
18 Reviews
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9 April 2003
Hey I liked this play! We're reading it for credit and I watched the movie and it is very funny, much funnier in person than just reading the script. I thought that Joanne Woodward does an extreamly good portrayal of Amanda Wingfield. She acts exactly like I thought she would act--flighty, and maybe a bit shallow, but at the same time you have this overwhelming feeling of pity for her and her family. Obviously, here is a woman who was breed for a delicate life, but was forced to live differently after her husband left. And I knew I recognized Laura!!!! I who have watched Indiana Jones all my life! Karen Allen! She's pretty good in this. She plays the role well--shy, timid, mousy... and trapped and dominated by her mother. As far as Tom, played by John Malkovich, wasn't that good. He has no emotion in his voice, and he speaks in these horrible slow tones that make me want to scream. Usually he is very good, I wonder what went wrong? But overall, it's a pretty good show. Except that I find a striking similarity between Amanda Wingfield from Glass and Blanche Dubois from Streetcar. Don't you? Perhaps Tennessee Willaims had limited experience with southern women. :)
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9 April 2003
I remember the first time I ever saw this movie. I was about ten, an avid Julie Andrews fan even at such an early age. (I still am, Long Live Dame Jools!) My aunt picked up this movie for me, but I didn't know that Julie was in it. Imagine my surprise when I popped it in the VCR and there's Julie, dancing and singing on those lovely Austrian Alps (by the way, the exterior shots WERE filmed in Austria). I screamed with glee and my grandmother came running, thinking I had hurt myself or something... anyway...

What can I say but that I love this show? Julie is so excellent, and the children are charming, and even Chris Plummer seems to be a nice guy. The story, based on the true story of the Von Trapp Family Singers, strays a lot from the real Mrs. Von Trapps telling, but it is still charming none the less. And Julie shines, shines, shines! The songs never fail to bring a smile to my face. The emotions in this film, how you root for Maria and how you wonder if the Nazies will discover there escape, etc, etc... charming.

Maybe not the deepest film, or the most poignant, and it certainly won't attact for sex, blood, guts or gore... but it is a signiture classic from the golden years of musicals... when Hollywood still had some poise.

I love it!
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6 November 2002
I thought this movie was very cute, and very good romantic comedy. It was a refreshing break from all the usual sex and stuff that is found in most romantic comedies today. I really enjoyed the plot, the actors/characters, and everything else. My favorite part was when she sneezed into the intercom to prove she was sick. I thought it was pretty funny. I highly recommend this movie.
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2 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers

Oh my gosh, I loved this movie... it was absolutely the most touching drama I have seen Hollywood crank out in a long time. The characters were well-developed. The actors were superb. The story-line was totally unbelievable in spectacular "I wonder if..." way. The only problem I had with it was the ending, but if you want to know why, you'll have to watch it. I cried.
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Charming and Sweet
9 September 2002
Okay, I admit it: Princess Diaries was not the most witty, well-acted, inspiring film I have ever seen in my life. But... it never claimed to be. My brother brought the movie for me when it first came out, and all for one reason: Julie Andrews. As an avid Julie fan, I was chomping at the bit to see her latest release. No matter it was a kiddie flick. I wanted to see Julie.

I found the movie better than I expected. It was charming, and it had its funny--okay, downright hilarious--moments, but the most important things is that Julie practically glowed. She looked so beautiful, and so elegant, and it thrilled me to just see her, healthy and happy on the screen once more.

The main thing to keep in mind with this film is that it is a Disney movie for kids. It's not supposed to be a mature adult comedy, so don't expect it. It's just a kiddie flick, good for some innocent laughs, and a chance to see one of the greatest actresses of all time--Dame Julie Andrews herself.
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22 July 2002
Immediate Family is a heartwarming tale about four people who's lives are interwoven by one thing: a baby. Glenn Close stars as a frazzled woman who desperately wants to have a baby with her husband. When it becomes apparent that it can't happen, the couple looks into adoption. Through this, they meet up with a young, unmarried couple who are expecting their first child and want to give it to a nice family. The whole movie revolves around whether are not the young couple will actually go through with the adoption. Glenn Close is absolutely convincing as the very eager, very frightened "mother-to-be". For anyone who's ever loved a child, this is a must see.
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Another great one
19 July 2002
This film was the perfect ending to the Sarah Plain and Tall trilogy. Once again, there was more conflict, but this time, Sarah takes a back seat, and the movie is more or less about Jacob. It has a very good message about forgiveness, which is something I think is very important.

The family has grown a little to include a child between Sarah and Jacob, and Anna and Caleb are considerably more grown up than in the previous movies. Once more, the casting was terrific, and the characters were just as endearing as always, although I must say that I found it rather odd that everytime something significant would happen, Sarah would be right in the middle of it--or close by. She was nosier than usual in this movie, but it suited her--as did her sometimes dry sense of humor, directed at various comments made by members of her family. If you watched the first two movies, you should definately see this one, but remember to watch them in order because otherwise some things won't make much sense.
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Skylark (1993 TV Movie)
19 July 2002
Skylark was a great follow-up on Sarah, Plain and Tall. There were new conflicts to be resolved, and the cast of characters expanded to add Sarah's brother, sister-in-law, and her three aunts. Sarah and Jacob were married in the last film, but in spite of her love for her new family and her new life, Sarah still misses her old home. It doesn't help that the Kansas is now facing a drought, and there is an alarming scarcity of water. Sarah and her family watch as their friends move away, trying to find a better home, but Sarah and Jacob are determined to stay until the end. Or at least until something devestating happens, that causes Jacob to move Sarah and the children away. Sarah takes them back to Maine, and there they stay, while Jacob lives on in Kansas, trying to wait out the drought that plagues the land. I loved this film, and especially the ending, which shows that true love can span a continent, if need be. Once more, Glenn Close is superb as Sarah, and Christopher Walken is magnificent in his role as well. I highly recommend it to everyone.
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Sarah, Plain and Tall (1991 TV Movie)
19 July 2002
I remember reading the book, Sarah, Plain and Tall, as a small child, probably for school or something. In most cases, movies based on books are usually a let-down, but this movie, in my opinion, was even better than the book itself. It's a wonderful story of a young mail-order bride who travels from her home in Maine to the vast strangeness of undeveloped, prarie-town, Kansas. One of the things I really liked about this movie was that it didn't have any sticky-sweetness that is common in family films. Sarah, the main character, is far from perfect, and there is a constant battle-of-wills between her and Jacob. Probably the biggest conflict in the film, besides the fact that Sarah is extremely homesick, is that Jacob expects Sarah to be like his late wife--who seems to have been a quiet, gentle woman. Sarah is nice, but she is also stubborn and quick to speak her mind. She and Jacob have to come to terms with each other, over and over again. Jacob's character was well-written. He's a man trying to raise his family the best he knows how, but he can't seem to let go of his late wife. He blames himself for her death, and seems almost afraid to let his children remember her. He doesn't have much room in his heart for Sarah, but she barges in anyway, neatly disobeying him and breaking down the walls in his heart. The children were very good as well--Anna struggles with accepting Sarah, and her growing fondness towards her. Calab loves Sarah, simply because he is small and doesn't remember his real mother. I thought the story line was great, as was the actual casting. Glenn Close doesn't usually play such wholesome, family roles, but she actually pulled it off, which proves, of course, that's she's a terrific actress in any role. She was convincing as Sarah, and gave her a little added spice... Christopher Walken, also, was great as the father, who, I think, falls for Sarah without really realizing it. The children, played by Lexi Randell and Christopher Bell, fit snugly into their roles. The whole movie is a very touching family story. I give it ten stars, for a wonderful performance.
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Matilda (1996)
17 July 2002
I have watched Matilda at least a million times, and I still love it. It's a pretty good movie, humorous and entertaining, delightfully derived from the novel by Ronald Dahl. I must say, I thought the casting was really great, but my favorite people were the Wormwood parents, played by a real-life Hollywood couple, Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlmen. In my humble opinion, they really stole the show. And of course, Matilda herself was fantastic, and The Trunchbull was out of this world.
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Not in My Family (1993 TV Movie)
17 July 2002
I watched this movie on Lifetime the other day, and I liked it. It was very deep, dealing with some issues that aren't usually aired out for everyone to see. I admire these people who put together this movie for speaking out about this kind of abuse, because it happens today, and it is, as one character in the movie is quoted as saying "A heinous crime." It's a movie that offers some kind of hope--that it's never to late to speak out, and it's worth it, no matter what. I like it, not because I found it entertaining or intriguing, but because of its straightforwardness. Good work.
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Hideaway (1995)
15 July 2002
Hideaway, starring Jeff Goldblum and Christine Lahti, was incredible. The show re-defined the classic battle between good and evil, by literally using the forces of heaven and hell to fight a battle in one scene. Hideaway is a very compelling thriller about a man who died and then was brought back to life... and brings something back. The actors take their roles very seriously and play the parts to perfection. Everything about the movie keeps you on the edge of your seat. It's the perfect movie to watch on a dark and stormy night... with a big bowl of popcorn and a couple of friends. I give it ten stars.
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The Fear Inside (1992 TV Movie)
An Interesting Thriller
15 July 2002
My friend and I recently watched The Fear Inside. We thought it was a uniquely put-together movie, compelling and thrilling at the same time. Because it is a sort-of murder movie, it had a lot of heavy moments in it, but there was a bit of comic relief from the very insane killers. Christine Lahti was very convincing as the half-crazed agoraphobic who is held at the mercy of two murderers, a prisoner in her own house. She is torn, quite literally, between the fear of going out doors, and the fear inside.
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Even Better
13 July 2002
Well, Disney has done it again. 102 Dalmatians is even better than the first. Once again, Glenn Close stars as the crazy, out of the box villain of villains, Cruella DeVil. She is totally awesome,and totally believeable as she makes her transition from almost sickly sweet to gleefully evil.

Alice Evans does a fantastic job as Cruella's stern, yet humorous probation officer who is less-than-thrilled about her new client. And Ioan Gruffudd is perfect as the slightly naive dog-lover who is torn between wanting to believe that Cruella has turned a new leaf, and being head-over-heels in love with her probation officer. Tim McInnerny makes a re-apperance as Cruella's flustered, frightened butler, but this time he gets to have a shining moment as he fights a bad guy, and helps to save the day.

The only person I had a problem with was Gereld Depardieu... don't get me wrong, he's a great actor, but honestly, I think this role was beneath him. LePelt is stupid and snibbering, practically in love with Cruella and his jokes (i.e. the tiger head on his pants in one scene) fall hopelessly flat. I think Mr. Depardieu should have demanded some intelligence put in this role... I can look past LePelt because Cruella and the others are so great, and the story line is charming, and the animals are once more, terrific. The addition of the talking Macaw really gave the movie an unexpected comic twist. I give it six stars.
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Out of the box
13 July 2002
As a very young child, I grew up on the 1961 101 Dalmatians. I loved the show, and I remember thinking that it was one of Disney's best. So when the 1996 live-action remake came out, I had my doubts that anything could be as good as the original. I was wrong. This movie is absolutely fantastic! It is beautifully written and the dogs are so cute and loveable... but I think the thing that ties it all together is the casting. The characters were brought to life in a totally believeable way--from Jeff Daniels as the Dalmatian-loving, Cruella-hating Roger Dearly, to Ms.DeVil herself, played to perfection by the unbeatable Glenn Close. All of the actors fill the shoes of their characters, the comic timing is just right, and everything about it spells a Disney masterpiece.
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My Fair Lady (1964)
24 May 2002
I absolutely loved this movie. The first time I saw it I was about 11 years old, maybe a little older. I totally fell in love with it, and with it's timeless characters. Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison portrayed the turbalant relationship between Eliza and Henry Higgins. I loved this movie so much that I went out and bought it when I was about 12 and watched it everytime I got close to a television. I nearly drove my grandfather insane! Now I'm a little older, but I still love this movie. Unfortunately, no one I know shares my love for it. So I don't get to watch it as much as I would like to. Also, there's the big issue about Julie Andrews/Audrey Hepburn and who made the better Eliza. I am a huge Julie Andrews fan, and I love her to death, but I am also a huge Audrey Hepburn fan, and I love her too... LOL... so, I really sort of remain neutral. However, I will say this: Audrey did wonderfully in the movie, and besides, if Julie had taken the role then who would have told us about "A Spoonful of Sugar" and taught us how to dance through chalk pavement pictures? Personally, I think things are fine the way they are.
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In the Gloaming (1997 TV Movie)
13 May 2002
I watched this movie not too long ago, simply because I am a big fan of Glenn Close. However, I was throughly surprised at the depth of sadness portrayed in the film, and the closeness between Janet and her son Danny. I was touched when Janet sung "Oh Danny Boy", I thought it was a very good addition to the film. This movie brings up very important topics: death, and love for your family no matter what. I would definately recommend a person to watch this.
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2 May 2002
This movie is very strange, and all of the people in it are a little messed up, but the movie pulls it off and makes every crazy detail absolutely believable... even Camille is likable in a strange way... everything she does just adds to the strangeness of the movie, but also makes you like the movie more and more. Glenn Close is thoroughly convincing in this role, and she does a superb job!
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