
18 Reviews
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Wreck: Did You Miss Me? (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
Lazy writing is spoiling this show again
10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After the brilliant season two opener, the writers have let themselves down again with lazy writing leaving us with a good if unspectacular episode. I'm quite capable of suspending disbelief, but the story has to be plausible.

Are you seriously telling me that Baby would fully know that assassins are coming for him then take zero precautions for him or his staff? He's not monitoring his security cameras, no alarms, no traps, no guards, no proper weapons, and a girlfriend who obviously shouldn't be sitting in his office when assassins are coming any day.

That could easily have been a very slick and well-written scene with the assassins infiltrating Baby's garage. Instead we get an amateur scene that drags down a show to amateur level.

On top of that a lot of the tension in this episode is pivoted around Maggie being really cold and menacing, yet she's supposedly on the "good" side. You don't gain trust in a sinister environment by behaving in a sinister way, so obviously no one in our group has left the camp.

Finally, just about every other character has made a reappearance, so the final "twist" was not especially surprising but reasonably amusing nevertheless.

Hope the writers keep things tight going forward; this could be something special.
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Wreck: Gay Miles Per Hour (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
Best episode yet
9 April 2024
A massive improvement on season 1 (which was good but suffered tonally from being both silly and hardcore at the same time). The season 2 opener nails sinister and chilling without feeling like a CBBC programme. The writers have finally figured out how to land a tense joke without deflating the tension.

Also pleased to see that season 2 is indeed the same story continuing and not, for example, about a separate group of people on a Velorum ship. This also means it's great to be back with the same familiar group of characters.

It all feels something like a teenage version of Killing Eve or Utopia.

Looking forward to seeing where this one goes.
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Wreck (2022– )
Good, not great
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a smash hit, but tonally it is all over the place. Why does it feel like something that BBC would broadcast at 6pm for teenagers, but with the addition of occasional gore from an 18 rated horror slasher?

Spoiler ahead: this is essentially a teen LGBT soap crossed with the movie Hostel and Squid Game. At least the cruise ship angle felt original.

The writing should have been closer to Killing Eve or Apple TV's superb Afterparty, but it just feels a bit silly half the time, essentially spelling out what's happening in each scene to inform their intended young viewers.

Don't get me wrong, it was watchable, just a shame to see so much missed potential. Then again, if you're 15 years old you are going to LOVE this.
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Culprits (2023– )
Did you love the UK's Utopia? Watch this.
4 February 2024
How much you enjoy and rate this show depends on what you are expecting. Those expecting Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels or The Gentlemen will have moments of pleasure but may be ultimately unsatisfied.

If however you are a fan of brutal, wry and witty mysteries such as Utopia (UK version, not the abysmal US remake) or Killing Eve, then you are in the right place.

Culprits combines the action of a gangster thriller, with the unrelenting dread of Utopia, plus the flourishes of drama, emotion and international locations of Killing Eve.

Personally I loved it. Was it perfect? Not quite: the quality dropped from 10/10 to 8/10 when J Blakeson handed over to others halfway through the season.

Here's hoping this is not the last we see of Culprits.
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Made for Love (2021–2022)
4 February 2024
If you are looking for something that is a part Black Mirror, part The Good Place, then you are in for some disappointment. Though Made for Love has all the ingredients of a vicious Black Mirror episode the writing is not even remotely sharp enough to reach those heights. It has the easy-breezy style of The Good Place, but lacks the heart and humour.

I'm genuinely disappointed because Made for Love could have been so much better, so dark, thrilling and funny at the same time, but the writing is just weak and manages to be none of those.

The reality is for the first seasons very little actually happens in each episode regardless of the short running length. Thankfully things pick up dramatically in the last four episodes of season two; it's just a shame they couldn't all have been that good.
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Time (2021– )
Different seasons, different shows
13 December 2023
Series one and two don't share anything in common apart from a prison setting (and the chaplain), so being totally different shows I rather wish IMDb would allow users to rate each series of a tv show separately.

Series 1 is driven by emotion but focused very much on actions. Harrowing and tense, but most of all compelling. Top draw acting all round. 8/10

Series 2 is driven by actions but focused very much on the emotions. Full of deeply flawed characters who frequently escalate their own problems by making repeatedly poor choices. 5/10

I would welcome a third series, but would hope they might focus more on the events in prison and less time dwelling on emotions.
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Servant: Doll (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
Creepy as ever, but the story doesn't get going (yet)
15 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Effortlessly creepy, claustrophobic, yet gently paced to ratch up the tension, Servant has always been a great show. Ultimately there are two types of Servant episode: those with huge twists, plot points and occasional new characters; and those episodes that just hold the mood for half an hour, as if pondering which direction the show should take next.

This season opener is one of the latter.

Continuing from the moment the finale ended, if you loved the first season of Sevant then you are probably salivating over any new footage. Just maybe wait for a few more episodes to become available to binge if you crave story exposition and anything more than an extended ending to season 1 episode 10.

Also, last time I checked a 2nd or 3rd degree burn wouldn't be something you would just casually slam a book with or use to hold your weight on a bed. Seems strange to emphasis how bad it was, then to virtually ignore it beneath a bandage at all other times without barely a winch.
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Tales from the Loop: Stasis (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
More story than the typical TftL episode
27 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot to like about this episode and maybe a few things to dislike too. It also seems to be misunderstood with some viewers believing that the dilemma about being stuck with time frozen around them was false because you could simply remove the bracket... except removing the bracelet places you into frozen time, not escaping it.

Although the story makes a good case for the beauty of a precious moment, which can only be temporary even when time truly is frozen... however it also makes the case for never lashing out at those who care about you. When May attacks Ethan SHE is the one who unravels that magical moment she hoped would last forever. Some people will always be their own worst enemy.
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Tales from the Loop: Echo Sphere (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
Weak episode, not sci-fi
27 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was no more than a rumination on death and contained virtually zero narrative, instead only a small collection of situations that were no more inspiring than a calming screensaver.

I can cope with this series' slow pacing and find it beautiful when there is a story being driven forward - then it becomes poetry. Alas, with this type of non-sci fi short story drama writing you learn nothing new about the characters and you learn nothing new about humanity.
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Cats (2019)
I just felt... nothing
3 January 2020
Normally when I fall asleep during a movie I'm gutting and have to try to figure out what I missed. However on this occasion, as I woke up and realised I had missed perhaps half an hour of Cats, I felt a huge surge of relief.

It's so rare that I feel nothing from a movie, absolutely nothing.
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Weird City: Below (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
The weakest of season 1
19 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason episodes of Weird City get shorter and shorter the further into the season you go, almost as if they pushed the least developed and least "meaty" episodes to the back. As such "Below" is less than 18 minutes long and feels like a long trailer for a far better episode that might exist out there. The Truman Show did this episode's concept over 20 years ago and did it far better.

I hope Weird City returns for a second season, but they really need to keep the quality of the first few episodes throughout.
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Forgot what show it is a spin-off from
12 January 2018
Ironically the very Lone Gunmen episode was not part of this series - it was The X-Files season 5 episode 3 "Unusual Suspects". I think this series failed largely because it tried to be too different to the show that gave birth to it. Whereas Millennium was created separately and only merged into The X-Files universe for it's finale, The Lone Gunmen were created solely for the purposes of The X-Files and they fitted in perfectly.

Alas with their spin-off series, the producers decided to make it far more silly and incompetent. They created the perfect recipe, but decided to change it with the spin-off. If they had kept the edgy tone of The X-Files and called it The X-Files: Lone Gunmen, we might have had quite a few more seasons to enjoy.
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Could have been so much better
11 December 2017
This sequel took so long to come to fruition, the most unbelievable thing is that the writing could still be so bad. It genuinely feels like they cast the actors first, then wrote supposedly "cool and funny" scenes about them, making it feel more like a bunch of unconnected sketches and action sequences than a real story.

The main problem is that the humour seemed almost entirely aimed at the handful of young kids in my (very busy) screening, they loved it of course; but literally everyone else... silence for the entire movie. The special effects are fine and the action sequences exciting enough, but without a half-decent story to hold it together, it all feels a bit empty.

Ultimately keep your expectations rock bottom and you can probably just go along for the ride. But 22 years after the original, I would highly recommend you give the old one another try before you bother with this.
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Millennium: ...Thirteen Years Later (1998)
Season 3, Episode 5
Tongue in cheek Halloween episode doesn't disappoint
14 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Most purist Millennium fans probably won't like this episode. It feels more than a little like Jose Chung would appear at any moment, even if Darin Morgan didn't write this episode. A series of murders take place on a movie set (about a case Frank Black investigated 13 years ago), but will art imitate life or is life imitating art...
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Fantastic and brutal dystopian thriller
20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix really took me by surprise with this one. A solid dystopian action thriller, with a standout lead(s) from Noomi Rapace and excellent support from Willem Dafoe. Definitely worth watching if you are a fan of action, especially when it comes with a tight sci-fi plot.


In a future where genetically modified food has made nearly all pregnancies be of twins, triplets etc, overpopulation and impending starvation has led to a strict one-child policy. One family of seven identical sisters has carefully evaded detection by only leaving the building one day a week each, painstakingly crafting their appearance to the outer world as the one same person. But one day "Monday" doesn't come home from work...

Starting brilliantly as a simple mystery, then switching to complex thriller, the pace doesn't let up as it consistently ramps up the action. Brutal at times, this is not a movie to cut away from the action when many others would. Blunt comparison? Minority Report + Leon, with a touch of Children of Men, Total Recall, Blade Runner & Multiplicity.

Really an excellent thriller - more of this please Netflix. I'm only sad I couldn't see this at the cinema.
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The Boss Baby (2017)
A pleasantly surprising romp
23 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Despite coming across in the trailer as a movie about babies, for babies, The Boss Baby has more than enough wry humour to entertain adults too. A lively romp of a movie, this tale of a managerial baby sent undercover feels much like an extended Looney Tunes - which is not bad thing. Plus being fast-paced has the benefit of effectively distracting from the fact that the makers haven't been quite as effective as rivals Pixar in creating an emotional core to the story (see Up and Wall-E).

The Boss Baby is no animation classic, but it is surprisingly fun, not only for kids, but also adults and especially those who are parents. If you are a fan of lively animation, The Boss Baby is well worth catching; plus for once, the best bits aren't all in the trailer!
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Great dialogue in a flawed movie about a very aggressive girl
21 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the thing, this movie paints a very authentic portrayal as life as a teenager, and the dialogue is fantastically well written, being funny, cutting and emphatic. The problem is the main character quite literally creates almost all her own drama and problems through being aggressive to everyone around her, and then does it again, again and again.

It's not the teenage angst or the introverted awkwardness (both of which she has in spades and which are reasonable character traits for her to have), it's the fact that she consistently verbal attacks her friend & family, especially when they are trying to apologise or reason with her kindly; and this aggression is often the only thing driving the story. I guess that could be considered perfectly realistic, but it makes everything in the movie so predictable and hard to feel much sympathy for her.

(SPOILERS) Unsurprisingly life gets consistently worse and worse for her and if you stop the movie when she goes to bed five minutes before the end, the main character is exactly the same as at the beginning: selfish, aggressive and with no confidence (so zero character development there). Lo and behold she wakes up a completely different person: confident, polite and kind to all around her - an utterly unbelievable and unrealistic transformation, literally overnight.

So I'd have to say it's a mostly fun movie, with well written dialogue, but a repetitive story and a sloppy tacked-on ending.
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Forget Paris (1995)
Utterly charming
5 December 2004
Forget Paris is admittedly a film carried almost entirely by Billy Crystal, but with such witty delivery, he's perfect. Having said that, the whole cast look to be having a ball and it really comes across on-screen. Rose-tinted views of Paris, alongside near slapstick sketches in the States, makes for a fast-paced tale that you can just sit back and enjoy.

Mickey (Crystal) travels to France to bury his father, only to find that the airline has accidentally sent the body to the wrong airport. Ellen (Winger) is the airline official sent to assure Mickey that everything possible is being done. Despite meeting under such an awkward situation, soon enough they are walking the streets of Paris together and romance blossoms. But with lives on different sides of the Atlantic, there are going to be a lot sacrifices...

And if the movie ever begins to feel as though it might be getting bogged down in the romance, it steps out to the "present day" restaurant scene where friends are sharing the story, each telling a different part and eager to find out what happened in the end.

An entertaining, funny and above all, charming story.
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