
8 Reviews
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26 June 2004
I wish everyone in America would see this movie. The present administration is the most corrupt this country has ever seen and this movie bares it wide open.

I laughed, I cried. Moore's wit cuts like a knife. This movie is extremely well edited and shows scenes that we've never had the chance to see before.

I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority (if not 99%) of those people that have voted this movie a one, haven't even seen it. If they had they wouldn't. I saw this movie in a packed theater and there was a long line of people outside for the next showing (and I live in the suburbs).

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A Guy Thing (2003)
Weak effort
19 January 2003
Poor script. Paul (Jason Lee's) character was totally unbelievable. The ex-boyfriend bit was a total joke. The humor was pure bathroom. The only clever joke was when Selma Blair called the Spin Mart and the guy that answered the phone backed up Paul's stupid lie.

Now my rant. This movie was suppost to be set in Seattle. Only the aerial shots were of Seattle. Everything else was blantently in Vancouver, BC. There is one scene with a toll booth. There isn't a single toll bridge or road in the state of Washington.

I have to say though that my wife liked it. I recommend you wait till video.
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I enjoyed it. Touching.
11 January 2003
I finally got around to see this movie and now I'm sorry for the wait. It was visually incredible. The acting, on the most part, was good. Most naysayers will complain that it was boring, or that they were confused about who (or what) Bagger really was. I thought it worked fine the way it was. The mystery of Bagger lent itself to the story. I'm not much of a golfer and I'm not one who will watch it on TV, but I inspired now to play more golf.

All I can say is that immediately after watching it I ordered a copy for my collection.
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A Good Spoof
3 January 2003
A Good Spoof.

Loved some of the over the top sight gags. Ellen Barkins as the mother was just a hoot. Loved the beer can fused to her hand bit. Defines trailer trash. Definately worth a view. Most of the acting was pretty good, with the notable exception of Denise Richards. The only decent acting job she's ever did was in "Wild Things".
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Worthwhile. Enjoyable.
28 December 2002
Based on a true story, "Catch Me If You Can" is an enjoyable film. The acting is good. Leo was OK, Hanks was great, but Christopher Walken stoled the show. I can't remember the last time he gave a subpar performance. Spielberg's direction was appropriate and reminded me of what a good story teller he is.

Overall, I give it an 8/10, but Walken should get an Oscar nomination for his work as the father.
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Human Nature (2001)
What a waste of two hours!!!!!
21 December 2002
The only reason I didn't give this stinker a 1 is that very few films actually deserve it and occasionally the acting was OK, but this was close. How can Tom Robbins have sunk so low? From Shawshank to this drivel. Avoid at all cost. I feel violated and need a shower after this one.

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Run of the mill, not great, not bad
14 December 2002
Just an average Star Trek movie. I thought the movie was very slow in parts, maybe because the score was almost non-existent at times. The villain was one of the weakest in Trek movies and the storyline was lifted from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Both Montebane and Plummer were much more believable as bad guys. Special Effects were OK, but standard fair.

Overall, if you're a Trek fan (and I'm a Trek fan), you'll mildly enjoy. Others will be slightly bored.

My Favorite Trek Films: 2 (Wrath of Khan), 4 (The Voyage Home), and First Contact.

I give it a 7 out of 10 (If I wasn't a Trek fan it probably would have been a 6). Certainly worth paying matinee price.
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This movie is great! Don't miss it!!!!
26 October 2002
Its amazing to read the negative comments about this film. It's obvious that they haven't even seen it.

It's asks lots of tough questions and amazingly even provides some answers. Anyone that says this movie is trying to outlaw guns is wrong. Its asking why we as an American society have a love affair with guns and gun violence. His answer (and he make a very good case for it) is fear. Where as gun murders have gone down 20%, reporting of such has gone up 600%. I know people that love their guns more than they love their children (sad, but really true).

Don't miss this film. I wish everyone was required to see it, its extremely eye opening and thought provoking. I'm taking the rest of my family to see it tomorrow.

Steve (gun owner and grandfather)
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