
10 Reviews
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26 March 2003
I dunno why i decided to rent this movie considering how 2 and 3 weren't all that great, but i saw a preivew for it a long time ago and it seemed a little creepy so i figured i'd give it a shot. I was really shocked how good it turned out to be. It didn't really have a thing to do with the other children of the corns other then the fact that the kids were evil. Children of the Corn IV probably could have been its own movie insted of a sequel. Well anyways i really liked it. It had a good story line and was pretty creepy. ****/*****
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Really good movie
27 February 2003
I really like this movie. It freeked me out the first time I watched it. I had never heard any thing about it until my mom bought it one day. I watched it with her and there were some parts that really gave me goose bumps. This is a great movie and I think every body should see it!
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pretty good
25 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was pretty good. (a few spoilers) The opening 30 minutes were pretty scary and really got me interested, too bad the middle part of the movie stunk other wise it would have been great! It still wasn't awful though, i just didn't think the middle fit very well with the rest of the movie at all. At the begining you have a babysitter that keeps getting calls from a really strange,creepy man. She then finds out he is in the house with her and has killed the children she was baby sitting. Then through out most of the movie we follow around the killer. This seriously doesn't have anything to do with the first and the last part of the movie other then the guy is being chased for killing those two kids and escaping from the hospitol. Then in the end it picks up where it left off in the beginning. It was a pretty good movie but they could have just completly left out most of the middle and it would have been fine. I give it a 4/5.
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25 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really disturbed me...i'm not sure what it was about this movie but I just did not like it. It was a little bit boring at times but it did keep me scared so I have to give credit for that. But some of the stuff in this movie just about made me sick to watch. (SPOILERS) I really hated the scene where the lady smashed the guys face with the rock and then pushed him off the building ughh that gave me a weird feeling when i was watching it. Most of the times when I watch something scary I have fun watching it considering I like being scared and all, but this one was just way too disturbing in my opinion. 4/10 (4 because it kept me scared)
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not what i expected
10 February 2003
This movie was ok it wasn't really what i thought it would be. I guess I hoped it would be as good as the first one (that one rocked!) but it was just kind of boring at some points. And to me, Daniel Cerny was just way too cute to be scary, but he was a good little actor and was basicaly the only reason i sat through the whole thing...too bad he hasn't done anything after this movie. I give it a 5 outta 10.
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The Lost Boys (1987)
one of my favs
8 February 2003
I loved this movie! Its pretty funny and The Corey's were so cute. The story line was great and so was the acting! I really wish Corey Haim could have done more movies as good as this one because he did a great job! I give it a 10!
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Silver Bullet (1985)
really good
8 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really good movie. I bought it one day because i am a big fan of Corey Haim and heard he was in it. He did such a good job in it as well as the rest of the cast. It was a really good movie and is pretty scary the first time you see it. (SPOILER) If you are squeamish u might have to cover your eyes a few times. One scene that grossed me out the most was when the wolf started clawing the skin off of the lady's back...ewww it made me squirm in my chair big time! But all in all i thought it was a really good movie and think everyone should see it!
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I love this movie
7 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I dunno what it is about this movie, but it is so addictive. The first time i watched it it scared the mess outta me! But I really liked it and watched it over and over. I myself am a fan of older horror movies, and this movie is for sure a lot better then some of the so called horror movies now days. Some of the stuff i didn't really like though (SPOILER) I didn't really like the way they drew on Jesus's picture, and i didn't care to much for there gathering when Issac preached about their "god" "He Who Walks Behind the Rows". But other then that i really liked this movie and would reccomend it to anyone who likes being freeked out!
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So Little Time (2001–2002)
28 December 2002
Ughh. This show is a disgrace to people everywhere! Did the Olsen twins honestly think this show was going to be good? As a 15 year old I can tell you that their view of real life is nothing but fantasy bull crap! They want a show about real teens with real problems and all they give us is crap about boys! Honestly, these girls are still stuck in the fourth grade! Now don't get me wrong I used to love the twins, but everything they do is for little kids! Their fashion line for instance is for little girls. I for one love the clothes they wear, don't they think that there are teen girls out there that want their clothes too? Even when they turned sixteen they still acted like they were 12! "We're sixteen now, we are living on the edge! We both got our ears pierced and we rented a bunch of movies and didn't rewind any of them!" Ok! Who would go on Mtv and say that?! Come on they even made a movie about turning sixteen! I'm sorry but these girls need to grow up, get a life, and realize that So Little Time was a waste of time!
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Superstar (1999)
10 July 2002
I thought Superstar was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Molly Shannon did a great job acting as the somewhat mentally challenged Mary Katherine Gallagher. Throughout the movie, she tries to become a superstar so she can get kissed by her crush Sky. But then she falls for one of her special education friends, Slater. The movie was extremely funny. They had a great cast to keep you laughing throughout the movie.
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