
16 Reviews
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Pantheon (2022–2023)
This show could have been great
30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first season of the show really focused on humanity side of the UIs, how people would treat them and how they would also treat humans. The world building and character progression in the first season was done really well, it's what originally made me love the show so much.

It is obvious that they didn't have the budget for the most amazing animation, but with how good the story was in season 1 worth looking past that.

Then season 2 came and they really took a steep turn in quality. Season 2 introduced a few characters and some were okay, some others didn't really fit well at all. The story pace also went into another gear with how quickly we were progressing. I know the show got cancelled but that doesn't change the fact that this show left sour after taste. The way they handled Caspian's death and revival was one of the worst parts of the show.

I still would recommend this show, as it gives some very interesting events to talk about, and it still has some good parts.
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A must watch for anybody who enjoys animation
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The show is an absolute joy to watch, from the unique animation to the captivating story telling. Mizu has to be one of the most interesting characters I have seen in a while, she has so much hatred inside of her that she really is willing to do anything to get revenge. Even at times when we think she wouldn't go that far, she does, and we really see her going more mad by each episode. There parts where we do see a more 'human' side of her, but we quickly get reminded why she is still here.

The other characters are there to try and show us what Mizu could be, if she were to let go of all that hate, but she never does. She is so determined that she is so blinded she can't even see that she is destroying herself and the people around her.

Would recommend this to anyone, if you have a weekend off, and want to watch a beautiful but devastating show, this is it.
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I can't even describe what I'm watching
7 September 2023
The only thing I knew before I watched this movie that it was supposed to be experimental. Now I think experimental is an understatement, this movie is so abstract and so ambiguous I really don't think I could explain anything about it.

I see some people have enjoyed this movie, but I can't see myself enjoying this. The only movie I can really compare it to is Mad God, in similar fashion there is no dialogue, both movies feel like the creators plucked random scenes from their imagination and turned them into movies. Mad God at least is understandable, but Heaven and Earth Magic is just so filled with abstract meanings that it's almost unwatchable.
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The House (III) (2022)
Three ways to interpret obsession
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While the movie does focus on houses and its central focus, but I can't help and think that the house represent obsession.

In the first part of the anthology we see parents become obsessed, and in a hypnotised by the house. They suddenly gain this huge and expensive house, and it's all they can think about, forgetting their own children. This obsession and greed drives them to a point of suicide, it's at least how i saw it. Leaving their two young children on their own, a really depressing end.

The second part we see this character renovate a house, and talk how great it's gonna be. Then we get some more insight, that he is largely in debt and that his girlfriend he constantly calls and makes promises what he will do once he sells it, is actually his dentist. He is obsessed with money and the idea that this will go really easy, that he slowly goes insane once he start seeing an increased amount of cockroaches. I'm not quite sure what they are supposed to represent, but they clearly impact the character so much he starts hallucinating because of them. In the end he doesn't sell the house, some couple move in and bring their whole family there and start to destroy the house, with our main character included as at this point in the film he has gone completely insane.

This part stuck out to me the most, I don't know why either. Just seeing this character lose it himself more and more, because he invested all of his savings into this house was really jarring, it might not be the best word to describe it but it's best I got.

The last of part of this anthology was my least favourite. The main character of this part had ambitious to make her dream house, and when the flood happened well everyone moved out and went to somewhere better. But she never gave up on her dream, even though she should have because it was slowly destroying her. Throughout the movie we see her push everyone away until the very last moments where the flood is rising, and the water is getting into the house, it's when she realises she needs to move on. And she does she lets go of her dream and follows her friends, but in my opinion I think that she should have gone without the house. For some context the house turned into a boat, personally I see this as a momentary solution. The house, the obsession is still there, and she can return to it in any moment.
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Mad God (2021)
This movie was made for a specific group of people, and I'm definitely not a part of it
7 September 2023
As the title says this movie definitely isn't for everybody. I actually couldn't even finish the movie, I got about half way through when I had to stop. I'm not sure if it's the movie or something else but I just felt so nauseous during it.

Visually it is well done, and the scenes and ideas behind it all is really intriguing. The movie is stunning but there is nothing to make me want to continue to watching it. There is no dialogue which isn't always a bad thing, but when all you are looking it is extremely grotesque scenery, it gets very boring quickly.

Like I said earlier I'm definitely not the target audience but I would recommend this to people who like this kind of scenery, and who like the more abstract stories rather the ones who are told quite straightforwardly. It definitely has it charms and intrigues, and I think it's also a great piece of media for discussion.
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Oink (2022)
A good children's movie
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a parent looking to watch this with your kid, I would recommend this.

I think the movie does a good job of showing the child what are some responsibilities of having a pet, if it desperately wants one.

The family is also vegan, or vegetarian I'm not quite sure, so if you are one I'd say it portrays them okay I guess. There some typical sayings such as "Eating meat is barbaric", so take it how you will.

The story is quite good as well, maybe a bit too twisted, the grandpa gifted the pig to the girl so she could raise it, so that he could later use in his sausages to win a contest.

Overall a solid film for a family to watch, especially if you are from the Netherlands, I see very few stop motion films from there so it's always nice to hear another language.
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A beautiful story that everyone needs to see!
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't read too much going into this movie, and I'm really glad I didn't. This movie was just an amazing journey to watch.

The opening sequence automatically caught my attention, just watching him build that set, and watching it slowly come to life to tell us this fantastic family story. I also loved how it was narrated by the grandmother, it added so much to the atmosphere. I really felt like I was getting this story told by my own grandmother.

I won't say much about the story but it was really interesting, and it just keeps you glued to the screen, wanting to know what happens next. It was also told in such a charming way that it got a few laughs from me, but also tears. The little interactions that the director had the with the set, and with his dad was also just so amazing that it stuck with me. It's nothing groundbreaking but such a nice tiny detail for you to remember.

Would recommend this movie for anyone to watch, if you don't mind mentions of war, and some other sensitive topics.
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My favourite Jiri Trnka film
3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I did enjoy the film, I did watch it in 1.25x speed. That really made the film more enjoyable, I don't think i would have finished the film with so much enjoyment without it.

Overall the story is simple you first meet a boy and it depicts his life, being locked up in a big house and unable to play outside with the girl. He gets sick and his fever dream, he dreams about a Chinese emperor in a similar situation as him, and with similar toys. The emperor on the other hand enjoys his life inside the castle, unlike the boy. That is until he receives a gift from a travelling boy, the boy gives him a book with the greatest treasure. In it is the nightingale, and the emperor requests that he is brought one. He eventually recieves the nightingale, but the bird quickly gets replaced by mechanical one. The emperor grows tired of the bird as it always sings the same song and in the same way everytime, realising he lost the real nightingale almost ends up killing him.

I don't think I'd recommend this to everyone, but if you enjoy Trnka's work I'd recommend it.
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Hard to watch for someone unfamiliar with Czech folklore
3 May 2023
I didn't watch the full film, as it was quite frankly difficult to keep up with everything. I'm not familiar with the folklore so maybe if someone is familiar they will understand it better.

The soundtrack and the singing was very beautiful, and it was definitely an amazing experience to hear.

But it is the first feature film Trnka made, and he was just ahead of his time, especially in terms of animation. This is just a beginning of his career and it is very promising.

I would recommend watching this film still, it is a big part of stop motion history especially Czechoslovakian stop motion history.
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The first Belgium animated film
3 May 2023
It is the first animted Belgium film and it's based on the comic series by the same name, I believe. I don't have necessarily much to say, it is good film and worth watch especially if someone is a fan of the comic series.

The animation is pretty good, not the best, but for it's time it's good. The film was entertaining to watch and the scenes on the boat were my favourite. Though I feel like the story is slightly over the place, and I feel a bit too thrown into it as well. I suppose if you read the comic it would make more sense, but as a person who just watched the movie it is a bit confusing.
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Just an amazing and entertaining movie to watch!
3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie got me into old stop motion films, and it showed me how many amazing films exist and people don't even talk about them.

I loved watching the fox creating havoc in the village, it really showed how creative and horrible the foxes could be. The animation was just so amazing to watch, I saw somewhere that the puppets are life sized which is just crazy to see that. My favourite part of the movie was when the village finally had enough and came to the foxes house, trying to make them pay for their mischief. Which they never go to, instead the foxes won in the end.

I'd recommend this to anyone wanting to watch something entertaining, this definitely worth a watch!
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An interesting fairy tale
3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story is pretty good the sister has to stay silent, or her brothers won't come back. In that time that she has to wait a prince finds her and wants to marry her. After some time she moves into the castle and people start claiming she is a witch. The poeple want for her to be burned right away but she still has a few days before her brothers return. In the last time minute the brothers come and save her.

The animation is really good considering that this was made in 1937, it isn't the smoothes animation but it also doesn't need to be.

I did give this a 6/10 mainly because I'm not into fairy tales myself, and I wasn't the biggest fan of the story, but I do think some other people can enjoy this more than me.
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Beautiful piece of history!
3 May 2023
I have begun to look into old stop motion animation and this is still one of my favourite movies I have seen.

The animation is a bit weird at first, but the way the shapes and movements are utilised brings this whole story to life. The story itself is interesting to watch, though maybe even a bit confusing at times, but on a second watch it is definitely better.

It is a silent film but the soundtrack adds so much to the film that you almost forget that there is no dialogue. Definitely one of my favourite parts of the film.

I would recommend this to anyone interested in stop motion, or just enjoys watching older films.
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Castlevania (2017–2021)
Had a promising first two seasons but the last two were really bad
3 May 2023
I think if anyone plans to watch this show just stop at the second season. The first two feel like they had a direction, the story was interesting, the dialogue wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either. I will say the fighting scenes are the best part of the show I wish they included more of them. The final fight was really emotional, you felt the pain for both sides you almost didn't know who to root for. The characters are also pretty good, I'd say the villains slightly had a better story line. Overall the first two seasons were just good and I'd give them both a 7/10.

This is where it goes downhill I think the 3rd season was horrible. First the dialogue got even worse and it already wasn't that great, the story was okay at best. The good guys were too boring to watch, Alucard was doing nothing for most of the season, like I feel like they just did whatever with him so they could pass the time. Trevor and Sypha story was okay but was dragged on too long. Isaac is probably the only character who had some consistency throughout the whole show, and he is definitely my favourite. The vampire sisters were okay, like they had their moments when they were good but when you compare them to the previous season, a huge downgrade. This season a 4/10.

The 4th seaosn was better than the 3rd, Alucard definitely got a huge improvement over last season. Sypha and Trevor were okay, I think this is the show weakest link almost. Their arch was promising at the beginning of the season but it also felt dragged on in the end. The villains were a bit more enjoyable this season, you could kinda feel everything falling apart, and it was just satisfying to watch that happen.

Also the last fight sorta came out of nowhere. Like I wish they had build something on that character, he just feels thrown into the story and because of that the ending fight is anticlimactic.

The 4th season a 5/10.

Overall the show for me is a 5/10, I thought about giving a higher rating but i just can't. I will be watching Nocturne as I have hope they will improve on their mistakes.

I did read that this was supposed to be a movie and not a show, while watching the first season this will be really noticeable. I honestly think they should have stuck to that, it would have been a lot better than whatever we got now.
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Invincible (2021– )
The best Superhero show!
3 May 2023
I'm not into superhero shows/movies but Invincible is a huge exception. I love how the main character is written, and how his struggles as a superhero are shown. We rarely see that with superhero media, but I finally feel like there is some humanity to these superheros.

The action scenes are also just a blast to watch, and they feel so realistic. Like once someone gets a punched you feel that punch. I will says its quite a bit of gore so it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

I do have some very minor issues with the show, mainly with some characters being annoying. Overall though Invincible is a fantastic show for anyone, the writining, animation and voice acting are amazing.

Personally a 9/10 for me, I have some minor issues that I hope get fixed in the next season.
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Arcane (2021– )
Arcane is a show ahead of its time!
2 May 2023
I mostly watch shows animated in the west, and I have to say that Arcane is truly a one of a kind show. Especially when it comes to the animation, it is movie like quality, not to mention the action scenes which are just fantastic to watch.

The characters themselves are very interesting to watch, and learn more about. From the start you are thrown at the world, and eager to know more, who are these people, what are their stories. Now the writing is also just impeccable. They keep you engaged, they manage fit so many characters and do them justice as well.

One of my personal favourite things about this show is the soundtrack, I listen to it almost every day. The songs fit perfectly with scenes, and they just add even more to already tense or devastating moments. They really encapsulate the moment and make the show even more engaging to watch.

Now originally why I started to watch the show was because of Hailee Steinfeld, which I found to be a fantastic actress. She also a fantastic voice actress, she really delivered every line with so much emotion, and the other voice actors did not disappoint either.

Overall just 10/10 for me, its my favourite show, and I think it's one of the best shows ever.
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