3 Reviews
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Dark Planet (1997)
Drama Studio Wars
26 June 2023
So many close-ups! I recognise a few actors in this, not all by name (apart from Michael York). Lots of dark, small sets, correction: I suspect it's just one set, redressed multiple times. The sets reminded me of my school drama studio I attended as a teen in the mid/late 80s.

The VFX are wonderfully abysmal. I suspect most of the budget was for Mr York's fee, and the rest well, what you see is what you get.

Having said all this, I did manage to make it all the way through. But then again, I'm a middle-aged bachelor with plenty of spare time on my hands. Having said that, I won't be watching it a second time.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Superman vs Soap Opera Tropes
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like this for the most part. Seasons 1 and 2 had good action storylines that drove the narrative forward. The soapy bits and melodramatic histrionics and petulant mood swings of some of the cast I could tolerate because of this. Now in Season 3 it seems to have reversed this in favour of the soapy narrative as the main focus of the narrative. This is most evident in Lois' cancer plotline. Why do producers feel the need to ground these shows into contrived soapy drama? The actors and characters are engaging but it's a struggle to watch the melodrama and psychobabble unfold in certain scenes. It's a shame because in the moments it remembers it's a comic book show, it does work really well. Some decent VFX and Tyler's Superman does a solid job in the part.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Struggling to keep it's head above the Quick Sand...
25 May 2023
There are good parts to this show, the characters and the cast are great. The problem is it's struggling to keep it's head from disappearing into the quick sand of it's all consuming angst. I can only specuate this was meant to come across as emotional depth and meaningful drama. Though in practice the delivery is clumsy, immature and trying too hard to be well meaning. I've watched other shows that have achieved this far more seamlessly and articulately without the need for such heavy handed exposition. This is most obvious when trying to address contemporary social issues: it's painful to watch, I can literally hear the shoehorn forcing them into the narrative. It's a shame as there are parts of the show I like, but it's like two different shows straining to keep itself together.
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