
9 Reviews
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Dakota Skye (2008)
Amazing film and that's no lie.
23 July 2009
You've already read the synopsis from the other reviews, so I'll spare you that. Just let me tell you that I stumbled across this film not knowing what to expect and within the first minute, I was pulled in and it never let go.

I am definitely not it's intended demo (50 year old male), but I do appreciate good cinema, especially the "indie" efforts. Granted, many of such films can be arduous at best, but not Dakota Skye. The actors all gave stellar performances in a very natural way. You never felt as if you were watching a production, but rather it was if you floated down into their lives for a couple of hours. That's why I watch movies.

Highly recommended. Please give this movie some good word of mouth. It truly deserves it.
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Frost/Nixon (2008)
Amazing film. Should be required viewing for students, both film and scholastic.
12 December 2008
I won't wax too long about the film since prior reviewers have stated it's high quality and then some. I remember Richard Nixon, I remember Watergate and I saw the interviews and yet, this film sheds light on things too numerous to mention. Amazingly gripping and paced so well that 2 hours goes by leaving you wanting more.

The cast? Absolutely perfect. If Langella doesn't at least garner an Oscar nomination, it will be a travesty. I recall reading that when Hopkins did his Nixon in the self-titled movie, he chose not to do the voice impression that is so well known. As such, he still conveyed the character very well. Langella by contrast, does in fact inflect Nixon's deep, dark tones which he pulls off perfectly. Within seconds, he transforms into the former President and you see and hear no one else for the film's entirety.

There is no one in this film that should go unmentioned. Everyone was astounding and they deserve any and all accolades that come their way. Please see this movie. The "R" rating comes from the simple fact that the subject matter is indeed "adult" plus there is the odd curse word of which I counted what...3 or 4? I see worse on television.

Great movie. 10 out of 10. Seriously.
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Undiscovered gem of a movie.
6 May 2007
What a wonderful old film. This old flick moves along at a intelligent pace with wit and timing throughout. For a movie over 70 years old, the dialog is smart with no over-acting to be found anywhere. The interplay between Francis Lederer and Frances Dee is humorous, mature and completely entertaining. The story is not complicated, but the pace and writing carry it along fine.

What Hollywood would do with a re-make of this God only knows, but it would be well worth a try. Until then, I highly recommend The Gay Deception. Seek this movie out and you will not be sorry.

14 out of 14. (See the movie and you'll understand)
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My Boys (2006–2010)
28 December 2006

First let me say that I basically detest 95% of what's on TV today. Heck, make that the past 10 years. That plus the fact that I'm close to 50 years old gives me, I think, the perfect right to call myself a cynic.

My wife and two teenage daughters have been watching this show from it's beginning. As professional cynic, I would bide my time surfing the internet in the next room. In doing so, I would find myself listening to the dialogue as I played around on the computer. In time, I found myself making excuses to meander into the living room during which time I would "accidentally" watch a few minutes of the show.

It didn't take long, but I got hooked. It wasn't until the third episode that I realized that one of my favorite comedians, Jim Gaffigan, was in the silly thing. Icing on the cake. Now I have nothing but praise for this show. Great writing, intelligent dialogue and superb casting. Not overly comedic, nor is it heavy on the drama. Great balance.

Yes I highly recommend "My Boys".
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Redefines the word "bad".
9 July 2004
What in the heck did I just watch?

I love Will Ferrell, so I have no axe to grind in that regard. But I just got back from watching this debacle in a packed theatre and...I'm dumbfounded. This movie transcended bad. Shrouded in a very thin plot, it was nothing more that a staccato string of inane jokes and the sure sign of a crappy movie, a number of surprise cameos.

This stunk of one of those "alum" films where a bunch of actors (and I do use that term loosely here) get together, fill out roster spots and ham it up for the camera. Anyone of these roles could have been played by one of the other actors. And the reason that you saw a "star" of Christina Applegate's stature in this movie is obviously because no other actress with a shred of dignity would have accepted this script.

I laughed out loud one time during this film, and oddly enough, I was the only one. When the announcer is paid off by Ron and he says, "That was Ron Burgundy and Tits McGee!" I guffawed out loud only to be stared at by those who sat in stone silence around me. The highlight of this movie was the Milk-Dud fight that broke out between two bored teenagers at the front of the cinema.

Save your money folks. It'll be at Blockbuster by noon tomorrow.
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A true "classic". Please, please don't miss this film.
2 January 2004
I have seen this film maybe, 20 times over the last 30 years. It's one of the rare movies that entertains each and every time. Seeing movies like Flight Of The Phoenix only reminds me just how bad "Hollywood" has gotten.

The plot. It is quite simple really. Survival. But how the writers, producers and directors mold the basic premise into a complex and compelling 2 hours of cinema is a delight.

To watch Stewart, Finch, Attenborough, Kruger and company work in this movie is to see the difference between actors of yesteryear and movie stars of today.

I am watching the movie as I type this and I'm watching Attenborough react to finding out Kruger's "secret". His laughter is both hilarious and pitiable. And the look of shock and confusion on Stewart's face says it all.

As you can tell, I love this movie. I cannot vote it or recommend it highly enough. You would be well served to find this on DVD. Enjoy and happy flying.
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Tombstone (1993)
One of the best movies I have ever seen, western or not.
4 March 2003
This movie is aces.

From beginning to end, it is cinema at it's best. The cast, from stars to the extras are amazing. Please get the DVD and listen to the director's commentary. The little details about the film will endear it to you for life.

The story is awesome. I'm not going to go mental as to whether or not it's 100% accurate historically. This is simply a great story.

Val Kilmer is killer. Powers Booth gives a stellar performance. Michael Biehn is downright evil personified. Dana Delany is absolutely delicious. My personal favorite in the movie is Ike Clanton, played by the wonderful and underappreciated Stephen Lang.

I find myself watching this movie every other week. I simply never tire of it. I have turned more people on to this film than I can count. It has everything from comedy to action to romance.

I guarantee that you'll not just like, but love this movie. It is a treasure and will become a classic.

"Ain't that a peach?"
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Honestly one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
2 March 2003
People, I never try to be arbitrary when it comes to movie reviews. I love movies, I love the industry and I love everything involved with it. I went into this movie completely open-minded and expecting nothing more that 3 hours and 49 minutes of entertainment.

This was horrible. This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my 44 years. Honestly.

The acting was so over-the-top, the audience in the theatre began groaning audibly within 10 minutes. The editing had to have been done by Stevie Wonder. It was so choppy and disconnected, it bordered on ludicrous.

The battle scenes were exercises in hyperbole. Minute upon minute of men running through the trees. Left to right, it's the Confederate Army. Right to left, it's the Union Army. This went on ad nauseum. Shots fired, men fall. Cannons fire, men fall. More shots fired, more men fall. Etc., etc., etc..

Every scene had some sort of anthemic music attached to it as if it were some monumental turning point in the movie. Totally sappy. At times, it actually drowned out the dialogue which was a mixed blessing.

The actual fighting scenes were another fiasco. Men would charge right into a cannon like they had no common sense at all. No ducking, no trying to avoid the cannon, just running directly into it only to be obliterated.

The rebels in one scene are positioned behind a stone wall awaiting the Union soldiers to climb a hill and attack. OK, reasonable enough. The movie shows the Union soldiers running valiantly up this hill, but as they are running, they are being shot and killed. Someone in the theatre audience yelled, "How can they be getting shot if they haven't reached the top of the hill and gotten in the line of fire of the Rebel soldiers?" The whole cinema burst out laughing.

In one cornpone scene, a Rebel soldier approaches his friends at a campfire. "Boy's, tomorrow's my day to die. My pappy gave me a $20 gold piece for luck. If I die, make sure it's gets sent back to my pappy.", the soldier says. His friend replies, "Oh Zeke, you ain't gonna die."

Next day, they are running through the woods dodging bullets and firing their guns. They jump a wall and hide. "See Zeke, I told you, you weren't gonna die!!" says the friend. BOOM!!! Cannonball hits and Zeke dies. His friend rolls him over and the camera zooms in on Zekes hand. The bloodied hand slowly and dramatically opens to reveal.............a bloody $20 gold piece!! Ta da!! No wonder the south lost. They couldn't shoot their guns very well carrying around $20 gold pieces!!

Then the dialogue. Dear god, every 5 minutes, someone would break out into a soliloquy about God, their "Deah sweet suthin' wife" or even Julius Caesar. And don't even get me started about the southern accents these actors had to feign. It was painful.

This movie was far too long. It was obvious that they were trying to make an "epic". They failed, and failed miserably. This movie has a 12 minute intermission. We stood to stretch our legs and we observed people actually leaving the theatre.

"Hey!! The movie's not over!!" we yelled.

"Oh yes it is!!" they yelled back, and walked out.

Thumbs down
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Gummo (1997)
Most bizarre film in ages, but quite good.
20 June 2002
OK. Where do I start?

This film is quickly becoming one of the most maligned pieces of cinema in history. It's a movie, people, and as such, it did it's job. Some movies shock, some make you cry, some make you laugh. This movie grabbed you by your cerebral cortex and squeezed it for 90 minutes.

I have read some scathing comments saying that there can't be any place like this in the real world. Maybe this movie appeals to me because I know for a fact, there ARE places like this. In every city in this country there are people like this. This my friends, is the soft white underbelly of this country. What you see in Gummo is what (who) gets swept under the rug.

Harmony Korine did an excellent job portraying lost souls in a carnivorous world. These two boys (Tummler & Solomon) simply drift through the sordid world they are given. The peripheral characters only serve to drive home the sadness of their world.

Granted, this movie didn't have a plot, per se. But did it really need one? It was as if you had broken down in their little town for a couple of hours and couldn't take your eyes off of what you were seeing through your windshield. And boy, weren't you happy once you were able to leave? Kinda makes you feel good about your little world doesn't it?

I'm over 40 years old. I have seen literally hundreds of movies. Some good, some bad and a few great. After a while, you begin to change the parameters for what makes a movie 'great'. Characters, story, atmosphere, visuals, music and various intangibles that cannot be articulated. To me, this movie had it all. People ask me to describe it, and honestly, I can't. I try, but I always end up saying, "You just have to see it."

Trust me, you just have to see Gummo.
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