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The reason why other country don't like the US
28 June 2007
This show is unbelievable in that . . . what it represents and what it focuses on and . . . words cannot describe how insane ET is. They will report anything. If a celebrity is even remotely indirectly connected to the story ET will report on it. If a dog poop in the Tom Cruise's yard they will report on it. If a celebrity dies . . . they will talk about it for weeks on end to the point where the public envy that celebrity. If a celebrity is on trial . . . ET will report it for MONTHS on end. There is no end to what this show will reports and no time frame that dictates how long they will focus on a story. Is it even considered legitimates reporting? The reports are so dang annoying too, with harsh rambling voices and end with an unnecessary pause to convey a sense of important. I cannot watch this show without questioning humanity's existence. ET is one big reason I avoid pre-evening shows in general. I regret that IMDb can only allow a minimum of one star rating and not zero or even in the negatives. For this show deserve -10 Stars.
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Hangmen (1987)
This Movie is The Ultimate Cure for Insomina + 80s Retroness
27 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I walked into Blockbuster, itchin' to watch some good old fashion action movies. So i browsed around the action section until this movie caught my attention because the cover had in big bold letter SANDRA BULLOCK. An action movie with Sandra Bullock in it and it's rated R!? YAY! Although I will admit i prefer her in a comedy but if this is anything like 'Speed' then i was sold. Sadly Sandra really is not in this movie, her role is minor: "Panicky kidnapped girlfriend" (She is in fifth place on the actors listing for Jeebus shakes!) Apparently this was her first movie role (and after watching this movie, i figured as much) Sandra is the only living human in this movie, everyone else might as well be a Zombie in a B-Horror Flick. This movie deceived me saying Sandra was the lead . . . i fell for it like Biff from 'Back to the Future' when Marty yells "WHAT'S THAT . . .!!!" God, i wish i watched that instead of this.

Sandra is the only bright side of this movie, every time she is on camera it is like she is picking up shock paddles and yelling "CLEAR!" to get this movies going but it flat lines no matter how hard she tries. More on Sandra later . . .

The Movie is dull. Very Dull. Think of the Dullest moment in your life then imagine living through that moment for 110 minutes (for me, it is this movie). This movie even somehow makes Gun Fights and Bullet time effects boring, so boring that Elephant Tranquilizers are put to shame. And this movie's idea of Bullet Time is a close up of an AK in slow motion which mocks you as the caps spitting out of it represent each second of your life as it slowly ticks away. And I knew i was watching a bad movie because i found myself fast forwarding "THROUGH-THE-ACTION!" The plot? . . . there was a plot? Music? . . . even by 80s muck standards is Bad but at least it's the one thing that kept me awake. Acting? Sandra Bullock was good and . . . ummm . . . moving on. Is it any good since it IS rated R? No, unless R stands for Ridicules-snooze-fest.

And it is really 80s Cliché when a movie opens with an overhead view of a city (rocking guitar licks or power ballet) and ends with a gun fight in a grim factory complete with steel walkways and assorted pipes. Both of which this movie satisfies. At least this movie establishes what era it's from which was unnecessary since Sandra's hair was screaming "1980s!!!!" And a movie gets really ham fisted when you watch an assassin stripper kill a nerd in the bathroom and stuff his body in a box, which you respond to sadly saying: "that is probably the most action that poor sap ever got." Another Hammy moment is at the beginning when some-Secret-Agent-Dude caps a crowd of people and apparently this movie thinks people jump into the air and fall to the ground when they die. All that scene needed was the Mario death ditty or maybe Contra sound effects but Nintendo might have sued.

And it is sad when the main action hero of this movie rips off other BETTER movie icons. Before the big gun scene, Da hero is found standing in a boxing ring ('Rocky' anyone?), sporting a leather fedora (not 'Indiana Jones' too) with an ominous spotlights behind him (Terminator the 2nd before owning T-1000) What is really REALLY sad is that people on Youtube or Dailymotion can film better quality videos (with a crappy webcam no less) then this movie. I'm serious, most Rant videos recorded with bad audio and blurry picture are more entertaining then this movie. I cannot even call this movie by it's given name for it's very name bring back horrid memories of watching this cruel and unusual punishment (a freaking violation against human rights!) The only bright speck in this dark abysmal abyss is Sandra's career started taking off thanks to this movie. But oh Sandra . . . why did you have to be in such a nightmare? The paycheck better been worth it. The DVD also graces you with a little back story on Sandra as an extra, seen how she is the only one from this movie who end up being a house hold name. Which explains why this movie uses her name as bait for unsuspecting movie buffs, Crafty little critter.

I don't have much experience with bad films but i know BAD when i see it. I could bounce back from 'Mazes and Monsters' with a good old campy Bruce Willis Comedy. But not even Bruce could cheer me up after this movie. I have yet to see any Ed Wood or Uwe Boll but I think I'm amped for them now. For i can't even fathom a movie worse then . . . "GAG" . . . 'Hangmen' . . .
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Mazes and Monsters (1982 TV Movie)
Don't be fooled by the 'DVD' cover
27 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I knew nothing about 'Mazes and Monster' before I watched it. I had no knowledge of the Role-playing controversy behind it or the fact that it was a Made-For-TV movie. When I looked at the cover (the updated DVD one) I seriously thought it would be another Fantasy adventure like 'Legend', with Tom Hank as the nerdy hero from 1980s earth entering a mythical world to save a princess from an evil maze filled with monsters. Sounds exciting, right? That is what the cover suggests to you at first glance. I was given this movie as a gift, obviously under the same premise because my aunt knows I'm into action movies with a medieval myth theme. And it has Tom Hanks, one of my favorite actors. So I popped this movie in, expecting a feel good movie with Tom Hanks in a 80s special effects world that would be good for a laugh.

No! None of this happens. Now before I continue I will confess, I am a nerd but I have no interest in Role-playing games. That is all this movie is about so my interest in the content is lukewarm at best. And M&M (copyright infringement?) is not even a feel good role-playing based movie with lovable geeks that uses their imagination to enter a world of awesomeness. No! This is an Anti-Role-playing movie that must have been made by some Religious folk (the same people who also think Barney is the work of Satan.) I understand, Satan is a crafty fellow but I don't think he is desperate enough for soul to lull RPG lovers into worship him. This movie is THEE anti-gamer movie. This is what I get from this movie: it hates RPGs and not only does it make fun of the people engaging in Role-playing but it makes poor Tom Hanks a mental patient.

Tom had an excuse to talk to a volleyball in 'Castaway', poor guy was alone but Tom somehow made his insanity fun and you literally saw the Volleyball as a lovable character through Tom's good acting. I wish I watched that movie instead of this. In this movie, Tom is attacked by a make believe dragon creature (it looks like a poorly made mascot for a RPG team) and has a split personality that is creepy at best. Tom's acting only exceeds to make you feel bad for his character and nothing else. I get that the poor guy lost his brother and is not right in the head because of it so the movie does win points for being intentionally tragic. I am not one for films that exploit mental illness and the ending to 'M&M' made me feel like cr*p. Luckily I watched 'Hudson Hawk' afterwards and got a good laugh before my soul was crushed any further. Yah, 'HH' surpasses 'M&M' by . . . a LOT! This is not one of Tom's better films. In fact it is thee most depressing movie I've ever seen him in (Even 'Saving Private Ryan' is not this depressing). I walked in hoping to watch a feel good movie and I ended up feeling the exact opposite. If you want to watch a sad (both emotionally and visually) movie then by all means watch this. If this movie is to convey a message, it is this: "Don't play RPGs if you are Cuckoo for Coco-Puffs."
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On the Lot (2007)
26 June 2007
A cynical title but if this show wants to last, that is exactly what it needs to do. I watch a lot of FOX shows and the advertisements for "On-the-Lot" ran so ramped that i just had to check it out. It air right after American Idol (coincidence?) and . . . i saw no difference. Other then "singing" is replaced with "directing" it fits all other Cliché Reality Show stereotype. The Judges (who are predictable in their banter), The contestants trying to kill each other (oh the Drama!) and the host who is pretty but gets annoying after 5 minutes of hearing their voice. What sickens me the most about this show is that they could of dispensed with this Cliché bull plop and for once had a reality show that dared to actually be GOOD!!!! I am losing interest FAST in the show because of the RS crap between Movies. That's all this show should be showing is the short movies because the movies are the only thing people want to see. If you actually like a contestant enough to remember their name and face then you still won't remember them enough to actually care if they get eliminated. This show had a interesting concept but it's execution was horribly thought out. So in short: "CUT-THE-BULL OR CUT-THE SHOW!"
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Gex: Enter the Gecko (1998 Video Game)
Once you shut Gex up, this becomes the cure for insomnia
26 June 2007
I enjoyed a lot of N64 games and Gex 64 was one of them. Gex is a charming little game which goes by the same concept as Mario 64, but instead of stars, you collect remotes. The story goes that the TV loving gecko Gex (ironically has nothing to do with Geico) is sucked into TV land by the evil Rez. So basically you go around, entering different TV based stages to collect remote and all the while Gex says these Pop-culture ridden quotes that are good for a laugh. But after an hour of this, Gex just gets annoying and you just want him to shut up! Luckily there is an "STFU" option that grants you sweet serenity. No offense, Dana Gould, but i can only stand you for an hour, no more. The game offers up some challenges and is engaging but after an hour without Gex's witty sass you start to fall asleep. Then you realize shutting Gex's banter up was like shutting the snooze button off on your alarm clock. I don't know why the game starts to put me to sleep, maybe it's the graphics or the music or the sound effects. I honestly cannot tell you. I seriously thought at one point my eyes learned how to fall asleep while opened. I enjoyed the challenge the game gave me but after 2 maybe 3 hours I want to take a nap afterwards. I do like the game but it's one of those games you should play for an hour and go do something else before your brain turns to mush. And beating Rez is not rocket science, just be on the alert and have good reflexes, meaning don't fight him after 4 hours of game play.

All and all, i give it a 7, it's fun for passing the time.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
I know jack about Fantastic Four and that's why i like the movie
26 June 2007
As a Marvel Fan Boy, it has been hit or miss with the comic book movies for me lately. When you are a fan of a franchise for so long you begin to analyze just about anything built off it under a microscope. I will admit, I was disappointed with how Spidey 3 and X-3 turned out. However, i am a fan of those franchise and I know absolutely nothing about the Fantastic Four or Doctor Doom. As Cypher from 'the Matrix' put it "Ignorance is bliss"! I got a kick out of this movie. Each of the characters where entertaining, the plot was easy to follow, the special effects were cool and the movie's ending give me a good feeling as i left the theater. I left my evil little critic at home and when to this movie not knowing what to expect and end up enjoying it. Some hate it and i understand why. I left the theater asking the question "Is that really how Doom got his power?" Liberties with the source material is aways the case with these Comic Book movies and there is nothing we fans can do about it. I understand Fantastic 4 Fans. Hey, I'm a Spidey fan and I was royally ticked with how Hollywood treated Venom. However since i was Ignorance of the Fantastic 4 comics, i found bliss in this movie.
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Heist (2006)
"Heist" was good but Billy and Reno are da Bomb!
26 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
when "Heist" came out I was willing to give it a shot and I wasn't disappointed. The Cops and Robbers theme may have been done before but Heist gave it a new twist that work both in the drama and humor of the show. Each of the thieves had their own motives and personality that made for a dynamic crew. And the duo of Billy and Reno are awesome! I STILL remember how entertaining they were. If anything they should have gotten their own show after heist was canceled. There was a "Lethal Weapon"-ish chemistry between them and i still have my fingers cross that they team up once more. My only gripe was the poor acting of Michele Hicks, the lead cop. Every time she was on screen it felt like she separated herself from the audience and her dialog was confusing at best. She just seemed out of place amongst the rest of the cast and (Spoiler) after that notorious cliff hanger i wondered if they really did kill her off. But like a lot of new show, Heist wasn't given a long enough chance to shine and it's a shame for it had so much potential.
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