
12 Reviews
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Awful film
28 May 2024
I have no clue why people are now acting like this film is a masterpiece that deserved better. It was bad when it first was released & still is. The plot is stupid, dialogue is atrocious & acting still mainly sucks. I re-watched it to see if I'd change my opinion but no, it's still the same. Honestly, if someone else with more charisma & personality played the main character, it wouldn't have turned out as bad. It still wouldn't be good, but it wouldn't be as bad as it is. Hollywood didn't ruin Megan Fox, they were right that she just can't act. She definitely tries in this to bring some energy to the role, but she just comes across as dull & lifeless with no presence at all. She's just eye candy & compared to someone like Jessica Alba who's had a similar career regarding blockbuster films, Jessica is actually good in only a very small number of roles. I can't think of a good Megan performance at all. Definitely a worse actress.
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Stretch (2014)
Crazy, ridiculous, fun, wild ride
11 March 2024
Entertaining yet somewhat predictable journey for the main character. But the investment in the character & his growth makes you watch until the end. Outrageously insane series of events throughout the film. The biggest highlight is the acting from everyone involved, even the cameos. Patrick Wilson carries this film all on his own with charm, charisma & emotion. Chris Pine is an extremely eccentric lunatic yet intelligent. He's very commanding with his screen presence. Ed Helms is great in his own twisted role as well. But the one that surprised me most was Jessica Alba. I had low expectations from her, even though I enjoyed her in dark angel. She's just very cringe-worthy in everything else I've seen from her besides that show. But I was genuinely shocked at how good she was here. I loved her back-and-forth with Patrick in their first scene together. The fact that their scenes were almost all over the phone really impressed me. It must not be easy to have almost all your chemistry together on the phone but they pulled it off. Their chemistry & relationship was convincing & likable. The ending was very satisfying.
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Passengers (2008)
Phenomenal film
20 February 2024
Rarely does a film have such an impact on you, that you think about it & the meaning of it days after. This is one of those rare films. On the first viewing, it builds so much up with questions & a unique love story. Pulling you in with questions leading up to the climatic, heartbreaking yet motivating last portion. Seamlessly blending the thriller, romance & mystery genres together. A second watch is essential to notice the hints & foreshadowing throughout that lead to the end & make the film much more appreciative. Beautiful film about not taking life for granted, second chances, forgiveness, regret. The cast is palpable & the scenery is stunning.
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Great conclusion to aquaman story
27 January 2024
Absolutely loved the first film, so I went into this with high expectation & thankfully wasn't disappointed. Just as heartfelt & humorous as the first one along with the same epic score. Watching the first film or completely remembering it going into this one really helped elevate the film. Especially when you notice little details that are callbacks to the predecessor. Great story, jumping right into the important parts without any filler. Ties up looming questions from the first one, which is why it's a natural progression. Very glad that the men owned the action scenes & Mera the character is amazing solely because of her abilities. Full filling redemption story for Orm. Jason & Patrick really carry this film on their backs. Great chemistry between them along with character development. It's hard to find a good sequel & I think this qualifies as that.
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Killjoys (2015–2019)
How you do a show from start to finish
8 September 2023
This is a rare consistent, engaging & impactful show the entire 5 seasons. The overall story that begins in the series premiere ends in a satisfying conclusion in the series finale with season-long story arcs in between.

Characters are likeable, funny, caring & you're get invested in them. Killjoys starts out with 3 main characters & even though newer characters get introduced, the original 3 remain the center points. Natural & realistic acting from the entire cast which is also impressive.

Stakes are always high with multiple crucial scenes happening at the same time & each demanding attention. Crazy twists & turns get added in to continue the overall story & it's all surprisingly executed in a believable way. This show deserves more credit for what it has greatly accomplished.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Great film elevated by the acting
13 May 2023
I can understand why people have problems with certain aspects of this film but I don't think it deserves incredibly low ratings. It was a very straightforward story from beginning to end, even with the unexpected twists & turns. You understand what happens & why. Impressive mix of sci-fi, action, thriller, mystery, film noir. But the biggest reason I wanted to see this is because of Ben & Alice finally working together. These two keep your attention with their amazing chemistry & individually give very emotional & versatile performances. Even when Alice explains what's happening, she does it in a natural way instead of it being shoved or forced. The reveals are also presented in a similar & pleasant manner that don't feel out of place.
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Covert Affairs (2010– )
Intense, Heartwarming, Incredible and More! Watch for Piper!
29 May 2020
The first two seasons were filled with exceptional standalone episodes. The chemistry & development of the main characters make you love them & continue watching. The third season proves the show can do long-term storytelling. Seasons four and five get even more intense & heart-pounding. The biggest reason to watch is Piper Perabo. She should've gotten more recognition for not only her amazing acting, but also her incomparable ability to speak many different languages & sound fluently in them all; her pronunciation always precise. She can even sing & put so much emotion when she speaks in a foreign language.
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Shades of Blue (2016–2018)
Addicting and Intelligent!
25 January 2020
What a show! All three seasons are so well-thought out & put together. Nothing is meaningless; even anything that seems out of place at first is put in for a reason. The music, writing & directing are all top notch. The family dynamic of the main characters makes each of them someone to root for & the chemistry between the actors is so natural. The Lopez/Liotta chemistry is so endearing & touching. But Lopez's chemistry with Kole is intense. They had everything-sympathy, passion, obsession & insanity.
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Queen of the South (2016–2021)
So addicting!
8 October 2018
The pilot was an engaging episode that introduced the characters and story very well. But it was the second episode that hooked me. It was James' introduction and a fast-paced episode centered around him, Camila and Teresa. From that episode, I noticed the instant chemistry between James and Teresa and loved Camila. I looked forward to James and Teresa's growing relationship and the ongoing war between Camila and Epifanio. As the show went on, it became even better. All the actors brilliantly portray their characters, the story is great, the characters are well-developed and the action scenes are engaging. Alice Braga and Peter Gadiot portray a natural and realistic chemistry as James and Teresa with their facial expressions, the look in their eyes, and always saving each other without ever needing to say I love you.
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Tru Calling (2003–2005)
I'm obsessed!
24 August 2018
The first 3 episodes were really engaging, fast-paced and had great character and story developments. The show then becomes even better as Tru learns from the people she attempts to save and this show does a great job distinguishing each episode and making them unpredictable. Some episodes are even unforgettable. The main chemistry between Eliza, Zach and Shawn keeps you watching. The mythology of the show really picks up toward the end of the first season and the instant chemistry with Eliza and Jason is addicting. The entire second season revolves around those two and each episode is a can't-miss.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
A lot of it was a let down
23 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What I liked:Some of the important episodes were well-made, season 3 was the only consistent season, the second half of season 2 was the most intriguing. What I disliked:The childish dialogue, how selfish Buffy constantly was, the rest of the seasons as a whole I just couldn't get into, I wanted them to do more with a one-on-one Angelus vs Buffy than just that sword fight. I get that they didn't want fans to hate Angel but they should've done something to make Buffy, specifically, more terrified of him and what he could to her.
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Dark Angel (2000–2002)
I love this show
20 March 2018
One of the greatest. most unique and amazing shows ever created. Lots of character development, intriguing stories and fantastic dialogue. It's got everything from drama to action to comedy. The main actors are great, have good chemistry, and make any episode easy to watch. Both seasons are really well done; even the weakest episodes have an important feature. Each episode is different and easily distinguishable, which is hard for a show to achieve. Season one is both dark and disturbing by exploring Max's past filled with haunting flashbacks. All this makes Max very sympathetic. Season two tackles important realistic issues people can relate to, such as racism and judging appearances. Max feels proud of who and what she is, no matter if she's different from a regular human. The directing and writing are superb when they need to be. This show knows when to be chilling and intense, especially when it comes to important episodes. Some of the best parts of the show are the brilliant set design made from scratch to really emphasize a post-pulse world and the beautiful music.
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