
13 Reviews
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16 September 2021
Absolutely superb and far superior to the 70's BBC production. All the main characters perfectly cast, well acted, and written. Hope this one runs for the long haul.
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Dracula (2020)
7 January 2020
Having binge watched it all for second time I really cannot understand the poor reviews. Yes if you want a verbatim, word for word retelling of the novel it misses by a mile. However it has all the basic and important elements of the original, but (in the words of the great Eric Morecambe) "not necessarily in the right order" It is a brilliant version of a well known tale, but coming at you left field. The two leading characters are very well written and performed and really spark of each other. It is humorous, camp, scary and gory in all the right places, some of the twists are genius.The references to other Dracula films are very good.Well done ALL concerned for a superior piece of entertainment.By far the best offering during the Christmas TV schedules
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Hill Street Blues (1981–1987)
Even better than I remember it.
10 October 2019
Having watched the original series avidly and now being retired, I have the pleasure opportunity to binge watch the lot 5 or 6 at a time. God it is even more brilliant and stunning than I remembered. It has not aged at all, the performances are outstanding and the stories top notch. It still has the capacity to make me weep with laughter and then in turn bring a lump to the throat. Cannot believe the 3 comments under the one star entries. They were obviously "Dixon of Dock Green" fans. Certainly this is way above 10 stars, then, now and I would suggest any time in the future
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Inside No. 9: Once Removed (2018)
Season 4, Episode 3
Absolutely stunning TV
20 January 2018
Inside No 9 just gets better and better. Brilliantly wriiten and performed by all concerned. This is one of the best. You will never see the twist in the tail-or is it the twist at the top? So deliciously fiendish I had to watch it again and, no doubt will be watching it again for the little things I missed the first time. In an age of sleb orientated so called "reality shows" this on stands out as a shining beacon. Shearsmith and Pemberton pack more into 30 minutes and succeed, where others fail over 6 hours.
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Hacks (2012 TV Movie)
Deserves a series
4 January 2012
Hilarious and spot on. Acting is superb and the writing a gem. Written by Guy Jenkin, co-originator of Drop The Dead Donkey. Just like "Donkey" it is fresh and bang up to date. Hits the bullseye on all its targets, corrupt media barons, editors, tabloids, spiv politicians. I laughed out loud and will view again and again. Absolutely deserves a series. My only disappointment, no appearance by a Max Clifford character. If anyone ever deserves a kicking it is that sleaze-ball. Perhaps if this was developed as a series "Mad Max" could have a whole programme devoted to him. Well done to all concerned. Deserves a far wider viewing than it actually got, late at night tucked away on Channel 4. More please!
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Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia (2012)
Season 2, Episode 1
Terrific Stuff
2 January 2012
After a splendid first (too short) series, I was really looking forward to this. Did it reach my expectations. No, it actually surpassed them. Brilliant writing, direction and acting from all the cast. Not one duff point. A superb story with lots of in-jokes for Holmes enthusiasts, but even if you are not familiar with Holmes you will love it. I like the way the writers utilise a previous story and bring it up to date and actually improve on it ten-fold. The devices used to point out the Holmes powers of deduction are very good and apt for the digital age. Really looking forward to upcoming stories. Let's hope there are many more to come. Even if there are not, what is on offer is so richly rewarding it will bear repeat viewings. After this the Beeb can be (almost) forgiven for the dross of "Bleak Old Shop Of Stuff". This is how to bring a classic up to date and make it relevant, exciting and funny. Deserves 20 stars
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The Royal Bodyguard (2011–2012)
Oh dear!
28 December 2011
Big mistake. Woefully unfunny. Absolutely no story. David Jason trying to be a cross between Johnny English and (I suspect) Inspector Clouseau and failing dismally. Came across as a very embarrassing old man, wearing an awful hairpiece, and trying to re-live his youth. In his younger days Jason starred in a God awful LWT series called "The Top Secret Life of Edgar Briggs". This is a pale imitation of that show. How can such a fine comic/character actor get roped into something like this. I am a great fan of David Jason, his fabulous performances of Grenville, Del Boy, Blanco and Jack Frost made me forget some of his earlier stinkers. I am afraid that this has reminded me of the struggle he had in getting through what a comic talent he was/is. Give up on this one David. "Go on my son, you know it makes sense"
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Bleak beyond belief
27 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute stinker of a supposed what? Comedy, spoof, homage, tribute. If so it failed on all accounts. Great idea, great cast. What went wrong? What on earth possessed any of these actors to get involved in such dross. Totally lame jokes, wild over-acting by Robert Webb. An old 60's episode of Coronation St would look more Dickensian than this. It seemed like a load of "luvvies" got together and decided to make a meaningful Dickens program. "A Muppet Christmas Carol" is more authentic, and that is funny and has great tunes to boot. Lamest joke has to be the bag of sheep dung, and that is about the highest level of wit on show. Apparently there are supposed to be more on the way. God help us.
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Holy Flying Circus (2011 TV Movie)
My brain hurts!
22 October 2011
To quote Mr Gumby. I laughed so much my brain hurt. Brilliant cast, had the Python team off pat. Wonderful script which as well as being very funny gave pause for thought. Loved the religious extremists. Roy Marsden gave a wonderful performance, and made the Bishop look and sound even more ridiculous than he was (which is saying something). It was that good even God made a guest appearance. Actually, the only omission, and something I was really looking forward to was the Spanish Inquisition. But NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition. Apologies my brain is starting to hurt again urgh!!! nghh! uuunnnh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Four Lions (2010)
Deserves 20 stars
8 September 2011
Have just caught this on Film 4. In my humble opinion it is up there with " Monty Pythons Life of Brian" as a very funny satire on religious 'nutters'. The gag with the Crow had me in tears of laughter. Well done to Chris Morris, it shows up so called "home grown terrorists" for the pathetic (but dangerous) creatures they are. However this film is so funny it actually decreases the sometimes unfounded fear (whipped up by the tabloid press) that is instilled in the population. The acting is first rate. The cast play it seriously, which only emphasise the humour even more. Have since watched it again, and it's one you can return to repeatedly and still get the same laugh out loud experience. I feel very sorry for the poor reviewers that didn't get it!
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Braveheart (1995)
Plan 9 From Outer Space as alleged history
6 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest heap of dog dung ever to be unleashed on the cinema going public. Absolutely no redeeming features other than the soundtrack. Crap story which bears no relationship to historical fact, acting and direction woefully poor and the accents are a joke (save for James Cosmos-a genuine Scot, so he should have been expected to get it right) Battle scenes are straight out of Monty Python. With legs getting chopped off and the victim toppling over, you half expect one of them to get back up and say "Come back and fight you coward" like the Black Knight in "Monty Pythons Holy Grail" A totally one sided perverted, twisted version of history. Presumably made to pander to the sort of Scottish football fan yobbo who hates everything English and blames all the worlds ills on those south of Hadrians Wall. One thing I would agree, at the end when "wee Jimmy Cranky" (Gibson) screams "Freedom" I felt the same way, at last it had finished and I could get out. This should have been a great film given the true facts of events at the time. Suggestion to Mel Gibson, next time don't let your prejudices rule your head and read a history book!!
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
Will have Conan Doyle spinning in his grave...............
26 July 2010
..with delight. A brilliantly written, well acted programme. Well done to all concerned. The story had me hooked from the start.All the elements of Holmes are present and correct. So far most of the original characters have appeared, with hints of more yet to appear. It is suspenseful and sometimes genuinely funny. I have read all the original stories, and after the late, great Jeremy Brett, despaired of ever seeing another top notch Holmes film. This is it, Brought up to date into the 21st century, but done with affection and respect to the original. Nice to see the writers have continued the theme of an intelligent (slightly bemused) Watson. CAN WE HAVE A FULL SERIES PLEASE. If not this is one I will return to again and again.
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Hostel (2005)
Commercial 'Snuff' Movie
6 October 2008
This piece of crap does not even warrant 1 out of 10. Films like this were originally called snuff movies. The only difference being in the originals the cast were really murdered on screen. How the hell does a talentless sick retard like Roth get near a film studio. God help us all with minds like this at large. The first 30 minutes are mind numbingly boring. When the nasty stuff starts it gets even more boring and stupid and sick, sick, sick. There is no plot line, no real story. What was the point of it? I stuck through to the OTT ending. Then felt I needed a good bath and a drink. Before you ask-no I am not squeamish. I worked for 25 years in one of the emergency services and have become accustomed to real blood and gore. I also recognise a sick mind at work when I see it!!!
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