
9 Reviews
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Daydream Obsession (2003 Video)
Boring, revolting
11 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has the thinnest of plots and is really just an excuse for a bunch of musclebound, plucked-and-shaved, supplement-enhanced bodybuilder types to pose. There are extended scenes panning up and down their unattractive bodies while cheesy techno music plays in the background. We're supposed to believe that the main character finds all these guys incredibly attractive, and hey, to each his own -- but I'm not seeing it. Also, the characters behave in unbelievable ways. The lead is supposed to be in love with his roommate, yet he deals with this by becoming unhinged and drugging the roommate, tying him up, pretending that he killed the roommate's girlfriend, and pleading his love?? And the roommate responds with compassion?? Come on! In the end, the whole enterprise is just insulting.
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I really enjoyed this film
25 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was so surprised by this movie! I expected a lightweight comedy, based on the trailers, and instead it was a very effective tear-jerker with comedic moments. I think it was poorly marketed.

The characters weren't entirely realistic -- what family would not try to be a little less chilly to a prospective daughter-in-law? What sister would hear her sibling smashing up the car outside and remain seated at the table?

Still, I could accept them and believe them. And although the "gay scene" at the dining room table has been mercilessly picked apart in the discussion groups, I think it worked. It was clear that SJP's character didn't MEAN to be insulting, yet it also seemed reasonable that the family would be insulted by what she said.

Diane Keaton was especially amazing, but that's no surprise. I cried like a faucet at the end, as she watched the snow. And moments from the movie came back to me repeatedly in the days that followed -- I didn't forget it the minute I walked out of the theater, as I did "Rumor Has It," for example.

All in all, this is a movie worth seeing.
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Period piece
13 October 2005
"Eyes of Laura Mars" is a fun late-70s period piece. Lots of disco-era clothing, glossy lipliner and feathered hair. It's famous primarily for its title song, "Prisoner," which became a hit single for Barbra Streisand.

Plotwise, it's pretty severely lacking. The murders keep things moving, but the movie fails to address several key questions -- WHY does Laura Mars have her visions? How does it happen? Raul Julia is wasted on a minor role, and performances by Faye Dunaway and Tommy Lee Jones wouldn't win any Oscars.

But all in all, it's worth a rental.
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Harry + Max (2004)
Hated it!
10 October 2005
I found this movie totally unbelievable almost from the start. Even if you can get past the rather repellent idea of two brothers lusting after each other, the characters just don't ring true. The dialogue is stilted. Their motivations are impossible to divine and they repeatedly do things that just don't make sense. The relationships are truly a mystery -- why certain characters sleep with other characters, for example. I can't tell you how many times I said to myself, "There's just no WAY!" Frankly, I'm amazed this even got produced.

That said, I thought the cast did a reasonably good job with what they were given -- particularly Bryce Johnson.
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Summer of '42 (1971)
Really pretty average
7 February 2005
I read this book years ago but never saw the movie before last night. I must say I was underwhelmed.

It wasn't a BAD movie, exactly. The photography and camera work are excellent and the sweeping shots of the sand dunes and beaches of its island setting were really nice. It solidly conveys a sense of nostalgia. And of course there's that terrific theme.

But I felt held back by the acting, which was pretty marginal on all counts. Gary Grimes and the other two boys interact on the beach with a lot of top-volume screaming, which gets tiresome. You definitely get the sense throughout that everyone is delivering a line -- nothing sounds natural. Jennifer O'Neill is lovely but not much of an actress. And I thought the script was pretty thin -- I remember Herman Raucher's book being much richer.

I don't mean to trash the movie entirely. It's worth renting, if only because it means so much to so many people. But it gets a solid C.
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The Trip (2002)
Am I on another planet??
23 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I am amazed by all the raves for this mediocre, poorly-written, cliche-ridden film. I don't doubt that it was a heartfelt attempt by Miles Swain, but I found it shallow and unimpressive. I kept asking myself, "Would people REALLY behave this way??" and kept coming up with a negative answer.

The actors did the best they could -- Braun was better than Sullivan, but they both get an A for effort. Jill St. John was amusing, but her character went way over the top toward the end -- SPOILER -- what was up with stealing all the silverware and extolling the joys of alcoholism??

I borrowed this DVD from a friend, and I'm glad I didn't pay anything to watch it. If you want a good movie about the development of relationships in the 1970s-80s and the simultaneous tragedy of AIDS, rent "Longtime Companion." Skip "The Trip."
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Sunny, likable movie, with flaws
21 June 2004
I've always liked this movie, ever since I saw it in the theater as a 12-year-old. (With my church youth group, no less -- what were they thinking??) It's flawed, but generally fun, and I like the sun-soaked, palm-fringed atmosphere.

Maggie Smith is the undisputed standout. Her portrayal is brilliant and she and Michael Caine fling one-liners at each other with biting abandon. I've always liked both Jane Fonda and Alan Alda, so I enjoy their storyline too, though their exchanges seem forced and a little too clever. I'm a Cosby fan, but his scenes with Richard Pryor are uncomfortable -- it's troubling that the film's only black characters are relegated to brute physical comedy. Walter Matthau and Elaine May do a great job, but I never liked the hooker skit -- not sure why.

I buy very few films, but I do own this one, and over the years I've watched it so many times I know all the lines...
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Earthquake (1974)
Campy fun!
3 April 2003
I've been a fan of this movie since I was a kid, when I remember sitting in a darkened theater and being scared out of my wits during the climactic latter scenes. Of course this is a silly disaster flick along the lines of "The Poseidon Adventure" and "The Towering Inferno," so you can't expect to come away transformed. Unless you're a kid it probably won't scare you at all. But beneath all that shaggy 70s hair and polyester are some respectable actors, and it's still a blast to watch styrofoam replicas of L.A. landmarks slide into oblivion. What's not to love??
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An exceptional show!
26 August 2002
This show turned me into a lifelong Blair Brown fan. It was sophisticated yet quirky, and I enjoyed its urban flavor at a time when I was living in a small town and longing for the big city. It tried to be challenging in its depiction of characters and relationships, and in that sense was probably ahead of its time. (Those of you who are Blair Brown fans -- particularly if you're from Florida -- should try to get hold of "A Flash of Green," which unfortunately is not an easy movie to find.)
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