
26 Reviews
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The Others (2001)
An interesting balance
2 June 2024
I must say that the director took an unique approach to this horror movie without the usual jump scares and people making extremely dumb decisions. Nicole Kidman and the rest of the cast did an excellent job portraying their respective role. Hats off to Alakina Mann in how well she handled her character, I was most impressed with her range of emotions and how well she flowed from one to the other. Normally I have had the tendency of becoming distracted and somewhat perturbed with the lameness of some movie when I am faced with a weak and questionable script writer. This however wasn't the case here where I was following the movement quite thoroughly as the movie progressed.

Aside from a few moments, the clarity of the picture allowed me to follow what was going on at said point in time and I felt "just my opinion" that the editing was on point as the flow was not interrupted. I especially appreciated the lack of nudity and only implied coitus which I feel are red flags to bad script writing when you require such fillers to complete the project.

I enjoyed this movie and "only my opinion again" I would recommend seeing it.
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20 year age gap between Hawn and Holbrook
1 June 2024
One of these days Hollyweird will get the memo and cast couples in these film who are closer in age and not some old fart old enough to be her father as her romantic liaison in these god awful movies. She's ready to party while he's gulping down geritol and going to bed, and we're supposed to believe that she is actually involved with gramps. Old white men need to get out of the movie business and take their tired cliched nonsense with them. One thing about these older movie and that is the sheer quantity of misogyny in them from start to finish. I gave it a three due to Hawn and Hopkins presence in this movie.
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Visions (2023)
Psycho Triller of sorts
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This director had you jumping all over the place with this psycho/fantasy/thriller and I added the fantasy part due to her seeing herself and her husband as she is recuperating from being struck by a car while running from her husband. At times it looked like the husband had caught her cheating and killed her lover, but it was somewhat confusing with the dream sequences flowing into reality, so where one ended and the other began was a bit muddled. Also the narrative of Estelle just meeting Ana is not correct, since they knew one another to some extent 20 years prior and ran into each other at an airport. Also what wasn't clarified, would be why her husband sedated her with so much benzocaine to the point that it was found in high concentrate in her system? And what was up with the jellyfish??

Not a terribly bad movie, a rather fair middle of the road venture, but that is only my opinion.
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Vanished in Yosemite (2023 TV Movie)
No it wasn't entertaining
1 June 2024
I should have heeded the advise and not watched this abomination, and it gets stupid really quick. The male photographer and his cliche cringy pick up ;lines and the blonde haired sister is a garden tool used for weeding the garden goes hiking and face locking with a dude she didn't know from a bucket of paint. Yep too stupid and weak for words, but I must type int he 600 minimum characters in order to warn other viewers to take a pass on this BS. I turned this nonsense off in less than 10 minutes of viewing what is sure to become a major headache from having to dumb yourself down to the level of ignorance required to enjoy this farce.
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Weak dialog and cliched all to Hell
30 May 2024
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One of the more glaring issue would be this chick as owning her own roofing company, yet she's nailing shingles directly to the plywood decking without the 30lb felt that gets rolled out first. Add that she only carried a partial bundle of shingles instead of having all the shingles stacked on the roof for easier installation.

And the cheesy dialog with this educated editor falling for the weakest pick up lines and the cliched sloped headed backwards facing Knuckles dragging across the pavement Neanderthals that work for her catcalling Jasmine,to which Jasmine being a somewhat sophisticated lady would have ignored these yardapes.

Just over 29 minutes into this over hyped train wreck, and I'm already tempted to delete it. The girl playing the roll of Dallas is a cardboard cut out with zero skills and the exact same mono tone voice throughout what I have regretted seeing thus far. And the girl party with not one normal looking girl in the place, well Dallas would have been one of the normal looking girls, so that had one at a party that seemed to be for fashion models, so even the casting director sucked in this abomination.

If you're looking for a script with some meat in it, try another movie, but if weak writing and gratuitous sex is your thing, by all means sit down and enjoy this movie.
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The Weakest Male Love Interest Ever
27 May 2024
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I don't know what the casting director was thinking when they choose this milquetoast swarmy little rodent as the love interest for the crazy girl, because he had zero chemistry and it looked like she had to lead him around by the nose.

And the usual stalker routine that should normally raise red flags, but this time I guess it's the crazy girl syndrome that allows this to come to fruition, instead of a rejection that would come in the real world.

And what was up with that ridiculous ending with the crazy girl showing up at his final exam? It felt like they ran out of ideas halfway through and just winged it from then on.

This plot ridden, poorly thought out movie is nothing close to what some of these reviews hype it up to be. But I did see how one reviewer noted that the object of her desires didn't see much action in future movies after this dud of a performance he delivered.

One point of extreme humor was the dance scene where she lost what little rhythm that she had and stood there in a daze.
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Bull Excrement to the tenth power
26 May 2024
Okay here is supposed to be a film that has street people who don't look like street people and we never seem to be able to have a drama without gratuitous sex scenes. I chalk this up to pure unadulterated garbage with little substance and especially when a grimy alleged street person has a sexual relationship with a beautiful and attractive young lady who could have any successful man in the neighborhood.

Weak writers generally produce weak products which for some odd reason are financed and here we are with more wasted film that could have been use on a better finished product.

I didn't even have to waste my time watching this drivel, so my advice to viewer would be to pass on this one.
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Femme Fatale (2002)
This Movie Sucks
26 May 2024
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First Off you have ridiculous events that under normal circumstance would not occur. Like when she is in a hotel and Antonio Bandcan'tactworthadamn is following her and she is three to four floor up, yet he finds her room. Add insult to injury, she's hiding yet opens the door and allows this fool to enter as he over acts a gay role. The next scene is her getting undressed and making out with a total strange.

I don't know what movie these other reviewers watched, but it wasn't this piece of crap. Over the top acting, murders in broad daylight yet no-one gets arrested.

Just a bunch of gratuitous sex scenes and misguided action and over the top drama.
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The Female (1958)
Rediculous pretty much sums this one up
25 May 2024
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Typical misogyny with a twist, but the same stupid outcome with a young beautiful woman ending up with an over the hill married womanizer. It would have been better had she just kept screwing this clown over and even better had she hooked up with her childhood sweetheart instead of waiting for this POS who beat her down in the club and walking off into the night after he is released from jail.

But the obvious is never looked at when you have old white men in charge of projects like this. Number one issue for Bridget Bardot Character not going with this clown would be that if he cheats on his wife, that means he will cheat on her. But as usual common sense is rare commodity in feature films.

So you can toss this one into the I shouldn't have wasted my time bin.
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Laced (I) (2023)
I liked it
24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I read some of the reviews here prior to watching this film and I see similarities in view points and a couple of misconstrued conceptions of when Molly sat on Charlie lap and kissed him. They missed Molly snatching Charlie's phone and disposing of the sim card in the garbage disposal.

Also there were later revelations of Charlie's past physical abuse and generally while under the influence of alcohol by both brother Austin and sister Molly in private conversations. Plus two sneaky little inferences to possible incest and the child being Austin's and not Charlie's, especially after the flashback and Austin the second reference to the child's possible name.

I could also see the ending as it played out with Victoria driving away, being that all remaining evidence pointed to both the siblings, and Molly realizing that her deleting the skin in the game provoke Victoria into killing Austin, even though Austin was constantly trying to sabotage to original plan all along.

So I really appreciated the twists and turns, add to the mix that the actors played their parts well to the point where I had zero empathy for Charlie who only admitted his abuse when he knew that he was going to die and wanted Molly to save him.

Yes I would recommend this, at least from my point of view.
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An Old White Guy Dream come true
23 May 2024
George Sanders is 14 years older than Ella Raines and we're suppose to think that this age gap is a natural selection for a woman approaching her prime to choose a Old Fart well past his. Nope, just more misogyny from tinsle-town dripping with the usual fodder. I must have born yesterday is these writers expect me to believe that some mousy weasel and a glamorous woman who under normal circumstances wouldn't give this mooch the time of day, would actually hook up! Naw, simply unbelievable. And too far fetched to even consider a worthwhile watch and yet another reason why IMDb should allow negative voting on this platform.
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Good acting, but there was an easy solution to her ills.
23 May 2024
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After listening to this woman and her travails in life as well in marriage. I saw that her main issue dwell around her belief in some dude in the cloud lifting her out of bad choices, instead of using common sense and leaving a bad situation. The dumbest being the forced marriage to her rapist that lasted 5 years and with all that she did, she never did the right thing and turn them in to the authorities. As much as I tired to feel sympathy for Mahogany, I kept seeing her fall back on the same dumb excuse "Why did God will this bad decision that I myself made, on me?" I'd rather have atheist with morals, over a hypocrite so-called christian any day.
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Loverboy (2012)
Fire everyone
20 May 2024
Okay they tell us that Lauren Reynolds is swearing off dating after breaking up with her drug addict boyfriend, yet after meeting this sleazebag (Brandon) and yes his character oozed of sleaze from the moment he showed up at the party yet we're supposed to believe that she would passionately kiss him after just meeting a few mines ago???

Forced/Fake and thoroughly unbelievable are what cam mind and when I stopped watching this train wreck in progress.

This goes beyond just a dull romance and into the realm of ludicrous fiascos are us. From piss poor script writing to wooden actors, this bomb had them all. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one.
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Not as good as some of these other reviews state
10 May 2024
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Yeah yeah I read the other reviews and this film isn't all that good. And par for the course a male director fails to give this woman a backbone or common sense. She could have reveled these two convicts when the two motorcycle cops showed up, especially since the convicts were limited in ammo and only one gun. Plus what was up with the night time fight scene where she laid there on the ground instead of high tailing it out of there? Nope, I don't see where the high praises come from with this mediocre bit of story telling. It's an okay flick, but not something to write home about. One of these days white men will learn to script women with usable gray matter between their ears and not for the visual pleasure of sloped headed backwards facing knuckles dragging across the pavement Neanderthals.
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Girl Lost (2016)
Fairly decent movie
4 May 2024
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I thought that this movie regarding the exploitation of children could get by without the usual tripe, but alas Robin Bain wrote in a creepy relationship with the daughter to a sleazy none acting Felix Ryan.

What was up with the unlit cigarette, because Author Fonzarelli he's not and was entirely lame. The relationship didn't come off as natural and especially since Jamie starts off as a peeping tom POS spying on her. I saw no reason why she would even like him, much less become involved with him, but alas stupid stuff generally gets passed on to the viewing public because the movie needed some filler shots to meet the run time.

And whoever wrote the review praising Felix Ryan needs to get a reality check, because the boy can't act and trying to emulate Henry Winkler was a big fat miss.

Oh, and Jessica Taylor Haid who plays the role of Shara was 20 years old, so there is no underage nudes in this movie.

Like I said, it would have come off better without the unnecessary and dubious relationship with Shara and the son of a lowlife wannabe pimp. Even at her age, she would have known that the rotten POS apple does not fall far from the rotten POS apple tree.

The ending was too predictable and phony, yes I was glad that Felix Ryan's character finally got what was coming to him, but for her to get back with him and than commit suicide because he got killed was too ridiculous. He was no different from his worthless father, and a stalker/thief on top of being lowlife scum. So again I saw no reason why Shara would kill herself over him and not try to educate herself out of prostitution.
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Student Seduction (2022 TV Movie)
Fire the casting director
30 April 2024
I don't know what planet the casting director immigrated from, but their choice for the Lacrosse coach sucks and looked more like a sleazy cheesy stripper than a high school athletics coach. And what's up with that whacked out hairdo??? Nothing about that actor registered anything remotely attributed to high school education. From the way he looked at the girls should have been more than enough to get him banned from school property. And I came to this conclusion in less than 12 minutes of watching this farce of a movie..

IThis movie is so lame , that I feel like sueing the production company for the 11 minutes and 34 seconds that I wasted watching this.
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Call Me (1988)
Just Plain Stooooopid
23 April 2024
Okay so I read some of these reviews and seriously I have no Idea what freakin movie they watched, because this one sucks. Again we have a woman too stupid to hang up on a weairdo, and also finds ultra creepy jellybean attractive. What woman would sip a drink from a complete stranger who looks like Klaus Kinski's twin brother? Plus there was over 6 million people living in New York City at the time of this movie and probability of Jellybean running into her in a park being accosted be a Jamaican Vagrant is highly unlikely. But here we go with just another weak AF script in a movie that ranks well below the B status and more likely in the Z ratings.
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The Wrong Woman (2013 TV Movie)
Just plain wrong
21 April 2024
Circumstantial evidence does not get you thrown in jail and especially when it is as weak as what was proposed as damning in this case. Unrealistic dialog combined with piss poor acting pretty much rounds out this mess of a crime drama. Add the typical BS of some stalker who ends up in a romantic relationship with the female protagonist. Just too lame and cheesy with a corn pone ending that sinks the entire project. I was watching this hoping for some originality at the end, but much to my chagrin, these writers fumbled the ball at the goal line.

Do not waste your time on this farce, unless predictability and lameness are your cup of tea.,
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To Die For (1995)
Crime Drama Yes, Comedy rare to none
19 April 2024
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I watched this due to Nicole Kidman and the aspect of comedy somewhere in it. Aside from the initial interviews with the students and the commentary of the cable television staff. The comedy was nonexistence, other than a few occasions with Matt Damon's character.

The non-happy ending was a welcomed relief with the main perpetrators all facing a degree of justice, be it through the court or other avenues.

All in all it was a good movie and I would watch it again, and I felt the all the actor did a good job with their perspective roles. Would I recommend this to other viewers? Yes I would, but beware of the wolves wearing chic clothing.
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Disappearance (2002 TV Movie)
No Horror, no thriller and zero acting
28 March 2024
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This was a compilation of stupid people making really stupid decisions. From Harry Hamlin wooden representation of a newly remarried man on a family vacation, to Susan Dey's character showing glimpse of intellect and commonsense, to falling down a conveniently placed abandoned mine shaft and vacillating between her almost inability to climb a ladder, to regaining her strength and escaping the mine shaft via a rope.

The only character to have any semblance of true common sense was the little girl. Because her dad was dumber than a brick.

I didn't stick around for the ending of this fiasco, and from these other reviews I made the right decision.
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Looked like Swiss Cheese
26 March 2024
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The plot holes were so numerous that this entire production looked like Swiss Cheese.

They made Aiden Quinn's character out to be the next Hannibal Lector with the way he seemed to be able to vanish into thin air even when he was in an area to which he was unfamiliar.

Add the typical cliche with a woman who didn't know this clown from a bucket of paint falling in love with him.

And the gun battle where people just stand out in the open waiting to become victim number 1 -10, but the main characters seem to be enveloped in a force shield that deflects the bullets

And the ending with Mario Van Peebles character letting the criminal go just because he had a health issue reeks of white privileged BS, when he should have went to jail regardless of his health under normal circumstances.

Thank you Hollywood and the Independent producers for keeping to the SOS different day style of film making.

IMDb needs to allow for negative scoring and especially when it comes to tripe like this.
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Lady Mobster (1988 TV Movie)
Cnessy, lame, Cliched and just plain stupid
14 March 2024
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Okay her parents get killed in a mob hit and she goes to live with extended family of sorts. So who does she have gratuitous sex with???? That's right the cousin/extended family member that she went to live with. Talk about sick and depraved with goes over the top by marrying this clown. The only upside is that this pervert gets offed rather quickly, but that doesn't stop the neighbor pass around pack.

She hooks up with the bodyguard who grew up with the family and who she should have been written up to get with in the first place if this lame movie required a sex scene.

Add and bunch of cliched stereotypes, like the brother who becomes a priest and a dumb mafia boss who doesn't know that the Cayman Islands are not in the Pacific Ocean.

Least we leave out the ending when instead of just shooting De Angelo, she procrastinates until her bodyguard boyfriend who comes to her recuse gets shot and dies before she finally shoots De Angelo. Oh, I almost forgot that the bodyguard should have shoot De Angelo's bodyguard when he first saw him in the kitchen waiting for his opportunity to shoot Susan Lucci's character.

Weak script, stupid plot and dumb direction.
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Finally one I can like, because it doesn't mimick the rest
14 March 2024
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Far too many of these foreign movie have these women being beating by misogynist knuckle dragging across the pavement Neanderthals that are always getting away with mistreating women and the usual Stockholm syndrome with the woman falling for the guy.

This one wasn't far off with the POS Vargas planning on leaving his sick wife and his daughter while taking advantage of the sister of two sibling refugees. Plying the brother with morphine so that he can sleep with the sister who wants to get on her way out of Portugal and away from the war.

The ending was very good with the bad abusive cop being killed by Vargas daughter after finding her mother dead in the garden. That was followed by Vargas coming home and hearing that his daughter killed his co-worker and sent the live in housekeeper plus the French refugees on their way.

So apparently no all writers stick to the same old tired scripting which is a Good thing.
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Joan of Arc (II) (2019)
No High Budget Buffoonery here
14 March 2024
I liked the fact that this adaptation wasn't your typical overblown rubbish with gratuitous sex scenes that are churned out of Hollywood. Other than the one overacting blusterous priest that wouldn't shut up. I found this play like structure rather enjoyable.

I see that there are reviewers who were expecting a George Lucas Star Wars type of production full of glamorous but wooden actors. I feel that this young actress did a fantastic portrayal of Joan of Arc and the absent of sex in this film tends to place more focus on the actual story being told.

There are plenty of ways in which a director and script writers can go when putting together a historical production such as this. I for one prefer art over sex appeal, and talent over exposed flesh.
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Too cliche this tidbit of nonsense
9 February 2024
First thing that was a big downer was the swarmy little weasel of a son that under normal circumstances the girl would not given the time of day. But weak AF writing took over and the typical sleazy little worm was given a pass. Don't blame me for the lousy job of building the slack jaw character building and direction this movie took. Needless to say I lost total interest well before the ending, which if she did leave these two, it would have made for at least some semblance of a woman who isn't a total airhead with the collective intelligence quotient of an eggplant. Maybe just maybe these writer will start giving the female characters a bit more in the intellect department for a change, instead of the typical fare of clueless bimbos.
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