
15 Reviews
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Stong original seasons, then something, then strong closing - LIKE IT
10 March 2024
One of my all-time favorite shows, I truly appreciated how the first seasons were meticulously crafted, with interconnected storylines leading to a climactic finale centered around Sam's "true" destiny (trying not to spoil anything here).

However, I felt a noticeable shift in energy (or perhaps time for writing) after that. It seemed like they were just trying to extend the series because of its popularity, resulting in some lackluster episodes in the subsequent seasons.

Additionally, the endings of many seasons started feeling somewhat predictable-either a main character dies.. or someone/something is released from its "cage." There were also missed opportunities, such as exploring the entire story of the Colt and (its limitations).

Nevertheless, it remains one of the finest supernatural shows out there, blending thrilling action with humor seamlessly. The on-point cameos and crossovers, like the one with Scooby-Doo, added new dimensions to the show.

While I'm not sure if the writers originally planned this ending, after growing up watching the show, the finale brought tears to my eyes (and I'm not usually one to cry during a scene). I'll definitely miss the guys! Hopefully, the rumors about a continuation turn out to be true (and no, I'm not referring to the Winchesters series, which didn't quite meet the high expectations of SN universe).
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Manifest (2018–2023)
One of the best shows recently - mystery lvl 999
10 March 2024
This show is truly captivating, although some viewers may feel let down by the ending (a sentiment I can understand).

It begins with a strong start, leaving everything up in the air, and the mysteries surrounding the story make it incredibly thrilling. One of the highlights is how the writers keep us guessing even until the final episodes about what happened to the passengers of Flight 828. Is it science? Fate? Divine intervention? Superhuman abilities? We get glimpses of all these possibilities, which I found intriguing.

There are certain characters that are impossible not to despise (kudos to the writers for that), and their actions throughout the story are consistently questionable. It leaves us wondering about their fates, as well as those of the other characters.

Coming back to the starting remark, I might have chosen an alternative ending to be honest, but the current version holds as well I guess.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
Trying to exploit the success of HIMYM - couldnt make it
10 March 2024
Had high hopes for this show given the success of the original series and the cast, but after watching the first episode, it became clear that it doesn't live up to Barney's legacy.

Lacks a compelling story, the jokes fall flat, and it feels like it's trying too hard to replicate elements from the original series. Overall, quite disappointing.

Uncertain if it will continue, but if it does, it would require significant revisions (and possibly recasting) to succeed. Even then, it's unlikely to reach the heights set by the original.

Despite some familiar faces making cameos, the show leaves me with mixed feelings at best. It has its moments of fun, but for someone who watched the original series first, it's unlikely to be well-received. *sadface*
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You're the Worst (2014–2019)
So funny you cant stop laughing and at the same time so real!
10 March 2024
Stumbled upon this show by accident, but once I started, I couldn't tear myself away.

The acting is superb across the board, and the stories feel surprisingly authentic (or maybe it's just me?). Plus, it's loads of fun.

There were moments when we had to pause because we were laughing so hard (like the baby steps on the ceiling!), and many others where we found parallels with our own real-life struggles.

Although it's not typically heavily promoted on popular platforms, I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys comedies centered around the trials and tribulations of relationships and life.

While the ending left me with some lingering thoughts, I have to admit it felt fitting for the show.
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Blue Mountain State (2010–2011)
Goold old times: college and BMS
10 March 2024
I first watched this show about a decade ago, but I've revisited it numerous times since then, both on my own and with friends.

BMS offers a lot of fun for those who enjoy this kind of wild entertainment, akin to the American Pie movies-depicting the hilarity of college life, at least as it's portrayed in the USA (/as Europeans imagine it).

It's a must-watch for sports fans and fans of American Pie alike, even if you're not particularly fond of football.

The show features some truly memorable monologues filled with humor that sticks with you for years. Sammy, Alex, and Thad lead the charge with their brand of stupidity for a 'wannabe' athlete (sub), in a way that's positively entertaining for many.
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Atypical (2017–2021)
A fascinating glimpse of the struggles w AS
10 March 2024
There are certain topics you need to approach with care when discussing, and being 'Atypical' is definitely one of them, I suppose.

However, this series is a rollercoaster of emotions, drama, and yes, fun! The writing is excellent, the acting is superb, and the lead role couldn't be more perfectly portrayed. They've managed to handle the sensitive subject matter in a way that resonates with all of us, whether we're directly affected by it or not.

I highly recommend this series to everyone, even if this genre isn't typically your cup of tea. It's not a documentary, nor is it a sad story. So don't worry, you're bound to find joy in it!

And let's not forget about the penguins!
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Fringe (2008–2013)
One of the greatest sci-fis
10 March 2024
After almost giving up on the series after the first few episodes, I'm glad I stuck with it because it eventually became one of my favorites.

The storytelling is superb, with a level of interconnectedness that allows for little Eastereggs to be discovered throughout the entire series-kudos to the writers for their meticulous attention to detail!

Walter's character is the standout, adding depth and intrigue to the show, often from what initially seems like the background. The series is filled with mysteries, compelling questions, action, and clues about our enigmatic universe.

Although it's not a recent production, this series remains one of the greatest if you enjoy sci-fi and intricately woven stories. Highly recommended for all viewers.
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The Boys (2019– )
Finally not a usual superhero story - LIKE
10 March 2024
Initially, I had some reservations about this series, but those doubts quickly faded once I started watching it. Typically, I'd recommend giving it 2-3 episodes to really get into it, and then you're hooked.

Finally, we're presented with a universe where heroes aren't necessarily good, despite similarly being considered gods. It explores what happens when the world isn't just good, but evil, even for superheroes. While there are some forgettable characters (heroes), they often don't stick around long enough for you to care about them, which seems to be a deliberate choice by the writers.

And then there's Homelander... Love or Hate him, but you simply can't help but have strong feelings about that guy!

With the addition of GenV, there are high hopes that these two elements can deliver something that the Marvel/DC universe hasn't been able to achieve so far..
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Great sci-fi (especially the original seasons)
10 March 2024
Initially, I couldn't grasp the immense hype surrounding the series, but it didn't take long for me to understand after I started watching it.

The original first few seasons feature fantastic stories with compelling character development, even if they sometimes make you question the actions of your favorite characters.

There are plenty of action-packed moments, challenges, affairs, and twists throughout the series, mostly centered around struggles that elevate this sci-fi show to greatness (on par with SG).

However, despite all the positives, the last season feels like it was written primarily due to the success of the previous ones. As a result, it falls a bit short of capturing the essence and action-packed legacy of the initial story (for me).
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
Twists and Turns till the end!
10 March 2024
Honestly, this is one of my favorite shows, and I can re-watch it even for the 5th, 6th, or 7th time with the same level of excitement at every twist. The blend of action and humor, timed perfectly, creates a compelling experience for viewers of all kinds. The performances are also top-notch, with Freeman and Cumberbatch being excellent choices for their roles, almost overshadowing earlier portrayals like RDJ's.

I appreciate the varied themes across seasons, each filled with questions and mysteries. While we had to wait a while for the last season (and hopefully not the final one?), it was worth every moment once again.

I highly recommend it to everyone.
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The Rookie (2018– )
So far soo goood - Nolan a better version of Castle
10 March 2024
Initially, I thought this might be a sequel or prequel to Castle, a show I enjoyed in the past. However, this series surpassed my expectations and even the success of Castle, I believe.

It's perfect for viewers of all ages who enjoy a blend of action, drama, and comedy. While there are some episodes with less storytelling depth, the subsequent ones usually make viewers forget about any shortcomings.

The show boasts well-developed and diverse characters, along with great humor. However, I'm still waiting for a more intricate conclusion to the overarching story.

Looking forward to the upcoming seasons (currently in its fourth), hoping they maintain the same level of enjoyment, making it suitable even for family viewing.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Apple TV's flagship product - surprisingly great show w great character developments
10 March 2024
Initially, I overlooked this series multiple times because the trailers didn't convince me enough to start binge-watching it, despite my love for sports-themed shows. However, when I finally gave it a chance (partly due to the lack of compelling productions on Apple TV recently), the series completely captivated me, and I couldn't stop watching.

Beyond just catering to sports fans, the series offers something for a wide range of viewers. It features incredibly well-developed characters who evolve significantly throughout the episodes. What stands out is that it's not just another fairy tale story where everyone is happy and victories are guaranteed. Instead, it realistically portrays the highs and lows of life, with poignant monologues, genuine struggles, and heartfelt confessions.
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Great potential, great memories (books) but 'sadly' strongly made for kids
10 March 2024
Having read and loved all the books (and even enjoying the films to some extent), I had high expectations for the new series adaptation.

However, upon finishing the first season, I couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed. There seemed to be so much potential for exciting scenes, thrilling moments, and epic action sequences, yet the entire first season fell short in delivering them. Many fans, myself included, found ourselves eagerly anticipating major developments in several episodes, only to be met with a lack of significant action.

Even the most memorable scenes from the books felt watered down, lacking the challenge and excitement they originally possessed. There were no spectacular moves or thrilling fights to be found.

While I understand that this adaptation is geared towards a younger audience, I still believe there is room for more action and excitement. I urge the creators to follow the books more closely and inject more energy into the series.

As a suggestion, I recommend looking at the new Airbender series, which targets a similar audience but manages to pack more action into its opening scene than the entire first season of Percy Jackson.

I'm hopeful that future episodes and seasons will explore these themes more deeply and deliver the excitement that fans of the books are craving.
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Madame Web (2024)
Bad, Worse, Worst - a sad acknowledgement
10 March 2024
Despite the controversy surrounding the film, I held onto some optimistic expectations, thinking, "It can't possibly be that bad." However, after investing approximately two hours of my time into it, I'm disappointed to say that my sentiments remain unchanged.

The plot is lacking, the actors/resses not well used, and the overall progression feels aimless. Even the 'final fight', which held potential, fails to deliver any significant impact.

It's no surprise that even performers like Sydney regard the film as a disappointment.

The lingering question remains: Where does this universe go from here? What meaningful contributions does this film offer for future installments?

Unfortunately, no clear answers emerge (yet)..
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Adam Sandler, Toilet, Space-spider and human relationships
10 March 2024
Well, this film presents an intriguing complexity, showcasing multiple layers that provoke thought and interpretation. The decision to cast Adam Sandler as the lead actor may raise some eyebrows, especially considering the typical expectations associated with Sandler's films. In this case, however, the film takes a departure from the usual Sandler fare, offering a unique and unconventional narrative.

While personally, I found this combination to be somewhat lacking, it's important for viewers to form their own opinions after experiencing the film firsthand. Each individual may perceive and appreciate the film differently, making it worth a watch to fully grasp its nuances.

A no-spoiler summary of the film: A man on a bad toilet and an imaginary(?) spider in space talking about human relationships - emotions, regrets. Revelation and make overs.
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