
4 Reviews
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
An unexpected disappointment
1 July 2002
I am a Scooby Doo fanatic! I love the classics, and I tend to do nothing but critique the further efforts to "modernize" the show, such as "Scrappy Doo" and "Scooby Doo Kids". I have many of the original episodes on tape, and I love to watch them as they are the Scooby Doo that I know and love. However, I thought that the movie took a step way over the line. For one, Daphne was never that ditzy and air-headed. True, she didn't really have a purpose, but she never made stupid comments about shopping and her hair, as Daphne has been portrayed in almost every other re-make of the show. I loved Scooby Doo and Shaggy, it was almost scary how remarkable a resemblance Matthew Lillard's voice sounded to Shaggy's. However, both Daphne and Velma's roles were a disappointment, even though the actresses themselves are both very talented (especially Linda Cardellini!). I wish I could say that this movie was as good as I had anticipated, but it doesn't even come close. To any true Scooby Fan, you are likely to be disappointed after what you are accustomed to.
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Beautiful (2000)
Predictable, but overall a good heart-warming movie
1 July 2002
Mona Hibbard has a rough childhood, as is shown from the very beginning, yet this never stops her from living out her dream of becoming Miss American Miss. Mona is an entrepreneur early on when she starts up her own neighborhood delivery business where she works for small amounts of money just to pay for all of the things she purchases in order to someday fulfill her dream, such as braces and pageant classes. Although Mona does some malicious things throughout the movie, such as letting her friend raise her daughter so that she can still compete and taking a pregnant woman to the hospital in a shopping cart just to get picture in the paper, I think the point that (Sally) Fields' is trying to get across is that she had the desire to achieve her dream, and she never let anything stand in her way on the road there. It wasn't easy for Mona, but she made her dreams become a reality, as it is implied that many of the other Miss American Miss contestants had it handed to them. I just love the ending, one of those movies that made me cry. I also loved the song at the end by Dee Carstensen, wonderful song. Overall, I enjoyed this movie very much and have watched it time and time again with my sister.
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Get Over It (2001)
Somewhat typical, but it has some great moments!
1 July 2002
I was very skeptical that I would ever have the desire to watch this film after I saw the previews. These made it look like, yes, just another stereotypical teen film. But as it turns out, I was wrong about this one. A friend of mine who had seen it dragged me kicking and screaming to Family Video to rent it, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was not only ok, but it was one of the funniest movies I had seen in awhile. Even though it does have a lot of stereotypical characters in likely situations (ex: Berke's ex-girlfriend Alison does a perfectly in-sync dance w/ Striker, whom she had met just minutes ago at a club), it is well worth the predictability for the laughs that ensue! The opening scenes post-breakup got me laughing right away, it was just so funny! Martin Short performs at his peak in this movie, as this is the very funniest I have ever seen him. He plays an overly enthusiastic and sarcastic play director, and adds hilarious humor to every scene he is in. He really makes the movie, as I really doubt the movie without him would be anything more than a 'teen movie'. This movie is well worth the watching for anyone who is looking for a good laugh, as it is a very light-hearted movie. Added Bonus: You get to hear Kirsten Dunst sing! (It's amazing! An actor singing her own song in a movie! And it sounds good!)
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Rent this one for good laughs! A 9 in my book
1 July 2002
Waiting for Guffman first-time viewers should be aware that the film is not quite what they are probably accustomed to. Just sit back, remain open-minded, and don't be afraid to laugh at some of the most trivial little things. Christopher Guest is a brilliant "Corky", running a yearly musical in a small town, much like the one I live in. This movie cracks me up because all of the characters remind me of the people in my town: small-minded, with only a very narrow scope of the outside world. For them, the town musical "could go to Broadway", and its funny to see how clueless they really are, not to mention that Blaine's (the tiny town they live in)main production is in stool-making. I can't really explain why it's so funny in one little review, it just is. This movie really requires the watching. Enjoy the cast's performances, especially don't miss out on the auditions! lol! :)
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