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The Square (2017)
The square: symbol of a great loss
5 May 2018
The biggest fall of today's humanity is in the fact that you can put it in a little flat square. All around, outside the square, every day, you have a lot of opportunities for compassion, for empathy, to communicate, to touch each other in some way. But, instead of being human, we chose to build the square of empty words, cold videos, full of lies about ourselves, full of excuses. We hide ourselves in the herd of survivors who are desperately trying not to be expelled. What is the cost? Where is the limit of our passivity? Where is the switch? The animals are more human, than humans will ever be, and we should not be allowed to use word: animal, for our evil actions. We are lost in our artistic jungle of civilization achievements. What did we really achieve? Be brave and ask yourself: where is my heart, what have I done, why the square is an empty and death symbol of everything? Then you can watch the film.
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Circles (2013)
If there is a story about us, people...
8 August 2015
Have you ever heard a story about goodness? Maybe once, or twice, hardly more... Listening and talking about someone being good is boring... We take it for granted, nobody cares about the grace, no one remembers. In the time of war, goodness means life, in the peaceful times goodness stays good and sometimes saves lives. This is a story about the moments when goodness touches the soul of a man, as some drop or rock that hits the water, leaving the circles behind. This movie goes around those circles of lives and records their touching, the echo of love. If there is a story about us, people of Earth, it has to be told, and I'm glad I watched it.
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Why using colored screen?
18 March 2015
The movie is an art, or it should be... One-dimensional, one-sided, one-directional film like this one has too much color, too much noise. The story about Great War, guided by the fairytale carpet and the storm of emotions, can not have another burden. Simply, it is too heavy. Many other art directors left their work in black&white mode, in piece with the victims, because in the end they are all victims, victims of an unimaginable horror called war. This one can also be blue&white, like our brain perceives the water... Like you should not "invade a country if you don't know where it is", you should not make a movie about the people, nations, its cultures, languages and history connections, if you do not know them. The victims are everywhere, why measuring the ground under their feet, why choosing the side, why choosing the language, why measuring them at all? The life is one that matters. All war movies should be remainders of it. You can confront the ideas, the principles, but not the nations (war already done it). This film licks the wound to someone, and for the others makes it deeper. That war, unfortunately is not over yet. The chance of ending it, is in the heart and mind of the people who outlived, who survived. The hope and the quest of one man in this film defies the war and its meaninglessness. But, I will repeat it: every movie needs to be art, not a tool in someone's hands.
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Gangland Undercover (2015–2016)
15 March 2015
There is a chance that these series could give something different in the field of TV screened undercover stories. You have a person with real problems, a drug dealer who hits rock bottom and you have a fear, a lot of fear that this bottom has a hole. Potential 20 years in jail is wasted life time in hell, pure punishment with no other meaning, no future. And there is another way - through the bottom of the very dangerous people and his own. This pit is dip, dipper than his worst nightmare dreams, but there is no easier way out. He chooses to face the demons right away, in order to make amends for his mistakes from the past. In the end, there is one question left to be answered: if he ever comes back, who will he be... in the end. I am eager to find out!
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Victory over defeat
10 August 2014
At first I refuse to watch this movie. I wanted to save the impression about the story told in the "first Montevideo". No one could argue with that. But, then I saw the words "see you" in the movie's title, and I thought: that's reality calling all the visions, all the dreams to put up the fight with them. How long will the players stand for their team, how long will they truly play? When will they realize how big is that dream, how deceptive the illusions could be? Everybody knows that Yugoslav team didn't won the first World Cup, so they were defeated and somebody will say: they lost. So, their biggest dream didn't come true? How do we know that it was the biggest one? Maybe they've already accomplished that when they were chosen and came to Montevideo only to play football just for fun, for the love of the game... Is there some victory hidden behind the competitions, behind the money that tends to control all, behind the vanity... You'll never know if you refuse to watch, like I did, until now...
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Fargo: The Crocodile's Dilemma (2014)
Season 1, Episode 1
If you "Fargo" me - I will "Fargo" you
24 June 2014
My first thought before watching the show was: could any other thing be better than the real thing? The same question I'm asking my self when I watch the film based on a book or the remake of something good and old. Most of the time I end up comparing it putting the book - first good thing at the fist place: the original before the mirror. Now when I've watched the pilot episode I left all my bias behind. It's darkness, humor, odd twists and naturally confused various characters made me to forget about "Fargo before" at the moment. All I could think about Fargos was that everything we do has its consequences and we can run from it, but can't run away forever. This show is so good that you'll run through it in one fell swoop and you'll end up asking for more.
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Prisoners (2013)
Prisoners of fears
20 September 2013
While watching this film, you will imagine the parents who desperately struggle to protect their children from the evil of the outside. And you will see how the children vanished right before their eyes. The worst fears are let out and the families are facing cruel reality: someone took their babies and hided them. None knows "why": why children, why they're not telling where, why to kidnap anybody at all? Maybe it's because of their sickness, maybe because of money, or there is no particular reason, who can tell? Aren't they're prisoners of their own sick mind, desperately wanting to catch an innocence, a freedom, a symbol of it? And the parents are in pain, in enormous fear, like in a black hole, doing everything: possible and impossible, imaginable and unseen and unheard, only to find them. This film is rising up some questions, maybe they're old ones, but in a whole new perspective, and you only have to take the look... You will not be disappointed.
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Graceland (2013–2015)
Grace in lies
6 June 2013
I've read somewhere about this TV show and I just couldn't wait to see the pilot episode. All I can say after watching this episode could've been said in these three words: intriguing, exciting and unpretentious! But, I'm not going to stop only with that. This is a story about seemingly ordinary people and their work: FBI agents who enforce the law by arresting the people who break the law, as they've been taught in school. Hence, this job is much more complicated by the criminal mind learned to hide, to connect with all parts of society, only to avoid justice. Because of that, the ordinary people of the law have to work undercover, to look like criminals, to talk like them, to lie and do everything to arrest them. All that lying and erasing themselves could be very dangerous and who knows where could lead. I can't wait another episode, to see all the good and the bad in these characters that will come up!
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The Hunt (2012)
Once a target, always a target
6 April 2013
Can you imagine your whole world is turning upside down one day: you're the same, but the others have changed. Yesterday you were a hunter, and now you are a prey. Children, those you've loved the most, now point fingers at you, friends hate you and the family is confused. Everyone and everything is shaken. Can you handle the fear, the loneliness of being hunted, can you handle the pain? How far will your hunters go to exterminate you, how long can you hold on? There is a crossed circle drawn on you head, on your chest and nothing you can do to erase it. Others mean that you run and fear for your life, like an animal, but still they don't know that they've already killed you with the finger pointed in you. It's just a breathing air that they can take from you: the love that you share remains bigger then the hunt, hunters and the prey.
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Mystery is everywhere
23 October 2012
Incredibly exciting and well played, it makes us wonder... How much do we really know about ourself and the other people around us... Looking into a human mind lead us to the amazing discovery: the greatest part of the mind is a complete mystery. The most intriguing and also the most scaring are the deepest urges that in the most cases we are not aware. This mystery is not only inside of us, it reflects on whole world around us. Therefore, our mind is constantly playing with possibilities, combinations and visions that take our breath away. This is just one of the thoughts that rise up from watching this series. Is the human nature is in fact a universal nature of all animals: the struggle for survival at any cost, or it has something more? Do we have to wear a shield of awareness so we can fight with our dark desires? These are some of the issues that are brought by watching this series... I can hardly wait to hear what the authors of the show will say!
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Person of Interest (2011–2016)
Learning to protect the freedom of the mind
20 October 2012
At the beginning, I watched it cause I was curious and then I was hooked up. The feeling of "must watching" this show never stopped. I believe that many of us imagined what could happen if technology inventions of our time fall into a hands of control obsessed people with evil intentions. Truly, I have never thought it could be the men "wanting to save at least one life". Yes, they don't need to save whole wold, as none of us can. Each of us can do the small piece of a puzzle "making better everything", but we have to start. The series gets even better in the second season with more fun, fears and secrets. It has its one world: the mind of the mankind. It never sleeps, never talks loudly, only gives the signs in the silence. If you ever have a feeling, or a paranoid thought that someone is watching you, just be brave to reveal the truth and free yourself.
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Be ordinary - watch the movie - stay inspired
26 January 2011
I didn't read all of these reviews, but I believe that nothing much is rest to be said. When you see the number you may ask yourself: what can I say and not to copy the words of other people? But when you watch this movie over and over again, one thought never leaves you: being a little, what ever it means mustn't stop you to grow and to know who do you really are. Others may not recognize your work, maturing or growth, according to this film. If nobody sees it, doesn't mean it's not worth. Awareness might be hidden, and you just have to believe and hope. In while you are living your "boring, unhappy and unfulfilled" life, trying your best to survive, 'till the moment you wait so long. When you achieve that, you need to imagine unwritten "Shawshank redemption 2" in which the main character (maybe you) is hardly trying to find another reason to survive present "peaceful and quite" time. So, you haven't got excuse not to watch this movie and to exclude yourself from the large group of people, only because it's large. Don't be unique in not watching it, but in revealing some other side of it and solving the mystery of your own life. I am joining to the group of people who simple love it.
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Dreaming is complicated, living a vision is more simple
16 January 2011
If you never have a vision bigger then yourself, you shouldn't watch this movie, because it may looks too romantic, too limited for you. If the present time and its rate is the maximum of your wishes, then you shouldn't watch it. If you are too concerned about a connotations it could contains, for the sake of your prejudices, please, do not watch this film. This is not a story about one country/people or more, about politics, or any other little things mentioned in this movie. It's about a team, about living a dream of eleven and more of them, in the time when the sport was only a game. Before I watched it I was sad and confused, after the movie I was inspired and ready for tomorrow, what ever that means...
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