
37 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
A paradoxical and schismed movie with emotion-driven mixed messaging
28 May 2024
Ostensible Messaging - "AI is too powerful and dangerous, and can take over the world to cause it's destruction."

Final Messaging - "AI must be trusted to help humanity save the world from humanity."

Seriously...... this is the total message of the movie. That humans left to themselves will cause the destruction of the world, and that AI left to itself will cause the destruction of humanity. But they leave out an essential third option....... that HUMANS LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKES, learn self-control and individual responsibility, and CHANGE so that destruction is not a foregone conclusion and AI is not ever needed.

This move is just another cog in the ever expansive machinery of the ongoing AI gospel that has been permeating the entertainment industry since the late 80s. It's pure propaganda designed to "address" the "concerns" of all people who are cautiously wary of the obvious dangers and eminent risk of AI and Quantum Computers. Make no mistake - AI, Quantum Computers, and Neuralink are just the tools of billionaires and government elitists used to control, manipulate, and subjugate the masses.

The protagonists (Atlas) in the movie eventually emotionally humanizes the decidedly NON-HUMAN AI so they can perfect their 100% Neuralink (which is even the same trademarked name as Elon Musk's device that couples the human brain with computers) so they can defeat the evil (misguided) AI who wants to destroy most of humanity indiscriminately in order to save the world.

The story? Entertaining.

JaLo? Awesome.... as usual.

Cinematography? Okay.

It's worth at least one viewing..... if only to confirm the auspices of this review. But don't be fooled...... this is just Elon Muskovites - who champion the AI cause - attempting to quell and control the inevitable outpouring of negative sentiment toward AI. But call me crazy - I don't think it's going to work.
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Long Shot (2019)
I really wanted to hate this movie, but.....
7 April 2024
I'm just going to tell it like it is here.

I am NOT a fan of Seth Rogen. At all. He's base, crass, and sarcastically funny while trying to seem aloof and normal. It's his schtick, and it's boring. He plays the same guy in all his movies, and a relatively intelligent person is bored after the first movie.

So I really didn't expect to LIKE this movie - simply by virtue of the types of movies that Seth Rogen tends to star in. HOWEVER.... I was wrong. There, I said it. I would also be lying if i didn't give this movie a try because of the inclusion of Charlize Theron - who is pretty great in most of her movie. So THERE YOU GO. FULL DISCLOSURE.

There are a lot of things that are refreshing about this movie. It's virtue is it's honesty - about everything. It's honest about the dirty little truth that politicians are just self-absorbed, self-aggrandizing, jerks trying to find the bigger, better deal. It tells the truth about how we need to be able to live with ourselves - or, rather our younger selves - when it comes to our life decisions and how important it is to live in integrity with the righteous idealism of our youth. It tells the truth about how a transparent reality is a million times more important than a awesome-looking, pretentious lie. The movie tells the truth about how standing up for the right thing and speaking truth to power may be hackneyed, repetitive, ubiquitous, and tiresome - it is also NEEDED ALL THE TIME. Sticking it to corrupt, party-line, slimy politicians has never been more necessary than it is right now!

What I love is the obvious self-righteous bigotry and racism of the party that is supposed to be "tolerant", "inclusive", and "progressive" is out there on full display in this movie. And the sidekick closet-conservative is a Republican Black Man who believes in God. THAT guy is truly a great friend, who gives good advice, cares truly about his friend, and accepts him for who he is! This movie breaks the mold of some of the most tiresome stereotypical lies.

There are so many things that this movie gets right, that I can't list them all without spoiling the movie, so I won't. All I can say is that it's worth a watch - for age appropriate eye/ears that is. It's really funny, really thoughtful, very truthful - and refreshingly honest.

So here's to Seth Rogen. I guess he's not all that bad.
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Doesn't do the story justice..... at all.
23 February 2024
This movie is like reading the Cliff's Notes for the The Hobbit, or Gone With the Wind, or Saving Private Ryan. It just doesn't work.

To be clear. THIS IS AN EPIC STORY. At least the original story IN THE BOOK is epic. The story of Joe Rantz and the other Boys in the Boat is truly a story of legendary proportions. The amount of struggle, hardship, tragedy, and desperate circumstances those boys went through speaks volumes about their grit, perseverance, spirit, faith, and fortitude. I HIGHLY recommend that you READ THE BOOK (or at least listen to the audio book). DO NOT TAKE THIS MOVIE FOR GRANTED AS BEING ANYTHING CLOSE TO THE ORIGINAL STORY.

This movie is such a ridiculous oversimplification of the story that it's like summarizing WWII by saying, "Bad guys took control of Germany, killed Jews, and invaded the rest of Europe" - and then being satisfied with that synopsis.

Let's get into it. George Clooney tries very hard to make this movie about Hollywood Visuals, and American "Go, Fight, Win" spirit, that it ends up falling on it's face. The movie is flat, flat, flat. There are NO well developed characters AT ALL, which is pathetic considering they were real people that the book explore at length - so there is no end to the source material available to develop their characters for the movie. Joe Rantz is not even developed as a character at all. If I had never read the book, and then saw the movie, I would think, "Depression-era poor kid, homeless, hungry, gets job as rower, and wins the Olympics with his team." That's it. The movie does not explore his personality AT ALL - or the personalities of the rest of the crew. What little they show is entertaining - barely, but it doesn't do the lives of the REAL PEOPLE (that were part of this history) justice. Each person in this story has a past, their own challenges, and their own mindset during the circumstance - a mindset that sets the contextual backdrop of EVERYTHING THEY WENT THROUGH. Joe Rantz' story begins when he is a child - not as a college-age student. Lots of movies show the personal development of the characters, but not this one. Clooney didn't explore anyone's personality. You don't leave the theater knowing the characters with any depth of understanding; you leave just knowing a little bit about them and generally what they did.

Next, the visuals. The cinematography was crap. The shots were too close in - cropped too much. There was so much about this movie that could have been so much more epic and grand if only they had framed their shots better by pulling out the camera. The clarity of the film is not great either. It looks like it was mad for living room sized HD TVs, and not a huge movie screen. Huge let down here as well. It could have been so much better.

I saw a modern dramatization of the Boys in the Boat a few years ago - and it was pretty good - because it wasn't supposed to be original story, but I was worried about Clooney butchering this story - and that is exactly what he did.

This kind of movie needs a Peter Jackson, Ridley Scott, Stephen Spielberg, or Ron Howard caliber of a Director. Heck...... Ron Howard would have made an AMAZING version of this movie. His Cinderella Man was a FANTASTIC movie that took place during the same time period and told the same kind of story. Seriously, that is how epic this story is!!!! Kudos to George Clooney for the attempt, but all he gets is a cookie - because it wasn't that great.

READ THE BOOK PEOPLE!!!! Cuz the movie doesn't even compare to the book - as usual. And this book-based movie is worse than most - almost an insult to the story.
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Jersey Girl (2004)
For those who need a reminder of what matters...
8 November 2023
It's been almost 20 years since this movie was made. Gotta be honest, it was never even on my list of "movies to see". But it showed up on You Tube recently, and since good old Ben Affleck has been slowly creeping up the personal charts of top male actors over the last few decades, I thought I'd give it a try.

Maybe I'm just so old and jaded now that this kind of movie hits me "in the feels", or maybe it's because Hollywood doesn't have the cojones to make movies about real life issues, male feelings, or even movies that contain white, male, single parent heroes anymore, but this movie really hit me hard.

There is a LOT of real wisdom in this flick. Life never goes as planned. The most important things in your life have more to do with the people in your life than your pie in the sky dreams. Bringing other people happiness, love, and joy is more important than bring yourself what you think you want. Love is worth it, even if it's short-lived. The best things to invest in are always people, not your dream job. Self-sacrifice is the greatest act of love, and love is the highest virtue, deepest meaning, and most rewarding part of life. Your family is the people that you share your life with.

I could go on and on, but I know you're rolling your eyes about to give me a negative review for my sentimental stream-of-consciousness, so I won't.

The movie is great. Better than Good Will Hunting great. Better than Pearl Harbor great. Better than Armageddon great. Better than Batman and Daredevil great. It's good stuff, because it's real.

Thanks Ben (and the rest of the cast/producers/etc).
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
Very well made movie........ made hollow by the gospel of AI
19 October 2023
Star Power - 10 Writing - 9 Cinematography - 8 Effects - 8 Indoctrination/Dogma/Rhetoric - 100%

Everything about this move is cool. Actors, writing, cinematography, effects, etc. It's ALL really COOL. But the premise is just totalitarian nonsense based on an entirely fictitious premise - that technology can be sentient, moral, well-intentioned, and transformational - AS LONG AS IT'S IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING. What a load of AI religious crap.

The antagonists in this movie actually have common sense, rationality, and realism on their side - with a heavy does of liberty, freedom, and humanity - but they are portrayed as immoral, small-minded, unintelligent, and stupid.

The "protagonist" in this movie is the AI - who develops a supposed globalist, environmental, and communal sense of "morality" - boosting medicine, healing, environmental clean-up, and biological life to a level of function that is synergistic and ultra-high-level, BUT is 100% CONTROLLED by the AI. No free will. No freedom. No liberty. All life is a hive-mind. Love and freedom of though cannot exist in such an environment. And since morality is not a human construct, no technological construct is capable of understanding it, or implementing it in any fair or reasonable way.

This movie is all about the "gospel of AI" and the religion of technology as humanity's sole savior. It's put propaganda and dogmatic rhetoric - offering fictitious and fanciful visions of human and biological potential - but at a steep price - enslavement.

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Blue Miracle (2021)
Great Movie, great story, and all with the power of TRUTH....
2 July 2023
Jimmy Gonzales SHINES in this movie about man seeking to be a father to the sons of the street in Mexico - trying to save an orphanage he started from going under. Dennis Quaid is the perfect grumpy old man - weathered by life and his own poor decisions - and adds SO MUCH to this TRUE STORY.

The BEST movies are about real stories. I mean, there are a LOT of great fiction movies out there - but real stories about overcoming the pervasive entropy of perpetual adversity really helps people to believe in what is possible, have hope in the best possible outcome, keep moving forward and trying, and overcoming what always seems like insurmountable odds.

Is that always the story of all people who seek to defy Murphy and his law??? NO. But at least it shows that with faith, hope, and love all things are POSSIBLE - and THAT is reason enough to keep trying.

THANK YOU JULIO QUINTANA, JIMMY GONZALES, AND DENNIS QUAID (and everyone who made this movie what it is). It's movies like this that give me hope for the art of storytelling and the redemption of Hollywood's black soul.

May others see this great story as an example of what is possible.
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Designated Survivor: #thesystemisbroken (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
1 July 2023
My Wife and I LOVED watching this show, until this episode.

If this is a turn the show is going to take, we will STOP WATCHING. This started as a heartfelt "love for America" political show with a lot of humanity and respect for both America and the Office of the President. It gave a refreshing feeling of humanness and optimism for the IDEA of a relatable President.

Now we have F-Bombs every 5 minutes, escorts showing their ass, and a desperate attempt to appeal to a younger, more vulgar crowd with expletives throughout - not to mention STRONG "progressive" leftist undertones (not centrist, not independent, not Constitutional). Even one of the more positive and loyal protagonists moves from the corrupt FBI to the Machiavellian dark world of the CIA.

This show is quickly becoming irrelevant.
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An award-winning movie...... it was not.
24 May 2023
BUT...... I still loved it.

Great cast. Great plot. Not an original plot, or a deep one, but...... great. Who doesn't want to take everything the world steals from us and make something from the lemons life gives us????

Answer: NO ONE.

I would have done the same. All of it. I relate to every role played in the movie (the protagonists). Who doesn't want to murder drug dealers? Who doesn't want to make their dreams a reality? Who doesn't want an adventure that leads to prosperity? Who doesn't want to risk the destroying the status quo for something better?

At the end, losses considered.... all are still brothers. A bond that can never be broken. They did what they needed to do to better their families. They did it by stopping a parasite and stealing his spoils.

The world needs more of this. Good people taking justice into their own hands. STOPPING the bad people..... by any means necessary... the B. S. system and laws be damned to the pit of Hell where they came from.

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A quality-made movie that reeks of cynical perversion
5 May 2023
According to Hollywood, all things that make up the more "good" parts of the history of American are sick, ugly, perverse, and tainted.

They believe it's their job to tear down anything that represents that which is good in the history of American Culture. This film is no different.

The overall takeaways from this movie are:
  • People who have faith are stupid, blind, idiotic sheep who make easy victims.

  • There is no justice for good people. People make their own justice.

  • All clergy are sick, perverted, delusional, corrupt people who take advantage of the sheep they "care" for.

  • Small town American culture is a hodgepodge of idiosyncratic and jumbled characters who are motivated by the most base of instincts, and are hilariously stupid.

  • God doesn't exist.

  • All of life is a Greek tragedy where people make their own pointless and broken paths in life - and end up in a bleak and meaningless existence.

  • There is nothing "good" in life except pie, dogs, cigarettes, and dumb luck.

The ending leaves you feeling mildly hopeful, but after all that dark, twisted mess you wonder what the hope is for. All that precedes the ending basically implies that all of life is a circle of pain, injustice, debauchery, and corruption - and contains only weak and fallible people.

I love the music, the narrator, the period piece aspect (40s-60s are my favorites time in American history), the cinematography, and character development. As I mentioned before - the move is well made. But it's a pile of cow dung dressed up in a tuxedo or made to look like pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top.

It's too bad the quality of the movie making didn't affect the story. NO ONE will want to watch this over and over - quote it the rest of their life, or most importantly learn something valuable that helps them to grow in life.

This movie was a waste of my life, and I will never get it back. Please don't waste your life as well.
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The Groomsmen (2006)
A good movie about real life......... fogetaboutit!
2 March 2023
This is such a bloody awesome movie. Ed Burns like to make good movies about people who are real characters in his life..... just my opinion.

This is such a bloody awesome movie. All-Star Cast, nostalgic story about friends, neighborhoods, brothers, fathers, lovers, life and life decisions, the bonds of family and loyalty. It's messy, dirty at times, perfect in all it's imperfectness, and has the sting of reality to it. Life is never a picture-perfect, well-planned process. It's about people who are alive in who they are, alive in who they care about, passionate about what is important to them, and about making the best choices amidst imperfect or even tragic circumstances.

They don't make movies like this anymore, because Hollywood no longer believes in allowing people to tell the stories they want to..... that might not make the investors enough money.

This is real America, and you couldn't pay me to live in or around New York City, but I would imagine that this is what it was like in the 80s and 90s.

Awesome stuff!!!! Good things.
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In no way a "replacement" for the original........ but good
15 December 2022
The animation and cinematography in this movie is very good. The way they frame the pictures and what they include and exclude top notch.

Is the story the same...... essentially. But it leaves a lot to be desired since the essential cues created by Charles Dickens are all but completely void. This is like reading "The Message" bible - a paraphrase - rather than the word for word text itself. A pity because Dicken's original wording is immaculate. There's a reason that his book sold so well and touched so many, because they way he wrote it only added to the story and made it moreso.

The songs? Okay. Nice.

The length? Shouldn't really be a factor when telling a good story, but... fine.

The animators made everyone look like a Ken or Barbie Doll - painting a picture that is devoid of reality. But it was made for kids. A sort of introduction to "A Christmas Carol" for children who are not yet old enough to think.

There was backstory added (which I won't divulge) that was NOT part of the original, that DID add to the story and lend a little push to the original story. This story is warmer than the original story's. A "feel-good" kiddie version.

All in all, I like it. Not sure if it will be added to collection thought. Have let my Wife, the "Boss", give her opinion first.

It was NOT an "excellent" movie, but it sure blew away the Jim Carrey version (that was pure rubbish)!!!
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
NOT your garden variety Prince of Darkness......
11 December 2022
Lucifer, Son of the Morning Star, God's right hand angel until he wasn't...... SATAN - does not give a DAMN about "justice" or "punishing the evil".

His sole purpose...... the one he has already FAILED at.... was to subvert God's plan to make a way for repentance, reconciliation, salvation from the consequences of sin, and the sanctification of His people.

Lucifer has only one purpose now..... to "kill, steal, and destroy" and to piss and moan in an impotent manner while he awaits being on the losing end of the second coming of the Son of Man (along with two-thirds of the Angels in Heaven at his back). Lucifer has only one purpose now..... to LOSE. Because he is a LOSER, and can do nothing but FAIL.

He is the Father of Lies, the great deceiver, the accuser of mankind - who seeks to keep all of humankind from knowing God's love for us all.

This television show portrays a coy, charming, egotistical, hedonistic, vice promoting Satan who struggles with having a "heart", seeking "justice", punishing the "evil", and falling in love with good people doing good things. It's all charming and humanizing for the Prince of Darkness..... which leads one to believe the sole purpose of the show is to endear Lucifer to the shows viewers.

The only problem with that...... is it's ridiculous and asinine.

The show hints that once upon a time, God gave Lucifer the job of "punishing" the "evil". This is not true. Satan was the chief among the angels in Heaven.... in charge of the praise and worship of God in Heaven. He wanted to "be like God", and started a war in Heaven against God and his virtuous angels. One-Third of the Angels in Heaven joined Lucifer, and made war against God. God is all powerful, so it wasn't much of a war. Satan was removed from God's presence in the divine council, banished from Heaven, cast down to the Earth, and has been roaming back and forth, to and fro, upon the Earth seeking who he may devour and making every attempt to subvert God's Will and Purpose for humankind. This is impossible, of course, since NO ONE can subvert the Will of God.

Lucifer is evil and malevolent..... not charming, caring, and justice-seeking. Lucifer is Adolf Hitler meets Mao Ze Dong, meets Joseph Stalin, meets Jeffery Dahmer, meets Caesar Nero, meets Ted Bundy - then take that evil, multiply it to infinity, and then take it to the depths of forever, and you'll be closer to knowing who Lucifer actually is. Lucifer actually wants to prevent justice from being fulfilled, so he won't be subject to the consequences of all the evil he chooses, is, and does.

The show implies that God made Satan to "rule in Hell", but this is just another lie. Hell is a place completely removed from the presence of God, His Love, and the majesty of His peace and power. Hell is a place of eternal internal torment - where all who live there are subject the pain of the consequences of their sin forever (they get what they deserve). Hell is separation from God, and people who go there are not having a debaucherous party together. It's eternal torment only - for all involved, including Lucifer. He figures that if he is damned, then he wants to have as much company as possible. If he must suffer torment and damnation for eternity, then he wants as many people as possible there with him..... because that would mean those people are not in Heaven with God - living in the absolute fulfillment of God's compassion and Love. Lucifer's sole goal in deceiving people into choosing evil and hell is a passive-aggressive attempt to hurt God using God's creation as pawns in his personal vendetta against God.

Lucifer has no humanity in him..... because he is not human. He has no love in him, because he hates love and rebels against love (because "God is Love").

All that to say, the "Lucifer" promoted in this TV series is a Mr. Rogers meets Ken Barbie version of Satan. The real Satan despises all of God's creation - and wants nothing other than destruction, death, chaos, anarchy, and every perversion that can be had. If Jerry Bruckheimer told the real story of Lucifer - even a fictional variant of the truth - it would be banned from television, and people would be psychologically traumatized beyond modern medicine's ability to rehabilitate them.

The Lucifer in this show is a fanboy..... a poser..... a deceptive apparition that doesn't even vaguely resemble the real deal.

Entertaining...... mildly. But not for long. It's so unbelievable and magoo, that it's can't be taken seriously for long.
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Red Notice (2021)
Hmmmmmm......... lot''s of awesome, so why is it so MEH??????
29 November 2022
Here goes:

Action - 10 Cast - 9 (good ole Commie-Loving Dwayne takes it down a notch) Story - 4 (dialogue ruins the story which could have been an 8) Dialogue - 3 Acting - 3 (Dwayne was terrible) Cinematography - 9

Don't get me wrong. I would see any movie that Gal Gadot is in. And Ryan Reynolds is another great fave. Dwayne Johnson, other than the fact that he hates his own country, is pretty great in MOST action movies - but the dude just can't act anymore. He was much better in older movies when he entertained for ALL, and not just his favorites ethnic groups. The dude has gotten so race-driven and political it's ridiculous, and for some reason his acting has poignantly gotten worse. Know who would have done it better?? Jamie Foxx or Chris Hemsworth. Shoot..... John Cho would have been awesome!

The overall story is pretty good, but the nitty-gritty dialogue is blasé! How can you write a good story and then put in B dialogue???? Stupid. The dialogue ruins the story.

Am I glad I saw it? Yup. It was okay. Will I watch it again? NO. Waste of time. Will I buy it? NO. WASTE OF MONEY. Glad I didn't pay to see it the first time.

Ryan Reynolds and Gal Gadot just need to be in better written movies with real Actors. The big Movie Production companies are sell-outs, Netflix and Amazon are producing B stuff. Stick with the good writers guys - and stories that are not just entertaining, but actually MEAN something, and explore the human spirit, nature, and Truth. This movie was so over produced and lacked so much substance it was like a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich with $30 Peanut Butter, $50 fruit preserves, and gourmet fresh baked bread - BUT IT'S STILL JUST A PBJ..... not Filet Mignon with a nice Caesar Salad, Sashimi, 12 year old Single Malt Scotch, Crème Brûlée, an excellent Red Wine, and Buttered Herb-cooked Baby Potatoes.

Go for quality people..... your time and your money is worth more than this kind of movie.
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Vice (I) (2018)
Masterfully done........ but.........
30 October 2022
An artfully told story heavy on the politically dramatic editorialism.

Excellent actors. Excellent story. Overtly and admittedly largely made up of imaginative innuendo designed to sell a narrative. The political bias is THICK. Just watch the post-credit clip. They try hard to stop criticism before it even starts - by labelling the side most likely to give criticism as partisan bigots. This movie so political that it's hard to take the message seriously.

Everything surrounding 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, the "War on Terror", the invasion of Iraq and search for WMDs is suspect. Anyone with half a brain acknowledges this. But this movie is simply a political hack-job. The best lies are made up of half-truths. The facts presented in the movie are note-worthy at the very least, but they don't paint a comprehensive picture of the larger context. Obviously, the movie is mostly, if not completely about Cheney. So it simply was not made to present a larger context that would create more clarity. The movie was made to demonize a specific person - someone who is easy to demonize because he is just as morally flawed and corrupt as anyone else on this planet.

Pointing the finger in a judgmental fashion is easy - especially in politics - and both political sides love to be the accusers of the other. We're just not going to allow Hollywood to self-righteously be the priests and "whistleblowers" of a "righteous cause" - because Hollywood is it's own perverse and corrupt political establishment.

When Hollywood makes an equally masterful movie exploiting all the illegal, immoral, unethical, and unconstitutional decisions that Barack Obama is responsible for, as well as the deaths he is responsible for in the Middle East and Persia, THEN we MIGHT CONSIDER giving Hollywood a second chance. Until then..... Everything Hollywood produces will be seen as political rhetoric, disinformation, overt posturing and social conditioning.
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Legacy Peak (2022)
A Superb Family movie...... in every way.
8 October 2022
I love seeing awesome actors like Lucas Black in really, truly, GOOD movies about GOOD things!! Especially movies that have been done really well!

There are a lot of great things about this movie, not the least of which is: the ultimate reality of blended families, aviation, wilderness survival, life lessons, the necessity of high quality parenthood, great cinematography, movies about fatherhood (or lack thereof), and many others.

It's just a great story! I plan to buy it on blu-ray as soon as it comes out!!! I want this one in my collection - digital and physical. I hope that the writers, actors, producers, and directors keep making more good stuff like this. THIS is an essential component of human existence - movies/stories/myths/examples of what GOOD is.... especially in an imperfect, cynical, apathetic, corrupt, and fallen world.
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The terrible, horrible, no good, awful, nasty....... sequel.
18 September 2022
All previous Thor movies were awesome derivations of the ancient Scandinavian myths and Marvel comics adaptations. They had style, great story telling, Marvel cinematic magic, awesome humor and soundtracks, and believable round characters.

Thor: Ragnarok was an awesome movie.... although a far cry from Scandinavian myth - still.... Taika Waititi did a great job of telling the story - with a lot of awesome humor.

Still...... Thor: Love and Thunder was a bust. Very little cinematic greatness at all. This movie was a black mark on every 'A' actor in the movie. The story was corny, cheesy, sacrilegious, disgusting, and worst of all....... not remotely entertaining. Very poor quality in every way.

This movie does whatever it can to promote Disney's newfound socio-sexual politics - and to foist them on every child that is subjected to this wanton drivel. Clearly, the only purpose of this movie is to make Disney money - while destroying ancient myth, basic human values, the very concept of faith and trust, any type of traditional societal norms, and sadly....... classic storytelling. Thankfully, I didn't pay one red cent to watch this movie, and Disney made zero money from my viewing.

May this movie be the beginning of the end for all new Disney/Marvel ventures - since they have willfully divorced themselves from the values and beliefs of their core audience (and everything their core audience stands for).
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Lifemark (2022)
Layers and Layers of Real Life Meaning
18 September 2022
This masterfully told story is RAW and REAL.

The weight and power of each person's choices is DEEP and FAR REACHING. This is a true story about real people, real choices, and the cascade of events that occur when each of us choose to walk a higher path. The profound purpose and destiny of each person is only made clear in the poignancy of hindsight - while each big choice we make in ths moment seems to be made while we have the weight of the whole world resting on our shoulders.

What you Think..... matters.

What you Feel... matters.

What you Do.... matters.

What you Say..... matters.

Life, Love, Forgiveness, Grace, Thankfulness.... this is what leads us into a life of blessing and promise.

May this movie show you the power and consequences of your choices.
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An awesome movie in ALMOST every regard, but............
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was spectacular. A great period piece in every way, and an amazing insight into the esoteric experience of an abandoned little girl.

The experiences that little girl goes through are poignant and palpable. The experience of the marsh and swamp are good enough to taste. The terror of survival and love make the heart swell.

There are few words to adequately express how amazing a movies this is...... and yet - it's just NOT okay to premeditatedly murder someone because a person generally "feels" in danger. The final message of the movie is essentially flawed and wrong.

An awesome, amazing, beautiful, spectacularly flawed movie.
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The Reason (I) (2020)
A beautiful movie. The world needs more of these.
22 August 2022
Without a doubt, Louis Gossett Jr.'s BEST movie ever. Everyone did such a great job. Thank you for showing the beauty that is God's Love...... even when we don't get what we want.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39.
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Bushwick (2017)
A Ridiculous Premise...... and so a ridiculous movie
13 August 2022
Points for originality and realistic looking turmoil.......

but the premise of this movie is asinine. Texas would never "invade" New York in order to "secede" from the Union.

Play stupid games...... win stupid prizes!

Waste of time...... 'A' Actors notwithstanding.
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RV (2006)
Great Cast, Great Story, Hilarious......... Great Moral
27 July 2022
Cheesy........? Yup. It's Robin Williams for crying out loud.

Corny.......? See above.

Fresh from the early 2000s? That it is.

Hilarious? YES. More than I though it would be. In a homey sort of way.

But more than all of that...... this is Robin Williams at his finest. Lots of quick witted, slap-stick, articulately snippy, intellectual humor. I really miss that guy.

It also portrays a REAL struggle - time with family, tireless demands of the apathetic work machine, the desire to succeed at any cost while balancing work and family, real devotion to your Wife and Kids, trying to give your family the stuff that meant the most to you when you were young, and eventually....... figuring out your real priorities.

Kids are bored and have unrealistic expectations while being critical of parents. Wife/Mother wants to have her cake and eat it too (who doesn't?). Dad/Father wants to meet all expectations, but can't because he's HUMAN, life is tough, and his imperfections are numerous.

It's a comic microcosm of the familial struggle of every good Father, every good Mother, and every good Kid.

I LOVE IT. Will be purchasing for sure.

Oh....... and by the way...... it's CLEAN. No real moral indiscretions in this one. Some crass humor....... but hey, humor is often crass.
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Red Dawn (2012)
A Wake-Up Call - about China...... NOT N. Korea.
8 July 2022
North Korea doesn't have the guts or the means to invade the United States of America. But North Korea is 100% controlled by China. North Korea is China's pitbull. An invasion of America by North Korea would essentially be an invasion by China.

China has a vested interest in the downfall of America - and they pitched a fit when this sequel movie was made because they were casted as the original "bad guys" of the movie - since they are the remaining Communists in the world. China can't tolerate any "bad image" from movies, since they are rife with human rights atrocities, industrial theft and espionage, and like to steal countries (Tibet, Hong Kong, and eventually Taiwan).

This is a good movie to get a very general idea about what an invasion of America would look like - on a basic B-Movie Hollywood level, that is.

Is it an amazing movie? No. But every American kid born after the year 1995 should watch this movie.... and the original. Because Americans would be foolish to think that something like this is not a possibility. Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea.... they all would love a world without America.

The acting is freshman at best, but you shouldn't watch the movie because of it's acting, screenwriting, or realism.

(Clearly the pro-China trolls have read this review - hence all the bad review that have appeared on this and some my other reviews - stay classy haters.)
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The Terminal List (2022– )
A superb story from a man who understands the meaning of honor and sacrifice.
6 July 2022
I've read all of Jack Carr's books. They are all great..... but I like The Terminal List the best.

I'm not going to lie and tell you the movie was a good as the book, because it's NOT. The Books are the BEST example of Jack Carr's work. The story is more complex, with humor, details, and a storyline that will just not accommodate a short television series.

But this adaptation of Jack Carr's work does it justice in it's adherence to the spirit of his books. The acting is very good. The actors did a great job. The story was involved and entertaining. Much of the same lore Carr created in his books is present in this television series. I'm a HUGE fan of the books, and so I could not help but really enjoy this television series! I hope that his other books will be made into short television series' as well!

It's a bummer that the original story couldn't have been adapted to film (hint, hint - make sure the others adaptations ARE executive producers!!!) But the world will now have an understanding of who James Reece is - for the most part. I guess, as a fan, that will just have to be enough for me.
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A Modern Dramatization of "The Boys in the Boat"........ superb
12 June 2022
This movie is well done. Cinematography was good. Writing was good. Story was excellent. Very handsome actors working hard to do the roles they played justice.

This is a modern dramatization of the TRUE STORY of the boys from the University of Washington when they swept ALL the other teams in the United States, and then went to WIN the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany rowing against the Nazis. The boys in the University of Washington were Depression Era Heroes - poor and humble - who worked their way through college while rowing and getting good grades - and through sheer determination, faith, hope and American moxy beat the pants off the Nazis at the Olympics.

The story in this movie is a good one...... but the original story of "The Boys in the Boat" is EPIC. Check it out!

Your time will not be wasted on this movie..... although the dynamics of an Ivy League school and it's affluent, intelligent students is an environment that most American teens and college student will not understand. Still...... it is a story of great value.
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Miss Sloane (2016)
100% Emotional Politics - 0% Facts
9 June 2022
An EXCELLENT movie - for political rhetoric that is.

GREAT cast. GREAT writing. GREAT cinematography.

BAD facts. POOR politics. PHONY emotional drama.

This is a movie created for faux political talking points only. It was made to further a political agenda.... and does so masterfully well. If what you want is a well-articulated argument for both sides of the issue - you will be sorely disappointed. This is a one-side only partisan movie. Don't expect to get perspective here. This movie for people who have already made up their minds..... and left the facts out of consideration.
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