
26 Reviews
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Back to Black (2024)
Profoundly emotional, if a little lacking in substance
31 May 2024
Something about the tragedy of Amy Winehouse , which she shared through her music, provokes a visceral emotional response in me. So much unique talent and genius in such a flawed, self-destructive, young woman. The movie did a great job of harnessing that pathos.

I appreciated that this movie didn't sensationalize her troubles, nor seek to attribute blame for them. We are shown an Amy with the hopes and dreams of most young women; love, motherhood and meaning in life. At the same time we see how incredible giftedness and exceptional ability appears in otherwise normal, relatable people; who aren't even remotely equipped to deal with consequences it brings.

I'd have liked the movie to more deeply explore the themes of dependent personalities and toxic coping mechanisms. More substantive 'how' and 'why', rather than just showing us a series of life events and leaving us to speculate on the inner turmoils.

I desperately want to understand, to get inside her psyche, to see this inexorable ill-fated journey from behind her eyes. Sadly, the movie didn't deliver that.

The movie entertained in a saddening way: a joyless, hopeless tragedy reflecting the reality. It delivered factual context to her music and lyrics. But it fell short of its potential.
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Civil War (2024)
Uninspired and disappointing
24 May 2024
The trailers for this movie promised a gritty war film, inferring there'd be some intelligent, contemporary study of how a stable democracy could descend into authoritarianism and violent division. Nah, this isn't that. Not at all.

What we get instead was a bewildering road trip movie. A handful of supposedly veteran war journalists blunder across the land encountering a series of utterly predictable scenarios; senseless deaths, rogue militias, strung up looters, and combatants in Hawaiian shirts.

It's nothing new. Like every other apocalyptic and future dystopian Hollywood movie, we are already well familiar with the nihilist concept of violent American societal implosion.

The movie has very little pace, suspense or tension. It was very predictable. The seemingly random insertion of occasional loud, bizarrely inappropriate, music was mystifying and distracting.

There's almost no military action in the film, except for at the ending; and it was laughably bad. The CGI was abysmal and there was zero evidence of any expert military advise being sought for the sake of realism. It was farcical.

The character development was atrocious. As a result, I found it very hard to have any emotional response to their experiences and suffering. There was simply no depth to them for a viewer to relate with.

The actors themselves did a decent enough job. However, being cast as a jaded, highly experienced, war journalists doesn't enable a lot of scope for getting across a depiction of the discovery of the horrors of war. They'd been there, done that, so what they witnessed in the civil war was nothing really new or worse.

Beyond the small band of seemingly disinterested main characters, absolutely no effort was made to unveil the perspectives and ambitions of other people. They were all cardboard cutouts; character void NPCs that only exist to progress a rudimentary plot.

You'd think that any movie about a civil war would relish the opportunity to add vibrancy and context through contrasting a myriad of conflicting motivations and beliefs. Why people fought. What it meant to them. Their aspirations, regrets and sacrifices. But, no, this was entirely neglected.

In fact, the only thing 'worse' was that this conflict was in the USA, not some unimportant foreign land. That is the only apparent horror - and it's something that might only cause a visceral reaction for more naive American viewers.

It's nowhere near enough to carry the movie given its many other flaws.

Overall, I felt this movie was a huge wasted opportunity. It could have been epic and clever. Instead it chose to be small and simplistic. I feel only disappointment as the closing credits role.
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This hits different... and it's wonderful!
4 May 2024
Brutal at times, tense and touching... Godzilla Minus One masterfully recaptures the spirit of the classic titan epic. Unlike modern western remakes, this Japanese version doesn't rely upon flashy CGI and simplistic dopamine hits. It's a far more mature and compelling story.

Beyond the terror of a seemingly indestructible behemoth flattening cities and sinking ships, the movie does a great job portraying the human costs of WWII for the Japanese; both military and civilian, physical and psychological.

I grew up watching the original black and white Godzilla movies on Saturday mornings. Godzilla Minus One brought a feeling of nostalgia for its stylistic similarities. Despite being four decades older now, the movie brought back the giddy fear I remember feeling as a small child.

Overall, this movie is everything that the Hollywood Godzilla franchise is not... and that's a very, very good thing. I loved it. Bravo!
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A perfect feel good movie
26 April 2024
I remember seeing this incredible real-life story in the media a few years ago, and was really pleased to see that it had been taken to the screen. The movie is exceptionally uplifting, has some strong competitive/adventure drama, and gives great portrayals of teamwork and camaraderie under arduous conditions.

Arthur really is a special dog. Why and how he followed, caught up, and stayed with the race team is a heart touching mystery. It's amazing how much impact he seemed to have on the team.

Arthur the King will definitely make your eyes glisten. Who can resist an inspiring movie about a wonderful dog?
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Monkey Man (2024)
A worthy John Wick successor
25 April 2024
Monkey Man is a revenge-based action movie following in the hyper-realism fight choreography genre established by Chad Stahelski's John Wick franchise.

Unlike Wick, Monkey Man declines gunfighting and fantasy-level foes in favor of gutter fighting hand-to-hand combat. It is brutal, bloody, gritty and believable. The fight choreography is exceptional; believable and relentlessly paced.

The protagonist character isn't highly developed, although that feels very much an aim rather than an ommission. Dev Patel's character is the archetypal mysterious hero, propelled forwards through simple, single-minded motives.

He is the classical stoic masculine figure; uncomplaining and too self-respecting to give way to outpouring his emotional and physical wounds. I found this a refreshing change to the Hollywood trend for feminized male heros.

Whilst being set in India, the movie didn't distract or diminish itself with preachy, indiscreet, socio-economic or cultural messaging. The problems of exploitation, injustice and persecution are entirely self-evident. The protagonist's homicidal rage against them says everything that needs to be said.

Overall, I very much enjoyed this movie. Action movies shouldn't be convoluted with emotional exposition or hijacked as a platform for social justice lecturing. The 2-hour runtime wasn't onerous at all, and I found myself gleefully chuckling at times. It you like good action, this is a great way to spend a couple of hours.
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Unintelligible, Unimaginative, Unoriginal
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a dismal follow-up to the first film; which itself was only mediocre at best. Essentially, it's just a really bad copy of the Seven Samurai (and Magnificent Seven) rehashed as a sci-fi by adding elements and ideas transparently borrowed from Star Wars.

The dialogue was so cringe worthy and contrived that I was constantly rolling my eyes in disgust. It found it genuinely sickening. Literally the whole first hour (half) of the movie was aimless talking, ridiculous songs and the rebel characters eating repeated feasts whilst congratulating themselves.

The movie constantly tried far too hard to be sentimental; and failed miserably for the effort. This blatant attempt at emotional manipulation, in turn, only made the characters feel artificial and prevented any sort of resonance with them as a viewer.

The storyline was disjointed; especially the battle sequences. The elite Imperial troops were easily taken apart by farmers who'd had just an afternoon's idle training. Star Wars stormtroopers are locked for their incompetency, but this was several orders of magnitude more ridiculous. Tanks were landed, but remained aloof and forgotten until their appearance was irrelevant to the outcome of the battle. Imperial fighters didn't appear for air support until the Dreadnaught had been downed by a few hand grenades.

The rebel general, a supposed strategic genius, could only formulate a cunning plan of untrained farmers conducting a bum rush headlong at the Imperial troops. I called that character 'General Melchett' thereafter - and if you have seen Blackadder Goes Forth, you'll know what I mean.

The whole narrative was inane. Literally zero thought or effort was invested to make the ideas believable. I was glad when the movie ended.
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Fallout (2024– )
Nightmarishly surreal sci-fi
11 April 2024
I haven't played the game, but was eagerly awaiting this series having seen the trailers. I binged the whole season in a day, and still wished for more.

From start to finish, the show doesn't disappoint. The dystopian storyline is refreshingly unique, unpredictable and engrossing. It did a very good job of leaping between characters in different locations and time periods without stressing viewer cognition. As a result, the plot progresses urgently and there's no point where attention drifts or boredom sets in.

The characters were well written, well acted, vibrant and relatable. Production quality and special effects are top notch.

Pleasingly, it didn't put undue stress on interpersonal relationships or lecture the audience with political correctness - mistakes that have ruined so many potentially good shows lately.

This is, for me, the best sci-fi released for a number of years - small or big screen. I was left wanting more, and will be impatient for a second season. Brilliant!
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Tokyo Vice (2022– )
Exceptionally good
4 April 2024
Tokyo Vice is gripping. As a cop/crime drama it avoids the pitfall cliches that many similar series succumb to. The storyline is excellent, based upon real-life memoirs, and gives fascinating insight into Japanese culture; especially that of the Yakuza organized crime network, the local Tokyo police, and the work of crime reporters.

The characters are all wonderfully rich and develop strongly as the plot progresses. Brilliant acting brings those characters to life and allows the audience to gain vibrant emotional connections and behavioral understandings.

Writing this at the conclusion of season 2, I would be overjoyed to hear that a third season was in the works. If not, the series will have concluded at a deeply satisfying point.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Liable to be the best series of 2024
22 March 2024
A monumental TV series. Beautifully shot, superbly acted, a compelling plot, and blissfully free of the rampant identity politics agenda that is ruining so many shows and movies nowadays.

The characters are excellent and very well cast. As a viewer, it's easy to invest in them. The female characters display great strength and fortitude without abrasively losing their femininity - Hollywood should take note of that.

The storyline is heavy with political intrigue and Machiavellian maneuvering. In that respect it's reminiscent of the best moments of Game of Thrones. The action scenes are brutally realistic, but also portray the bravery and honour that results from a strict warrior code.

The historical and cultural depictions seem accurate; and it really is a wonderous window into the samurai era. However, the show doesn't glamorise or fantasize; nor is it judgemental. The socio-cultural differences between East and West are clearly contrasted through the perspectives and actions of the English character.

This is a 'must see' series. I have sincerely relished every episode.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Good, but not great
22 March 2024
I was pretty hyped awaiting this series, but the reality didn't live up to expectations. For sure, it's significantly above the majority of sci-fi mediocrity released nowadays; but it became underwhelming quite quickly.

Most of the CGI was splurged in the first few episodes; which left the remainder of the series as little more than endless talking. Playing suspenseful music alone doesn't make talking more dramatic.

The underlying story is quite interesting and novel. It wasn't as formulaic as many contemporary sci-fi/drama series are. However, it wasn't really translated well onto the small screen.

Having watched the whole series, I can't say that I'm buzzing to see how the next season pans out. Hopefully it'll be a little more balanced and have some action to spice things up.

From the trailers, I thought this was potentially going to be my favourite series of the year. Sadly, everything shown in the trailers is mostly done and dusted by episode 3. That's when you need to brew some coffee to get through it.
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Madame Web (2024)
An abysmal failure to entertain
18 March 2024
This movie fails on every metric of consideration. The plot has more holes than swiss cheese and too many grotesque, lazy shortcuts were taken in the writing to create any semblance of believability. As a result, it's impossible to feel invested in the characters and story.

The CGI was mediocre, at best. The characters were superficial. The dialogue was cheese. The story was confusing and felt aimless. Usually a superhero origins story answers viewer's questions; but Madame Web only succeeded in repeatedly causing "WTF?!?" sentiments.

I have to wonder what sort of delusional group-think bubble existed when this movie was planned and made. How could those involved not grasp the dirge they were creating?

This is, for me, the worst movie ever released under the Marvel banner. I hope they feel discouraged to make a sequel.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
An insult to the military and veterans
17 January 2024
The series was based on a book, so the underlying story was sound. Episodes had a decent amount of tension and suspense.

However, as a veteran, I found myself completely distracted by the absurd (and insulting) portrayal of military characters. Literally zero care and attention was spent achieving any sense of realism.

1. Military uniforms were seemingly made up of random badges and items of clothing.

2. Berets were worn unshaped and without any of the pride that military personnel attach to them. What's shown would be a laughingstock on even the newest trainee.

3. Actors portraying military personnel should make an effort dress and groom themselves to service standards; not unshaven and slovenly.

4. The acting utterly fails to represent how military personnel talk, behave and operate.

The series director, and costume department, should be called out on this abject laziness and amateurishness.

Understandably, years spent in drama school won't furnish them with an understanding of the military. But would it really be so hard to have a veteran on-site for filming and consulting with the costume department IN ADVANCE to prevent these egregious depictions of the military?

They obviously think it doesn't matter. Insulting the military doesn't matter to them. Disenfranchising an audience of veterans and serving personnel doesn't matter.

It DOES matter. Make the effort.
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Napoleon (2023)
Only epic in its failure
9 January 2024
I will admit that I awaited watching this film with great excitement. The trailers gave an impression that it'd be a grand production, on par with Gladiator. Sadly, it is not.

Overall, the movie seemed threadbare; stretched far too thinly across a plethora of aspects, such that no component of the story got a fraction of the attention and detail necessary.

Napoleon is a legend because of his military strategic prowess and immense leadership. However, the movie utterly failed to illustrate these qualities; how they were developed over time and employed to inspire an army to successes.

The battle scenes felt very low budget, overly brief, and almost an afterthought. Waterloo, in particular, was incredibly poorly researched. The movie abjectly fails to portray the significance of the battle, and doesn't even bother to represent Napoleon's tactics and strategy accurately. It was immensely disappointing.

The acting was satisfactory, but could not be elevated without the story doing more to build the characters and create an audience empathy with them.

Unlike Gladiator, Napoleon suffered from a soporific music score. It was entirely unmemorable and mediocre. In combination with the weak writing and lack of impact, the film did nothing to stir the emotion. I felt disinterested - more as if watching a meandering academic documentary than a supposed epic movie.

It is with great regret that I'd rank this as the most disappointing movie for a decade, at least.
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Bodies (2023)
Original, clever and compelling
21 October 2023
Bodies starts well: a clever mix of time-travelling science fiction and detective mystery. What I didn't expect was how well it'd develop over the course of the series. Writing this, I have just finished watching the finale and I am literally buzzing. It certainly left me wanting to see more.

If you enjoy movies like Inception, The Butterfly Effect, or Donnie Darko, then you'll love that familiar mind scramble as the series concludes.

The series was excellently produced, shifting from period to period seamlessly and developing the characters very well. The acting of all characters was impressive. The story, based upon a graphic novel, was totally original and I loved how unpredictable it was.

It's very rare that I rate anything as 10/10, but the originality and vision in this TV series just blew me away. Excellent job!
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Gran Turismo (2023)
I expected little and was blown away!
30 September 2023
I didn't know much about this movie before I watched it, except that it was based on a video racing game. To be honest, I expected something more akin to the cheesy Fast and Furious movies. I had set a very low bar of anticipation.

With that in mind, the reality of this movie was an enormously pleasant surprise: a fascinating true life story that magnificently captured the adrenaline buzz and accomplishments of elite motorsport.

The racing scenes, and there's a lot of them, were masterfully created. I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat. It was an emotional rollercoaster; one minute I was grinning with euphoria, then gripping my hands in fear, then I was giggling out loud with a happy release of nervous energy.

Being a true life story, it couldn't be spoiled by poor plot writing. I loved the uplifting, feel-good, tale of the talented underdog risking all to achieve his dreams. Yet it wasn't a cliché because it was real; the movie had no sense of being formulaic or contrived.

The acting was spot on, the characters perfectly well developed, and the special effects were both awe inspiring and seamless.

The movie was enthralling from start to finish. It's absolutely a contender for being my favourite movie of the year. It's also one of my favourite motorsports movies of all time: and that's a compliment I don't give easily. How did this have so little buzz and anticipation before it was released?
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Only a superficial resemblance... yawn
30 September 2023
I very much enjoyed the John Wick movies, so I had high expectations for this series. Sadly, it's been a let down. Certainly, the heavily stylized neon cinematography from the film franchise has been reproduced faithfully, but that's where the resemblance ends.

First and foremost, the action/fighting sequences were antiquated. John Wick brought a new era of fight choreography to the big screen; an amalgam of fast-paced modern Jiu-jitsu and incredibly well-drilled gun fighting. This set the movies apart and really, for me, is what the Wick movies were about.

The Continental drifted from that ground-breaking choreography. It felt antiquated and slovenly in comparison; regressing back to unrealistic 90s-era kung fu flash. The hard work in extensively training actors and meticulously detailing ultra-complex sequences just wasn't done. It was decidedly average and uninspiring.

The storyline, script and acting is humdrum and somewhat formulaic. Nothing to save the series once the disappointing action scenes are accounted for. Winston just isn't the same character we know and love from the movies; there's none of the cleverness and authority.

The canon plot features established in the movies, high table etc, are woefully underused. The series would have been a great venue to have explained them better, but they are very superficial and neglected in the series - only getting token mentions. That disassociates the series from the Wick universe.

Similarly, the inclusion of the investigating detective characters seems anomalous; they don't fit in at all. Of course, they also had to forcibly hammer obligatory feminist ideology into the series; as if the Wick movie franchise ever had a problem creating strong, empowered, female characters. The detectives seem to have no real purpose other than to gratify the writers foisting their politics into the story.

Overall, a disappointing attempt that tarnishes the franchise. It's watchable, but not compelling. If it wasn't marketed as a Wick universe product, it really wouldn't get much attention at all.
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Unashamedly ridiculous, but made me giggle
27 August 2023
I had low expectations for this movie, but actually found it somewhat entertaining. It's one of those flicks that's so over the top ridiculous that it's funny.

As a professional diver for two decades, I found the underwater scenes quite hilarious. They just took things like physics and the gas laws and decided to entirely ignore them. The whole movie, from premise and plot to the dialogue and action sequences was utterly absurd, but I feel that must have been a conscious decision.

The CGI was okay. It was action-packed. I laughed. It wasn't boring. That's worth 6/10 from me. It served it's purpose: to entertain.
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Sleep inducing
27 August 2023
Any attempt at creating suspense was thwarted by the slow pace and confused unravelling of the plot. The movie is far too long, I was increasingly eager for it to end with 40 minutes remaining.

Haunting of Queen Mary is based on a good premise, but it was carried out poorly. Some failed attempts to shock with gore did little to reprieve it. I felt like the film was desperately trying to emulate The Shining, but all it really managed to do was induce yawns. It tried too hard, and fell well short.

The dialogue, and much of the acting, felt wooden and stilted. I didn't feel that I understood, or cared about, the characters. The cinematography was dull and depressing, not scary.

Overall, a very disappointing movie... and far too long.
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Abysmal in every way
14 August 2023
It mystifies me how movies this terrible actually get made. How do those working on them not grasp how ridiculously bad they are? Or do they simply not care?

Firstly, the acting was wooden and stilted throughout. Emotional connection to the characters was nonexistent. Furthermore, the characters were utterly implausible; supposedly elite intelligence operators... seemed more suited to a shift crew at Walmart. Even their wardrobe dressing was a distracting annoyance.

Secondly, the writing was just blame damned lazy. Would it really be too hard for supposedly 'professional' writers to an iota of subject matter research? Can't they use knowledgeable consultants? The script and plot were like a pre-pubescent fever dream - absolutely ridiculous. Sadly, not even bad in a funny way; just boring and annoying.

Lastly, the direction and production was infantile. It just felt that nobody gave a damn. No thought or effort seemed to be applied to making this believable or realistic. A movie about elite intelligence operators that didn't bother with even rudimentary tradecraft, field craft, tactics or skill sets. Such a dull failure.

Overall, I'd say that this movie was unwatchable. My guess is that the majority of viewers won't make it to the end. It's that bad. Really.
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Class of '09 (2023)
Demands excessive suspension of disbelief
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this series in respect to its production quality, but the plot was let down by three unaddressed absurdities:

1. The US Constitution simply disappeared. As the AI system began instructing 'predictive arrests', there was magically no legal/political barrier to that flagrant infringement of people's fundamental constitutional rights. Failing to address how this happened tarnished the series from a believability perspective.

2. It was some sort of 'alternative universe' where no person or organisation had any awareness of the inherent dangers of AI (except the original coders, who constructed the system nonetheless).

3. Other than the primary FBI characters, every other law enforcement and judicial person was portrayed a mindless drone who unquestioningly did whatever the AI instructed.

Those three unaddressed plot deficits ultimately made the series implausible. It was glaringly insufficient writing; a good idea that deserved far more intelligent development that it received.

I mean, seriously, wouldn't the AI system have been programmed to include the constitution whilst all other laws and regulations were incorporated into its data?

It just got implemented without exhaustive Congressional and Senatorial committees?

The series NEEDED to explain how this scenario could actually occur in real life. It needed more intelligent, better researched, writing. Doing so believably would have elevated the story to a truly disturbing and thought provoking level.
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Paint (II) (2023)
Anchorman, ascent humour
2 August 2023
A relentlessly dull movie that almost cannot qualify as a comedy. It moves too slowly, relies on weak repetitive jokes, and none of the characters are particularly endearing.

Similar (identical?) in trope to Anchorman, the movie follows a has-been TV personality, whose 70s sex-symbol vibe is replaced by up-and-coming modern female talent. Obviously, what follows is a phase of rejection, life crisis, and self rediscovery.

I get the impression that it tries to invoke sentimentality from the audience. That doesn't work because it deals with a caricature, not a realistic person. Of course, it also has to weave in a standard required amount of feminism; ascribing misogyny to a character written to he ludicrously unreal.

Unoriginal, unfunny, and, quite frankly, a chore to watch. Not recommended, unless you suffer from insomnia.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Dire and desperate DC
17 July 2023
Another disappointment from DC. Too much reliance on (very bad) CGI, weak character development, obvious plotline, and a transparently desperate attempt to homage the past.

This movie was not a buzz... it flatlined. The storyline was obvious, alternate timeline characters were annoying, and I felt no emotional connection to the movie whatsoever. The 'multiverse' idea was not cleverly applied; it felt dumb and incoherent.

I was hoping this installment could be a good transition to the new phase of the DC universe, but it was far too self-indulgent. It felt like one long, cheap, gimmick; not a finely crafted heroic epic that created pathos for the lead character and would go further to making the Flash into a core DC character.

The jokes weren't funny.

The homage was too unsubtle; it was uncool.

The plot was predictable.

The characters weren't realistically developed.

The CGI seemed blatant and over-relied upon.

There was no real drama or tension.

Overall, I felt the movie failed for trying too hard. It lacked any spark of excellence; fading rapidly into mediocrity as the minutes passed. It lacked substance and gravitas; but didn't compensate with effective humor or sentiment. I felt bored, regularly throughout the movie. It created only disinterest.

I find it mystifying how DC have failed so many times to produce worthy movies. They have an excellent cast... and awesome source material. Why can't they just get it right on the big screen?
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Great storytelling, but season 4 is a too-abrupt conclusion
15 July 2023
The Jack Ryan series delivers just the right balance of action, suspense and character development. Unlike many contemporary military-espionage shows/movies, it falls just on the right side of believable realism.

I rated the series a '7' overall, primarily because the final 4th season was such an abrupt, unfulfilling conclusion to the saga. It seemed more about satisfying contracts than serving the audience. Otherwise, it's a solid '8' overall... with some episodes definitely deserving a '9'.

For those who've read the Tom Clancy novels; don't expect too much. The series is far from a faithful adaptation of his characters. The plotlines are also far more easily digestible - lacking the complexity, sophistication and span of Clancy's strategic thriller writing.

I think that's understandable given this is a TV series; although I do think the show writers underestimate viewer intellects. The show could better reflect contemporary geo-strategy and present Ryan as an authentic analyst, rather than a gun-toting action hero.

Nonetheless, and all things considered, Jack Ryan is great for binge watching and certainly doesn't feel like time wasted once finished.
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Get a lobotomy before watching this movie.
15 July 2023
This movie is stupefyingly dull. Monotonous delivery, dismal dialogue, a flatlined plot, and a complete void where any emotional impact should occur. Given all of that, it's absurd that the movie seems to take itself so seriously.

Some movies are so bad that they're good. Some are so bad that they're funny. This is neither. It is simply just bad. And boring. So very boring.

I tried my best, but lost interest within 20 minutes. I did some house chores instead, just listening over my shoulder to follow the storyline. That only made doing chores more boring. I turned off the movie and time passed quicker.

As I compose this review, screenwriters are going on strike. The level of writers, directors and producers of this gutter-calibre film don't deserve minimum wage.
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Kandahar (2023)
Dismal writing and antiquated action style
13 July 2023
Kandahar slovenly sacrifices any attempt at plausibility or realism in the pursuit of crass 80s genre fireballs and full-auto firefights. Supposedly combat-savvy, battle hardened characters die unnecessarily and ridiculously in a gauche attempt to illicit a sense of loss from the audience. Unfortunately, the suicidal absurdity of it, coupled with a complete absence of developing the character's depth, only provokes eye-rolls.

Similarly, there were frequent token gestures to make the film deeper by commenting upon the abandonment of ISAF interpreters and ANA SF by the USA. It was cringeworthy for being so desperate and contrived; seemingly sledgehammered into the script in desperation.

I did appreciate the token effort to film in a reasonably suitable location; although Arabia bears little resemblance to Afghanistan. It's certainly more effort than movies like Lone Survivor or Warhorse One - which content themselves with the Californian hills and a hope that audiences are utterly clueless.

Unfortunately this movie falls far short of 'suspension of disbelief'. It's too implausible and disjointed for the over-the-top action to be a redemption. Modern audiences want more; and that could be solved by hiring, and listening to, experienced ex-military advisors. The era of Rambo-genre shenanigans passed decades ago; it's time for some Hollywood has-beens to acknowledge that reality.
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