13 Reviews
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Dark and Brutal Anime
11 June 2023
A social Study about Friends and Love, of Enemies and Hate, Acts of kindnes and acts of despiteful cruelty.

The importants of standing up for your Family and loved ones as well as the ugly reality of Life that can bring up the worst in us.

A handmade animated Film that has high chances to make you feel uneasy at times.

The similarities with the Human World are ever present and the Film has alot of violent and sad moments.

I wouldnt recommend it for children below 12y because some scenes are simply to violent and the hate of some charachters is very strong.

I doubt little kids would understand nor enjoy it.

A great Movie overall.
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The Exorcist (1973)
The only true Horro Movie
2 June 2023
Its been many Years since i saw the Film the first time.

Long before the Internet and the painful mediocrity that ruined the Horror Genre.

The Film starts, like most Horror Movies harmless.

Over the cause of the first 3rd we see how a young Girl gets mentaly "ill" more and more until we learn, together with the charachters in the Film, that she is possesed by a powerful Demon.

This Film plays with different kinds of Horror to schock the Audience and most of it is not based on any kind of jumpscare. Except one Dream Passage which gave me cold sweat.

Two Priests try to free the Girl from the Demon via an exorcism, and the conversations between those two and the creature of Hell, who sais its the Devil himself, are chilling to the bone.

The craftsmanship of this Film is outstanding.

The one and only true Horror Movie.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
Beauty and Style
2 June 2023
Sucker Punch isnt a new high in case of Story telling, altho it manages to keep the somewhat plot interesting enough.

A handful very beautiful Girls try to escape some kind of asylum, which is also a brothel in which the Girls have to "perform".

Its not easy to explain whats going on since the small plots are mixed all the time.

But overall its like a standart Video Game. The Girls have several Goals to archive to get certain items they need for the escape. And every "mission" is told in a complete new setting on its own. Those sequences are maybe around 10 Minutes long each.

And here is where the strength of sucker punch is.

The Action is solid, the effects are great and the pacing fits.

This Movie is the definition of Popcorn Cinema. Good Popcorn Cinema.

Normaly i enjoy intelligent Movies more, but this one is just 1,5h of lay down and relax after a hard days work.
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CGI - Storytelling : 1 - 0
31 May 2023
What the Hobbit teached us: More doesnt equal better.

The Hobbit Trilogy has its Moments, when Galadriel forced back Sauron and mentioned Morgoth, i felt it.

But most of the time you feel that Jacksons fillers remind you how great Tolkien was.

Jackson made up too much by himself and added too much stuff and sidecharachters on its own, that this Trilogy became a giant CGI plothole way too often.

Jackson had to cut tons of Stuff from the tLotR Books to make his epic Trilogy possible and not have to make at least 6 Movies.

In the Hobbit there was simply not enough source material for a Trilogy and so he blew it up with his own stuff and too many Charachters not in the Book (even if Galadriel was an asset to this Film) and other things which were mediocre entertaining.

The Hobbit was a Book about a Journey through Middle Earth Children could enjoy and understand and not a CGI Auto Battle Simulator.

Jackson could have chosen to film the Origin of the Mayas or the Necromancers War against the Elves in the second Age or hell even Tom Bombadil´s Live.

Anything Tokien didnt give us every detail about.

It still could have been hit or miss, but the Hobbit, while entertaining was more a miss in my Books.
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Not the usual Fairytale
29 May 2023
I watched this Movie without knowing anything about it before.

It was not what i expected.

The cinematography is unique, dark and sad.

The Fairytale Parts of the Movie were very appealing to me.

I could "escape" the reality for the duration and give myself in into this strange World. Filled with apstract Creatures and unique Situations it had more substance than i thought.

Parents may think this is a Movie Children could watch. It is not.

The Setting of Franco´s Spain is a very interesting choice.

I wasnt expecting this level of gruesome violence tho.

Brutal and merciless Murder as well as Torture is shown here in unexpected detail.

Entertaining Movie. Even gives some food for thought.
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Peter Jackson came a long Way
29 May 2023
From Movies like Meet the Feebles, Bad Taste and Braindead to TLotR is an interessting Journey.

Who read the Books of Tolkien, will notice that alot of stuff is missing in the 3 Movies. But Jackson managed to put the remaining together and change some things in such a genius Way, that non of it bothered me. Even if i know the Books.

Outstanding Performances, CGI combined with masterlevel practical Effects, Landscapes that can only be descripted as Epic and a remaining Story worthy of Tolkiens Masterpiece combined with the Respect Jackson had for the Source Material.

The End Product is nothing but the best Fantasy Movie ever made.
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Romero´s best Film
29 May 2023
Claustrophobic, mentaly unstable, brutal and unfair.

That is most of the part what the small World this Film plays in is reduced to.

Romaros signature traits, long slow camera perspectives, giving the viewer time to feel the situation, like in the great opening scene, are again present in the 3rd entry of the dead series.

We learn about the Zombies and their behaviour almost as much as about the people who slowly start to "eat" each other.

The Movie gives us meaningful social situations like it gives us good handmade zombie gore.

A Zombie masterpiece and Romero´s best Film.

Who rate it low, is not a Fan of this Genre whatsoever.
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A Movie worthy of Batman and Joker
29 May 2023
The Dark Knight.

Not just the Title of this Movie, but its very Soul.

I should count to the Target Group of this kind of Movies, but most Super Heroe Movies bore me to Death. Badly written, unfunny oneliners, predictable Plot, disgusting CGI. No Love or Heart put into them.

The Dark Knight is the exact opposite.

The Theme and Tone is dark and serious. The attention to detail by choosen sounds and light background "music" shows someone who knew his stuff was in charge.

Bruce Wayne and the Joker were never portait better than in this Movie. Altho Batmans Voice comes across a bit silly at times, Bale´s performance as Bruce Wayne is flawless.

Ledger´s Joker is the peak of his Career. He played him so good, its almost like he is the Joker playing himself. Masterful.

But not only are all the actors throughout the whole movie talented and delivering top notch acting. The small roles killing it as well (keyword "blackmail")

The Story, pacing, twist and conclusion of the Dark Knight count to the best of any "Hereo" Movie, or Movie in general for that matter. It managed to give me womething, many "modern" Movies fail to do, Joy and Excitement.

A must Watch.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Starts promissing, turns into an absolut mess
21 May 2023
A Cult Leader wants capture Death and make him "release" his dead son back into life. Instead he captures the Sandman and keep him Prisoner for many Years.

A promissing Start.

After the first Episodes the focus sadly switches and we have countless boring nonsense plotlines wich bored me to death.

And what is with all the gay People in this show?

80% of the People in this show are gay. Even at first hetero People start sucking each other off. Yep, thats exactly what happens in this show. A hetero married man is going on his knees to....

This show is by no means watchable by children or minors because of this.

I dont have anything against gay people, but serious. Enough is enough.

After a good start, the show becomes a boring, nonsensical mess. Boring Maincharachter, no plot to speak of, no interesting side content. Just a weird sexual agenda is all that remains.

Waste of time.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Forgetable WW2 Drama
14 May 2023
Allied Forces have flet from the German Army to the Atlantic Coast.

It never explains why the German Army was so powerful. It never shows the actual retreat, it never explains anything what and why happened to leave them in this situation.

The Germans, like so often are not shown in any way. They are just the faceless evil hovering over them. This times with Stukas and Stukas only.

The director felt the need, among other things, to change the Stuka Sirens, to make them "more" scary.

If the viewer would know why the Wehrmacht didnt expand any further and only attacked with the Luftwaffe, which resulted in the failure of the German Army to capture the Allied Forces, maybe this movie would have more reason to it.

For me it simply was a boring and uninspired 0815 Propaganda Movie, which didnt even had much to work with.

There are no meaningful conversations, there are no charachters to bond with and the lack of realism is all over the place.

Overrated and by no means a must watch.
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Captive State (2019)
My Name is Captive State and i am not going to hold your Hand
30 April 2023
The Tone of the Movie is dark and grim from start to finish. No light Moments, no silly jokes, no plotarmor.

Conversations are the bare minimum and the story keeps itself always in focus of what it wants to tell you.

Aliens took over the World but the true enemies we see in the movie are most of the time the willing helpers and traitors of their own kind, other Humans.

But keep in mind, this is not an action movie.

The story follows several members of an underground unit that tries to get something done against the aliens and their human accomplices.

The plot is not realy predictable, the tone and music is concistent and fits the theme very good.

The Movie has a bit of 1984, Equilibrium, V and children of men.

Just tiny bits of each, put together in a refreshing way.

I dont say it reachs the same level like one or the other, depending of your likings. But it sure was entertaining.

I´m not gonna say anything else about the plot and the twist, experience that yourself.

One thing is for sure. It was a pleasent surprise and deserve a better score than 6/10.

I want more Movies that treat me like a thinking person who can put 1+1 together by myself and not a braindead drone like most of todays Hollywood Movies.

Worth a watch.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Best "Mainstream" Killing Joke so far.
4 April 2023
A Movie that entertains by Charachters and Dialog rather than CGI and braindead oneliners.

The weird timelines aside (death of the Waynes for example), the outcome is a very good Movie for People who can enjoy Drama without almost no Action set in Arkhams Feverdream.

As a Fan of Origins cradling in Gotham, this was good from start to finish.

Pathological laughter, no laughing matter. And yet he manages to laugh one time from the heart. And you see when and why. Its just perfectly executed.

Pheonix sets himself an all time high with his performances.

A Dark and twisted Drama about a Man who is on the edge of madness. He wants to be good and tries to fit in, but cant handle reality, so his mind develops its own reality.

The evil Maniac Joker isnt born yet. Or is he?
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Inside Man (2006)
Surprisingly weak for that heavyweight cast.
16 December 2022
The Credits start off the Movie and the Names alone are suggesting a damn good Film. But what awaits is a mediocre Movie, where most roles have big names, but almost no substance.

Denzel Washington, is again, playing Denzel Washington.

Willam Dafoe´s role could have been played by anybody. I asked myself why an Actor this good, would agree to such a tiny sidenote with maybe 3 minutes screentime.

Jodie Foster plays her Part well enough, but her Charachter is just this "mysterious" Broker with infinite connections to do, what the weak plot wants her to do. Nothing of her background or why even the mayor is crawling to her feet is ever explained.

And the "good guys" of the movie, the bankrobbers motives are vague and dont make any sense throughout the entire movie.

For a one time watch if you are extremly bored good enough. You dont miss anything if you skip this one tho.
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