
69 Reviews
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Moonfall (2022)
For your viewing pleasure and the answers to all of your questions? = Moonfall (film)
23 December 2023
If you need a weirdness entertainment break during or after the holidays this 2022 sci-fi movie could meet that need.

Trust me - it's weird and out-of-the-boxes science will astound you. The 'gravity waves' concept was definitely inspired. I totally enjoyed the bizarre sequences that the characters seemed to fit right into perfectly.

The special effects were amazing and very believable and mesmerizing.

And I liked how the film entertained and provided most of the answers to all of my family, friends, and my questions concerning the history of the universe, the solar system, the Moon, AND HUMANITY TOO?
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
An amazing push of the galatic envelope!
18 December 2023
I can understand why so many Earthlings give this program a low rating - it makes you reconsider the possibilities of exobiology and extraterrestrial intelligence. Also, I find that it's best if I re-watch each episode at least three times so that I don't miss anything. The casting has been well done and the special effects are great too. I can't wait to see how the program evolves. And with the dearth of fine sci-fi shows available to watch - I hope that this program is given a chance and not cancelled. Please note that I have not read any of the book(s) that the program is based upon. And I don't intend to so that I don't discover the plot.
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Men (2022)
Don't watch this movie with your partner for Valentine's Day!
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie gave me a nightmare or two. I just had to see how the story ended - but what a shocker of one. I must say many men are truly bad persons and treat women poorly but there was apparently not one good or sympathetic man in the entire village where most of the story took place. I do wonder if the lead female character - Harper - was a closet Lesbian since the only time I saw her smile was when she interacted with her girlfriend or the lady police person. That theory would explain much of the backstory and its undercurrents (i.e., the marriage breakup and future divorce, the husband's frustration, and the couples related issues).
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The Ark (2023– )
High School Musical meets Passengers!
6 February 2023
Maybe I am too old and have seen too many sci-fi movies and programs = but this pilot episode seems too repetitive of past entertainment. I was hoping for more intelligent dialogue and science but I was disappointed. We can only hope that the show improves with time - just like Star Trek Next Generation did so over the first season. Somehow the interior of the ship seemed too simplistic for the very long and ambitious interstellar journey. Also, some of the crew characters seemed too young and simplistic as well. I do hope that the show creators and runners, who have a great history, can improve it with time.
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Maverick's next tour-of-duty = Low Earth Orbit?
25 December 2022
I enjoyed TG-M much more than I had anticipated. It exceeded the TG original in so many ways: character casting & depth, story-line, and of course aerial sequences. And I found myself after seeing it with a greater appreciation for our military - in all their functions.

But now I wonder what will be Maverick's next tour-of-duty? I have heard rumors that Mr. Cruise may want to spend time on the International Space Station (ISS). So filming on that Low Earth Orbit (LEO) platform brings to my mind many different story-line possibilities. Of course, those could involve civilian and/or military Earthlings and/or extraterrestrials. And I'd be happy to discuss my concepts with anyone.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
OMG - is the series now over with Season 6?
17 January 2022
I just watched and enjoyed Season 6, Episode 6. But I'm afraid it seemed to me that the series is now over. But I did notice some of the story line hinted at future events. Am I wrong? This series is the only thing worth watching these days in the sci-fi TV world.
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Contagion (2011)
It predicted a worse COVID-19!
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This scary movie gave us a 9 year prior prediction of an even more fatal pandemic. It should scare us into getting vaccinated and/or boosted. I recommend it be required viewing for all adults.
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A 1961 sci-fi movie that's ripe for updating?
13 September 2021
This unusual movie has an interesting story line. It resembles the classic "When Worlds Collide" and others but with a few twists. Of course, the special effects are out-dated. And much of the acting is 'over-the-top' - including that of Mr. Rains. But it was fascinating to watch. And the story line has potential for an update.
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War of the Worlds meets Alien(s) & The Thing
9 July 2021
While I did enjoy the movie - it could have relied less on former sci-fi movies and innovated more. The FXs were good. I do recommend watching it. But I wonder how watchable the sequel will be for us all.
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A delightful bitter-sweet gem that deserves being viewed
5 March 2021
I recently viewed it for the second time - the first time it being shown on a big screen in a NJ movie theater. The casting was perfect and inspired - from Michelle, and Eddy, to all the rest of them. And the script laid bare the delicate, tortured nature of Marilyn, and her lovers, admirers - and the rest of us too when it comes to matters of the mind and heart.
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Brightburn (2019)
Was this an omen of the mothman's son?
1 September 2020
I have to say several times during the movie I was scared. The cast and special effects plus right on timing were impressive. It also reminded me somewhat of the earlier movies "The Omen" and "Mothman" in many ways. Wonder if there will be a sequel?
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Silly movie with great special effects
28 August 2020
I think the MIB series should end with this movie. They have run out of good story lines. I found myself wanting the movie to end. However, the special effects as in all MIB movies was great.
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The Host (2013)
Interesting story and great visuals
28 August 2020
I found the story interesting on how humanity could be improved and maybe retain its good points (e.g., love, compassion, etc.). The visuals (scenery, autos, locations, interiors, etc.) were well thought out for the near future storyline. Of course, you have to put up with the 20 somethings love stories.
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It predicted USOs!
24 August 2020
Yes, this movie predicted Unidentified Submersible Objects years before they became well known. Was this an attempt of the US government at early disclosure? Of course, the 1960s special effects AND the acting were crude by today's standards. The underwater sequences were very unrealistic in that the sub was constantly going through underwater paper machie canyons. And I noticed all the military and science actors were white males too - not one smart female - very interesting.
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Dunkirk (2017)
War is such a waste and so depressing!
20 August 2020
The movie just confirmed my opinion of war - such a waste and so depressing! One question: Did the British soldiers line up and move for evacuation in such an orderly manner? If so, I wonder if such discipline would be the case in today's world. And it is amazing the Germans did not slaughter all of the allied soldiers. Why didn't they do so?
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Was this the first time Earth's biosphere has been 'revised'?
20 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I did enjoy the movie and its special effects. Interesting that this team exploring the 'shimmer' was entirely female while the previous one appeared all male. A diverse team could have made things even more interesting. Of course, the ending leaves one wondering was this the first time Earth's biosphere has been 'revised' - and what's next for it?
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Enjoyable start to the Hans Solo and Chewy story lines
17 August 2020
I liked this movie and how it introduced Hans Solo and Chewy in to the Star Wars universe. But while the lead actor did fine, I think they could have cast someone with more of Hans' wise ass demeanor.
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Not bad way to begin the saga
17 August 2020
Upon a second viewing of this movie I got a better understanding of the saga's backstory. Of course, it like all Star Wars movies has too much fighting. I again was surprised by the ending.
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Stargate Universe: Gauntlet (2011)
Season 2, Episode 20
Hopefully not the end of Destiny's journey
10 August 2020
Re-watched this series for the second time. I continue to be amazed with all the series writers, etc. imagination for the storytelling. How I wish the series could be reactivated now that Destiny has reached a new galaxy. And of course, we all can think of many new story-lines incorporating what humanity has learned and new questions about the universe since the series ended.
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A charming retro sci-fi movie
26 July 2020
While it did start off slow the actors drew me into the small town feel and atmosphere of the action. That action got more and more interesting with time until the mesmerizing climax.
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Origin - of the Theory of Everything!
6 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Where do I begin: 2001 computer HAL now updated as ARTI that 1) 'saves' and 'evolves' our heroine (aka humanity); and/or 2) is the source of multiple universes? It all is enough to make our heads spin. I bet Einstein would have enjoyed this movie and its concepts to inspire him for more theories.
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Hauntingly tragic Western
4 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This examination of a modern loner cowboy is full of amazing character study segments. The dialogue of many of the characters are so insightful that they stay with you long after the ending dealing with: male & female love and differences, man and horse bonding, lost opportunities in life. You can see Kirk Douglas' realization of those lost opportunities in the final shots of his face. I wonder if the sheriff decided not to prosecute him. I understand Kirk Douglas did all his stunts - amazing.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
Interesting re-imagining set in Europe
14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Being a US citizen, I found this version interesting for the following reasons: 1) Not USA centered, and 2) Cool European locales and cast. The amazing Episode 8 (series final?) ending was great. That ending had echos of: Battle-star Galactica, STNG-Borg, etc. And it left me wondering: 1) Are Earthlings the aliens ancient offspring?, and/or 2) Are the aliens here to save Earth's biosphere from humanity?
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Sid & Judy (2019)
Revealing Judy in amazing & surprising detail
26 March 2020
This documentary revealed many 'facts' about her life that I'd never know. It was very candid when dealing with her parents, and her life ups and downs. The many clips including those dealing with her films and concerts were fascinating. I was left after its ending with a very sad feeling about her tragic story. But I would highly recommend it for all fans of Judy.
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Still a timely warning for humanity
25 February 2020
Now that we are experiencing the coronovirus possible pandemic this movie is more timely than ever. Sure it is dated but this morality tale remains powerful. I wonderful how the racial tension was received in the US South?
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