing schoolmates, to her sinister behavior as the mask's influence begins to take hold. Throw in the scene when she realizes she can't take it off and her ultimate despair when the shopkeeper tells her that this is her new face and you'd think this young girl was gonna go places in the ways of acting. But it isn't just her performance, albeit amazing, that makes this episode so grand. The atmosphere is truly haunting. You actually begin to feel a sense of danger as the mask takes hold of Carly-Beth. The writing and directing are so well-done that you can easily empathize with her rather than write her off as a clichéd TV character, and that makes her descent into madness all the more haunting. It presents a story worth watching: one of a girl who grew to hate herself and wanted to be someone else only to realize that who she was before was the one that was truly loved and only that love can save her in the end. It was pretty heavy for a show aimed at children even within a horror setting. You'll also get in a few laughs as Carly-Beth's erratic behavior starts to border on sociopathic such as when she scares a group of trick-or-treaters and then begins to snicker in a way that is both eerie and somehow funny. My point is this: this was the first episode of the series and the first many people were introduced to and probably the most memorable, but that isn't why it is the best. There were many other great episodes that followed but they were great by Goosebumps standards. This episode is great by its own - not just as a Goosebumps episode but as a standalone television special. It doesn't fit in with the other episodes because they were so plainly obvious that they were low-budget made-for-children TV. The Haunted Mask feels like something else entirely and that makes it special.
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Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask: Part 2 (1995)
Season 1, Episode 2
Continuing from my review of the first half
15 March 2016
So, I've seen this episode - as well as many of the Goosebumps episodes - many, many times. SO why am I just now reviewing this one? Well, I was putting together a list of the best episodes of the series and when I started with this one I just couldn't find enough space in my blurb to say why it is the best episode of the entire show. To begin with, this was the first episode I saw though I barely remember my first viewing because I was only 5 staying up late one night to catch the premiere. But, when you watch this episode and then begin watching the following episodes you feel as if you've just started watching a completely different show. Why? Because this episode itself is so magical, so well-acted, so well-written, so atmospheric that later episodes - which while many were good still could come off as corny - just couldn't compare. As children, we remember just about every episode to be creepy and fun. But as an adult when you go back and re-watch the most you feel is a tinge of nostalgia as you wince at just how bad some of the child actors were, how bad some of the lines were, and how cheesy some of the villains or stories were altogether. But not the Haunted Mask. It is as effective as ever. Kathryn's performance as timid Carly-Beth still manages to hold up. From her stuttering explanations at how she hates being scared, her revulsion at learning she was tricked into eating a worm and fleeing her laughing schoolmates, to her sinister behavior as the mask's influence begins to take hold. Throw in the scene when she realizes she can't take it off and her ultimate despair when the shopkeeper tells her that this is her new face and you'd think this young girl was gonna go places in the ways of acting. But it isn't just her performance, albeit amazing, that makes this episode so grand. The atmosphere is truly haunting. You actually begin to feel a sense of danger as the mask takes hold of Carly-Beth. The writing and directing are so well-done that you can easily empathize with her rather than write her off as a clichéd TV character, and that makes her descent into madness all the more haunting. It presents a story worth watching: one of a girl who grew to hate herself and wanted to be someone else only to realize that who she was before was the one that was truly loved and only that love can save her in the end. It was pretty heavy for a show aimed at children even within a horror setting. You'll also get in a few laughs as Carly-Beth's erratic behavior starts to border on sociopathic such as when she scares a group of trick-or-treaters and then begins to snicker in a way that is both eerie and somehow funny. My point is this: this was the first episode of the series and the first many people were introduced to and probably the most memorable, but that isn't why it is the best. There were many other great episodes that followed but they were great by Goosebumps standards. This episode is great by its own - not just as a Goosebumps episode but as a standalone television special. It doesn't fit in with the other episodes because they were so plainly obvious that they were low-budget made-for-children TV. The Haunted Mask feels like something else entirely and that makes it special.
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The X-Files: Paper Hearts (1996)
Season 4, Episode 10
Great episode but...
14 March 2016
So this was a good episode, but it wasn't without its flaws. Duchovny and Noonan do a great job with their roles, and the premise of the serial killer with the paper hearts - as well as Mulder's dreams about them - is good. Still, we have some issues. First of all, we are to believe that Mulder could possibly believe Samantha was kidnapped and murdered by this guy instead of abducted by aliens? The latter was practically confirmed to him by his informants and his own investigations. Furthermore, he went with one of the social security working aliens to a farm where alien clones of his sister - identical to her at the age she was taken - were being used to work by the alien/government alliance. This was explained to him. I doubt a few dreams could change all that. Second, we as viewers are supposed to be wondering was she or wasn't she. We have seen even more evidence than Mulder that she was abducted by aliens. It's outright stated that she was due to the syndicate. Mulder is known to make mistakes and act rashly due to his beliefs and his spirit but what he did in this episode was beyond stupid. So we have a good story, good performances, and some good suspense but it ultimately fails in writing due to what I described previously. And because of this the ending fails as well since we know that paper heart does not belong to Samantha Mulder.
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The Mindy Project: Mindy's Brother (2013)
Season 1, Episode 10
A disappointing episode
2 February 2016
Overall, this was a disappointing episode. So, basically Mindy is still stressed over what happened in the previous episode. Out of nowhere, her brother Rashi appears and tells her he plans to leave college to pursue a rap career. What an awful idea. To make matters worse her brother isn't the least bit likable like the rest of the characters. When Mindy finally does decide to help him - despite his mean treatment towards her earlier - she has to be a backup singer for him and due to the explicit lyrics this exchange feels slightly incestuous. It also proves that the 'best' raps must contain misogynistic lyrics to be cool. There's a subplot about the practices rent which is pretty boring. Definitely a bad episode to an otherwise good show.
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Family Matters: It Came Upon a Midnight Clear (1996)
Season 8, Episode 13
Laura the whora?
3 December 2015
Okay, so the holiday episodes of Family Matters are my absolute favorite but of them all this is my least favorite. I really enjoyed the storyline between Steve and Carl. The relationship between those two has always been a very important part of the series. It's a bit overdone and contrived, however, in this episode but still it's good nonetheless. What I really disliked about this episode is how Laura behaves. First of all, let me state that I've never been a fan of the 'Stefan' plots. The entire idea is completely idiotic and the point in which the show jumped the shark. But Laura's behavior with him and Curtis is what bugs me the most. Throughout the entire show she has been a stand-up girl teaching us viewers important lessons and now she's depicted as a two-timer? Literally she's making out with one guy then pushing him out the door to make out with another! It served to offer up an important lesson, but it was done horribly. She ends up getting to keep the guy she really wants when she should've ended up alone. Altogether a bad episode. I give it a four out of ten.
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Worst episode of Scooby ever
10 September 2015
The 'disc demon' looks like a member of KISS. Hardly what I would call menacing, scary, or creepy. Nothing interesting happens. It wasn't a good mystery. I'm just so disappointed with this episode I thought I should write a review. I've been going back and watching all the old episodes of Scooby doo where are you and the Scooby doo show and this one just doesn't hold up, and there are a number of bad episodes of the Scooby doo show but none as bad as this one. In fact, I don't think the gang even finds one clue and the premise was just ridiculous. That's all I have to say about that. Maybe I should review a good episode now.... Scooby deserves better.
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P2 (2007)
As empty as the parking garage
17 July 2014
I didn't expect much going into this movie. I had heard of it long ago but never watched it until I saw my mom had a copy of the DVD. It was slow, boring, and lacked character development and story. It seemed to rely on suspense alone which it failed at. I thought it would at least be an average thriller but it came out worse. I give it a rating of 3/10 which on my scale denotes it as 'awful.' That's one below 'bad' and one above 'horribly awful.' Wes Bentley gave a pretty decent performance, but it wasn't enough. The idea behind the film could have been decent or failed. Unfortunately, it failed. I am not writing any more lines of text. It says I need ten lines of text but not every review needs that amount. Geez.
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