
19 Reviews
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The Offering (2022)
Better than the 5.2 it has of time of review
23 January 2023
I dont understand the low score , i throughly enjoyed this and so did my wife, it is a bit old school in its vibe which i liked and the effects were ok for what it is, plenty or folke lore, Demon stuff, pentagrams and creepy children.

Every thing is a bit dark and moody so that might put a few off, some reviews i've read say it cliched and has telegraphed jumped scares but there are only so many times you can do a Demon/posession movie without comparing to hundreds of others that came before , saying that i thought it was fresh and the mortuary back drop added to the discomfort and creepyness.
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Written for children
11 June 2022
Since Disney have taken over certain franchises , these have gone downhill, those that have grown up with Disney, starwars /marvel dont know the diference , it dosent matter about skin colour or race , no one is questioning this only a small minority, its about the writing, directing and the whole philosophy, ep2 was rubbish , episode 4 was rubbish , bordering on pathethetic childish drama.

Stand up to disney and demand better programs .
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Don't care if it was an Anime series before hand
21 November 2021
I hate Anime, lots of critic and reviewers are comparing this to the Anime series, so straight away your on a loser, those are saying its bad, its this and it is that, well good for them don't enjoy leave us mortals to watch this .

The best Sci Fi iv seen in 20 years iv not seen the animated version or want to I'm 50 cant stand anything anime so fast and has no logic to any action , where as this is a breath of fresh air or a breath of stale air as the world is corrupt and death is just an episode away, good characters plot and execution reminds me of 80's sci-fi dirty gritty, im a fan and will watch all and every episode and rate it excellent .
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Host (II) (2020)
Not Half Bad
1 August 2020
I have seen the films that this is compared too , and it is equally as good . This did start off a bit slow with them just chatting on Zoom ,and with its short run time did take up about 10 minutes , i could see putting people off and turning off , but if you can get past the first 15 minutes or so then you should be in for a treat , im a 50 year old man in by the end i did feel a little jumpy and went and tuned some of my house lights on , it is done very well and during covid! so 6 friends decide to have a zoom party with a medium and lets just say things dont turn out too well , plenty of tension and jump scares much better than say the last 5 paranormal activities and on the same level as befriended, so if you liked the latter than you will like this ,
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The Wretched (2019)
A good story just how they used to make them
2 May 2020
Although this wasn't set in the 80's ,this film had the same vibe and writing style of horrors made in the 80's , im in my late 40's and was brought up on 80's horror , this reminded me of films like fright night , the lost boys and so on , not that they were similar although there are similarity's to fright night ,its just the vibe and writing style , has a good story, premise and acting and doesnt go down the typical stereotyping and tropes of modern day horrors or the over use of CGI and had good practical effects . one thing i did like was the lack of trying to please all audiences with its characters and had a mix or blend of ethnicity that didn't seem forced, the films did have some flaws and a shift from creepy scary horror to a more "PG" Spielberg high jinks kid/teen romp towards the 3rd act . Overall i enjoyed this film and would like to see more of this style of writing and feel of the 'old days'
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The I-Land (2019)
SYFY channel production made by Netflix
18 September 2019
I watch all the way through , now this isnt as bad as some reviews make out ,but this is my own opinion on what i watched and enjoyed . Its starts off very good for the first 30 mins as its all new and has lots of questions that need answering with some intrigue, puzzles and a sense of WTF? , but over the next 2 or 3 episodes all is revealed and is a bit of a let down ,as though they knew this was a turkey and needed to be finished within 6 episodes instead of being dragged out for 10 seasons . As my title says its SYFY Chanel productions ,writing, effects and editing but made by Netflix , i wander if this got pulled strait after the pilot so they just made it quick so it got finished . I did enjoy most of it , i think if you took out the swearing and bits of gore it would make a fairly good Saturday afternoon teen drama that may have been or done better in the ratings. Too sum up, a rushed, cheesy syfy mess that had lots of potential had some good moments that were few and far between my grade 6/10 please try harder
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Its a parody but better than it should be
2 February 2019
One of the best shows out there much better than current sci fi shows , its a parody but better than it should be , if only seth was born in the 50 's good work . best sci fi in 20 years so hooked 9 out of 10 will watch till the last season .
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Death Kiss (2018)
Yes he looks like Charles Bronson (from a distance )
5 January 2019
Ok ok he may look a bit like him (from a distance) but the film is Bad i watched 30 mins then turned it off way way to cheap, to even call it a homage or even a re imaging of any Bronson film , they where set in the 70's and 80's tying to recreate them without the budget is shameless , acting was bad production is bad , it may have got better but i couldn't watch anymore ?
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Not as big production as the recent scourge of teen movies
5 October 2018
I enjoyed this never read the book, passed the time ,Not as big production as the recent scourge of teen movies but was passable had a feel of a Netflix own type movie , looking at the other reviews say it stupid only for teens etc!? yes its a teen movie with teenagers playing the lead roles doing teenage things . Will watch the next instalment as the end sets us up for another . To sum up not as big or as much money ,effects or polishing as recent teen movies in the same vein (insurgent ,divergent, splergent hunger clone moan vampire garbage ) or whatever it may be but i enjoyed it and im 47 ?
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
As good as Voyager
16 March 2018
Took me 4 episodes to really like this ,the first review you see on here well at least when i looked is a hater of the series , i am not a trekky or whatever the real way of saying it is? i like sci fi , i like star wars the last 2 are ok! first 3 are ground breaking ep 1,2.3 are appalling enough said , then there is star trek i grew up watching repeats of the original , then in my 20's next generation which again was nothing we had seen before then ds9 so so , Voyager which is my favourite then im afraid i lost interest tried enterprise but didn't like it, then the reboot of the films came about my ears perked up and they have been great even converted the kids from star wars to star trek fans from the reboot films . So discovery for me brings back some of the writing from the original 66-69 and reminds me of Voyager that was slated and hated when it started ,but grew and grew on me .

Discovery is a modern take on star trek and yes you do have to get with the times but stick with it and it may grow on you , being from Britten i did find to begin with its "a bit american" but i got over it and now when the the wife is in bed i get to watch at least 2 episodes before i get in trouble for waking her up as i come to bed ?? . so summary stick with it a bit cheesy american with dubious dialogue but grows on you like a good star trek should . in reality a 7* but my score 9*
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Cabin 28 (2017)
29 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Im very sorry i had to turn this off after 40 minutes , the acting was appalling only 2 actors seemed to have any acting talent which is strange as i looked up the other actors on IMDb and most are established competent actors ,Terri Dwyer was the worst very wooden like she was reading her lines off an autoque , maybe it was bad directing lack of budget British actors trying to be Americans, i don't know? I turned it off just as the teenage son came home and he went upstairs as the mother rushed out of a door with a baseball bat and seemingly walked forward (one shot) baseball bat moving slowly) second shot head next to baseball bat third shot, cut to 4th shot boy on floor,the editing was appalling ( bit like my spelling and grammar ).

Which brings me to the previous Act , 17 nearly 18 year old girl acting like a 10 year old talking to a stranger through a door who was was clearly putting on a fake (Elvis impersonation) voice , she was too scared to open the door but had an opportunity to use the phone as the stranger asked her to phone someone but didn't alert any one , supposedly the phone was cut anyway but this would have been found out and given them time to do something about it as they then went outside after the stranger had gone?, and if a stranger knocked, you had 3 small children in the house and your mum, would you not direct them to your neighbour which had a male there? to use there phone. which again brings me to the 3 small children in the house , hiding under a bed two 5/6 year old's and a 9/10 year old under a bed mum and big sis terrified (although mum didn't really look that bad more of a blank expression) in the room hiding behind a bed , but no sound, no way could they have kept quiet . These were my observation in the first 30 minutes or so i don't know how many more their would be if i had stuck through the rest of the film .
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Revolt (2017)
Top notch low budget sci fi
5 July 2017
Good entertaining low budget sci-fi , has a feel of district 9/elysium but i suppose as its filmed in south Africa there are comparisons ,didnt realise it was a uk/south African collaboration as the uk don't make that many good looking sci-fi movies and given the budget this pulls off a believable apocalyptic end of the world look ,cgi is of good standard way better than a made for sci-fi channel own production, but not quite up there with Hollywood but you wouldn't expect that but the aliens look cool and realistic. good believable story a few cliché moments that i let pass characters all have a purpose and a good looking leading lady 7/10 as i was impressed by the effort and would watch a film made by Joe Miale/ Rowan Athale again.

To sum it up not as big or as good as the for-mentioned films above but stands proud just behind them holding its head up high for the pleasure of sci-fi fans around the world to enjoy.
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Blood Redd (2017)
Low budget drivel
14 December 2015
I would mirror the other reviews on here Yes it really is that bad . wooden acting actors wait for there Que to then deliver there lines ,terrible terrible sound audio goes quiet then loud and sometimes cuts out altogether,picture quality is horrendous as others have said like a 1980's American TV 480 by 576 ntsc then converted into pal if you are from a pal country you will know what i mean, plot and story written by a college student and also the camera work as well ,the only star i can give is for the very limited special effects and they weren't CGI . if this was done by a college student then it would be a good effort and would probably be granted an A but for a feature film its a U for ungraded .
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Zombeavers (2014)
what a movie (in capitols cant shout ssssssh)
31 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
what a movie ! what a throw back to the 80's, has everything beavers and more beavers!! OK OK its low budget but it works read the reviews you get the gist!?? has its moments (whack a mole) or beaver in this case quite gory for a 15' UK ,dialog is good acting better than most "horrors" effects awesome not! , best bit "spoiler" throw a stiff beaver puppet up in the air shoot it and pull it back on a rope!! awesome if you like "awesome" you'll get the film but that is the charm none of ye school boy cgi here and too right back to the old school of puppets and it looks so much better so unrealistic it looks better. i laughed and laughed giggled and giggled syfy need to make more of these?

Gave it a 9 of course its not but at the time in the moment its a 10 from Len .
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
not the walking dead
22 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Why is everyone comparing this to The Walking Dead???? The comparisons would be ,its a TV program about Zombies! which in that case every zombie show/movie should be compared to "TWD". That over i thoroughly enjoyed it! a better syfy production, yes its corny yes it has bad acting yes its got a bad plot ,but saying all that i found myself wanting more (may become a cult classic) if only for the baby scene . i do like anything zombie and i have watched a lot of zombie films ranging from 1* to dawn of the dead '78' and zombi 2 (zombi flesh eaters) iv given this an 8 , 4 for having zombies in it and 4 for its sleazy cheesy happy crappy tongue in cheek shear can i get away with this crap attitude.
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a good brit flick
26 May 2009
well! its not "Shaun of the dead" was never trying to be and never will be so why are so many people comparing it to Shaun of the dead? OK its British! ill give you that its got British "tv comedy actors in it" and thats where it ends !!!!!????? OK about the film its an okish British small budget comedy horror that given some time and some money and some interest could have been the best lesbian vampire film for about 30 years, but I've had a few beers and just watched it and feel a bit hard done by cos it could have been so much better!

OK the film is about lesbians and vampires and has a good story there are 2 British comedy actors "gavin and Stacey" which has taken off hugely in the last few months or so in Britain, so a cult following ensues for the film ,very good effects for a British film slapstick comedy! as 1 comment said "carry on" is that a bad thing!! all in all the film was enjoyable but not a 5 star winner our American friends may see some fun in it reminded me of a few 1960's hammer horror films, "without the comedy" the gore was tame aimed at a "15" or"pg13" but had swearing in it . i do like a good torture graphic horror film but this is well earned light hearted film that may have a sequel that could be much much better well done Britain
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cheap and not that nasty
22 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
well what can i say ? watched this last night, the external reviews made it sound really good!!!?? and thats where all the good stuff ends . the story was about the best thing and the idea was good, mostly let down by the acting or lack of , absolutely no budget at all . having said all that it was an Indy film and i don't like to rate them too low but if they had got rid of a couple of the "actors" and got some local acting school to lend them some people it may have bumped the rating up a bit ,the film tries very hard to entertain on the no budget it has clearly got, the makeup of the "spoiler" ghosts isn't all that bad a bit of a cheesy sfx on them though (budget again). so to summarise very low budget, bad acted,good idea and story spoilt! some cash and a remake would help
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Fangoria: Blood Drive (2004 Video)
what a waste of time
20 April 2008
well what a waste of time? none of the stories went anywhere ,just seemed like random workings of peoples minds no real story ,no outcome no point,all very incoherent. it seemed as though they didn't have enough time to tell the story? so they crammed or edited it into the time slot they had, which in my opinion of all the stories they didn't make any sense or worth while .the only thing that some had is gore in them and some sense of peril . really its like telling someone half the story with the good bits in and leaving out any plot or reason why? well dint find anything good in this feature 2 * for some gore and thats it
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good but not great
17 March 2008
well watched this last night and for 3/4 of the film it was true to a good zombie movie "all being it lacking in any real gore but had some zombie tension in it and a few laughs",trust me I've seen a few zombie films in my time! to know what is good or bad .Acting was reasonable for most characters but the odd 2 or 3 were very poor including Sid haig .now I've seen a few films with him in it and most were average at best, for a horror film ,and my point is when you see his character again you get a few lines explaining what has happened and why it has happened and then things take a down hill slope and the rest of the film is campy ,incoherent and just plain stupid ,there are a few minor blips before hand but you can overlook them cos the action and direction are still flowing.All in all better than most strait to DVD/indie zombie films. had no problem that it was based/remake of notld cos the the remake notld90 did not hit the spot and the original was just to old to scare but was a landmark in producing what is today .my vote for a zombie movie 6 out of 10 . 10 being dotd 78
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