
6 Reviews
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Destined to be mediocre
4 August 2008
*Contains spoilers for the 1998 film and the show in general*

The main problem with this film, is simply that the creators stabbed themselves in the foot even before writing the script for "I Want To Believe" - by continuing the TV series as long as 3-4 seasons past its expiration date.

To me, the essence of "The X-files" has always been about two things:

1: The mythology surrounding extraterrestrial life, with a dark conspiracy involving the government. A mystery where each episode raises an equal amount of questions as it provides answers.

2: The chemistry between the main characters and their platonic relationship, the way you feel the tension between them but it never goes further.

After the 1998 film and particularly in the last two seasons of the show, the creators pretty much tied the knot around the show's mythology - to the point where it now feels like a closed chapter, unlike the earlier seasons where you were constantly left wondering.

The show's final seasons also finally gave in to a certain group of fans wishes to see Mulder & Scully get romantically involved - something that was yet to be seen around the time line of the 1998 film. The almost-kiss scene in that film created a tension so thick in the theater on that opening night, I have yet to experience anything like it, and I definitely won't in the X-files universe.

Combine these facts with the somewhat low budget of this film and the fact that Chris Carter is directing, and we are left with a decent episode of the show - only longer and wider. People not familiar with the TV series will most likely find this to be a decent thriller, with a seemingly unexplained relationship between the main characters. For fans of the show as myself, the experience is similar - with the exception that the relationship scenes make me acknowledge the theater ceiling like never before, with strong wishes that the last three seasons of the show never happened.
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Not even Leelee could save this one
17 June 2008
To be quite honest I watched this film only because Leelee Sobieski is so smoking hot - but I was also curious to what this Boll character is all about. From what I known he is almost religiously frowned upon on these forums.

I was not very happy about this piece of work. Strangely some well known and quite decent actors (notably John Rhys-Davies and Jason Statham) was lured into this project - and their performances are pretty much all the quality this film has to offer.

Scripting and directing is, at best - on par with an episode of Xena The Warrior Princess. The editing is even worse, with strangely cut pauses in dialog and music breaks that clearly does not fit in. Special effects are clear-as-day CGI, but that is to be expected from a low budget flick. Also on the technical side I couldn't help to notice that some scene were notably blurry, with poor colors and also strange blurry panning - almost as the direct view recording (or whatever it's called) was used instead of the main camera at some points.

To sum things up, if you decide to watch this despite all the warnings - make sure to have a couple of drinks handy. At least that would help you laugh at some of this, or even better put you to a calm sleep.
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Derailed (2002)
Sure low-budget usually means cliche, but this is ridiculous
13 October 2002
When reviewers get their hands on a new blockbuster film i.e the latest summer Bruckheimer production, they often use words like "brainless action", "thin script" etc. In my mind they are wrong, THIS is the true shape of brainless action bound by a thin script.

What makes this second-rate film so horrible, is the EXCESSIVE cliches throughout the entire film. I would expect this kind of crap from a low-budget movie from the 80's, but this is 2002, you should expect better work to be done. Everything is here, from the son-who-learned-martial-arts-from-his-dad-and-eventually-get-his-chance-to-s ave-the-day to the at-first-unfriendly-guy-who-turns-around-and-helps-everybody-in-a-crisis and the evil bad guy who confirms his evil side an extra 59 times, in cased you missed he was a bad guy the first time. There are countless cliches like these, so many I can't even remember half of 'em.

All of this has been done before, so many times, difference being that those kind of cliches are usually better covered up with more trained actors and more intelligent scripting in a "first-rate" film. In this flick the cliches just take over one another, making you lose all believability in the storyline and fall off your chair in laughter.

Also, if you are looking for a cool stunt/martial arts film, look elsewhere. While there are loads of cheap SFX to accompany the cliches (blowing up gas station just when everyone has cleared the area etc etc), even Van Damme's little son (also cast as the son of Van Damme's character in the film) seems to be able to kick more butt than his dad.

R.I.P Jean-Claude.
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Cube (1997)
Smart, frightening, unique
22 September 2002
This is a pretty special film. You get thrown right in without any underlying story, where a couple of individuals are trapped in a cubic maze. Nobody knows what it is, why they are there or how they got there. As a viewer of the film you do not know anything more than the characters do, as they progress through the deadly traps and hopefully earn some understanding of the mystery. Somehow these individuals were not chosen by random to enter the maze, in some way they each carry one piece of the puzzle, all they have to find out is just what these pieces are and how to use them.

I thought this film created a pretty real sense of fear all the way through. It gives your mind a little spin. That said it is far from perfect. I believe the idea is very interesting, but it could have been even better executed with better actors and a bigger budget. The character chemistry does not live up to the smart qualities of the original idea of the film, and occasional events are cliche'. I however really recommend you to rent and see this film, do not buy it unseen as I suspect the replay value is pretty close to nothing.
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Only for die-hard Tom Green fans
15 September 2002
Before I saw this movie, what I had heard about it was comments comparing it to porno in the sense that the storyline is only there to provide some kind of back-up to Tom Greens vulgar feats. Although it is not too far off, that description is a bit harsh in my opinion. The film concetrates on the storyline which consists of Gord Brody's (Tom Green) struggle to accomplish his dream of being a pro animator. Currently he is nothing but a 28-year old sandwich-flipping loser still living with his parents.

Since this is Tom Green we are talking about here, he flips out into obscenities even more frequent then he is flipping cheese. Everything you would expect from this guy is here, difference being that this time he exposes his fellow cast members instead of regular people like in the Tom Green show.

I am not a fan of Tom Green although he does occationally give me a laugh or two, but I cannot stand his constant screaming aggressions which makes him look more of a mental patient than a comedian in my eyes. But if that is your cup of tea, then there you go, he does not stop the screaming on the big screen, I tell you.

Even though I think Tom Green is OK, this movie really told me nothing. In fact, it is almost entirely forgotten after just a couple of hours since my viewing. But if you're a fan of Tom Green, then give this movie a go.
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Simon Sez (1999)
Entertainingly awful low-budget production
8 July 2002
If you're a fan of low-budget action movies such as the works of Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren, this may be just the film for you. This is the kind of film where you don't laugh at the jokes because they are funny, you laugh at them because they are pathetic attempts to be funny. Instead of interestingly following the plot, you sit back and laugh at the stupidity of it. Also, naturally, amazingly bad acting attempts of Dennis Rodman, Dane Cook and Emma Sjöberg make this movie the complete garbage that it is.

But all this is also why you would want to see this film. I was never bored while watching this film, believe it or not this film is actually packed with action sequences. The director probably realized that neither the "acting" or the "plot" would make this movie enjoyable, even for even one second. And while the action is not well done by any means, it atleast keeps you awake and steals some of your time.
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