
9 Reviews
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The Man Killer
3 October 2010
In a swift and somehow creepy way, a man casually sneaks after an sweet innocent old lady, (Mrs. Wilberforce). The old lady have just been in the local town, just doing her normal routine and right now she is heading home, she opens the door to her house and goes in, not knowing that she's been followed, and that the mysterious man himself is standing right outside on the doorsteps to her lopsided house. The doorbell is heard and the old lady curiously opens the door to be met by a joker-ish face, (Professor Marcus). His intentions seems innocent and he just want to rent a room, where he can practice with his amateurish orchestra band, which consists of Major Courtney, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Robinson and One-Round, but Marcus and his companions real intentions is to make a genius robbery, and use Mrs. W's old house as an disguise, because the police will never suspect them to be hiding in there, and best of all, Mrs. W will never notice a thing... or will she?

This is... as said many times before, an outstanding performance of both acting and writing, a culmination of wonderful British actors and a touch of Ealing Studios, with other words, this movie kills me every time. The characters alone could make this movie work, because it offers maybe the best set of thieves filmed in movie history, and maybe also the funniest. As said, in this movie we get a good set of classic characters, we have the coward, the temperamental, the unlucky, the dumb and finally the clever one, and then we get the most sweet little old lady set on this earth, what a good job you did there Katie Johnson.

This movie was also the first quality picture Peter Sellers was in, but not the movie where he gets the big leading role. His role as "Mr. Robinson" is by the way, just unbelievable good and so entertaining, even if the role is little he always manage to plant his acting mark. It's like this movie is remembered most by Sellers performance, and not all the other good stuff we get, and here I especially think about Katie Johnson's and Alec Guinness's characters, but thats just the way Sellers acting works - he always outshines the others.

Watch this wonderfully dark comedy immediately, you wont regret it.
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Military Comedy with a Thin Storyline
30 September 2010
Military men marching pridefully and gloriously in the the morning sun, with delightful music played by the military orchestra, just getting ready to another hard working day at the army barracks, or are they? In the setting of the rising sun there is a big line of cars and trucks heading for the barracks, what are they doing here and who are they? The question is solved fast, and to the military mens big surprise its a film production company, who has planned to make a "big blockbuster" science fiction movie at the army barracks, but one commanding officer is distend to make it very difficult for the Hollywood film crew... and for then on, the movie just shows a cheap slice of comedy and a little bit of romance, and thats about it.

What we do get out of this comedy is a thin storyline, and some decent funny characters, but not memorable. The funniest character is Peter Sellers, and he is probably the only one you will remember the most, when you have sat through this movie.

One thing that was a little bit funny, was the movie they were filming in the movie, its funny because it looks like a Ed Wood production, very unimagined and just cheap. There is not one time where you believe its a making of a expensive science fiction movie, and just looking at the film crew playing "big time Hollywood stars" is so laughable... and by the way I have never seen a badder costume design for a Martian in a movie, since 'Ghidrah, the Three-Headed Monster' 1964, and that is pretty bad!

See it if you are in a good laughing mood, if your sad its just sad to look at.
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An Artist is Borne... and the Birth was not Very Good
24 September 2010
You probably wonder what i mean about "An Artist is Borne... and the Birth was not Very Good", the artist is Peter Sellers, and the birth is this movie 'Penny Points to Paradise', so simple is that.

The Goons first movie together is slightly better than there's second attempt at making one (Down Among the Z Men), and the characters is also slightly funnier, and the whole thing is just more lively in a way, but not perfect by a mile, most of the jokes fall flat, and sometimes it's just boring to look at. I frequently ask myself why Milligan and Secombe didn't gave the leading role to Sellers, it's obviously him that rule at being fun, it's hard to understand but there must have been a reason... and yes the story is pretty thin.

Sellers himself didn't like the movie at all, actually this was what he said about it... "It really was a terrifyingly bad film!' As you will see when you watch it" (sentence remembered by Vic Pratt, one of Sellers friends), I wouldn't use the same words as Sellers, I would rather say it's 60% bad and 40% good, because it's not utterly bad, but also it isn't so good that you want to buy it, it's more like a movie you rent, and just watch because it's Peter Sellers first feature film... if your a fan of him or The Goons, it's a (MUST-SEE)
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Cheap Compilation of Silent Comedy Clips
23 September 2010
Arthur Dent (founder of the UK production company Adelphi Films), hired Peter Sellers for the final time, and gave him the job to voice dub this French compilation of silent comedy clips. As you can see on the cast of this film, you see that the American kings of silent comedy films is all together in one mass up, but don't hold your breath, the clips are edited so cheaply together that you won't believe its supposed to look like one film.

You may ask why the French ever edited this together in the first place, and how Arthur Dent ever got the idea, that a French compilation of silent comedy clips ever would sell in the UK cinema's... I don't know, and honestly I don't care, the only thing I do know is that its not worth seeing.

I only give it two stars, because Sellers voice dubbing for Stan Laurel's character is so accurate to the real person himself.

(This film can be seen together with 'Penny Points to Paradise' and 'Let's Go Crazy' *The Adelphi Collection*, on the DVD and Blu-Ray released by BFI.)
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A Short Film with Enjoyable Characters
21 September 2010
With this short film 'Let's Go Crazy' (Peter Sellers first time on screen, alongside with 'Penny Points to Paradise'), Sellers really showed from the start of his career, how funny he was when playing multiple characters, and off cause how masterminded his acting was at the same time, I'm not saying that this film is anywhere near perfect in its comedy, it just showed how capable Sellers was with creating smart and funny characters.

But if we just look away from Sellers for a moment, and look at what we else get out of this madcap of a film, and actually we get quite a lot out of 32 minutes of film. There is five songs, three orchestra numbers, one dancing number and then we get a very odd but entertaining performance by a very angry couple. To be honest I enjoyed some of the songs, just the old fifties feeling about the songs were very nostalgic, but I also think the whole film could have been much better, without all the disturbances by the orchestra and singing numbers, if we just had Sellers and Milligan playing alone, then we easily could have got an classic short film, but then again they only had three days to shoot it, so that is just me dreaming.

I just enjoyed the film for what it was, and smiled at the music performances as they came, but Peter Sellers is out of doubt the highlight of this character/music based short film, and the whole film is just a fun little pleasure to watch.

Recommended for fans of Peter Sellers!
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Outdated and Pointless
19 September 2010
The Goons have never had my interest, nor had they after I saw this movie. My only interest is the late Peter Sellers, but even him couldn't do anything to save this extremely outdated piece of "cinema".

The storyline is not a big thing, but really, when you look at it, its only a movie based on a radio show, so don't get ready to be overwhelmed by the story, or the comedy for that matter, because the humor is just so boring, that I never had a smile on my face, not even a little one, and this is supposed to be a comedy.

The movie also has a lot of pointless scenes that don't help the story at all, but what the hell, nothing would help... not even Sellers little appearance had a neutral effect on me, and that says a lot.

I only give this movie to stars, the first star goes to Sellers, and the second one goes to a nice (but still a pretty pointless) choreographed gym practice scene... don't see this movie!
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King of Weirdness... and it Works!
16 September 2010
First off all, I'm a big fan of Peter Sellers, his acting and nearly all the films he have been in, because he isn't that kind of actor who have been in a billion of good movies, like Robert De Niro or Dustin Hoffman, but if we talk about all of his performances in the movies he have been in, good or bad, he have always done it in such a intelligent and funny way, you could say that he is better known for his characters, than the actual movie he have starred in.

'The Magic Christian' is in many ways a very forgotten and misunderstood film, not many can understand its humor, because its very dark at times, but that is just what makes it so much more interesting, than other movies can ever get, in this kind of psychedelic movie genre. So if you ever plan to see this, only do it if you either are a fan of Sellers, or just if you have a good understanding in dark comedy.

In many Sellers movies, it's always him that stands out the most, but this movie just have so much more to give, like good chemistry between the lead actors (Sellers and Ringo), a funky 60's rock soundtrack, interesting camera angles, totally weirdness all around (especially in the end scenes) and a great message, "That every human on earth, will do everything for a good amount of money" ... I think the message is partly true, because every human have a stretch for what they will do for money - like, I don't want to cut my own arm off, if I got $1000000 dollars, but if I got $100000000 dollars, I would probably think a little bit about it... and its just that, this movie makes you think, and thats one of the many reasons that this 60's flick is so enjoyable... and outrageously weird!
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Rumble In the Jungle!
13 September 2010
'Rambo: First Blood Part II' is the pure essences of real eighties excitement (done the Rambo way)... because this movie is nothing like 'Platoon' or 'Deer Hunter', this is 100% pure man action!

The story is simple, just hear... Trautman visits Rambo at a labor camp prison, and offers him the chance of freedom after what he did in 'First Blood', but only if he goes to Vietnam, and search the jungle for some missing American prisoner of war. Isn't that just a plot every person can understand, and for a action movie like this, it couldn't fit any better.

Just so anybody know, the main thing in this movie is the action and nothing more than that, and what I know about action, is that real men cry blood, when they see those beautiful explosions, and a man killing a whole army, in a war there is nowhere near realistic... but men like me, don't give a ****, we just sit back and enjoy the spectacle of the expendable Rambo.

Top 3 Favorites - 80's Action Movies: #3 Rambo: First Blood Part II #2 Predator #1 Die Hard...
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Your typical "copy of the Halloween movie"
12 September 2010
There is not much to say about this 'slasher flick', and there is not much to get exited about either... the only thing I founded a little bit exiting, was the appearance by Tom Hanks (his first film debut), actually why didn't he get more screen time, it would have been much more fun to look at him, than this sorry pierce of slasher cinema.

This slasher movie, as many others, looks a lot like that successful movie called 'Halloween', not that I'm disappointed over that, because how can you, half of the slasher movies out there is a cheap knockoff of 'Halloween', but what i am disappointed about is the lack of creativeness in the soundtrack department... Ohhh boy, Alexander Peskanov & Mark Peskanov (the composers of this movie) have done a very cheap trick, they have copied John Carpenter's 'Halloween Theme', and good, it is not... it's BAD!

And by the hand, what this slasher really need, is more gore and violence, you never get that wonderful feeling of B-movie trashiness, when you see the actual kills, after-all we only see these kind of movies, because we love to see how cheap and violent they can look, and this movie never shows that, the only "remotely violent thing" we get to see, is the killer waving with his knife in the air, and some blood dripping from the dead person (not even a single flesh wound)... it never gets more boring than that, expect for the talking scenes!

There is many good slasher movies out there, so for the sake of horror-goodness... don't ever look at this loser of a movie!
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