
6 Reviews
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Troy (2004)
Decent action flick, crummy drama.
27 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
(contains minor spoilers, stuff you probably know already)

Well, I'm not a high culture buff and I've never read The Iliad, but this movie failed to impress me. I am NOT a big action movie fan, but I think action fans will like it (I went with two, and they LOVED it). Big scenes and battles, along with the obligatory attractive women and typical cheesy hero cliches will attract the action crowd.

As for me, I liked the visuals, the music and the direction overall. Wolfgang Petersen is a pretty good, solid director. Almost every scene in the film effectively conveyed grandeur, power, and energy! It also really gave you the feeling of being back in time. I was impressed by that, so the movie didn't bore me or anything. But I didn't think the story worked, artistically...

They tried to make the Trojans the "good guys", but it just didn't work, and I don't see how it ever could. After all, Troy started the war by kidnapping a woman at an up-till-then successful PEACE MEETING, and then continued the war by keeping her. How does one make that look heroic? Well, apparently, not very easily. They tried to make you feel sympathy for Helen, but I mean come ON. A huge war because some chick is tired of her husband? Imagine how many wars we could have today on that basis, heh! And it certainly didn't help that Paris (the guy who wooed Helen) was a trash-talking wimp who never backed up his big heroic promises.

They try to make you hate the Greeks by portraying Agamemnon as a greedy old jerk, but it doesn't fit with the setup of the story. The great heroes are Achilles and Odysseus, who are both Greek, so they come across seeming very strange, like heroes who somehow ended up on the wrong side, a side they hated (I kept expecting them both to defect to the Trojan side). You end up feeling sorry for the Trojans, just because they're such fools! And you feel sorry for the heroes because they spent their whole lives fighting for nothing, or for "bad people".

Not satisfying. Not satisfying as a tragedy, not satisfying as a drama, not satisfying as an epic, and only satisfying as a movie because of Wolfgang Petersen and some nice action sequences. IMHO.
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Tron (1982)
YES!!! RERELEASE in theaters PLEASE!
3 November 2003
Brilliant work of extraordinary art. The effects are stunningly beautiful; if they look cheesy bear in mind that they are supposed to be inside a computer, it's supposed to look more cartoony than "real". The writing manages to tie together three themes seamlessly: the "Action/Adventure Movie" theme, the "Big Evil Business" theme, and the "Computer Geek/Unix OS" theme. One single character, for instance, is the tyrannical ruler, the evil, greedy business executive, and the OS kernel all in one individual. Another is the wise mentor, the oppressed employee who started the company in his garage, and the I/O driver module. Yet another is the mischievious-but-lovable scoundrel, the oppressed hacker, and the "User". This movie really shows me how I can think of my Linux box as a model of human society. In a way, they're just two different machines trying to form some kind of order with the tools and individuals they have. A computer OS is a miniature version of a business, which is in turn a miniature version of a government. Very cool, makes you think, if you're a geek like me :)
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Android (1982)
Great 80s Sci-Fi!
28 April 2003
I love eighties films, and I love science fiction. This film is a good example of both, but I have to say it was a bit 'darker' than it felt like it should have been.

The music is classic analog synthesized fun, and the setting is very cool-looking, typical of any early eighties sci-fi movie but with a certain complexity and detail that makes it seem solid and believable.

The acting is absolutely phenomenal. I generally complain a lot about bad, hard-to-believe acting in movies but in this case I have no complaints; there was nothing to distract me from the story. I half-believed that Max was played by a real android (he is credited as "Himself". lol)! The acting was overall believable and appropriately restrained.

The story could have used some work... it was a bit slow-moving and somewhat uninteresting, and the resolution wasn't entirely satisfying due to certain characters who were insufficiently developed. Also I felt that there should have been some slight comic relief, and I think the drama of the situations was not emphasized enough. But, to the story's credit, it did have a couple of nice twists and I think I like the ending.

Overall I think it was worth seeing: much better than most of the junk that comes on at 2 AM!
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They Live (1988)
Very bad, severely overrated!
17 May 2002
When I first saw the description of the film, I thought the sunglasses were cool and it would be a cool movie. Well, to avoid laughing hysterically, let me just say I was a bit off. Okay, I'm laughing hysterically anyway. While not as bad as something like "Hell Comes to Frogtown", it is in the same league (if that is possible). The sunglasses are a cool idea, and the premise of the film is actually kinda cool (if cliche), but the script, acting, direction, and effects are some of the worst in history, ruining any chance the movie may have had. The script has more holes than I thought any movie (even Sci-Fi) could get away with, and it is not entertaining. The acting is typical for a B-movie, noticeably awkward and silly. The special effects are neither (to say the least). As for the direction, I don't think there was any. If there was a director I don't know what he was doing. The film is badly patched together from bad shots like some hideous Frankenstein's monster. I know this movie has a gigantic following, but even after talking to several fans, I can't figure out why. Go watch a 70's Sci-Fi movie with MUCH better effects, brilliant acting, and a beautiful script, like "The Lathe of Heaven" instead of a horrendous 80's B-movie.
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Lives up to the title; hilariously horrible beyond belief.
17 May 2002
Well, some like it, some don't. The reason as far as I can tell is that it is simply such an incredibly, unbelievably horrible movie that it defies expectation or even imagination, to the point of being amusing in a way. If you think you can conceive of how bad this movie is, you are mistaken. You can't. But, there is a PLUS SIDE to that. At first I was in shock from the incredibly cheesy special effects, insanely, mind-twistingly awful plot, and the worst acting I have EVER SEEN, but then I realized that I was having the time of my life, because listening to the dialogue, I found myself laughing out loud. I missed some parts of the movie just because I was laughing so hard at the absurdity that someone actually made this film that I nearly wet myself. But there is no downside to missing a few minutes of this flick. Anyway I really think the film must be a joke, a parody of B-movies. And as a parody, it is very good. In summary, I recommend it.
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The Lathe of Heaven (1980 TV Movie)
Very good, but not for everyone.
17 May 2002
I found this during late-night channel surfing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The effects were sometimes cheesy but often cool. The direction was creative and quite effective in bringing Ursula K. LeGuin's classic story to life. But BE WARNED: this is a WEIRD MOVIE. You have to be wanting a weird movie in order to really enjoy it. It takes quite a bit of thought to really follow the plot if you haven't read the book, but it's worth watching several times. It is not an action flick (there is very little action, and some people find it boring, possibly with good reason) but it brings up all kinds of interesting ideas and possibilities that sent my mind racing. Every situation is presented in a way that makes you really look at it and ponder it. And the emotional aspect is powerful at times and made me smile more than once. The camerawork, acting, and electronic background music are artistic and place the viewer in another world, one which I personally found beautiful, exciting, and awe-inspiring. If you like artsy, strange, contemplative film, you might want to check this out.
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