
14 Reviews
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This film is truth for some..not all, but is acceptable either way if live and let love
29 August 2020
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@BApianoSnailCatDogAgaveplAntMst3 You know Nothing. The saying that if you don't like what you see don't have to see it comes to mind. I see plenty of pop culture cult programming brainwashing BS and cringe because I am a person and I matter in my beliefs just as much as anyone else equal. Discrimination goes both ways or many ways. Hate is hate doesn't matter where it comes from and who friggin cares about your holier than thou self righteous crusade of bitterness towards men. The taste in your mouth is yours and matters not to me. Pursuit of happiness isn't exclusive to weakly empowered non individuals banging the drum of the moment. You will be dust in the wind my friend in the blink of an eye and the rocks will rock on long after you disappear into a comical historical error as so many others before you. Rebel without any reason just because. Aliens drip acid not humans. We are flesh and blood and love and feel and long to be loved. We all have made mistakes in our choices and misunderstandings. Trees becomes homes where happiness should live and books that we all love and grow to understand. Fighting the universe just makes more dust. You can blame the puppets and burn them but it is the puppet masters that you do not understand that you are the minion. It isn't as easy as you have been told. You are not strong enough to escape the gravity of the movement and have been seduced by a cause. Fear, hatred, jealousy and the desire to wrongly inflict harm on others from within your private hell is selfish and insignificant. Wrong is wrong and there is no justification Yin or Yang. Strength and power is the opportunity to achieve balance and peace that ends all suffering. Beauty is truly a choice. I like this movie. It is touching and well made unlike so many others. It doesn't fly a rainbow of bootstrapping one-sided pseudopolitical bitterness but look at our society, are we free at all, safer or just more manageable in a prison of justifications. We are the tree that falls in the woods and we do not exist or we do not emplode. The darkness our there is infinite with discovery. And that is our purpose not petty obsessive differences of opinion, tit or tat. We are fighting over grains of sand in endless oceans of infinite opportunity, galaxies, universes and dimensions. Right wrong, wrong right, right wrong, wrong right.........insanity
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Wraith (I) (2017)
All the guys you love to hate yeehaw
20 December 2018
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Feminist, Lesbian Spin (discretely discriminatory). The guys were either creepy or stupid and the women were oh so civilized, lucid, innocent, vital and invaluable.
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The Broken (2008)
Sensible until just before the end then it did not
5 October 2018
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Spoilers Alert:

Lena Headey is one of my faves so I liked it anyway. The only way to say it made sense is that her doppleganger crashed, bumped her head and developed amnesia. It doesn't explain why the duplicate would have such distress. The sudden switch from distress to homicidal indifference made no sense at all. It had some good points and mostly interesting but in the end just like my ex wives and girlfriends. (Crayzay)
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All Dead End Roads Lead Back to Ancient Rome. RIP
25 September 2018
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Gateway homicide and generalized cruelty. Justifying and enabling vigilantism with golden wrappers, candy coatings, points of reason, emotion, inspirational music and brain washing is never right and is shameful. Enabling simple minds to be worse human beings is mundane. From the cruel animal minds that aren't fit to lead nations of people equitably comes an inspirational cult assassination movie. Cue the simple single note piano so we can all begin our self righteous murder sprees. Beware of hidden triggers and suggestive content in mass media, literature and movies.
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Medium Rare
5 August 2016
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Why medium rare? Because I like it better than well done. This movie hits too close to home for many of the reviewers I can tell. Problem is that they are living it or agree with the abusive bullying lifestyle. It makes me sick to see 4 and 5 stars out of 5 for so many stinkers and this one gets low ratings. This isn't the best movie but it isn't a waste of time. Great cast and it is well made. Make yourself a drink and a smoke if you like and watch this one with your dog on a rainy. This is a tale about a guy that hates himself and was raised by a parent that also hated himself thus the vicious cycle of self hate and low self esteem. How can we learn to see life in a better way? How do we rewire our brains from a lifetime of conditioning in an abusive environment. Not every movie ends like a fantasy that is personally gratifying. Why? Because people do not make as many happy endings. If you want that to change make some effing happy endings and stop breaking people in half. That goes for women and men. Stop if you aren't too broken to pull it off.
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Too Cheap
3 August 2016
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Sorry to be the ball-buster here but there is such a thing as "too cheap." There is a cap to anything. Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity are exceptions and stand as the cheap limit. The book idea was an interesting hook although not original. I didn't even get past the first short after the lead-in frame-up. There was no suspense of disbelief just unbelievable in the commonsense sense. Home Cooking ruined it for me. The acting was horrible and it made as much sense as most seasonal haunted houses. Pardon the pun but the execution of the story, props and scene didn't make sense together. It is like a commercial for fresh milk where the cast frolics around a two day old glass of unrefrigerated milk that ends when the milk is chugged and is so good. Mm. Sorry I couldn't stomach more than the half-eaten dude. It would have been better if the YouTube muffin guy had appeared with a .50 cal. and blown grandmas brains onto a plate and said Brain Muffin. On a personal level I am just sick of b*tches flexing their guy muscles air jerking all over everything. Stale. You don't have to convince me. It's all like, Look at me. I'm a human spider now. Not all pretty and desirable and beautiful and amazing am I? It's like a Lambo with a steering wheel made from REAL DOGSH*T. Ah, and pour me some of that expensive shat out rodent coffee while you're at it. But there is a line of customers waiting for shat out coffee beans and insane penis maiming women. Let's talk about real class. The original black and white TV series The Twilight Zone. Effing good stuff with few snoozing exceptions. Eff Norman Bates we have too much sick and creepy flicks. Society has gone crazy around us now. We are living a horror show every day. Try renting an apartment without creepy power cults monopolizing and discriminating people out onto the streets to be...eaten or parted out? Who knows what kind of greed driven medically connected plasma sucking scheme is behind property management psychology. Honestly people, sex and horror do not go together. It never did ever. The advent of that hook is Pavlovian to say the least..ew. When the show is over I'm glad to back to reality after the show and I do not crave for it to follow me home. Leave it in the theater or just stop showing them to unstable copycats. Here's a clue sh, if you saw a few vampire flicks and read a few vamp books but then decide to start wearing fangs and doing it for real that isn't a revelation or an epiphany. That's bat-sh*t crazy yo. Peace
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Odyssey 5 (2002–2004)
Leaves you wanting more
14 April 2016
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Saw this on the CRACKLE app. Fun show. Addictive. Main characters were captivating. I Wasn't a Peter Weller fan until now. Robocop didn't do it for me at all. His role can be just a hair over the line at times with the cigar but overall the entire cast was getting it done very well. Loved the intro. It was a bit heavy on the repetition of certain musical overlays. A few episodes had heavy nudity and mind blowing adult situations (not complaining). The storyline could be viewed as one-sided and shallow. Weller's on screen son had a weird relationship with his girlfriend. Some of the characters were underutilized and one was killed off with an awkward transition. There was lots of potential for gadgets considering but not created. A made for TV movie would have been nice. Other series to consider: Last Resort, Powers and Chosen:the box
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Butcher Boys (2012)
No plot. No storyline. Insulting
29 October 2014
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A new word should be created for this movie like bawferrible or dumbgusting. I have seen better porn plots and story lines. The Screenwriter's Guild of America should host an intervention. The First Amendment shot itself and left a note. It said, "This is bad so bad and then it got worse *sob sob). It never made any sense and made every mistake possible. Cliché cliché in the worst way! Hickory dickory dock please stop! Waste fraud and abuse! Send this to movie jail for repeat sexual predators. The humanity. Boo. Boooooooooooo infinty. I hate it!!!!!!" This movie is so bad I began daydreaming about a specially equipped taskforce that exterminates the movie. This movie brings to mind the moral dilemma that putting ideas like these out there are influencing weak and impressionable minds that moronically imitate what they see on film. First Amendment abuse.
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Dr. Phil: Torn Between My Mother and My Boyfriend (2013)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Generation Gap
11 December 2013
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It actually looked scripted. It is great to be able to discuss important topics. Starting with the end of this episode I would like to say that it was unnecessary for the younger daughter to be crushed like that. Very unprofessional and discriminating. Not saying to throw Dr. Phil under the bus but that was a mistake. She feels attacked (she is) and is a struggling parent with a very experienced woman set on taking her child away from a situation that as Dr. Phil says is unlikely to be as horrible as she herself allowed both her daughters to be in the past. Looks like revenge. Both the daughter and her boyfriend misrepresented and I could see they were unable to express what they were feeling. It is easy to stand in judgment of a controversial subject but that doesn't make it right and does nothing to find solutions or clarity to the issues. I could see much was left unsaid in the uncomfortable pauses of indecision when asked to defend. Younger daughter expressed that she is frustrated and angry that she has been dominated and victimized by her mother and cannot get a peaceful moment to raise her daughter and be her mother so she acts out in frustration and inexperience. She feels that she has to choose between losing her daughter and giving the relationship a chance. Ultimatum, or else. She can't defend herself at all. This issue in not being dealt with sensitively and is harming this young woman for life more than anything. As for the boyfriend, it is obvious that he is unclear how to delicately proceed in the face of such towering disadvantage and completely falls apart. He is also incapable of defending himself at all. On one hand he doesn't want to bash himself but he wants people to know that he did not fully understand the gravity of what he was doing. He needed help way back then. Where were the parents. A responsible parent would have caught this. When he says, "she never said no or stop." I knew that was legal jargon that he was repeating from a hasty introduction to becoming a felon. What I could see him trying to say was that he doesn't believe that the punishment fits the crime considering that it is for the rest of his life. He will get no second chances for the mistake he made. No forgiveness or chance to start over. It is a death sentence carefully constructed. worded and enforced superseding the Constitution of the United States of America and certain Civil rights. Revenge law. A slow and agonizing death by his peers living out every day of his life with no chance to have a normal life ever again because he will be pointed out, publicly hated, ridiculed, denied employment, denied friendship, denied membership, excommunicated and very possibly to the point of suicide. He cannot just serve his time and pay for his crime. It is the new hell. A judgment carried out by people not God. After about 10 or 20 years he will be a different person having to face new angry faces as he roams the face of the Earth as they assume that he became a heinous monster just yesterday. He could be 50 years old and the website and dozens of other sites will point him out as having molested a preteen girl. People will want to kill him and it will show in their eyes. He will be bullied, scorned and defamed to the point of insanity or death being alone and not ever forgiven. The younger daughter is trying to show some compassion. The boyfriend is sticking his foot in his mouth trying not to look so bad in front of his girlfriend. The problem is that the statistics are clear that he should have every right that a convicted murderer has to rehabilitate. How about the recent case of the prosecutor that sent an innocent man to jail for murder and he spent 20 years there before DNA proved he didn't do it. The prosecutor got 11 days in jail. The man is devastated and stripped of everything, hated for 20 years by his own daughter for the surprising murder of her mother. Some laws are used as weapons like the Baker Act and The new Sex Offense laws. The newer Sex Offense laws are laws on top of laws like no other that are so new that they are yet to clearly defined by levels of offense on the state level. There is little or no room for a judge to make a "judgment call" if needed regarding the sentencing. Federal laws have changed slightly in a direction that takes certain things into consideration but these cases are mostly treated the same meaning the person that is living next door to you may be nothing to worry about or may be. There has been no phasing in time. When I was growing up statutory rape and jail bait were real and punishable to fit the level of offense but it was possible to pay your debt, take your punishment and start over. Not today. When I was growing up news coverage of such things was isolated. Now we hear about almost every case and the population has exploded since that time so statistically there are more but there are more people watering down that image. The funny thing is that in recent society we consider mental abuse to be less harmful than physical so we are also dealing with an epidemic of bullying suicides, school shootings etc. It's wrong. A person that was 18 in the 60's, 70's and 80's became accustomed to a very different set of rules than a person turning 18 today. Society has changed around those people. Vigilantism, harassment, defamation, bullying, discrimination, rights violations and stalking are against the law as long as you are not a sex offender. Scary
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The "American" Version (Creepy Escaped Porn)
28 October 2013
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This is the authorized but altered for America version and least attractive to the author Anthony Burgess. Originally Alex was the anti- hero sees the error of his wicked ways. Alex is the whimsical yet mischievous rascal in the American version as suggested by the publicist that never quite learns his lesson in spite of everyone he is up to his old tricks at the end. It is a That Darn Cat! Meets American Psycho. Disturbing. Offensive. Caters to depravity, rape, murder and cruelty as long as it is a 1st or 2nd degree felony. I would have given it a higher rating for a student film. Maybe for the day it was something special. For me it just set the stage for many to copy the shock and awe of a sideshow that was wildly blooming societal cancer. The women were beautiful. The way they were used was ugly. Nudity, sex and love making have much greater depth than this crazed episode. The hero of the film leads a gang that murders a harmless old man that has had too much to drink. They lie their way into a home then invade raping, beating and torturing the woman and man that let them in. The only way not to criticize this film is to praise it and quickly move on with a deep breath and a pallet cleanser. The movie says "This is a really bad thing but I will tempt you and show you how to love it and live with a nagging, unhappy conscience forever tainted and damaged." Child porn with adult actors. Every creepy thing you ever feared about awkward situations. I guess you could say it was something, hype. Hyped like the wizard in the Wizard of OZ. Every sick thing you every thought the babysitter might do in your absence. If I was crack piped out of my head and decided to make a movie I'd wash down some pills with moonshine and this would be it. It says, "Watch my movie and I will reward you with nudity in all the wrong ways that will influence weak minds to commit heinous crimes." A cautionary tale for an audience that is too young to view it. It's like watching the possessed demon in the Exorcist run for president. The women were carefully chosen and shown according to their physical appearance used to make the unsavory parts more bearable. The rest of the movie makes supremacists, water boarding, prison rape and torch bearing homicidal vigilantes look normal and successful. The present day equivalent would be the conviction, treatment and reinstatement of a sexual predator after much suffering and the ability to put the blame on the government (A Clockwork Orange 2). Murder now seems considered marginally justifiable depending on which propaganda you follow as long as you don't get caught by the proper authorities or political party. I cannot say enough about this film. Watch it. It's bad for you.

The British book version including the 21st chapter and original ending is preferable but still a cringe to read.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Old habits die hard
9 September 2013
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Disfigured into a horror show. Should have been modified into an original. Drop the Alien series story line and continue on without the little black snakes. They have had their day or night in the spotlight. Illogical lack of self preservation and disregard for protocol. Unstable personalities. The horribly irrational dialog and actions of a crew that never would have been cleared for duty. Doing away with Charlene: People only run in a straight line? Another crying and suffering nail in the coffin of low self esteem and hopelessness. I was disappointed. Ridley Scott has a very low opinion of humanity. More like utter disgust. He likes his creation better for personal reasons. I for one am bored to death with things pooping out of corpses. The equivalent of defecating on the stage at Swan Lake. On the bright side. The only flaws of the movie were fixable. The budget was amazing and the special effects stunning. We are due for a joyride in the best vehicle possible. Sequel yes. Better writing yes. New direction yes. Parasites no.
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A horror story about horrible greedy people with the power to change instead they choose to sell poison to poor people.
26 August 2013
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Two types of people. One type is naturally destructive in some way or all ways and the other type builds or repairs in some way or all ways. This film is an example of what happens when the world is imbalanced in some way. Common sense, common good and balance. I am glad that someone reported the review that plainly stated that there are too many people and that they should be eliminated in some way. Where does that come from as a solution? That is a failure and a cycle of sickness that we must overcome. We are far too great to be limiting ourselves to life on one planet really. Does it make sense that with an endless cosmos filled with galaxies and universes that we should be so fearful of solving a very obvious problem? Will we be controlled to death by greedy, controlling psychopaths so eager to herd us to only one conclusion each and every time? Creative apocalypse. Justifiable genocide. There is a pattern. We have to wake up to that belief. There is a power greater than anger or violence. The information in this film is inspirational to people that have the sense to be inspired. As evil as someone may wish to believe they are, without good food, clean air, clean water, rewards, love, companionship and accomplishment they will cease to exist and proves that evil is inherently flawed. The fact is we are being controlled to death when we should be educated and instructed to make responsible decisions. Instead we are taught to fear the unknown that may lose control and explode at any time. This leads us to believe that we are weak and that we should huddle in a dysfunctional, passive aggressive way, beaten into submission and taught that we deserve to be disrespected. A reasonable amount of respect for everything is what this film is hinting and all films that are similar. We need solutions for the protagonists and solutions for the antagonists just to be fair. This film is not perfect and wasn't meant to be but it gets the point across.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
Not true to Science Fiction fans. Jurassic RIPOFF
5 May 2013
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The actors and cast are most often NOT the problem. The budget was not the problem because there was plenty of it. Sex and The City decided to make a Sci-fi because it would be "fun and easy." That was my take on it. My next topic would be who really pocketed the cash because this was obviously about pocketing. Science fiction fans like me want it to have a good story as well as special effects and the suspension of disbelief. The impossible is possible so that everything comes together and is real for 2 or three hours so that sitting in a cramped, stale theater armpit to armpit with fat bastard, chair kicker and the kids isn't a disappointing waste of time. For some families getting out to a theater is expensive after concession not to mention standing in line with disrespectful and rude bullies. Truthfully it was made for TV.
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Cool Dog (2010 Video)
Tears of Post Trauma
20 June 2011
I feel guilty for saying this movie is so unusually indescribably intellectually deficient due in part that my four year old so forcefully compelled us to watch in horror. It is like the worst 10 hours I ever spent dreaming within a dream of what happens in torture chambers. This is a must see for children that like it by themselves. I love my child. There were moments that reminded me of more entertaining movies like Elmo in Grouch Land that has something for everyone at least once. One thing I can say is that it gets right down to the action and my 4 year old went to the bathroom only once which in itself was a blessing and a curse. I heartily recommend Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, Ice Age, Ratatouille, Beauty and the Beast and anything from the Jim Henson Company. I imagine that Ned Flanders would approve. Maybe, "I'm not thinking straight, why did I have that wine cooler last month?"
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