
17 Reviews
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Not bad
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just like most of the other Cryptid shows, I've watched this one is far different compared to MonsterQuest and a few others, but doesn't beat them.

I think what separates this compared to the others is the fact that it's just one full episode 1h and 36m.

It has a very unique style of art, which made more interesting and entertaining, it reminded me of the old 90s show animal X.

Remember when I said, it doesn't beat MonsterQuest, with all the good stuff aside, it's not a perfect show, and does have issues like the fact that they mentioned about a girl getting devoured by the creature, the father seemed very genuine in his tears, but I think that's terrible part of that is that he didn't have the authorities simplifying, or helping the family with their loss.

Nonetheless, I still enjoyed the show and I do recommend it.
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Isle of Dogs (2018)
15 February 2024
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Is it just me, or am I the only person here who doesn't understand the hype for this film, i've watched this movie 4 times and couldn't get into it, nor could I understand it.

I've watched fantastic Mr Fox in the past and the film never really appealed to me that much, I didn't like the uncanniness of the characters, and the seemingly mumbling dialogue.

But after watching Isle of Dogs, I completely changed my mind about fantastic Mr Fox, and after re-watching it, despite the creepy animation, fantastic Mr Fox had much better looking visuals, the action scenes look like they had effort put into them, and the film treated. It's happy ending in a way that felt like a happy ending.

Isle of dogs on the other hand, had none of that.

The characters in this movie look just as creepy, and I don't even think the scariest horror movie of all time can come close to this level of creepiness, this is my issue with the film, it's considered a comedy and it's treated like a comedy by so many people, but I've watched the film several times, never laughed once, and I remembered being creeped out by how the way the characters break the fourth wall with their eyes, wide open and grinning unsettlingly.

I noticed that a spike being a PG film, it has quite a lot of blood violence, and that's the type of violence that you wouldn't really see in a PG rated film today. And the violence was so exaggerated that combined with the creepy uncanny characters. Just didn't make the film feel like a comedy it made it feel like a horror film, even if the blood violence was dark humour, then he did a really BAD JOB, because it's not executed in a way that feels funny, I never felt like there was any clever context for why they were in these situations because it comes out dead randomly, in certain parts, making it feel like it was happening just for the shock value.

Despite being a comedy, it was a down right miserable film, now I get that the dogs are dumped on an island, which is understandable, but remembered when I said that fantastic Mr Fox had a happy ending that felt like one, Isle of dogs had one as well, but even with it, the characters still seemed depressed in away, the only emotions that I ever truly saw in the film was angry, sad and confused, and I did not record seeing a single character smile.

I didn't really like how the film had all these random scenes, like the sumo wrestling, kabuki, and the sushi scene, I get that they try to acknowledge Japanese culture in a positive light, but I've noticed that the scenes just happened and never get brought up again. It's like they were just there for the sake of satisfying the audience, I know we all like to be satisfied, and I understand that, but without no plot or reason, it just kind of makes these scenes feel random and pointless, and they don't add anything to the story.

Remember, when I said that fantastic Mr Fox had mumbling voice acting, at least I film exaggerated the dialogue by having the characters shout and all that, all the dogs did host, some voiced actors like Bill Murray, who I think is a legendary actor, and he has the voice of an Angel, But his voice in this film, just sounds like nails, scraping a chalkboard, the way the characters were speaking, sounded almost like they were mumbling or whispering, and it was just grating to me.

I have never truly seen the brilliance in this, i've heard a lot of people saying that this is the goat of all Stop Motion films, and I'm like GUYS!! We've got paranormal, Del Toros Pinocchio, Coraline, Merry and Max, and you just want this to be the best one of all time.

I've never understood the overwhelming appeal for this form at all, and I don't think I'll ever understand what people like about it.
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Mountain Monsters (2013– )
A great show that feels too close to home
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched a lot of cryptid documentaries in the past, I remember seeing the show back in 2015 but wasn't interested at the time, but in 2020 during lockdown, I watched a few episodes and ended up loving it. I love their unique sense of humour and the theme song to the show. AKA (mountain man's town) absolutely rocks.

Of course, not all the episodes are perfect, and I can sort of understand why some people might not like it, as most of the episodes, they try and trap the creature but fail most of the time,

But that doesn't stop me from liking it as at the end of the day. It's a very interesting show that I think deserves a watch.
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Monsters Inside Me (2009– )
Good facts, but hard to watch
2 February 2024
I have watched countless documentaries that show gruesome graphics stuff, i'd say monsters inside me, beats all of them by a longshot.

Sure, the facts are interesting, but the execution where they deliberately flaunt the creatures face on TV up close, things like the botfly, screw-worm, And many others.

Now I get that this is the shows John and it's supposed to be like this, but in my opinion, I found it to be challenging to watch at times, as some parts of it still traumatise me to this day, scenes that I still find hard to watch till this day.

But if you guys find enjoyment out of us, then that's fine by me.
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Monsterquest (2007– )
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Before I get into why this is such an awesome show.

I should let you know that it's not suitable for kids under the age of say 10. The show was released in October 2007. I first watched it in 2012 when I was only 6 years old. The first episode I watched was the American Loch Ness.

But the one that caught my interest, the most was in fact that the one that scared me the most, and that would be the chupacabra episode. The episode used to scare me as a kid, but in May 2018 when I was 12 years old, I overcame my fear of the episode, and and ever since that, monsterQuest, as a whole became my number one favourite show of all time. I love practically every inch of this show, regardless, whether the facts sound Farfetch or not.

Whatever you may think of it, I personally think that it is a solid five star rated show, Criminally underrated And I absolutely encourage you to watch it.
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New insight
24 January 2024
I like the first chapter of this episode, as it introduces us to a new character called (Phill Night) and they set it up in a more old 1950s way that reminded me of who framed Roger Rabbit.

It gave me new insight to what Phil was like as a creator and his motivation.

The second chapter of this episode used to be my number one, but it's now been changed, but I still like it, the snowshoe hair chapter, gave me yet another inside to a very peculiar creature. I know we get Arctic hair but I never knew that they changed their fair during the seasons.

In other words, this episode was a step up compass, the last one, and I do think it's worth a watch.
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Dangerous torture episode
19 January 2024
Most of the creature case episodes are close from being near perfect, but the silver ant chapter, stick out like a sore thumb, who were the thought that an episode of a seemingly solid franchise, actually offend me. Unlike the other desert episodes this was the only one where the two characters complain about the heat, and most of the episodes was about them running along with a silver ant called flash, and this was the longest I've ever seen them run. The setting of the episode, the actions, and the exaggeration of it all is too dangerous to show the kids. The episode does claim to have a message about never giving up, I don't mind the writers talking about these things, but if it's not executed right, then it makes it very convenient for people to mistake it for something else. I get that they're trying to acknowledge the facts of the animal, as silver ants have been known to be incredibly fast, and the ant does pass out in the episode, which of course makes sense because that happens in the real world, but you're also under the impression that Sam is a snow leopard, and kit, despite being a kit fox confesses that It can get too hot, even for hair. And throughout the entire time they were running, it showed to have no negative effect on them, and four-year-old children has gullible as they are, they might see this and get the impression that maybe it's safe to exercise during heat waves.

And practically every adult knows that it's not safe to exercise in heat waves especially in a desert, as that is more than enough to make anyone at great risk of heatstroke, so in other words, this chapter was painful to watch, made me sweat throughout the entire thing, and there's no way that the creators seriously think that this is okay to show to kids.

The silver ant chapter was bad. But swamp snapper, was a much better episode, that focuses on the two characters looking for a creature, that many of the locals consider to be a dinosaur.
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Fascinating, and smooth
19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first chapter, brings us to a flys prom, in the middle of the prom, I an identified flying object is cited and the free characters, Sam kit and Wally, try to find out what it actually is.

The second chapter of the episode is by far one of my favourites, Sam and kit, retain to their ship, only to realise that they were tasked on trying to find an infant monkey, whilst on the case, they also hear sounds which they both believe is the baby monkey, I enjoyed this episode because it incited me with new information, which I didn't even know of, and that's why this episode is in one of my favourites.
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Not the best
18 January 2024
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Sure, the first chapter of the episode of the blue bandit was acceptably, good and easy to watch.

But the other chapter wasn't, (honey badger break in) what is the first episode that made me cringe.

First things first, I'm not a fan of fart jokes, self-aware, they can work in certain places, but if execute is wrong, it just makes it look incredibly cringe, TCC has quite a lot of that, however, the reason why I'm okay with the one off fart gags that the two skunk characters do, it's because it's a kid show and kids at age 4 do occasionally laugh at that type of humour, and second, it's not really that funny but it does make sense in the context of the animal, so they're not really doing it for laughs they're just doing it for knowledge, reasons as well.

However, in the honey badger breaking episode, there was one scene that, to be fair, if they removed that scene where sweetie drops stinker on Sam, it would've been a downright acceptable episode, but they decided to add the scene, it's so random, it's so cringe, and it just made it hard to watch. I get that they're trying to acknowledge the facts of the animal, but it just comes across as crude and painfully unfunny that I don't even think of four year-old would find it hilarious.

Plus none of the information really needed explaining in the first place, as they do justify it in an earlier episode, so it kind of makes the presentation of that scene pointless.
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Okay again
18 January 2024
There's nothing really much to say about these episodes, but one of them was unique in its message and execution.

The first chapter is about Sam and Kit, going out into the swamp lands of North America, in search of a creature that has been going around biting on stuff, the message that I got from this episode, is about (guess everyone's side of the story)

The second chapter of the episode shows the characters entering a cave, where mysterious voice can be heard, and the cave walls. Are mysteriously drenched in salt, and the two characters have to find out what creature lives in such a place.
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18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Now first things first, I don't really have much to say about these two episodes other than they were acceptably well done, the first chapter in this episode the disappearing dung ball.

This is a kid show marked towards four-year-olds maybe it's just me being too old and not being able to appreciate this humour as much as I did back then. Come on it's marketed towards kids, kids around four years old Do laugh at butt and fart jokes, and of course I was that kid back then.

The next chapter where the spiders pet frog goes missing, these 2 chapters of episode 6 we're not too bad or too good they were just average, so that's why I gave them a 9 out of 10.
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Thrilling and wholesome
18 January 2024
In the first chapter, the fruit thief shows Sam and Kit, seeking out a disturbed orangutan in the jungle, someone or something was stealing hair fruit and nobody knows who's causing it. I quite liked this episode because it was thrilling and incited me with new knowledge of the creature they were after.

The gila monster episode, is by far one of the most wholesome episodes as Kit is attacked and poisoned by the monsters, Sam tries to comfort her, despite her drunken state she interacts with Sam in a very adorable way, I can't tell you what happened because of spoiler reasons, so you'll have to watch it yourself.

In other words, the episode was good. I liked the interaction between Sam and Kit, and they also gave us an insight to what director Peggy scratch is like.
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I enjoyed this one
17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The honey Bee episode I really enjoyed, and there wasn't really much there that I particularly didn't like, it introduced us to a new clay agent (Indy) The episode had great comedic elements, And introduce my to one of my favourite characters.

The second episode, yet again, had wholesome comedy moments between Sam and kit. The episode had them solving a mystery about trees mysteriously falling down in the middle of the woods, and nobody knows whose causing it.

So Sam and Kit have to solve the mystery and find out who the mysterious tree destroyer is.

These two episodes, but brightened up my day, And I do recommend checking it out.
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Wholesome one
17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first chapter in this episode was incredibly wholesome and showed the bond between Sam and Kit. The plummeting eggs episode, also introduced us to a new character (Wally Bugler) The episode had the three characters solve the mystery in the wetlands of Europe, where birds eggs were mysteriously falling out of their nests.

The next chapter in the episode was not as fun as the plummeting eggs. But the mole rat episode was okay, not my type of episode, but it was still easy to get by.

So yeah, this episode was alright, not too bad, not too good, but it was easy to get by, and that is my thoughts on it.
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Easy to get by
17 January 2024
The rhino episode was very fascinating and had me sitting on the bed, watching it multiple times.

The episode also introduces us to a new character (Reggie) In the episode, Sam and Kit have to find about an incident involving, the rhinos bashing into each other, and the two agents have to figure out whose clothes.

The other episode is about the mice squad. Getting lost in the Icy tundra. And Sam and Kit or on duty of finding them, I quite liked this episode as it had some parts that made me laugh, though it was not enough to reach 10 star rating.

So instead, I give her a seven star rating, ok.
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17 January 2024
The episode introduces us to the to main characters, Sam snow and Kit Casey. In the episode, they were on a case of solving an incident that happens on a train, titled the monsoon express. The train was out of control and the two agents had to solve the mystery of what caused it.

I'm gonna be straightforward, being the first episodes of the show, this one had a lot of kick and action in it. Not too violent for kids, and not too sappy for adults. All in all, this is one of the best episodes of the show, and I wish the show had more episodes like it.

So if you haven't seen the episode, I do recommend it.
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Childhood memory
16 January 2024
This movie has the best soundtrack I've ever heard from any film, the characters are likeable and relatable, The giants are intimidating, the action scenes look visually gorgeous, the villain is bad ass, I was seven nearly turning eight, and back in 2012, I was a massive fan of Jack and the Bean stuck, and it was YouTube when I first seen the trailers for Jack the giant slayer, by the time 2013 came around the movie was eventually released to cinemas, and I watched the whole movie and oh my God, it was so good, so good in fact that it made me watched the film three times.

As much as it is my childhood movie, it did have some flaws, such as the humour the humour was easy to get by when I first watched it when I was seven, the likes of snot piking and fart gags, which I used to find funny back in the day, but looking back on it, they don't age well, but that isn't gonna stop me from liking this film. In other words, I enjoyed it and if you haven't seen it I do highly recommend checking it out.
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