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Shock Docs: The Devil's Academy (2023)
Season 4, Episode 2
Abysmally Bad
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason this got one star is because we aren't able to rate it with zero. I'd rather watch the cheesiest, most obviously faked "ghost hunting" type of show that this mess. Where do I start?

Alright, let me start by stating that I tend to like shows about "paranormal"-type topics. The sort of how that reenacts someone's experiences with actors and also gives comments from those involved can be quite interesting. Obviously, they aren't all going to be totally honest, but I think more are than aren't. Half the fun is trying to determine if we believe the real people or not, and also in trying to figure out the cause of the events. I also enjoy topics other than "ghosts", and while I do prefer some evidence, am willing to listen if the person seems believable. So, understand that I didn't rate this so low due to the subject matter.

Initially, I thought this would be interesting, since I'd never heard of the place, and was actually in school when the events took place. There have been enough personal experiences and family experiences that I won't just dismiss any claims. I also won't just assume everyone is honest, either.

This quickly revealed itself to not be honest at all, and in fact to be poorly produced, and apparently reviewed by either no one, or by someone not really up to the task. Also, actual evidence matters. Witnesses need to be credible, and present, and have some actual knowledge of the events. This was one of the bigger issues with this production. One or two of the "first responder" witnesses were believable enough, but the issue there is that they didn't really have much data. Not their fault, by any means, but other than speaking about the general chaos, they didn't have a lot to offer. The very small number of students presented didn't fair a lot better, and I am not sure if any of those few were in attendance that day. They seemed to be included just to have a way to claim some sort of "problems" at the school. When someone claims to have been a "problem" student, then claims that discipline was "bad", there's a credibility issue. At least, there is one for me. When the entire goal seems to be to push one narrative, and one only, and literally no evidence is offered, that's a huge issue. When it's stated many times, that supposedly most who actually witnessed anything "didn't want to talk about it", that starts to seem quite evasive. When I look up actual news reports, and discover some "discrepancies" between those an this "documentary", I smell a rat. When excuses are made about possible bad behavior by students, and all blame is laid on someone else, that's some serious BS. Don't even get me started on the "invisible teacher". I mean, gee, last time I checked, if someone vanished, "never to be seen again", that person couldn't be giving a statement after that, right?

This entire piece is a huge disaster area. I suppose you could watch just to laugh, but I wish I hadn't, I don't personally find entertaining the idea of the same little faked video clips, and random photos being used with a lot of peculation presented as "facts", especially when this is done to trash the reputation of people who aren't around to defend themselves. The whole 'Satanic panic" narrative is ridiculous as well. Since this wasn't something that was nearly as widespread as many want to claim it was. I was there. Never heard anything about that mess back then.
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Enjoyable thriller, worth the time.
30 October 2022
Really enjoyed this one. Good acting all around, smoothly directed, with enough real human drama to make you care about the characters. The two friends are believable, and the rest of the cast is good as well. The plot is simple enough, and the actors do a good job of convincing us of the emotions involved. Quietly tense, dramatic without being overdone, and unique in plot compared to so many thrillers these days. If you're a fan of the genre, which I am, you should enjoy this one. Also, language isn't an issue, nor annoying music. Just good storytelling and pleasing settings. Much better that the 5-ish rating it has right now.
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Not Worth Your TIme - Utter Trash
24 September 2022
Watched to see the angle, with witless celebs running around all helpless, and got that much, but the whole thing was very poorly done overall. Shallow characters were expected, so I won't knock that part, but that was hardly the only issue. Most of the movie seems to rely on being as disgusting as possible, in scenes dialogue, character development, everything. I get that these are people who would be pretty bad, but there are limits. The number of smut-related comments alone was enough to give this a bad rating. If a movie depends on shocks to sell, it's not a really good movie. Safe to say as well, no religion other than Christianity would be manipulated this badly. No sympathy for a single character, no surprises, no real surprises, noting really original past the basic plot. Actors I mostly don't know, who you'd think, from the way they act in the film, would be very well known. All considered, based on what I saw here, glad I am not familiar with them, and have no plans to become more so. My recommendation is not to waste your time.
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Light as a Feather (2018–2019)
Poor plotting, mostly unlikeable characters
9 March 2022
The basic plot outline sounded interesting, so I gave it a whirl. Sadly, the inconsistent twists and turns were not only illogical, but fairly unbelievable as well. I typically enjoy supernatural stories, but here, it's as if they couldn't make up their minds about the cause, Creative plotting could change things around in a way that would be believable within the story universe, but we didn't get that. The first season was doing alright at he start, but slipped later on, and season 2 was even worse.

Then we have the characters. Some seem somewhat decent at the start, but most quickly deteriorate into annoying at best, and completely detestable at worst. Only a very few garner enough sympathy that you hope they last. Even the dialogue wasn't really very good. Most was stilted and unnatural, or just poorly written and delivered. The relationships between the various characters weren't believable, either.

If they ever make a third season, I won't be watching, Two seasons was at least a season too long for a storyline that could have been wrapped up in one.
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Intersect (I) (2020)
Decent Acting and Effects, Plot Full of Holes, No Ending
30 March 2021
I won't fault the acting, because it was alright. Enough to believe the characters, anyway. The effects were good enough. The story? Not so much. I could deal with the time travel aspects, if the plot held together, but that failed miserably. Far too much is left unexplained, with bits and pieces never tied together, and the ending makes it seem like they ran out of fil before finishing. The character arch of the preacher is ridiculous, not detailed at all, and beyond biased. Disappointing, really, as the basic premise seemed to have potential. Wasted time on this one; recommend you skip it. Far better time travel movies out there.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Classic comedy that delivers time and time again!
3 February 2020
Bill Murray really delivers in this one, as always, and the rest of the cast is excellent as well. We watch it every year, and it never gets old, though I doubt his character would agree! Awesome movie, about love, and laughs, and life, and the choices we make. Good for the family, awesome directing, great scenes, just great everything. Except that song....poor Phil!
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Evil (2019–2024)
Awesome show, exellent potential!
24 January 2020
The plots are smart, the characters interesting, and the mystery keeps coming, in this taught new thriller/drama show. Michael Emerson is amazing as usual, and shows the depths of his acting skills in this series. The rest of the cast is excellent as well, giving us believable characters we can care about, with stories that keep us guessing while also keeping up on the edge of their seats. Really hoping this one lasts a good long while.

Editing to add: As for those dissing the child characters, I say ignore them. The children are an important part of the show, are NOT annoying, and act like typical children. Only people who hate kids would refuse to watch over children being cast as characters in a show. Something wrong with some people, if that's all they can say bad about this series. The kids are excellent. They appear as ids, not miniature adults, and are realistic, interesting, and believable. Awesome young actresses, all of them.
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Time Trap (2017)
Excellent Sci-Fi Adventure Story!
14 November 2019
The entire family loved this one, and after one viewing, I decided this is one for the home movie collection. The characters are like real people, with varying personalities and quirks, the story line is nicely crafted, and keeps you guessing, and there is plenty of suspense, action, and chills to keep you watching. Don't read much about it, because details could spoil things; just watch, and enjoy. Not one complaint about this movie.
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Prank Encounters (2019–2021)
Awesome! Just what a Prank show should be!
1 November 2019
Ever watch Scare tactics? I did, and while I enjoyed the earlier episodes, the later ones left a lot to be desired. It seemed they'd always cut and reveal right as things started to get good. Well, everything you wished they'd do for that show, they've done for this one. Gaten is a great host for this, and knows just when to cue a scare, or to wrap things, before it goes too far. The pranks are fun, the people are clearly scared, and the whole thing is a riot! I absolutely LOVE this series, and really hope they make more. This is the best such show I've seen. Good acting by the players, real reactions from the victims, and creative, well designed pranks; everything you want in a show of this nature. :Enjoyed everything about it. Ignore the supposed controversy, and have fun watching.
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Tusk (I) (2014)
Beyond Horrible, Don't Waste Your Time
21 October 2019
This was just bad. I can't even emphasize how bad, with words. It started off a little weird, and right away, you really detest the main character. No worries there, for a horror/comedy sort of movie, so we kept watching. At that point, we were thinking along the lines of, "So, when does this character get what he deserves?" But it's the audience who gets the short end of the stick here, and no one deserves to see a movie this BAD. Tacky isn't funny, characters you hate, when it's literally all of them, and a "plot" that makes less sense than a surreal dreamscape from psychedelic mushrooms (I can only guess) do not make for entertainment. There had to be some sort of drugs involved to make such a strange and senseless storyline. Senseless plot, no logic at all, tackiness pretending to be humor, and shock value pretending to be scares; no, just no. Not good, not entertaining, not thought provoking, just stupid. Worse that stupid. Anyone who claims to have enjoyed this movie needs a shrink. Seriously. If I knew someone who said they did, I'd cut off all relations with that person. Fast. I feel for any actor with a career so bad they had to be involved in such a movie. Well, almost. One name I saw in the cast listing, scrolling down to write this review, wow, what a nail n the coffin of a career. I have to note, too, the Netflix description LIES. They had description that sounds like some sort of fun creature feature, and that is NOT what you get. Avoid like the plague. Have a root canal, instead. Far less painful. This one makes the list of WORST MOVIES EVER MADE, hands down. Right down there with that pathetic 3-D piranha fiasco. I'd even say, avoid anything from anyone remotely connected to this horrible excuse for a film. I know I will.
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Holidays (2016)
Beyond bad - don't waste you time.
21 August 2019
I'd had this one on the list to watch for a while, since I've enjoyed other anthologies, including some pretty entertaining ones that revolve around holidays. This isn't one of those. Not only was this not entertaining, it was flat out bad. Terrible. Stupid. So bad, it's almost criminal. We didn't even finish the movie, it was so ridiculous. The first segment wasn't great, with poor acting, silly "theming" attempts, and a very predictable story line. The second was plain nonsense, with a poorly defined "plot", worse acting, and no real mood at all, other than weird. By the third, the quality had, amazingly, declined even more, and we had to stop. No, this isn't "challenging" anything. No, this doesn't make you think. This is mind-numbingly bad, in every way. Acting, directing, writing, cinematography, everything.

I loved A Christmas Horror Story, and Trick 'r Treat, and had hopes for this film. Those were shattered. Don't waste your time on this mess. It's not worth it.
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Don't waste your time on this terrible film.
7 August 2019
Terrible, all around. The basic premise isn't bad, some secret coming around to cause trouble for a widow and her family, but the way this was put together just didn't work. The acting is flat, and unbelievable. The characters are forced at best, and often ridiculous. The plot is so full of holes you want to scream. Add in the blatant racism, with every white character we see being a bad guy, and it's beyond pathetic. The dialogue stank, the directing wasn't good, and the only remotely believable character was the teenager. Even the sets weren't impressive. Just an overall waste of time, using bits and pieces of good movies, and doing so badly.
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10,000 BC (2008)
Enjoyable and fun; why so serious?
17 April 2019
I read reviews before watching, and was expecting this to not be great, but found myself really enjoying the movie. The effects are great, the scenery well suited to the plot, and the characters interesting and ell acted. Historical accuracy? Who knows? We don't know, and that's rather the point. A fictional account of things that might have happened is perfect for that time period, and I love the way they blended in some hints of mythology here and there, without pinning anything down too much. The movie is, at the core, an epic adventure set in a time long past, about which we know little, so they had fun with the story. Quite worth the watch. Do you want a faked documentary, that makes suppositions, or a fun movie? No more speculation here than in any number of documentaries I've seen on prehistoric times. Way more enjoyable.
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The Meg (2018)
Quite enjoyable!
22 November 2018
I was looking forward to this for some time, and hoping it would be decent. I wasn't disappointed. The movie was serious, with good acting all around, character depth, and pretty cool effects. Not at all a corny joke as it could have been. Hoping we get sequels just as good.
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Til Death Do Us Part (II) (2017)
Shameless Theft of Sleeping With the Enemy - Save you time.
21 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen Sleeping With the Enemy, then you've already seen the story as it should be. If you haven't, watch it, instead. Far superior movie, in every way. I seriously hope there is a lawsuit over this one.

Beyond this is spoilers, so DO NOT ADVANCE if you haven't seen this, or Sleeping With the Enemy.

How many parallels? I counted at least two DOZEN. Literally. Same sort of houses, in both areas, control freak dude who takes his workouts too seriously, demands on her clothing and hair, big parties, music that has bad associations, dancing in the yard, stolen fruit for pies, teacher new beau, and on and on and on. Her hair even goes to curly, fro straight, by the end. Beyond shameless, and drags as well, enough to put you to sleep. I only finished to complete a list of just how much they ripped off from the GOOD movie.
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War - Were they trying to kill the franchise??
16 July 2017
I was excited to go watch this installment having really enjoyed the previous two movies. Seeing it, however, was quite disappointing. The visuals were fine, as expected, and the acting was as good as ever. The story, however, seemed to crawl, and the anti-American anti-military, and anti-Christian references removed any remaining enjoyment. Instead of seeing things from both perspectives, as we did in the previous two movies, it's all from the viewpoint of the apes, and humans are seen as evil, and mostly shallow. No deep human characters in the entire film, no perspective of the humans; just flat villains about which the apes have to worry. There are some references to the old film series, which fans will notice, and an amusing few places, but the political theming and dragging storyline make this one far under par.
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Escape Plan (2013)
Excellent Action flick for fans of the genre
2 November 2013
For real action fans, and fans of Stallone and Schwarzenegger, this film delivers. The story is new, with a well executed plot, and excellent direction. The main actors both give the great performances we have come to expect from them, and the supporting cast is quite good as well, with Caviezel and Neill showing their quality as actors. You get plenty of action, without all the cheap thrills so many of the recent "action" movies toss in to draw crowds. A real action film doesn't need to depend on such tactics, and draws instead on a solid story, great actors, and good action scenes. There is plenty to keep you on the edge of your seat here. This is the real deal, and well worth the big screen price. So get your ticket, grab some popcorn, and sit back and enjoy the ride!
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Keep them coming, JJ!
15 June 2013
As a lifetime Trek fan (I pretty much cut teeth on the series), I could not be happier with the latest installment, and look forward to many more! Pine, Quinto, Urban and the rest of the cast bring the old, familiar characters back to life, with skill, humor, and all the little quirks we all know and love. The sets are excellent, the effects amazing, and the storyline is pure, 100% Trek. I can't really say much about the story, without giving things away, but I can't imagine anyone being disappointed. If you loved the original series, you should love this newest film. Well worth the big screen cost, AND the DVD. The direction was flawless. Two movies in, and it seems Abrams has broken any potential "curse" that some believed haunted the first set of films. Everything about Into Darkness is true to the characters, and to the heart of Star Trek.
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Beyond Loch Ness (2008 TV Movie)
Highly enjoyable Monster Movie!
3 May 2013
I have been a fan of monster movies/creature features all my life, and am frequently frustrated at the abysmal quality offered so frequently. In this case, I was NOT disappointed, and found the movie quite enjoyable. Loch Ness Terror (as it was titled on the DVD rental) is worth the watch. The actors aren't big names, and sometimes, that's not a bad thing. Brian Krause delivers an effective and convincing performance as a tough cryptozoologist on the trail of the aquatic monster, Niall Matter plays a very convincing small town guy, and the rest of the cast is equally realistic. Not one role was poorly done; all were most believable and convincing. The scenery throughout is breathtaking. The plot is well-ordered, and enjoyable. As a bonus, the characters aren't all the usual foolish clowns we so often see, that make you long for them to be victims. These seem instead like real people, mostly likable, and amazingly capable of coherent thought. Then there is the beast herself. Nessie is quite scary in appearance, and even if the effects aren't top of the line, they are convincing enough for a lower budget film. There is a little gore (though not excessive), as would be expected in a monster movie. If you enjoy creature features, you should like this one. If you want a movie with stupid characters, too much gory FX, poor humor, and overused plot elements, you might be disappointed. If you want an enjoyable monster movie, with an actual plot and realistic characters, get the popcorn and drink ready, and sit back and enjoy. Even my NOT-a-big-fan-of-monster-movies husband liked this one. All I have left to do now is look for more from these people. Well done!
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The Last Stand should be first on your must-see list!
19 January 2013
One of the top names in action again brings us a top notch action movie! Arnold delivers the great performance you expect from such a seasoned star, and the supporting cast really sells the characters they play. The small town set is believable, and portrayed so that you can actually care about them. The bad guys are just the sort that you want to see brought down (as they should be. The scenes flow smoothly, the locations are realistic, and the action is outstanding. Add in the rest of the ingredients - chase scenes, shooting, stunts, a dash of humor - and you have all you need for a fun evening at the movies. 80's action fans will love this one. Even the soundtrack was great; not one single thing that made me say, "Now why did they have to use that song?" See it on the big screen, and bring it home when it hits disc. Did the first, and plan to do the second. A must for any action collection.
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One of the stupidest horror movies ever!
31 October 2012
I can appreciate movies that blend horror and comedy, and some of my favorite horror films are of that sort. This is NOT one of those.

The characters are so utterly lacking in any redeeming qualities, not to mention any brains at all, that you can't care about them in the slightest. After watching this movie, I had to issue an apology to all of the horror characters I have called "stupid" over the years, for doing those things we know will get them killed. At least they would have, had they lived, LEARNED from the error! Not these people! After a very short time, you find yourself almost hoping they will all die, and quickly, so that the movie will be over.

The acting is pretty lame as well. No real sentiment from anyone, no noticeable emotion at all from that very odd child. The only one that wasn't a bad actor is the bad guy, who never speaks. No acting isn't bad acting, after all.

The set isn't terrible, but it isn't anything special, either. Costuming is the ONLY area that wasn't horrible. Some of that was actually pretty decent. The guys will like the older sister's getup, and the villain's costume is really rather creepy. So, one star for costuming.

The plot? If I could find it, I could discuss it. If you have read the basic outline, you got the entire plot already.

Perhaps this was supposed to be some sort of social statement. If so, I recommend some therapy for some people, because, wow..... If there was a town as far gone as that, the human race would be extinct! I was hoping for something a little campy, but entertaining, like Trick 'r Treat, for example. Or something creepy, with humor, like some of the better horror (The Lost Boys, An American Werewolf in London, Lake Placid, etc.). What I got was a waste of time. We only watched the entire thing to see if there would be a cool plot twist to redeem the story. It would have been better to turn it off and pick another movie. The only good thing about this was it was streaming on Netflix, so I didn't loses any rental fees, just time.
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Well done fun - twisted fairy tale for the grown-ups.
3 January 2012
This was actually far better than I expected. The acting was believable, with the characters, not the actors, being the focus. Plenty of personal interaction to make you like the characters (or not), a setting that should tickle the fancy of any fairy tale fan, and enough mystery to keep you guessing right till the end. Not many movies these days can manage that, but this one did.

We have some bigger name actors doing their usual great work, and some lesser known names filling in their roles very nicely. Madsen, Burke and Haas all deliver, without taking away from the story by making themselves the center of attention, and Oldman does a convincing job of a crusading slayer of evil creatures.

The set is perfect, with just the right touch of "magical" needed in a fairy tale, without going overboard. Thatched roofs, narrow twisting streets, and snowy forested hillsides all add up for a beautiful yet eerie setting; just what we want for a fairy tale.

The writing and directing combined to give us a more grown-up look at an old classic story, without the usual Hollywood errors of depending on overdone special effects and too much fake blood. Red Riding Hood isn't supposed to be a gore fest, but a head game. We all know the classic tale, and the fun is in the mystery and the surprise. What we end up with is a classic "who done it" from a well loved story, and it's quite enjoyable.

If you want a gore fest, or a lot of sex, this isn't your movie, but if you want something fun, a twist on a classic, sit back and enjoy.
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Enjoyable, fun, but I miss Gore
20 May 2011
Johnny Depp, as always, delivers a great performance as our beloved Captain Jack Sparrow. The rest of the cast was also great. Beautiful scenery, interesting plot, and plenty of humor, as we have all come to expect. The music, needless to say, was of superb quality, as always with Hans Zimmer. However, I could not help but notice that the direction was a little less sharp that with the previous three films. For part five, and I truly hope there IS a part five, can we bring back Gore Verbinski? With the previous three, there was a magic formula, and he was a part of that. There were scenes that, while good, could have been even better. All in all, recommended for all POTC fans.
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Invisible (II) (2006)
Low budget, low quality
11 September 2010
Starts VERY slowly, with a lot of wasted time on scenery passing a car. Virtually no background on the characters, and what little we do hear is very vague, and less than informative. The main characters do manage to portray a little emotion from time to time, but with next to nothing to support it, the effort is almost wasted. The plot, such as it is, is weak, and doesn't progress far enough, or fast enough, to hold the attention of viewers. The "action" is almost nonexistent, the possibilities for suspense wasted or ignored, and the resolution as dull as the rest of the film. Add to this at least three real goofs: at one point a crew member can be seen ducking behind the main characters. Soon after, a camera, microphone, or some piece of equipment is seen to the right. A little later, there are repeated shots with some sort of wire or cable across part of a dock, where nothing of the sort should be. I could deal with low budget, and even such goofs, if there was more meat to the story. All in all, it was like watching something put together for a school project. With a better storyline, and a little more attention to detail, the producers might come up with something worthwhile.
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True Action Classic!
29 August 2010
One of the absolute BEST action films I have seen in a long time! Once again, Sly has given us the real deal. Great characters, tons of action, good setting. If you are, as I am, a fan of the 80's action movies, you will LOVE this one. None of the dark feel you see so much of these days, but plenty of speed, bullets, fighting, and great good and bad guys all over. Very refreshing change! Hope some others in Hollywood will take a hint, and get us back to movies we can love.

Stallone is looking great, and the cast he put together is phenomenal. Big names, that know what the genre is really about, and they do not disappoint. Plus, the whole idea of having more seasoned actors, and not relying on some new pretty face is wonderful. Youth doesn't automatically make one good, and older can mean far better. Can't wait to add the DVD to my action collection, and hope Sly has more in the works for us. Far too few of this quality being made these days. Top notch movie, in every way.
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