
7 Reviews
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Wicked City (2015)
29 October 2015
This might be just one of those cases where the pilot is far better than the rest of the series but this first episode is just impressive.

The story is really original and every character in the show has the potential to be a bad guy/girl. I was specifically impressed by Erica Christensen who plays a role with more depth than in Parenthood.

As per Jeremy Sisto and Ed Westwick, both are giving an excellent show.

This story has a real potential and can run for many seasons if the quality of the scenario doesn't deteriorate after the first 10 episodes... as it's often the case (with the producers firing the expensive writers and directors and replace them with amateurs).

And the music is good too.
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3 August 2015
I don't understand the point of bringing back people who are now in their 40s to play teenagers? It just look ridiculous and pathetic. If only it was done with some irony but, to me, this was supposed to be a tribute.

This is yet another caricature of the 80s with actors who were teenagers during that time. It might be a feel good movie for them and for the producers but it's just painful to watch for everybody else.

Netflix clearly got played on this one and proves that producing decent TV is not easy. This show is an evidence that bringing a whole bunch of famous actors in one set doesn't make it a guaranteed success.
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The Mysteries of Laura (2014–2016)
Not Columbo
23 September 2014
The only thing in common with Columbo is the trench coat. It makes more sense to broadcast a rerun with Mr Falk rather than showing this disgrace of a show.

Bad acting, poor casting, tired clichés and sexist stereotypes are the main characteristics of this pilot.

Something else annoyed me. The kids are almost adults and they want us to believe they are in kindergarten?

The crime aspect of the show is also a disappointment with the same story as they used in the Glades... The writers just did some story recycling here... or plagiarism (but The Glades was so bad, I doubt anyone thought of willingly copy that show).

As per the lead, she's not aging well. Her lack of acting skills was hidden by her youth in Will and Grace. Twenty years later, the youth is gone while the lack of talent remains... this is called the bimbo curse.
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
Clearly not written by geniuses
23 September 2014
It was so bad and so wrong... it became funny. Let's face it, a Jumbo Jet flying at 10 feet of the ground and a man standing on the wheels? I forgot the jet accelerates and the car below stays in line... no damage whatsoever?

I suggest to the writers to take a few courses in Fluid dynamics and to go to a reactor test center to stand behind one when it accelerates... We'll see what remains of them.

Also, you need geniuses to tell you to restore your computer to an earlier version? seems too much.

Anyway, it was nice to see an actor we haven't seen for a long time but what a stupid show. Whoever wrote this should be fired.
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Madam Secretary (2014–2019)
Disappointing copy
23 September 2014
Yes, this was just bad. What is the intent? to highlight the difficulty of keeping a family life while being in office? The pilot failed in that front.

The pilot was paternalist and racist. It was plagued with inaccuracies and mistakes. Clearly the writers have no idea how the State Department works nor what are the basics of diplomacy (like the fact that a Foreign Head of State on an official trip would be the guest of the White House and not just the Secretary of State).

This show looks like a miss. It's not delivering the message it was expected to deliver and it's not showing the human aspect of Foreign Affairs.

There are better things to do than watching this show
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The Cosmopolitans: The Cosmopolitans (2014)
Season 1, Episode 1
slow and not realistic
29 August 2014
This show tries to copy a Woody Allen or a French film d'auteur. Unfortunately, it ends up being just slow, pompous, and snobbish.

It's also a completely unrealistic description of expatriates in Paris. First, the expatriates community barely interacts with the French. Second, French "high society" doesn't mix up with foreigner... even Americans. Third, most of the expatriates are young professionals who share flats and work!

Finally, using French actors who don't speak English make it very difficult to believe their acting, as the message they deliver is not in sync with the emotions they are supposed to go through.
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Dads (I) (2013–2014)
So so so bad
6 November 2013
This is really a horrible show. The actors are not even trying. The "jokes" are plain and just old stereotypes played again and again.

This Seth guy should stay behind the scene and let real actors work. He cannot act! In a fair world, this show would have been canceled a long time ago. Can someone explain why "We are men", which was an original concept talking about a subject rarely seen on TV with really good actors, is canceled after two episodes and this junk stays?

The racism of the show is a point that I find specifically despicable. They seem to work hard to create a shock that would generate some media attention and improve their ratings. I think the best to do is just to stop watching and let it die on its own.
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