
5 Reviews
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A Perfectly Made Sci-fi Drama
5 September 2009
I have heard some of the bad press surrounding this television show, and I cannot understand it.

The show is set in the near future, where a group of astronauts are visiting the nearby planets in our solar system, with an added twist.

There is a lot of the show that is not realistic, but it is called science -fiction- for a reason, and I like that it is a lot closer to reality than many other pieces of science fiction. It is however very far from normality, of course, but it is the combination of the reality of relationships and the things that would happen down on earth, combined with the fiction on board the ship 'Antares'. However, there is also the realism of the natural gravity, which is a series possibility in space travel and the idea of their 'jump' that means the ship can move through space quickly which may be able to happen. There are so many other links with scientific fact and theories, so don't be too quick to judge without really knowing about astro-science!

It does, in my opinion, take a few episodes to really kick off. It starts out with the introduction of characters and their previous experiences, with detail flashbacks in later episodes to explain the story. I find myself glued to my television set every time I watch an episode, and after watching an episode I am eager to watch more.

The acting is another big positive. All of the cast perform their roles perfectly, and I have found myself gaining a real connection to the characters. Another positive is that the drama is played out so well that when you watch it, you really start to feel the characters emotions.

This show exceeded all of my expectations, and I am happy to say that I am an avid watcher of 'Defying Gravity' now, and will continue to be for as long as the show continues. I would highly recommend this to anyone, but if you like drama TV shows and also like to subject yourself to a dose of fiction (science fiction in this case!), this show is perfect for you!
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Leverage (2008–2012)
Slick, Witty, Entertaining
20 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The show features a team of crooks trying to seek revenge on big companies/people who have done wrong to many people and are seen as bad people. The show in itself is very good, the script is well written, it is slick, witty and entertaining.

The only negative I can find in 'Leverage' is that it is predominantly the same as the BBC's (British Brodcasting Centre) Hustle, which involves a team of intellectual crooks taking money from and destroying reputations and careers of the 'bad' people previously mentioned. (sound familiar??) However, I do see this as a positive as Leverage has more than lived up to the brilliance of Hustle, one of my favourite shows, and I intend to continue to watch both for as long as they continue.

The main positives of Leverage is how unpredictable it is, with twists at every corner, and another is the intelligence. This show is similar to the 'oceans eleven' series of films, and if you liked them, I can assure you that you will like this as well!

Give this one a try, I think you will like it!
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Chuck (2007–2012)
5 May 2009
There is only one word that describes this show, and it is Brilliant! Comedy perfectly mixed in with drama, romance and action, I couldn't ask for anything better in a TV show.

The genius is the character of Chuck. He is witting, intelligent but all in all is kind hearted and good natured and it shows that good things can come to those who deserve it!

In my opinion, Chuck is one of the best shows on the TV at the moment, with a new twist around every corner and the action/police side is up there with the likes of 24, but with a new twist because of the technological side, appealing to men like myself. Individually, the other parts (drama, romance, etc.) are good, but combined they become great, good job Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak, you have done a great job and I hope to see more of the same!
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Do Not Spend Your Time or Money On This
1 February 2008
To start with, there are no spoilers in this as i didn't see it through to the end and the only reason i have given this a 3 out of 10 is because the acting was really good. The first 10 minutes were good, however, i watched another 50 minutes and by the end of it was bored out of my mind.

I had seen the same thing happen (the robbery) through many different people's perspective and it made me angry, never before has a movie made me that angry as i saw absolutely no point in it.

I stopped watching it after an hour as i really could not waste another hour of my life watching in.

Frankly, the writing was terrible! I beg of you not to waste your money on this film, i've seen so many good reviews of this film, but why!?!?! All i can see is good acting and a horrible story line.

I was also left feeling nothing for any of the characters, ***potential Spoilers****it seems bad to think this but i was almost glad the old woman died because it was her own stupid fault for not shootin the guy in the head. As for the brothers, it was their own faults they didn't have any money so how can you feel for them. **End of spoilers***

There is one thing this film is good for, and that is to aid in sleep. I couldn't believe how bad the film was, i saw the good reviews and thought that it would be an incredible film, it turns out it was atrocious apart from the acting.
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Knocked Up (2007)
Funny, yes, but somehow weirdly beautiful. One to watch!
30 December 2007
I started watching this film with a scepticism, i expected it to be funny, and vulgar, with witty jokes, and that is exactly what i got. However, when the film centred in on the love of Alison (Katherine Heigl) and Ben (Seth Rogen) and the birth, it was actually a weirdly beautiful thing. I'm not one to enjoy any films to do with love and all that rubbish (hence why i chose to watch this film) but towards the end, i started to enjoy the lovely-dovey stuff that came to light and enjoyed it even more with the jokes that tended to deter away from the sad/love things. There were many jokes surrounding the life of the group of pot smokers, but, i didn't expect a lot of the jokes to be well thought up and to be honest, quite smart. Obviously with a film like this you get the basic jokes that were in-your-face but i feel there was just the right amount of it for it still to work.

Also, there was the gorgeous Katherine Heigl as a lead which made it more aesthetically pleasing but also the character of Ben performed brilliantly by Seth Rogen which tended to make it more accessible to the viewers as, lets be honest, he is physically blessed but he acting was top knock and he was very funny.

I would recommend this film to you as it is a must-see. If you are only into romance-type films, then i would steer clear, but only if you cannot appreciate some toilet humour, if you can, there is still an element of love and it should be seen. Don't BE DETERRED if you do enjoy the films about weed and silly jokes, because that is predominantly what this film is about and the jokes are very funny.
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