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Star Trek: Voyager: Retrospect (1998)
Season 4, Episode 17
Me too
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a highly problematic episode that hasn't aged well considering all the stories that have come out of Hollywood since. The moral of the story is that you shouldn't believe a claim of assault from a woman, because it can destroy the lives of rich and powerful men.

False memories are of course a very real thing, as are false accusations, but this is not the story we need. This story has been told too many times already, and we need more stories that don't teach us to be sceptical towards claims of assault.

Otherwise, the episode is well acted, well filmed and technically proficient. But it well and truly has not aged well.
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Unge viljer (1943)
Quite amateurish
25 December 2022
Like much of the Fascist regime's propaganda during the occupation of Norway this film is quite amateurish. The story itself is a bland but representative presentation of Nasjonal Samling's self perception and ideology. However, the acting, the editing, lighting and scenography is stilted, rushed, flat and often involuntaril funny.

The film has many of the party slogans presented as lines from the younger characters, and mythologizes Quisling as a true visionary on so many levels.

The film failed completely at the box office, and was the only nazi propaganda film with wide distribution during the occupation. It was ridiculed by the audience, and withdrawn to only be circulated within the party - like the very few other propaganda films made during the war.

As a film it is also quite boring, with chaotic dramaturgy and a disjointed storyline. It is however an interesting film for historians of the occupation.
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Emotional and curious
1 June 2022
I believe this short is an expression of emotionality and curiosity, and as such probably shouldn't be analyzed to heavily. Parts of it being coming to terms with your own mortality, the other bit is attraction to and curiosity about death itself.

It did however make me think about some things. In a postmodern sense we have declared the death of the author. At the moment your work is in the world, it is no longer yours and you have no say over it. Artists deal with this in different ways. George Lucas continues to revise his works, and refuses to die as an author, and relinquish control. Ego grasping, in a way. Whereas Cronenberg makes a little piece about seeing yourself as dead, and exploring that state.

Regardless, it's a very powerful film.
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ER: A Miracle Happens Here (1995)
Season 2, Episode 10
12 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
ER is easily my favorite drama show of all time, and a superb show in so many ways. But this episode is bad. Thankfully it had some regular scenes lifting it, but the whole Calaus subplot and the grandmother talking about evil, it's too much and too silly.
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Firebase (2017)
Good idea
25 October 2021
The idea and production values are ace, but the execution has too much exposition and wonky pacing. Too many things are repeated, too much monologing, and the editing could be considerable tighter.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Blah blah blah
2 October 2021
It's fine, if very predictable. Nothing amazing, but fine. Also, it would be better with tighter editing. Each episode is like twenty minutes too long for no real reason.

And Jesus Christ, what's with Americans and Jesus? Time to enter the 21st century.
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18 September 2021
This film makes no sense whatsoever, but the visuals are strong. Good b movie. They don't make them like this anymore, sadly.
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Candyman (2021)
Brave and mature
3 September 2021
I am very impressed by the cinematography and use of visuals in general. The callbacks to the first film were intelligent, and effective, and the storytelling in general was good. While there were a few problems in editing and dramaturgy, and the film could have been a few minutes longer to let some scenes and themes develop with more logic.

Still, a very strong film, and a very strong message. You rarely see a slasher film with such thoughtful storytelling, and artistic vision. Though I expect the theme behind the story to either not register with much of the audience, or simply alienate them because racism and police violence are topics that cause irrational denial in the States.
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Just a painful watch
27 August 2021
In this film the Daleks, who can be foiled by being pushed around by unarmed civilians, have somehow captured Earth. They romp around in London, whose fashion and technology has been unchanged for the last 150 years, and turn humans into mindless rubber fetishists with scooter helmets.

At least it was better than the Rise of Skywalker, but apart from that it's quite horrendously bad. And does Peter Cushing try, or is that look of bewildered derpiness on his not even acting?
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Slightly entertaining nonsense
5 August 2021
This is just your run of the mill conspiracy minded and extremely speculative nonsense. It's edited in that classical X-files style, with scary voiceover and some dramatic Mark Snow-like music. Somewhat entertaining, but about as factual as Plan 9 From Outer Space.
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Classic slasher
9 May 2021
The film might be a bit unfocused, in terms of dramaturgy and editing, but it delivers well. The characters are likable and believable, and the plot is classic slasher film. The film also doesn't hold back on gore, and even offers a bit of social critique. Can't wait for the sequel.
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Frontkjempere (2021)
Highly problematic
15 April 2021
I react to this as a historian with Norwegian fascism and national socialism as my main field of research, and this series has proven to be highly problematic, as it hides war crimes perpetrated by Norwegian SS volunteers and lets surviving volunteers explain away several aspects of their service. It more or less portrays the soldiers as victims of subterfuge and sneaky recruitment tactics, and ignores that research shows them to the mostly nazis and anti semites before they were recruited. It also perpetuates myths about the sentences they received after the war as illegal. While there are historians that take part in the series the editing leaves out salient commentary and important facts and analysis.

Which has sparked significant criticism and controversy.
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Score (2016)
Too much John Williams
12 April 2021
Sure, he wrote some very important scores, but he's not the Messiah. There's so much stuff they left out to include one more score by Williams.

Otherwise, it's good and informative and I love how it goes into the psychology of music and some film theory.
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I wish this was a series
27 March 2021
I'm going to start off with the only thing I didn't like: The lighting is horrendous, and doesn't match the atmosphere or the high contrast dark style of the comics.

Otherwise, this could and should be the first part of a series detailing the exploits of Rogue Trooper. It would need a bit more story to function for people who are not already fans, but for a fan film - this is outstanding.

Also, props to the propmaker. Rogue Trooper's helmet and gear, and the appearance of the Norts was ace. Also good casting.

I just wish there was more.
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Cadaver (2020)
Norwegian Acting School strikes again
25 March 2021
Well, of course the movie is extremely predicable. It's not Stanley Kubrick. But the thing that just makes me cringe harder than anything is the classical Norwegian style theatrical acting. It's like a school play, but with death. And of course, the social satire which is so easy to read a six year old would get the point. Come one! Try, at least!
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MacGyver: Screwdriver (2017)
Season 1, Episode 12
28 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the worst. Please, let it be the worst.

The plot is a complete break with the set up so far, and fine, that could be a "plot twist", but it's just not believable the way they do it. Making Thornton a previously unknown big bad, when everything about her personality suggests she is the only competent one of them all, and very much sincere ...

It doesn't sit well.

Well, I must admit I never liked her character, but Sandrine Holt is the only actor in the series with any ability to convey her character in a non smarmy way. I don't know what to say, except that this episode is really bad.
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MacGyver: Chisel (2016)
Season 1, Episode 9
Who is this made for?
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Latvia as the breeding ground for a group of armed insurrectionists who walk around in the streets with assault rifles, and the authorities don't react? I mean, in Somalia or Syria, sure, but Latvia?

And the whole subplot with MacGyver's roomie belongs in a sitcom. A government agency who lets a civilian sit in when you call in the cavalry and discuss super secret ops? Also, as a NATO country bordering Russia there is a rapid response force in Latvia, you wouldn't need to call a carrier group to get reinforcements.

I think you have to be put through the best an American education can offer to buy this. This is an exercise in absolute idiocy. G.I. Joe cartoons had more believable plots, and those had Cobra Commander to boot.
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MacGyver (2016–2021)
18 February 2021
Not only does it lack the charm and over the top tongue in cheek that made the original so endearing, this version is too dark and serious. People get shot left and right and MacGyver kills people off screen without a second thought. The only things MacGyver shares with the original is that he owns a swiss army knife, which he rarely uses and his leather jacket. Apart from the name that is.

Additionally the decision to make this show about an ensemble cast rather than about MacGyver takes it in a totally different direction from the original.

I feel this is less a reboot than a totally different concept with a bit of label slapping to tie it to a beloved series from back in the day.
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a dreadful bore
6 February 2021
Not only am I unable to see how this is supposed to be a comedy, but it's such a pastiche of the Robert Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino style from the 1990ies that its only comedic elements are involuntary. To the point of having Mexican music in the Australian desert.

Nevertheless the film is boring, and that's it.
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First Wave (1998–2001)
Like a cheaper X-File with more sex
24 January 2021
The title really says it all.

In the wake of the X-Files there was a slew of short lived shows that tried to cash in on paranoid entertainment about aliens and monster of the week-content. This is not the worst of these, but certainly doesn't hold a candle to the show it emulated.

First Wave tried to reach a more adult audience by including half naked women in most episodes in pattern that quickly became predictable, but probably distracted viewers from the rather ridiculous use of a fictional volume two of Nostradamus' prophecies as a gimmick.
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Dress rehearsal
1 January 2021
This feels like a dress rehearsal for Tsukamoto Shinya's later more notorious and near full length film Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Most of the scenes in this film were reshot for that film, and the story is nearly identical, but with more details added and a better dramaturgy.

However, all the elements of Tsukamoto's style are here. The hyperkinetic editing, the animated sequences and the brilliant soundtrack. That latter which interestingly shows Tsukamoto's influences by including a track by Throbbing Gristle, and unless I am mistaken also SPK.
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This could've been an absolute masterpiece
31 December 2020
But it's just a very good film instead. Sadly it comes close to collapse in the final act. Otherwise, the acting, the dialogue, the editing and everything else is perfect. It's believable and very human, and then it feels like the producers stepped in and said "but we need some action", and it went downhill from there.

It's still a nine from me, but it could and should've been a ten.
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Death Factory (2014)
Simply horrendous
14 December 2020
This film has exactly three good things: the location, the original main villain and the music. The music is a good tribute to the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and single handedly lifts this film from a 1 to a 2.

Apart from that the casting, the acting, the lighting, the editing, the dialogue, the plot and the sound is so bad it couldn't even pass for a student film. Especially the casting, which is truly bad considering this film tries to include historical serial killers.

Also, the film has no proper ending, and there are several scenes that are so disjointed it seems like there are missing reels.
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The Predator (2018)
And that's how you kill a franchise!
9 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Predators is to the Predator what Alien Resurrection was to Alien, and will have the same effect. Thanks to Predators this franchise managed to limp into a new phase of survival after the horrendous AvP films, but this is the nail in the coffin.

Why? There are several reasons.

Where the first film had intelligent elements of parody this film takes all those same elements seriously. The whole tough guy routine. Probably the idiot who wrote and directed this film, and acted in the original, doesn't understand irony and subtleties.

Also the film is wildly inconsistent, with tasks being difficult or easy according to how it affects the progress of the film, not in any believable way. Two F-35s can't shoot down the Predator spacecraft, but a guy jumping into one its engines is enough to take it out. First the scientists can't open the door to the spacecraft and needs the savant to open it, then the action hero can open the door without ever having laid eyes on the console before, while basically falling around.

There's a lot more like that, and the film is also wildly out of tone with the three films that came before it. As well as having a grasp of how evolution works that is about as accurate as what you'd expect from a Creationist.

This film is a poor cash grab that replaces anything remotely intelligent or challenging with infantile action sequences and CGI space dogs. I regret watching it, and had to redeem the time I wasted by warning others to stay away.
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Trophy Heads (2014)
masterpiece this is not, but ...
21 October 2020
This is not Alfred Hitchcock. In terms of production values it's not even Ed Wood. But that doesn't matter. It's made with a great deal of love for the subject matter, and actually allows the scream qeens to have their time in the spotlight.

The whole film is very tongue in cheek, and obviously not meant to be taken as more than a love letter to a genre, and a group of women that made the genre what it is. Which is why it deserves eight stars. It succeeds at its mission with gusto.
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