
12 Reviews
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Hangin' with Mr. Cooper (1992–1997)
A Show for the Ages...
12 February 2004
Ok, so that may be a bit much. Nevertheless, it was a solid comedy that fit perfect into that TGIF-based Friday network programming.

Except it didn't rely on a quirky family set-up or a set of twins playing one person.

Instead it had a hilarious Mark Curry at the center of a hilarious show. His job and everything about him fit.

The side characters were all great, except when Raven Symone was nearly written into nearly as important as a character.

Vanessa was always the perfect babe. Geneva was annoying, but always at the right levels. PJ was the perfect principal to mock. And Omar Gooding, who excelled in Playmakers, was the perfect Ervin.

Frankly, I still miss the show.

And as for that Tyler kid, hilarious as always.

Come back Mark Curry. Celebrity Mole isn't enough!
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A PG-13 Teen Movie...that works
30 January 2004
Those expecting cinematic events like the Godfather or Saving Private Ryan.

Stop reading this.

Those expecting crude teen humor films featuring underage drinking and nudity, such as Road Trip and Varsity Blues.

Stop reading this.

But those of you looking for a teen movie full of the typical adolescent hinjinx and cheap laughs.

Start reading this.

The Perfect Score won't light up the box office or have everyone waiting day after day for its release onto DVD.

Instead, it's a movie targeted towards middle schoolers, high schoolers, and most college students.

Typically good kids under rough circumstances, most of us who have taken the SATs remember the pain in the arse they were. Throw in two very attractive, and talented acting-capable, girls...two guys and a jock...and an Asian pothead quick with one liners...

and you got a pretty solid movie.

While the Perfect Score won't give you everything you want, I feel that it will make you just happy enough that you caught the showing.

So if you're looking for a movie to sit back and relax too...and perhaps vicariously wonder if you could steal the answers to the SAT...check out the movie.

I enjoyed it, and chances are if you kept on reading this post.

You will too.
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21 Grams (2003)
The Three Top Actors Shine...
29 January 2004
Simply put, you'd be hard-pressed to find three actors (actresses are actors in my mind) than those of Sean Penn, Naomi Watts, and Benicio Del Toro.

21 Grams united them all under a rising, brilliant director. It gives them a story that interlocks the lives of three desperate soles, searching for the answers to the brutal questions life has asked them.

If that sounds a little cliche, I apologize.

Plainly put, see this movie. Rent it, download it (gasp, did I say that?), and when the time comes please purchase it.

Thee storytelling is that of Tarantino brilliance. A dash of Christopher Nolan (Mememto) can be seen as well.

And in the end, it's the Oscar-caliber performances of Penn, Watts, and Del Toro that take over the movie.

Sean Penn's performance is, if not equal, surpasses that of his award-winning turn in Mystic River. (Which I easily compare this movie to with its amazing sense for plot and character co-development.)

Naomi Watts takes the final step (Mullholland Drive thrust her to the forefront as is) to becoming one of the finest actresses in movies today. If you don't agree, watch her during the movie's most vivid and touching scene (there we so many to choose from) in which she receiver grave information at the hospital. (No spoilers further than this will be found in this post.) Watts not only delivers every emotion that character is feeling, but shows you nearly face-to-face with what she is dealing with. It's mind-blowing.

Del Toro. Well, the guy put out a top 10 performance of the past twenty-five years in Traffic...and he doesn't dissapoint here. In fact, several times throughout the movie you almost believe that he was the only star worth watching.

Again, this movie is brilliant. If you desire deep, powerful acting...check this movie out. If you desire plot development that shifts around, much as life, leaving you only more and more intrigued...check this movie out.

I could do this for days.

Just, check this movie out.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
Seinfeld...the Sequel
25 January 2004
Chances are if you were a fan of Seinfeld, you will be a fan of this show.

While it isn't for everyone, I believe HBO has another solid show that needs to be seen by more of the population.

Larry David shines as the star of this brilliant show. It is an oddball show with a premise that never gets old. You can see why George Constanza was molded out of Larry's personality.

The casting of other celebrities is the perfect touch for this show. You see what life in Hollywood could be like, for a out-of-touch, yet hilarious man.

I recommend checking out a few episodes. Not just one or two, to take in the humor of this show.

Simply put, it's like watching the little things that could go terrible wrong in your life, get blown out of proportion to extents you couldn't have imagined.

We've all been there before. And Davis shines. His wife and manager are the perfect consistent supporting actors...and the show has never gotten old to me.

I hope you take in an episode or two, because HBO has struck comedic gold again.
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I can't understand the hate. Amazing movie.
5 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
We all know the original Matrix was easily the pinacle. But that's because it grabbed out attentions as something brand new. The first movie, if done correctly as the Matrix was, can open our eyes to new ideas we never considered in any strain of our imagination.

I'll admitt, Reloaded was a bit slow and perhaps a bit tedious at times. It was saved by an amazing Neo vs. Thousands of Smiths' battle, an even more amazing highway scene centered around Morpheus, and the appearance of the amazing Monica Belluci (a character I wish we'd heard more from the in the 3rd installment).

Now as for Revolutions. Unless you're unrealistic or a mass-media critic, who all hate anything outside of artsy or useless Indy movies that get ZERO major'll enjoy and perhaps love Revolutions.

You get clarity to a lot of questions. You get resolution. No cliffhangers. People die and people survive, I won't dare say whom. You are brought all the way from dispair to happiness. Instead of simply giving the cheesy ending, the Matrix's "end" is proper and sensible.

Of course there are some plot holes, but I dare anyone and everyone to find a movie without numerous mistakes or unanswered questions. More and more directors should heed the advice of David Lynch and allow the audience to interpret a few things for themselves. Keep them thinking. (I won't open up a Lynch debate, that's for another time and place)

In the end, you'll enjoy Revolutions. It is action-packed with amazing special effects and the usual above-average acting and amazing creativity in the choreography of the fight scenes.

Agent Smith shines in a stellar performance by Hugo Weaving. His words to Neo throughout his battle are stellar. His encounter with the Oracle, awesome. Keanu, Fish, Carrie-Anne, Jada, and others for the fight for good are also as sharp as they need to be.

In the end, Revolutions is everything a true fan of the Matrix wants. And if they ask for more, they are not only guilty of being unrealistic, but also asking too much for an amazing trilogy.

A trilogy I believe should be held in the same breath as Star Wars (the original three), Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, and numerous other action-drama based trilogies. I'm sure I'll be adding the Lord of the Rings trilogy to that list, barring a collapse with the Return of the King (another debate for another time).
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Amazing Storytelling
10 October 2003
At the end of his career, renegade and brilliant director Quentin Tarantino will be known from movie critics and fans for two movies, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. The first, being his Indie-cult classic that paved the way for his distinct, vivid storytelling ability. The second being his rise to commercial stardom with an ensemble cast perhaps second to none.

It revived the career of former icon John Travolta, introduced Uma Thurman to the big stage, and also reminded us of the brilliance of numerous actors. Bruce Willis, Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Ving Rhames, and Eric Stoltz are just a few. Oh, and that Samuel L. Jackson, well he just went out and stole the movie with an unforgettable performance as everyone's favorite character, Jules Winnfield. (That bad know the rest)

This previous paragraph would be undeniable for almost any true movie critic and fan. Sure there was Jackie Brown, a very enjoyable and well-acted movie that most Tarantino fans hold very dear to their heart. But it never hit mainstream like some thought. It never really caught on as one of Tarantino's true classics.

That all changed on October 10th, 2003. When Uma Thurman was going to Kill Bill. The preview had an auspiscious debut late last winter with a few cheesy promo clips showing Uma Thurman with quite a large sword, not that type of movie, and surrounded by several martial artists, in business suits and Shakesperian masks. Huh?

Almost a year later and Volume 1 of Kill Bill finally arrived. And while Volume 2 is still 5 months away waiting for February to arrive. Kill Bill will not only be added to Tarantino's impressive lineup, but it will stand with Reservoir Dogs & Pulp Fiction as true classics from the mind of the most innovative storyteller to direct in the past 15 years. Sofia Copolla is well on her way, but she is no Tarantino as of yet.

Film highlights? I don't want to ruin the fun. Uma is absolutely brilliant though, and looks more beautiful than ever. Tarantino once again tells us this story through his usual unorganized, yet perfect, method. We are introduced to each character, their story, and their relation to Uma's character abtly titled, "The Bride". Vivica Fox helps the movie get off to a strong start as villainess #1 and while we are teased with a sexy-return by Daryl Hannah, Lucy Lui then bursts out onto the scene with beauty and acting-grace with the beautiful, yet completely deadly O-Ren Ishi. Michael Madsen's "Budd" is foreshadowed and we even get a peak at the infamous "Bill".

Any more details outside of some amazing fight scenes, squirting limbs dumping out thousands of gallons of blood, an amazing battle pitting Thurman against countless of the afforemention well-dressed martial artists, and as usual, a perfect soundtrack (headed up by Wu-Tang Clan's true genius, the Rza)...this leaves Kill Bill: Volume 1 as an amazing movie to watch and enjoy.

Just save the popcorn for the next less-bloodied and limb-losing movie. I thank Tarantino for this amazing movie. And the best way I can think to, outside of this review, is by seeing Volume 2. I recommend you do the same.
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Social Commentary or A Strong Message
13 April 2002
After taking in Changing Lanes I was felt with several clashing opinions. They all added up to the same principle though, this was a good, enjoyable movie to partake. Affleck is becoming a seasoned actor and Samuel L. Jackson thrives in a role written for his sometime desperate-antic ridden psyche.

But more specifically five points stick out to me while attempting to review this movie. Maybe perhaps you agree or disagree with them after seeing the movie yourself or perhaps this will cause you to take in your own viewing of the movie or perhaps leave it for a rental opporunity. Either way, here they are...

1. Is this a Social Commentary on a number of things? Society, Hollywood, the profession of Law, family life. Who knows? I do know that this movie did provoke me to think of my own ethics and put me into the popular situation of "what would I do"? Either way, the characters played realistic roles in a situation we all could relate to in some way. 2. Is Affleck becoming a top notch actor or just "going through the motions". So many young, talented actors fall into normalcy in most non-blockbuster roles. This is a good movie, but won't get Ben an Oscar. However, he pulls of a strong performance. 3. Samuel J. Jackson. Could anybody have played this tole any better??? If there is somebody out there, I doubt he's been found. 4. Co-stars? Affleck and Jackson are the only two worth noting in this movie. Collette isn't amazing either way, and frankly, whatever she is doing with her physical isn't working. Sorry. 5. Overall thoughts. A smart, thought provoking movie, that while at times drags on and on, it's fast-paced and high intensity ridden plot scheme leave you satisfied and enjoyed. The end is what you want and so the director gives it to you.

7 out of 10. Jackson and Affleck form a formidable duo in a strong movie by a promising director. I recommend taking it in the theatre...if not, give it at least a rental.
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Van Wilder (2002)
Everything National Lampoon is Capable of Bringing Us
8 April 2002
On a recent Saturday night I decided to partake in National Lampoon's latest installment, Van Wilder.

From my original outlook the movie appeared to be ranchy, cheesy, filled with random and useless nudity. After my viewing I realized it was this and a whole lot more. These reasons being why I loved this movie from beginning to end.

National Lampoon dumps the tired Chevy Chase series to go back to a classic viewpoint of the college life of one Van Wilder (Ryan Robertson) and his crazy antics in his 7th, yes 7th, year of college.

The movie's trailer will give you all the plotline that is needed. For review sakes the movie works because it appeals to the youth audience it depends on for money. Robertson, who was very good in ABC's Two Guys and a Girl, is hilarious in the role and is supported by a stronger than average lewd-teen related movie cast.

Tara Reid is beautiful and proves to be worthy of this "leading" lady role. Her look at the end-scene party is something to be marvelled. This girl is smoking...plain and simple.

Kal Penn, Taj Mahal, is great in the hilarious, foreign sidekick role and has viewers laughing throughout. MTV viewers will get a kick out of now VJ and former Real World fav Teck Holmes as well.

Tim Matheson is strong in his subtle role as Wilder's disapproving father alongside Tom Everett Scott and Daniel Cosgrove are recognizable figures that help with the pace of the movie.

Simply put, Wilder enjoys the college lifestyle as National Lampoon demands it be and as many college students, myself included, wish they could have a part of.

Don't expect to be moved or anything short of a MTV Award Nomination. But you will have a lot of laughs and a good time viewing Natl' Lampoon's Van Wilder.

My Rating: 8 out 10. Why you ask? Cheap laughs, random nudity, and a hilarious application scene with our foreign buddy Taj. Enjoy...
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Panic Room (2002)
A True Movie Fans Review...Panic Room
29 March 2002
I can be honest by saying that I might not even had seen Panic room, no less on Opening Night, had it not been for a friend pleading for me to go. However, I went and I enjoyed the movie in an overall sense.

Ok, Fincher has and will do better work. This movie won't touch his cult classics like Seven, Fight Club or even The Game...well it won't for me especially for the first two...but it's enjoyable.

The premise, plot, story or whatever you might call it was the lacking feature in it. The idea was cool but it just didn't seem to be one that a movie of 10 star calibre would get. However, great acting from a few solid, seasoned veterans and a brilliant sense of a directions from a brilliant director carried the movie to an above average showing.

Foster is her usual amazing self with a smart, witty, and not too overemotional performance. She isn't just going through the motions in this movie but instead giving a believable, solid performance.

The three villains play their roles well. Whitaker, of course, shines the brightest. But Yokam is strong as the true protaganist. Alongside as the third villain, Jared Leto continues to impress me as a strong actor in a gutty performance.

It's an enjoyable movie for adults and one that all movie types can enjoy. A particular scene with a sledge hammer made the entire audience cringe, a sharp job with that by Fincher as mass audience reactions always make for an enjoyable movie.

If this movie enticed you in the least bit, or if like me you love an actor or actress or perhaps the director or even movies in general. Check out Panic Room for a good viewing.

My Rating: 7 out of 10 Best Performance: Sorry Jodie, but Forrest Whitaker made the movie with his acting. Another strong showing for the very strong and capable actor. Biggest Surprise: Dwight Yokam. Strong performance. Go see it???? Yes. Don't expect past Fincher marvels...just a good viewing.
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Showtime (2002)
A True Movie Fan's Review. (My new signature title)
16 March 2002
As many of today's movies are guilty of, the plot isn't exactly stellar, the movie doesn't move anyone, and certainly this won't warrant any award (outside of Blockbusters' perhaps)...but then again, who really cares.

Eddie Murphy and Robert De Niro team up to produce a very funny, at times hilarious, movie that I really enjoyed. Russo and Shatner played their small parts well as well. Man, I hope in the future my wife ages as well as Miss Renee has.

Moving along, this "buddy" cop-flick produces high laughs in a reasonable amount of time. The movie is enjoyable enough to avoid the wait for video/dvd release and instead to go ahead and check it out.

Eddie Murphy is at his usual top-form and is downright enjoyable to watch. De Niro has molded into this type of role perfectly.

I really enjoyed this movie and think that any true movie fan in need for a good movie or just a good laugh will really enjoy Showtime.

Top Performance: Murphy. Hilarious. Enough said. Directing Job: Nice. Nice action scenes, used Murphy and De Niro together like a charm, Russo fed off in a nice supporting job.

My Rating: 7 out 10. It's not going to move you or anything...but it's an extremely enjoyable movie.

It's Showtime...was a great success.
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WOW. Short review coming...
13 March 2002
Great movie. Gibson, while I am very interested in the upcoming movie Signs, should stick with war movies. This movie is incredible. It is a high-powered drama that allows you to join the soldiers from any age and any time period. Great film.

Gibson is his usual extraordinary self, Sam Elliot all but steals the movie, and I even have to admitt Klein and Keinear, could have been a lot worse. Above average for my books.

I really enjoyed it and will buy it when the dvd comes out. While my 9 out of 10 rating may be a bit high...who cares. I enjoyed it and I think you will too.

Rating: 9 out 10 Best point: All of Elliot's appearances Overall, great flick.
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Strong Showing All-Around
1 March 2002
Alright, this movie won't take home and Oscar, Golden Globe (or even an MTV award)...but Josh Hartnett and crew pull together for a funny, strong movie. Going in, I expected the usual laugh-riot oriented, somewhat trashy, sexually driven movie.

I got what I expected, and even a little bit more. Hartnett is one of the stronger actors in his genre, and performs well in a mostly comediac role. This movie is just 1 hour and 45 minutes to enjoy with friends. No movies are truly wastes of time, and even if they were, this is much better than to even be deserving of such a crude statement.

Of course there's the typical random nudity and constant teases...but the jokes are mostly funny, puns mostly witty, actors mostly strong, and almost everyone of the girl's is scorching. Look out for the copy-machine girl and of course the lead actress. She is an insanely beautiful girl. And props for showing your bitties, today actresses see that as a bad thing. When it's part of life. Sex is, that is.

I enjoyed the movies. It wasn't as good as an American Pie 2 or Road Trip...but it's far, far less crude. I think a group of guys, groupd of girls, and especially an openly romantic teen group would enjoy it.

So if you are aged 16 (ok, nudity equals 18) to 23. I recommend this movie as a nice way to spend 1 hour and 45 minutes of your life.

Rating: 7 1/2 out of 10 (Strong for this genre of a movie)
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