
14 Reviews
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Peter Pan (2003)
Replacement for Harry Potter This Year
25 December 2003
After seeing Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (GREAT movie but too long) and Peter Pan within the same two days, I decided to review Peter Pan because all the guys would be talking about Return of the King and probably knew more about it than me. You all know the story of Peter Pan, but I'll refresh the story since we've grown up since then. (Sadly) Its about 12 year old Wendy (Rachel Hurd-Wood) who is growing up fast but still likes playing childish games and telling stories to her brothers. Her family members slowly urge her to act ladylike, but when she runs into her father's work and publicly humiliates him, shes told she needs to act her age and "GROW UP!" Like we all haven't heard that before. That same night, Peter Pan (Frailty's Jeremy Sumpter) flies in and offers to take her to Neverland, where she wont have EVER to grow up or worry about adults again. Starving for adventure and mad at her parents, she and her brothers leave with him. When they get to Neverland, they meet pirates, Indians, the Lost Boys, and Peter Pan's arch rival, Captain Hook (Jason Issacs). Wendy has fun for a couple days in Neverland, but starts getting tempted to go against Peter Pan by Captain Hook's manipulation and jealousy of Peter's new "love interest." The acting in this movie was really great and I think most critics were surprised. Rachel Hurd-Wood never had any acting experience before and played her part exaclty how I imagined. The stunning Jeremy Sumpter was very good, too.If you didn't love him before the movie came out, you'll probably love him now. He has the same basic look and cocky personality that you'd expect of Peter Pan, but he really stood out in the scenes where he fought with Hook. I honeslty think he was picked for this movie because of his physical acting. The chemistry between Peter and Wendy was very accurate, but a little over the top. Every time they talked or even looked at each other, I thought they were about to kiss and when they finally did, it seemed like it wasn't a kiss between Peter and Wendy, but a kiss between teenagers, if you catch my drift. I thought it was really cute though because I could totally tell these kids were friends offset as well. The only problem was that it changed a lot about Peter Pan and wasn't like the original story. This is really cliche, but I'm going to say it anyway: Peter Pan is a movie everyone can enjoy. The children will like it because they relate to the Lost Boys and the adults will like it to remember their youth. At one point in everyones' life, they don't want to grow up. The character Peter Pan sounds like he'd be fun to be for a little while, but eventually it would get lonely. Peter Pan is generally a happy story, but this movie had hidden sadness in it that made me cry. At one point, Wendy asks Peter if he can ever understand love, but he can't because he's too young to know anything besides fun or fighting. So if you want to see a memorable movie that can take Harry Potter's place for winter movies, see Peter Pan. Oh, and, by the way, girls, Pan is NOT available.
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Theres nothing worse than being ordinary, and AMERICAN BEAUTY is anything but ordinary
27 June 2003
OK, I have to admit, I am a spacy 14 year old girl who laughs too much and reads magazines, but I also have a serious and sophisticated side to me. I just saw AMERICAN BEAUTY today and I was totally and utterly amazed. No, I would not recommend this movie to teenagers unless they are mature and open minded like me. Its an aquired taste and only for those who have a couple of rough patches in their lives.

The story is about a middle aged man, Lester (Kevin Spacey)whos having a mid life crisis. He and his wife (Anette Benning)are having BIG problems, he's losing his job, which causes more martial tension, and his 17 year old daughter Janie(Thora Birch) hates him. So when he goes to his daughter's school, he sees her friend, Angela (Mena Suvari) and falls in love with her beauty. Shes a teenager too and he begins fantacizing about her. Then comes along new neighbors. The father of the house is anti everything, a Nazi and against gays, and his wife is completely selfless and depressed. He has a son too thats a little pyschotic and begins filming Lester's daughter, Jane.

Thats the plotline, but theres a surprise ending so I won't spoil it! Go see it now to see a well rounded movie that keeps you thiking after the credits roll!
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Wait for Rental
22 June 2003
I'm the first to admit that I am a little too obsessed with American Idol. But this movie was a downer. It had no plot, not good enough acting, and little enthusiasm. The only great thing about this movie was the dancing and singing. No wonder it is going to be on video next month...I'd reccomend this to anyone who LOVED the show and is a musical fanatic. Its a story about two very different people, Kelly from texas, whos conservative and sweet, and Justin is the #1 party guy with shallow friends. Kelly, though sweet, has a "friend" who likes Justin and tries to keep them apart. But the "music brings them together." See what I mean by no plot? My god, why wasnt this an MTV made for TV movie? For money I guess. Well, its really a bummer to see this happen because Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini are such talented people. I just hope that they stick to singing, because thats theyre real passion
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Tru Confessions (2002 TV Movie)
Finally a MEANINGFUL Disney movie!
22 April 2003
Wow, oh my gosh, I cried! LaBeouf has gone dramatic and he does it well. He has proven in this that he can act anything. Hes dramatic in this, hilarious in Even Stevens and mysterious in Holes. But besides him, this movie shows that even people with special needs have feelings and that its not impossible to love them. I wish this movie were available to buy, but you can only rely on when Disney plays it. I'd reccomend this to people who have or have relatives with special needs, or just anyone at all. It also shows the injustice and sadness of how others make fun of special kids. Theres even a scene where some popular boys spit into the boy's hat and then give it to him. It makes me want to get up and stand up for the poor kid. Maybe this will make you think more of what they have to go through, and not just them, but their families. Tru seemed very loving toward her brother and even made a movie about him. My best friend has a brother with autism and hes one of the nicest people I know. So if you feel sorry for them, don't. The only reason you should feel sorry for them is if you can do something about it. But you can't here, so just smile and treat them with kindness. Thats what this movie taught me.
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22 April 2003
I loved the book! It won an award and was put in the same category as HOLES! But the movie... eh. This could've been done better if it wasn't a Disney movie. They left out that whole scene with the guy who died, first of all. And Mischa Barton didn't seem right for the part. I hate to say this, but it was just awful. I guess if you didn't read the book, you'd like it, but whoever didn't read it knows what I am talking about. The book had more charm, interest and fun to it and this movie just... didn't have it. I wouldn't reccommend it to you.
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Even Stevens (2000–2003)
22 April 2003
Dude this show is hilarious! No one gives it enough credit! This and Lizzie McGuire are Disney's best work. The characters are perfect. I love Christy Carlson Ramono because she totally makes you think shes Miss Perfect with all A's and captain of cheerleading, etc. And Shia LaBeouf has this way about him that is so believable and funny. The casting was perfect and the acting was spectacular. I'm disappointed that Disney dwells so much on Lizzie McGuire, though. Even Stevens is just as funny, only from a boy AND girls point of view, not just a 13 year old girl. So you should really watch this show, it's worth it
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Holes (2003)
19 April 2003
Wow, oh my god, this was probably the best work from Disney and Shia La beouf! The only thing I object to is that its a STRONG PG movie with language and some scary events. But still, thats what Holes NEEDS to be so good! I suggest you read the book first because its so unbelievably good and it will make your movie experience more enjoyable. I would reccomend this to ANYONE, adults, kids, teens, old people (yes, even THEY'D enjoy this!) Besides the movie, the acting is great, too. You may know Shia LaBeouf from Even Stevens and Tru Confessions. I truly believe that he is an underrated actor. Hes done comedy in Even Stevens, drama that made me cry in Tru Confessions, and, of course, suspense in HOLES. You have to appreciate him from evolving from Disney and going into Charlies Angels and Dumb and Dumberer. And if he isn't enough, all the old Disney actors seem pretty well rounded, too. Zero was portrayed as this quiet, "stupid" kid who no one really appreciates. This was his first breakout role and should not be his last. Go see this movie, by all means. Especially if you've read the book. And, by the way, Shia's TAKEN! lol j/k
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Malcolm in the Middle (2000–2006)
The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened to FOX!
27 November 2002
This show is absolutely brilliant!!!! The fact that its been able to hold its edge for over two years with the same plot line is amazing! The casting is great, no one is better than hottie Justin Berfield to play bad boy Reese, and none other than Jane Kazcmerek for the overbearing pushy mother, Lois. And, of course, MALCOLM!!! This show is super good and I reccomend this to everyone!!
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8 Mile (2002)
10 November 2002
This was a good movie! I really loved it, but its not for a lot of people. First off, theres extreme use of profanity. second, you see people having sex three times, which is not good for young ears to see. And lastly, lots of violence. If you are mature and think you can handle it, you should see it because its a story of how you can change and make life a little better. Seeing Eminem being sweet to his little sister was the cutest thing, except for the part where he was in a fight and the little girl had to watch. I reccomend this to you if you are a drop dead Eminem fan and can stand weird scenes. The only flaw I have is... Eminem plays someone almost exactly like him, and I believe thats the only character he CAN play. His acting range can't go too far at this rate. Go see this and be happy!!
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The Ring (2002)
Before you die you see the RING!!!!!
21 October 2002
You watch a video tape and seven days later, you die.

I really liked this movie. It was greatly written with wonderful actors. Its about a woman Rachel Miller (Naomi Watts) who's neice just died without explanation. The girl's mother wants Rachel to find out what happened to her. So Rachel searches around. She finds out the the girl watched a tape with weird affects.You watch the tape, and then you get a phone call. Someone knows you've watched the tape. then, a mysterious voice say, "Seven day," or "Seven days until you die." Weird things happen then on. You look wierd in photos, you get mysterious markings, and random nosebleeds. Then, exactly seven days later, you drop dead.

I'll just say this movie is NOT for people who HATE scary movies!!!!! It's too freaky for them!!

10/10, definitely! But dont listen to me, go see it yourself!
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The Ring (2002)
Might give nightmares!!!!
19 October 2002
This movie was really good, but not for those who hate scary movies!!! You will appreciate this movie if you enjoyed Signs. Some of the appaling figures in this movie are not suitable for children, so I would NOT bring someone under 10 to see this movie. It had a good ending, the mother had made a copy of the tape and found it. Its basically a movie about a tape that has weird things on it and you die seven days after seeing it. Until then, your face gets blurry in pictures, you get random nosebleeds, and throw up weird stuff. Well, I hope you see it because its sooo good!
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All That (1994–2020)
Loosing its touch
19 October 2002
I remember being a LOL 7 year old in 1995 getting so happy when

getting to watch All That. They had the best cast and funniest

jokes. I remember always cracking up when Kel came on as

Coach Createn and playing Okra. I think having Amanda come on

was the mistake they made because after that, the cast got worse.

But she was good. I look at the cast now, and it ranges from ages

11-16, and I remember the kids looking so much older than I was

at age 7. Loribeth and all them were at least 20 (except Amanda)

and THEY were funny, but now its kids my age having half ass

work/ And the fact that they had Jamie Lynn Spears come on totally

kills everything. All the kids there are at least 3 year older than her

and she appears o be really shy if you watch the end of the show

when everyone is dancing. I have to admit, it was a good show in

the beggining, but now its just lost its touch. Im bored now.

Change the channel.*~
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Chick Flick
19 June 2002
This is good if you are a girl and you like old fashioned movies. This is about four girls who have been friends since they were little kids until their 70's. when they are older, one mother, Vivi, has a daughter who doesn't get along with her until she meets the other 3 girls. this is a mother/daughter movie and its great
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Too Young to Be a Dad (2002 TV Movie)
The BEST made-for-TV-movie!
18 June 2002
This is definetely worth seeing. It may not be suitable 4 boys, but it shows what sex can lead 2. ITS about a 15-year old boy who impregnates a girl in his first sexual expierence. It may seem a lil too racy, but he learns from it. This is good cuz most teen pregnancy flicks all have to do w/ the girl and this is original. See it with your mom ! :)
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