40 Reviews
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
a great rom com
21 September 2023
This is a really great rom com. It is way funnier than most films in the genre and it also has more heart and soul. First of all Ryan Reynolds does a great job as the formerly fat loser turned hunk of the month who still can't seem to get it together to impress the woman he loves. That Ryan Reynolds is a really great actor because you see him as the fat loser and feel really bad for him being bullied but then in the next scene he is thin and pretty and smother than silk charming all the ladies so you kind of want to hate him but he then meets the girl he loved in the beginning and he then melts right back to who he was when he was when he started and is a completely hopeless romantic. The guy has great range as an actor and I really felt for him and rooted for his character. Just watch the first few scenes. It is heart breaking and it made me want to see him suceed. Then there is Amy Smart as the love interest. She is so gorgeous I love her so much. I don't want to be rude but I want to wear her panties as a covid mask. Like a gentleman. She is so gorgeous it hurts. But I give her a lot of credit as an actress because she easily could have just been a pretty object of affection, but what makes her so good is that she actually seems like a nice person who really does care about Ryan Reynolds character. So you can't hate her. It's like she loves him just as much as he loves her but she just wants him to get it together and become the man she knows he can be. She is so pretty too. It's like I could fall asleep with my nose in her special place and die happy. This is a really great underrated movie. If you like the original American Pie movies then you will probably like this too. Also Anna Paris is great as always. She really is a one of a kind. She is model hot but also very funny. I'd happily bury my face in that peach garden any time if you know what I mean (; ))
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9 September 2023
I've been putting off watching this again for a while because the film is so long but I threw it on tonight and it's less than 30 minutes in and I have already fallen back in love with it. Lord Of The Rings is the greatest story of all time books and movies (the tv show does not exist to me do not mention it or you're getting a knuckle sandwich) the story is built so beautifully that every scene in this is satisfying in it's own way. Not to make it rude and I don't want my review not to get posted but I feel like how women must feel when they get multiple things in a row that a man can only get one at a time. The characters and actors and writing and soundtrack and sets and effects and cinematography are all 10/10. The LOTR trilogy are perfect movies and I don't say that often but every single one of them are great perfect moving movies and Return Of The King is the best of the bunch. I like a lot of characters but Aragorn is my favourite by far. He is the perfect male hero. Tolkien was a proper Christian and war hero (so cool) I think he was trying to make Aragorn like Jesus (the ultimate hero) and it really shows. He is perfect and good but humble and kind enough that it's not annoying. Gandalf is also funny in a low key way. This was in the perfect spot it was made at the peak of Western civilisation but before clown world made everything bad and silly. I wish I could do a better review to do justice to how awesome it is. I'm probably going to cry by the end. And that is not gay! If you don't cry when you watch Lord Of The Rings then you are empty and have no soul. I love this movie!
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Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material (2021 TV Special)
good writing
5 September 2023
I get the impression I probably wouldn't like Jimmy Carr if I met him in person and there are definitely comedians I prefer but he is funny. His jokes are a bit hit and miss some of them are bad and gross offensive lame not funny corny dad jokes but he also does some great hilarious well crafted jokes too. I think he has average delivery where he really shines is as a writer. My main issue with him is that he presents himself as edgy but at its core this stuff is all very safe. It's not like he's coming out in black face loudly dropping N bombs like he's Chris Rock or making cookie based holocaust jokes, but then again who is? He's a good enough comedian I just don't like him that much. What helps him is that most mainstream comedy is so bad now that he looks good by comparison.
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Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001)
most underrated show
4 September 2023
It is not perfect but nothing really is and it took a while to find itself but I really love Voyager. People can argue all day about what the best Star Trek show was and I wouldn't say that Voyager is the best but that is not an insult to Voyager it is just that it is impossible to compete with the others. The Original Series is legendary and TNG is somehow even better and DS9 was so ahead of its time that people kind of forget how good Voyager was too. I think it might not be the best show overall but at its best I think it was definitely in the same league as the other shows. I love Star Trek so much and it is the same reason I love cats etc. I have autism and have had the bad luck to meet a lot of truly horrible people in life who are vicious and cruel but in Star Trek and lord of the rings etc there is none of that cruelty and hostility. There is good vs evil but humanity as a whole has kind of moved past the primitive and petty cruelty and hostility. I with real life could be like that too. I love Star Trek because it shows me what humans ideally could be and that makes me feel good. I wish that The Doctor and Seven Of Nine ended up together, they were by far the best characters.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Body and Soul (2000)
Season 7, Episode 7
one of the best episodes
4 September 2023
This is definitely one of my top 5 favourite episodes of voyager. The Doctor and seven Of Nine do a body swap thing and it is so funny. I like most of the other voyager characters too but those two are by far my favourites. I wish they ended up as a couple they are the perfect couple of beauty and brains. This episode shows what great actors they both are and it is really well written. It is definitely one of the funniest episodes of Star Trek ever. Robert Ricardo is great as always as the doctor he could read the phonebook and make it entertaining. Jery Ryan really shines in this episode though because she has to channel the doctor character and clearly had fun with it, like she gets to do an impression of her friend. I'll freely admit I can be very shallow and the fact that she looks like a supermodel with a perfect body means I could watch her do anything and enjoy it, but she actually is a great actress too. You sometimes don't see it because the seven of nine character is so focused and rarely emotes but in episodes like this you see that she has a lot of talent and range as an actress. I think it is kind of like Data from TNG he is so wooden because that is what the character is but when you see him play other parts you see how good the actor is. I think Voyager might be the most underrated Trek series. It is a bit hit or miss but its best episodes can easily compete with the other shows too. I'm now going to look up some pictures of seven Of Nine in her skin tight body suit for research purposes.
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Tenet (2020)
self indulgent
1 September 2023
I am a big fan of Christopher Nolan. The Dark Knight is my favourite movie and I'd say he has made at least 5 films that are all time classics. Unfortunately I didn't like this one very much. It is still very good in some ways but overall I'm not that happy with it. The concept is very interesting. The special affects or however they do the time manipulation stuff is next level and it looks really cool. The acting is sort of all over the place. Robert Patterson is really cool in this I think he would be a good James Bond. The tall blonde women is gorgeous. I like her a lot. The black guy is quite good. The bad guy in this I think is terrible and he is supposed to be a good actor but I thought he was over the top in an and way. John Malcovich in Rounders playing the Russian guy is kind of terrible but he is still very entertaining, this guy is just a loud annoying psycho that I hate. The film is good in some ways but I still didn't like it that much. My main criticism is that it is unnecessarily complicated I barely have any idea of what happened and why. It reminds me of Jazz music where they play obnoxious nonsense and all the smart elite people pretend they like it because they don't want to seem dumb. I don't mind experimental in fact I like originality but I think this one ended up going too far and kind of forgot about actually engaging with the audience and entertaining them. Inception was experimental and complicated but it was done so much better because they actually explained what was happening and why. This is like Inception meets James Bond which in theory could be amazing but I just don't think they quite pulled it off here. I respect the attempt at trying something new and original but it is not one of my favourite Nolan films.
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The Wheel of Time: Leavetaking (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Wheel Of Meh
1 September 2023
I decided to give this a try thinking it might be like Game Of Thrones. Game Of Thrones was really good for four seasons then pretty good for two more and then so awful it hurts to think about for the last two. From what I have seen of this I would compare it to Ring Of Power and I do not mean that as a compliment. In this first episode I can see that it is well made as in the visuals sets and sound track even the acting etc, but it still isn't doing it for me. I think it's the writing. I'm just not interested in the characters or story. I'm trying to write my own story and so I'm seeing that it is a lot harder than you would think it would be so I have more sympathy now for bad writers but I don't really like this. I don't want to give spoilers but for at least half the episode nothing really happens and I mean nothing. It is just dull. So I gave it a try and it is not the worst thing I have ever seen but this is not for me.
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The New 007
15 August 2023
I liked it a lot. Every John Wick movie is cool in its own way. I think that John Wick movies have kind of taken the place of James Bond movies. I would have given this a 10/10 but it is a bit slow in parts and very long. I understand they need to take the time to build up and down and they want to make it epic, but I personally think they probably could have shaved at least 20 minutes or even 40 and had it just over 2 hours instead of just under 3 hours. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing and I think 3 hours is long for any movie, even LOTR is a bit draining in parts and those movies are masterpieces. The action sequences are incredible. I love the way they combine martial arts, blades, and guns together in such a cool way. He even uses nunchucks and makes it cool. The locations are beautiful lots of night stuff with bright neon lights in Japan and Europe with classical music and fine works of art. This really is an action movie for the thinking man, unlike that Marvel trash the commoners watch. I keep thinking with every John Wick sequel I hope this isn't the one that finally jumps the shark and ruins the franchise but they have managed to deliver every time. I just hope they don't make the mistake of focusing too much on character and story. In every other movie that would be a good thing but John Wick actually hit on a fundamental truth that in action movies that stuff really doesn't matter, I just want to see lots of cool stunts and fight sequences with the bare minimum of story to hold it all together. Great movie. If they can get away with it and maintain quality I'd love to see them get all the way to John Wick 7.
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Black Mirror: Nosedive (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
9 August 2023
I tried a few episodes of this a long time ago when it started and I didn't really like it. I was looking for something to watch and decided to give this another chance. I looked at this episode because it is supposed to be one of the better episodes and I actually do like this one. I still think overall the show is style over substance. On the whole I think it is overrated as hell but I might watch some of the better rated episodes. I'm sure it is very hit or miss but that comes with the territory of doing a new thing each time. I think it was a very good idea to try and reimagine The Twilight Zone for the 21st century I just don't think it is anywhere close to being that good but then again what is?... This is a good episode though. It is still lacking something though. I get the impression the whole show is like Jazz music it's weird and complicated and there isn't really any order or resolution and you are supposed to be impressed by it whereas I prefer classic with it's order beauty and symmetry. I think the show is okay but it's extremely overrated and not as clever as it thinks it is.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
7 August 2023
This film is genius. The concept is great. They made an episode of Stargate SG1 which is kind of like this which is great too. This does a great job of balancing quite a lot of things. The love story is heart warming, the concept is smart, and the comedy is done in such away that it is family friendly but still funny kind of like classic Simpsons. The location is a nice charming place you can imagine liking being stuck there for a while. Bill Murrays character starts off as kind of a jerk but gradually gets nicer. It also has some sad moments too. This is a really smart well rounded film that you can watch many times and not get bored of. Everyone is good in it but Bill Murray steals it and I think it is definitely his best movie. Andy McDowell is a great partner for him she is really nice and sweet. The strongest thing about it is the time loop concept. Bill Murrays character is kind of a jerk but never goes too far but I think it would be interesting to see a real psycho character just take this concept to an 11 in an Evil Dead / Grand Theft Auto kind of way.
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It Warms My Heart
3 August 2023
This is a really really great fun movie and it puts me in a good mood every time I watch it. I would definitely put it in Will Ferrels top 5 best movies ever and he has made lots of great comedy movies. One thing that helps it is that the Eurovision Song Contest is already so camp and ridiculous anyway that you really don't have to try to hard to make it funny. It is consistently funny the whole way through and all the main characters are great in their own way. The outrageously gay Russian guy is a great villain. Pierce Brosnan is great as the grumpy 'incredibly handsome' father. Will Ferrel is brilliant as the doofus dreamer musician son and Rachel McAdams might be my favourite character because she is just so good with Will Ferrell and kind of takes his silliness up to a whole new level. This really is a great feel good movie if you love or hate Eurovision you will still enjoy it. Also Graham Norton is hysterical as the commentator which he does in real life too and he is perfect at. Eurovision just really lends itself to a catty homosexual criticising everyone and their costumes. Great movie. Another thing is that songs in the movie although they are funny are also great well composed songs that could easily be in the real Eurovision contest and the girl who does Rachel madams singing has an incredible voice.
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1 August 2023
This is a great idea for a tv show. It is very interesting and I am learning a lot. I will try to use this stuff when I try to set up my own cult. My favourite thing about the show is that it is literally a step by step guide for how to start a cult which is brilliant. There are some good animated sequences which tell the story of these creepy cult leaders. Peter Dinklage is great as the narrator and he produced it too. As long as you don't take it too seriously this is a fun and entertaining show. The best way to view it would actually be to study how these cult leaders manipulate people so you can start to identify when people are manipulating you. Sadly the world is full of psychopaths and so it is good to know what you are up against.
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underrated rom com
28 July 2023
I don't like people being promiscuous either men or women. That is just my personal opinion. So I kind of have an issue with that pert of the movie, but other than that part I actually really like the movie. Anna Paris is one of my favourite actresses. She is very pretty but it's more than that she just seems like a very nice sweet person. She might be horrible in real life I have no idea but in every movie I have seen her in I find her very likeable. She can also be very funny but without trying to hard. Captain America is very charming too. I want to hate him for being so hunky but he was in Not Another Teen Movie and I love that movie. They both work together very well. Most people probably think I am kind of a bad ass but every now and then I do enjoy a good rom com as much as the next man. This one is very underrated. It should be more well known.
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Stargate SG-1 (1997–2007)
Stargreat SG1
11 June 2023
I have been struggling to find something good to watch recently and I saw some fans of Star Trek mention SG1. I really love Trek and lots of ST fans also swear by Stargate so I decided to give it a try. I did watch some a long time ago when I was a child but don't remember any of it. So my family and I decided to rewatch the 1994 Stargate movie and then the series. The movie is a really great sci-fi movie that has aged really well. It was made in the 90s but the special effects still hold up. We're watching the beginning of the tv show SG1 now and the first episode is great. I can definitely see myself getting into this show. It is very different from Star Trek but seems to be just as creative.
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10 June 2023
I've watched most American Pie movies, even the bad ones, and that kind of made me forget just how entertaining some of them are. What makes the difference is the cast. The original cast are all great comedy actors with great chemistry. I would normally hate a character like Stiffler but somehow the actor somehow makes him still likeable. Jason Biggs is also very charming and likeable, he gets into lots of embarrassing situations but always gets back up again, inspiring. Finch is actually my favourite, he has these hilarious one liners and facial expressions that really steal scenes. Jim's Dad is consistently hilarious. I think all four films with the original cast are very entertaining. Some of the other ones are okay and some are just awful. Good comedy movies are lifesavers. They might get away with doing one or two movies before the cast age out.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
8 June 2023
The Sopranos is adored by critics and there is probably nothing new I could say about it but that doesn't matter. Alll you need to know is this, I've watched tons of movies and tv shows in my life and it can all be broken down into three categories. The stuff that I did not like and have no interest in ever seeing again. The stuff I did find entertaining and might rewatch if I feel like it. Those two categories cover more that 90% of everything I have ever seen, but then there is this last category which is well under 10%. That is the stuff I love this so much that I am completely obsessed with it and if it was a human being it would have a restraining order against me. The Sopranos is at the top of that list. There are several shows that I think you could argue are the greatest tv shows of all time and everyone might have a different favourite but anyone who doesn't at least put The Sopranos in their top 5 I just can't take seriously as a human being. It is incredible. In hundreds or even thousands of years they are still going to be blown away by how good this show was. I love Breaking Bad and The Wire too, those shows definitely belong in the conversation but to me The Sopranos is the best of the bunch and for me what makes it the best is actually the comedy. All three shows are great dramas and they all had their funny moments but The Sopranos had this amazing thing where it was this great Shakespearean tragedy for about 20 minutes but then would hit you with a funny moment so stunningly hilarious that it was like the whole dark and serious content that preceded it was just made to set up for this amazing home run joke. Like the whole deep and serious philosophical stuff that locked you in was just like a magician doing misdirection so he could then do a trick and I could not love that any more. By doing that it somehow ends up being better than any other drama or comedy and it cuts right to the heart of what our lives are and the tragedy of this reality. The whole thing is a dark comedy and the more you can accept that the easier your life can ultimately be. I don't want to ruin them by saying them but this show has hundreds of classic one liners. So I love several other shows too but to me what makes the Sopranos the very best to me is the comedy. This show is waaaaaay funnier than it needs to be. It could have just gone all dark and Hamlet and it still would have been great and won tons of awards, but what makes it the timeless masterpiece that it is is the genius dark comedy that is woven into it. This really is a one stop shop of a tv show you get drama comedy romance and philosophy. This show is so good and unfortunately I don't think they will ever make anything this good again. Pure genius.
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American Prize
8 June 2023
I think they ended up making way too many American Pie movies and some of them were really bad, but the movies with the original cast I really like. They did have the gross over the top sex jokes which I understand if people don't like that, but I think the reason they got away with it in the first three movie is because the writing was good and the cast were great and most importantly there was a good heart underneath it all. The gross sex stuff was really just for comedy but at the core it was about young men becoming adults and struggling with the transition. I think the American Pie movies are kind of like Jackass lots of people have tried to copy them but most end up failing because they kind of miss the point. They think it needs to be all about the gross embarrassing sex stuff, but they forget that that stuff is just a funny obstacle but that the story is really about trying to find love. Just like Jackass is not really about doing gross dangerous things, it is about friendship and trying to conquer your fears and also trying to reimagine classic physical slapstick comedy like Buster Keaton and Bugs Bunny etc as weird as it might be to say it is art and most of the imitators don't get that. I'm going through a really difficult time right now and these old American Pie movies made me smile, that is worth more than platinum to me right now. The world is cruel and comedy is waaaay better than drama to me personally.
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6 June 2023
This movie I underrated. I needed something to watch and I put this on because I saw it a long time ago and it's actually pretty good. I understand if people find Russel Brand annoying but I think ha can sometimes be very funny and him and Jonah Hill work together very well. Puff Daddy is really funny in this movie, he's a real scene stealer. This movie also kind of makes fun of the music industry and as a big music fan I like that. It's not as good as Spinal Tap which I consider the best comedy movie ever that is for obvious reasons an 11/10 but I give this movie a string 8/10. It has a few weird parts but most of it is very good. I have noticed a real decline in the quality of movies in the past 10 years. Stuff from the late 90s and early 00s was just so much better.
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Blade (1998)
Bloody Cool
2 June 2023
I really liked this movie. It was made at the same time as the Matrix so it has a kind of similar style. There is kung fu, guns, trench coats, and techno music. Some might say that stuff is cheesy but in a good action movie I think it's cool. It is a bit scary and there is lots of blood. So if you don't like that sort of stuff you might want to skip this movie. It is about a guy who is half vampire and half human and he runs around with guns and swords hunting down vampires. It is a really great idea for a story. There is nothing more badass than hunting vampires. Wesley Snipes is great as Blade. He doesn't really talk much or have much emotional range but that works for a tough guy character. He nails all of the action sequences doing cool spin kicks etc. Stephen Dorff does a great job as the villain. He is a jerk but in an entertaining way. The whole idea of an evil group secretly running the world who view humans as cattle is another thing that I think is a good political point.
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A Horror Masterpiece
23 May 2023
I've seen some good horror movies in my time and this is definitely in my top 5 best of all time. My favourites are Texas Chainsaw Massacre is you want an adrenaline rush, The Exorcist for a spiritual war, The Shining for a beautiful puzzle, Scream for a fun witty slasher, and The Wicker Man if you want a beautiful nightmare. I would never give away the plot because that would ruin it, but what I will say is that what makes the whole thing so scary is that most of the film is not actually that scary. What I mean is that there is not a bunch of blood and guts it is a lot more psychological but all things considered I'd say it is one of the scariest films I've ever seen. What makes it so scary to me is that it is heavily based on true stories. Cults are very scary because it is one thing to deal with one crazy psychopath but to have to fight against an entire network of them who don't even realise that they are evil is truly terrifying. I think the exorcist and Texas chainsaw are 10/10 scary but this is very close to that. It is just very unsettling at times and gradually builds into something frightening. What makes it so effective is the contrast because there are also some very nice parts like pretty women dancing around naked and people singing beautiful folk songs. It is like a beautiful nightmare. This film is definitely worth all of the hype, if you like horror movies then you should watch it.
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Mama Mia!
20 May 2023
This movie should win oscars. I'm not even jokes. The CGI / animation is beautiful. It looks just as good as the new Mario games but it is a movie. I loved to play Super Mario 64 when I was a child so watching this movie is kind of a dream come true. I've not even finished watching it but I had to stop and write a review because it is so good. If you are a fan of any of the Super Mario games then you should watch this because it is great. I think you could probably enjoy it even if you don't know the games but it is better if you do. They have thrown in lots of stuff for the fans, like sometimes when Mario is running around they shift the camera to angles where it looks like you are playing a Mario game. They have all the main characters and places and stuff you could want from the Mario games. I generally don't expect much at all from movies these days but this one is really really good. My favourite thing is Mario and Luigi;s brother dynamic, it makes me wish I had a brother like that and we could cosplay as Mario and Luigi. All the actors are great but Charlie Day as Luigi is my favourite. I'm a huge fan of it's always sunny so it's a nice weird surprise to see him play Luigi. This is a really great film and it deserves to be very successful and it really should win oscars especially for the visuals / cgi you won't see a better looking movie this year that's a guarantee and Princess Peach is a hot piece of ass.
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
19 May 2023
I like this show a lot. It does not get the credit it deserves. One thing I hate is comedy snobbery. I like smart comedy and dumb comedy. Funny is funny. Two And A Half Men might be a mainstream sitcom but I don't care because it makes me laugh. It is a documentary about Charlie Sheen and his nice dorky brother and his big dopey son Jake. They live in Beverly Hills Miami or something and date lots of beautiful women. My favourite by far is Kandi who is a beautiful young bimbo. The theme song is funny too. I haven't seen the whole show yet and apparently it gets worse near the end, but I like what I have seen so far.
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How I Met Your Mother: Last Forever: Part Two (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
It gets better
10 May 2023
I hated this ending when I first saw it but after rewatching it many years later I really don't think it is that bad, in fact it is kind of nice. I think it definitely could have been better, but I gave it a 7 because I think most people are being too harsh on it. I think they kind of painted themselves into a corner with the story. Barney and Robin worked as a couple but so did Ted and Robin and so did Ted and The Mother and unfortunately they couldn't have all three couples. I personally would have ended it differently but it is still in its own way quite a nice ending. If you hated it try to watch it again later you might feel differently.
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
a nice fun show
9 May 2023
I have been rewatching this and I forgot how much I liked it. It is very full on with the hopeless romantic stuff and that can get a bit cheesy sometimes, but other times it is really sweet. I find the Lily character very annoying and always have, but sometimes she is okay. I also remember thinking they really messed up the ending which is a shame because it had the potential to have a really good ending. Without giving spoilers I think if they had just gone for a more straight forward maybe a bit predictable ending then that would have ultimately been a lot more satisfying. As far as the good things go I think the humour is nice fun and silly which I like. Ted is great as the main character he can do the dramatic stuff, romantic stuff, but I think he is at his best when he is being dorky and funny. NPH as Barney is great, it is a very funny over the top character and he is a great actor singer dancer etc Jason Segel as Marshall is hilarious he is good as both a straight man and at being goofy and silly. Robin is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen and she is also very funny. There are lots of great running jokes and side plots. It is a really nice feel good show. If you like Friends then you might like this too. Try watching a few episodes of the first season because you will know quite quickly whether you like it. It was a good premise for a romantic comedy. I'm giving it a 9/10 because I think the ending was weak but the rest is all good.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
The S H I T E Agent
16 April 2023
This is bad. It is like if you took one of the worse seasons of 24 and god rid of Keifer Sutherland as Jack badass Bauer and also took out all of the cool action. The boss is an asian lady. Ooh how progressive, I'm so impressed. It is just your typical modern Netflix garbage where the characters and story are generic and predictable because they care more about political correctness and propaganda. I can't think of much more to say because I only saw one episode but that's all I needed to see. I really just wanted to make my hilarious pun on the title. The main character is boring too. He is just so dull he should be called Jack Bore because he's a Bore. Another hilarious pun, I just can't help myself. This show sucks.
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