
12 Reviews
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Masterchef (V) (2010– )
Too much drama
22 July 2023
It seems like every single time an episode airs, the hosts try and outdo themselves in theatrics. When you watch the US version and then watch the UK cersion, it's night and day. Watching Gordon Ramsay throw a hysterical temper tantrum and literally throw food against a wall should shame him off of the show. Watching Joe treat a piece of undercooked meat like it's the end of the world is ridiculous. Arron Sanchez isn't bad - he doesn't pitch a fit. He's good and fair, but doesn't act like a petulant child. Ramsay and Bastianich could learn a thing or two from Sanchez.

The UK version is for adults - children left at the door.
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More angst than you'd expect in a short
30 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I sought this film out because of Sachin Bhatt, and became a fan of Ben Baur's as well. This film is able to tell a whole story, including both character's backstory, really damned well in just 20 minutes. When you have something special and you know it's right, but you can't admit to yourself that it's what you want, you lose out on life. Evan (played by Baur) is a writer set to be alone while his boyfriend David (Mahaffy) is away on a trip. And from the minute David walks out the door, Evan's ex Connor (Bhatt) walks back into his life. And though they each try and go back to whatever they'd had before, it's clear that it can never happen - because both Evan and Connor have made their choices, and they are clearly on completely different paths.
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Transplant (2020–2024)
Amazing personal and medical drama
2 April 2020
This series has a way of drawing you in from the first moment it appears on the screen. There are lots of medical dramas out there, but none that touch the basic human condition like Transplant has been able to. From the traumatic past of Bash to the doctors and nurses that are part of the hospital, to the stories of the patients lives - this series really makes you think, as well as care for the characters.
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Air Collision (2012 Video)
Oh my god
21 May 2019
I think you need to be high to appreciate this movie.

The storyline premise was intriguing, but the actual details? Not so much. I mean the dude that's having a heart attack? People - you don't give CPR if the person is still breathing. You don't use a auto-defribrillator if the person says "I'm having a heart attack" but is still moving around (besides, auto-defribrillators won't work in that instance). If that woman with seizure activity was THAT sick, she would have kept the medication at her side.

I seriously can't even...
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Always a winner
3 June 2018
Been a fan of Michelle Wolf for years - and this smartly written, quick witted show is perfect!
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Wrecked (2016–2018)
A cute show for what it is (Review through S02 finale)
23 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this from the beginning, and have interacted with both the official Twitter accounts of the show and the actors. It's definitely a cute show, and in a way, it lends itself to the comedies that we saw back in the 70s and 80s when there was more slap-stick in nature. The castaways get themselves into a new, dangerous situation, and comically get themselves out of it each week.

I will say that it was rather dark, going into season two that they killed off Emma. They handled it the best way that they could, given the subject matter, but it was still a bit too much. Overall, they've done great with what they have, even when killing off Turnbull at the end of season one, but turning it around in season two to reveal that Turnbull was a Nazi.

Quite apropos for the current American political environment, eh?

But here's my biggest pet peeve with the show, and I haven't been all that quiet about it online. During season one, they played up the characters of Danny and Owen - specifically their relationship. Owen and Danny were shown to be "touchy-feely" in the first episode. The second episode had Danny calling Owen, "Hon". Dream sequences had them as a couple. And at the end of season 1, when Danny was in trouble, Steve told Owen to put down the flare gun. His specific words were, "Do it. Do it for your lover!"

If you go through Wrecked's Twitter feed, you'll find images of Danny and Owen with hearts around them. So it wasn't just subtext on the show - it was overtly and covertly pushed by all involved, including publicity shots and outreach.

They didn't make Danny/Owen canonically gay, nor did they put them explicitly in a relationship. But they sure as hell played it up. But then in season 2, TPTB must have gone, "Oh crap, we can't have that" and they went full "No Homo" on the audience. The process started lighter at first, where Danny would make a comment, and unlike season 1, Owen wouldn't tease him about it - but instead was just mean; and it got meaner as the season progressed. Danny continued his "pining" during season 2 until the very last episode where he overtly went full No Homo with, "I mean I don't want to touch your butt or anything."

I'm really tired of TV shows queerbaiting the audience to gain viewers, then quickly run it back when the audience actually reacts. Either commit and go with it, consequences be damned, or stop treating the audience like that. It's disrespectful.
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Monster Pies (2013)
A sweet, touching film
20 July 2017
I've been watching lighthearted movies all week, and IMDb suggested this one as similar to a movie I'd just finished. I didn't realize this was quite the opposite of lighthearted, and got sucked into the movie, not caring what direction it took.

The two leads are your regular highschooler types; impulsive, wondrous, and at the same time, guarded. You could tell Mike finally had someone to reach out to, though Will was far too guarded at first. And when they finally got on the same page, that made for magic.

The chemistry between the two leads was undeniable, and I should have seen the inevitable conclusion, giving that the class assignment was about 'Romeo & Juliet'. It still caught me off guard, though.

Yes, it's a sad movie - but in sadness, where you can find hope and not despair, you know that you've connected with your audience. And that's just what this movie does.
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A great little film that will make you smile
14 February 2017
Got to watch the movie after the premier last night; I've been looking forward to it for a while! I have to say that the premise is cute, and the story is written very well. Brendan Bradley (Michael Joshua) hits the mark in his portrayal. There's a lightheartedness to his performance that I just loved - but at the same time, he hints at stuff that's unresolved (you need to watch/listen carefully to catch it). His impulsiveness is the perfect match for the more methodical, analytical Ashley Clements (Amy Tyler), who is perfect in her role.

Beyond that, this film doesn't let go of the background people; they don't just fade away. The characters Marcie, Sandra, Robert, and Michael (great callback on Michael, folks!) round out a nice cast.

The scenery is fantastic, as is the cinematography and production value. This is a perfect movie to watch, either with your friends, your Boo, or just a box of popcorn. Very well done!
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Not your typical teen movie
12 January 2015
I got this movie and Geography Club, thinking I'd like Geography Club more - but I was blown out of the water. It's hard to do what Matty does in this movie is harder than nearly any teenager has the ability to do. But how it's done is in a lighthearted way, while the reaction of Michael is exactly how I would have expected it to go. These lifelong friends have their lives turned upside down just because one of them decides to be truthful about who he really is.

This movie has a lot more stars in it than you'd think, which is a nice little bonus. But Matty & Michael's stories are what get you going from the opening scene, and accompanied by a great musical score, keep you going to the very end.
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Betas (2013–2014)
Devolving into mindless crap
3 December 2013
I really had high hopes for Betas; it was a great concept, and as a Silicon Valley (now Silicon Forest transplant) type guy, I wanted a show that showed me what I lived through during the height of the tech boom.

Started out strong, but it just devolved into "kitschy" crap to be honest. There are 4 guys on the show, and 2 women as regulars. The women are treated as nothing but sex objects. One is a love interest for the male lead, and the other is there to basically titillate the sex-started male actors - whether it's her talking about her bisexual phase or letting guys take pictures of her in her underwear. Seriously? There are female engineers that could kick some ass - but of course that's not the type of story that Betas want to do.

Also, there's the subtle homophobia, from Hobbes hooking up with his ex wife and screaming - twice, "Stay out of my ass!" to Stuart's saying that he was basically so horned up for sex that he "put up with ass play".

We get it - you're straight.

So while I watched the first couple of episodes, and held high hopes, all of those were dashed. Too bad; good concept, but oh well.
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Redwoods (2009)
One of the best gay movies ever
26 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this when I was flying home on a plane, and was so caught up in it, I couldn't leave my seat. It is indeed one of the greatest gay movies because of the juxtaposition of Everett's dull but stable life in which he's living for his kid, and Chase, who seems to be everything Everett could ever want.

The only reason I'm giving it an 8 of 10 has to do with the almost cliché ending, where Chase has died. I know it's integral to the story because to do otherwise would jeopardize Everett's home and family, but it still bugs me.

I've followed both Matthew Montgomery and Brendan Bradley separately, and have really enjoyed them. They had such chemistry in this movie, that I was really happy they worked together. This movie wouldn't have been the same without either one of them.
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Dog Tags (2008)
To the "too many problems" reviewer
30 March 2010
Okay. So this movie was by far not one of my favorites, but it wasn't that bad either. But what really got me was the person reviewing who complained about "body doubles". Dude - the intimate scene between the two main characters actually was a hark-back to one of the main character's PREVIOUS intimate encounters. He was with the guy that initially got him interested in military men - NOT the guy in the room with him. Watch it again, catch the audio clues about the guy's first love, and then watch that sequence and you'll see it.

Overall, it was not a bad movie. It was well done for what it was - a movie about two strangers that somehow make a connection. The character development was actually done well. It was the acting, and some of the cuts to the story (probably during the editing process) that left the end result jagged and mis-connected - which probably led to the previous person's confusion about the supposed 'body double'.
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