
4 Reviews
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The Return (2005)
The return of what? ....Time & Money I wasted!!!!
8 January 2008
I always films from start to finish so it was quite a torture to watch this film till the end. They should never call this a horror. I will never watch movies starring this girl again (Sarah Michelle Gellar). It seems the filmmakers just book her to dupe us (viewers). She did the Grudge film which didn't impress me as much as original Asian version. From now on i will ALWAYS read reviews FIRST on IMDb or RT. The trailer and poster are both great but it's all nonsense. Not scary at all, no body bags and simply too predictable. All was obvious from the start of the movie and boring to death! The story could have been told in 20 minutes and might have been less agonizing!! Many Characters inside the movie were unnecessary and all seemed pretty bored too!
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The Host (2006)
Secret message from writer/director
7 January 2008
That's why i love internet. Thanks to it i got to know Asian cinema and i'm a BIG fan of it. They can take any standard theme and turn it into something marvelous. Having seen it is about a monster theme i almost ignored it. This is because Hollywood has served so many craps lately that i got fed up. I give the movie 6 stars instead of 7 due to some unrealistic moments.

All has been written about the movie already except that the movie had several elements showing aversion for US foreign politics: (To avoid spoiler i write in such a way only someone who has seen it can understand. It's meaningless if you haven't seen it)...The coroner is American and orders the Korean guy to spill it. Again it's an American telling the Korean the virus story was made up. "Yellow" was an American initiative after considering Koreans to have failed etc etc The TV images at the end have the same allure as the US admitting not having found anything in Iraq, even using the quote " regrettable incident due to misinformation". (remember this on CNN?) I loved the car splashing scene. Very funny but a strong message too about how politics and media inspire great fear upon us! I love this way of inserting critics on world view while behind funny. Not mentioning the university graduated on TV is a mockery to media. Keeping people dumb by giving most attention to the dumb ones or failures of society(Gang-Du / sister). I don't know if this is referring to Korean media but it certainly does remind me of the western media. While in the west we would consider the bronze medal being great i think in her case it was more meant to describe her failure which only a dumb-ass could admire (Gang-Du) They have so many educated guys there that "educated" means nothing anymore. It's the best only that counts. Visual and acting are stunning and message from director/writer is very strong. I really like it.
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The Stink of Flesh (2005 Video)
Nothing personal...
28 December 2007
Not bad for a B-movie. Human life is not highly regarded in this flick. This is pointed out during each gore/killing scene etc. The introduction with the long nail made me laugh. I guess you need to be a bit of a sadistic person to enjoy that scene. Many other scenes like that followed and i was truly amazed by the acting as i never expected much out of this. Each character in this film seemed psychotic somehow while some totally disregarded the value of fellow (ex)human beings. I guess this is the aspect that makes people either hate or love this film. To enjoy this just don't take it too serious while watching. There is nothing personal about it.
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Tokyo Rampage (1998)
27 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Still don't get why it's title "pornostar". The talking female characters seemed all wishing for a "love" trip to Fiji. Does the director tries to hint us they are drug addicts somehow? That girl in bed seemed not able to understand the guy was on the phone and the other girl seemed quite sincere when talking about selling the acid but ended up using it herself...(i disagree she was a prostitute like suggested in an earlier post by someone) The stabbing scene in the garage was indeed very brutal. Interesting to note that he pulled out the yellow envelop in 1 piece :) The message from the filmmaker was very clear and i enjoyed it.
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